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Why not remove unranked ?


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You are almost right. They should remove RANKED solo-q and just treat that like WoW does its battlegrounds (you should still get pips and chests). And then any ranked system should be team-only.


This would really only work well if they added a BUNCH more maps and game modes to "unranked" (including maps bigger than 5v5) and then kept team-only to conquest arenas.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> You are almost right. They should remove RANKED solo-q and just treat that like WoW does its battlegrounds (you should still get pips and chests). And then any ranked system should be team-only.


> This would really only work well if they added a BUNCH more maps and game modes to "unranked" (including maps bigger than 5v5) and then kept team-only to conquest arenas.


the "problem" is that soloQ is the majority of players. Teams are very few in comparaison. Everyone should have the right to play as they will when they want.

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For a PvP environment, I enjoy having a semi-competitive but no consequence place to practice my builds and new classes. If I'm learning mesmer, I don't wanna tank from plat to bronze (unlikely but still), while having teammates suffer the decline with me. Customs may also be useful for this, but finding a custom server that is "serious" versus "whatever" is a bit of a mixed bag.


I think unranked has a pretty healthy place; some adjustments could be made to make it a bit more fair (no examples I can link atm) but it has its place.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > You are almost right. They should remove RANKED solo-q and just treat that like WoW does its battlegrounds (you should still get pips and chests). And then any ranked system should be team-only.

> >

> > This would really only work well if they added a BUNCH more maps and game modes to "unranked" (including maps bigger than 5v5) and then kept team-only to conquest arenas.


> the "problem" is that soloQ is the majority of players. Teams are very few in comparaison. Everyone should have the right to play as they will when they want.


Solo-q should without a doubt still exist... but there should be no RANKING quality to it, because in reality it's just about the least competitive thing int he world that should definitely not have ranks. A person's individual rank in ANYTHING (games or sports or work or life) should NEVER be determined by 4 random strangers. It's the recipe for a very terrible experience.


Solo-q should be a fun experience that lets people play whatever build they want without having to feel guilt and it should reward similar gold/hr as PvE endeavors (if not better) ... and then RANKS should be team play only and should be even more rewarding.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > This is absolutely not a good Idea.


> This is like saying you don't like pickles. HOW is it not a good idea?


Then all the casual players and trolls just queue ranked.


It’s not even that uncommon to have a casual and competitive queues split. Like most arc fighting games, you know with competitive scenes actually worth something do that, and it works perfectly fine.


The reason pvp has a low pop is simply because nobody actually wants to commit in any real competitive level for a variety of reasons. Completely reworking the queue options just changes how the small population distributes itself rather than fixing the actual problems with pvp, and is a waste of dev time


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > This is absolutely not a good Idea.


> This is like saying you don't like pickles. HOW is it not a good idea?


Sorry, thought it won't even need explanation.

1) Testing new builds and playstyles - Deleted

2) Casual PvP-Fun-Time - Deleted

3) People with few PvP friends - Deleted

4) Guild Missions - Deleted

5) Toxicity increase - a whole new level of it


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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > This is absolutely not a good Idea.

> >

> > This is like saying you don't like pickles. HOW is it not a good idea?


> Sorry, thought it won't even need explanation.

> 1) Testing new builds and playstyles - Deleted

> 2) Casual PvP-Fun-Time - Deleted

> 3) People with few PvP friends - Deleted

> 4) Guild Missions - Deleted

> 5) Toxicity increase - a whole new level of it


Clear, and concise. Very good. Agreed.


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> @"tartarus.1082" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > This is absolutely not a good Idea.

> >

> > This is like saying you don't like pickles. HOW is it not a good idea?


> Then all the casual players and trolls just queue ranked.


> It’s not even that uncommon to have a casual and competitive queues split. Like most arc fighting games, you know with competitive scenes actually worth something do that, and it works perfectly fine.


> The reason pvp has a low pop is simply because nobody actually wants to commit in any real competitive level for a variety of reasons. Completely reworking the queue options just changes how the small population distributes itself rather than fixing the actual problems with pvp, and is a waste of dev time



Thank you

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

>Let's force everyone, including the people testing builds and wanting to practice before they commit to ladder and the people trying to actually enjoy pvp instead of navigate a minefield of win trading, team sabotage and speedhacking into ranked.


Ew. No. Why. If you want to struggle out of gold while everyone else whines and throws matches if you dont do exactly what they say (no matter how ill conceived it is) that's your prerogative. Don't force people who would rather opt out into ranked. I assure you they will not be happy, and they will let you know very quickly.



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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> They could make hotjoin more accessible, maybe have a bunch of pinned rooms at the top of the list or a completely different tab with 'competitive' hotjoin matches. Some 5v5, others 8v8 (I miss this).


> As long as it's visible enough, it should work.


What kind of gameplay u would use make 8 vs 8 work?

U know how players would love stack sourge fb's, and if it was conquest it would be broken easilly.


Still i think if that 8 vs 8 was in the same genra and mechanics has HoH that would force players to play more other roles rather than bunker with condi spam on capture points.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > They could make hotjoin more accessible, maybe have a bunch of pinned rooms at the top of the list or a completely different tab with 'competitive' hotjoin matches. Some 5v5, others 8v8 (I miss this).

> >

> > As long as it's visible enough, it should work.


> What kind of gameplay u would use make 8 vs 8 work?

> U know how players would love stack sourge fb's, and if it was conquest it would be broken easilly.


> Still i think if that 8 vs 8 was in the same genra and mechanics has HoH that would force players to play more other roles rather than bunker with condi spam on capture points.


Who cares? it was fun in vanilla.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > You are almost right. They should remove RANKED solo-q and just treat that like WoW does its battlegrounds (you should still get pips and chests). And then any ranked system should be team-only.

> >

> > This would really only work well if they added a BUNCH more maps and game modes to "unranked" (including maps bigger than 5v5) and then kept team-only to conquest arenas.


>Everyone should have the right to play as they will when they want.


Then why are you suggesting a change that forces people into a queue _you_ want?


It makes zero sense to have unranked be the one removed either. GW2's pvp is far from competitive. There's a ton of issues that go on with ranked pvp and it seems there's hardly any punishment.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > You are almost right. They should remove RANKED solo-q and just treat that like WoW does its battlegrounds (you should still get pips and chests). And then any ranked system should be team-only.

> >

> > This would really only work well if they added a BUNCH more maps and game modes to "unranked" (including maps bigger than 5v5) and then kept team-only to conquest arenas.


> Everyone should have the right to play as they will when they want.


Except for the people who don't like to play alone.

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I don't often play PvP, and when I do, I play unranked. Why?


Well, to be blunt: I suck at PvP, and have no interest in getting "good" at it. When I play, I'm either just out to move a reward track along, or to have some fun. I don't care if I win or lose, losing just means I have to play a second game to get to the next reward. And fun? Well, fun for me is chasing someone around with a flamethrower!


I stick to unranked because I know that if I did that in Ranked, I would drag someone's score down by my awful playing. I want more fun for me, not less fun for them. But if you're convinced that getting rid of unranked is a good idea, then hit me up in game sometime. I'll team with you in ranked PvP, but I'll still be playing for fun. Losing is as fun as winning, don't forget.

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I feel as if unranked is rather beneficial, too beneficial to be removed, in my opinion. As a couple of people above have stated, it's highly useful for those wanting/ trying to learn how to PvP, whether they be new to the game or trying out a new build or a new class for the first time.


Something I do feel that needs to be changed is the ranked queue's, I don't really feel as if limiting it to only solo and duo queue's is exactly the best route. I'm not a huge PvPer so do forgive me if I seem a little uneducated here, though I feel I've played enough to grasp an understanding. I feel that team queue needs to be re-introduced, or at least have the limit of a maximum of two people removed as I've found myself in numerous situation before, in which there's been three of us wanting do play ranked yet only two of us can queue together, meaning one person has to sit it out and miss out whilst the other two get to duo together.


Perhaps the whole setup of PvP queue's needs to be looked at overall, rather than seeking for one queue removal over another.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > They could make hotjoin more accessible, maybe have a bunch of pinned rooms at the top of the list or a completely different tab with 'competitive' hotjoin matches. Some 5v5, others 8v8 (I miss this).

> > >

> > > As long as it's visible enough, it should work.

> >

> > What kind of gameplay u would use make 8 vs 8 work?

> > U know how players would love stack sourge fb's, and if it was conquest it would be broken easilly.

> >

> > Still i think if that 8 vs 8 was in the same genra and mechanics has HoH that would force players to play more other roles rather than bunker with condi spam on capture points.


> Who cares? it was fun in vanilla.



What i ment was the actual conquet type like we have on gw2 with 8 vs 8 would not be a good thing, might end in a diferent case due player behavior.

For the 8 vs 8 to work the gamemode should be more complex than what we actually have now.


On vanila i think u ment gw1? If so u didnt had RA nor TA gamemode with 8 players, they had their own arena type, like HoH or the GvG gamemodes.,

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > They could make hotjoin more accessible, maybe have a bunch of pinned rooms at the top of the list or a completely different tab with 'competitive' hotjoin matches. Some 5v5, others 8v8 (I miss this).

> > > >

> > > > As long as it's visible enough, it should work.

> > >

> > > What kind of gameplay u would use make 8 vs 8 work?

> > > U know how players would love stack sourge fb's, and if it was conquest it would be broken easilly.

> > >

> > > Still i think if that 8 vs 8 was in the same genra and mechanics has HoH that would force players to play more other roles rather than bunker with condi spam on capture points.

> >

> > Who cares? it was fun in vanilla.



> What i ment was the actual conquet type like we have on gw2 with 8 vs 8 would not be a good thing, might end in a diferent case due player behavior.

> For the 8 vs 8 to work the gamemode should be more complex than what we actually have now.


> On vanila i think u ment gw1? If so u didnt had RA nor TA gamemode with 8 players, they had their own arena type, like HoH or the GvG gamemodes.,


No, I mean in gw2 2012.

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No don't remove the only fun pvp in gw2. Gw1 was epic and gw2 is no where even close to the real pvp there. Keep ranked and unranked. All the trash seems to pile up in "ranked" during the season. You have the bots, wintraders, hackers, and then the pve reward hunters / afks. Let the tryhards and the ones looking for rewards play one another all day in ranked


Why bang your head against the wall and click ranked when you know it's a cesspool. Playing unranked is awesome if you are just a pvp player looking to fight others. If you are looking to get to the cheaterboard or fancy pvp wings (lol) then you will have to hack or wintrade to get there sadly. Otherwise run a cheap bunker build or bow #5 teef, Speed means more in circlequest then actual skill.

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