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Living Word Season 4 Episode 2 - "A Bug in the System" Trailer [merged]


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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Loved this trailer! I think the cheesyness is a bit over the top, but its so good.


> And I love that you can see where the marketing team took our feedback, pointing out early in the trailer everything that is coming, instead of making us infer it like lWS3 trailers did. Definitely a huge step in the right direction for the marketing team with this trailer


Anet be like "these arent even my final memes"

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Nice trailer.. terribly ugly dagger thats far away from looking worth it to be called "legendary" and should get absolutely redesigned, before it gets added to the game... if "Claw of Khan-Ur" is really the name of this legendary dagger.. one should in FACT EXPECT a CLAW WEAPON skin actually as a dagger basically, or at least some kind of dagger, which looks by its blade design much more like a claw.. something like a Katar for example with its scizzor blades, or like somethign in this video


instead of a cheap reskin from something, that should actually stay unique as a GW1 veteran reward item skin from the Hall of Monuments...that has been watered down now into nothingness, if ANet releases this cheap reskin now as sort of legendary weapon that kind of comes over like just a bad copy with some more added visual effects ... instead of being actually something visually NEW, which looks different and like a unique item... this legendary weapon absolutely deserves to receive more attention, than what Anet wants to sell us here as a "legendary weapon"

Every single other legendary weapon that has been added to the game before of THIS has received at least the respect by ANet that a legendary weapon deserves to have to receive a UNIQUE LOOK and not to end up only as an visually improved reskin of something else .... seriously ANet YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS!!! **DEFINETELY!**


Aside of this debacle, I can share the opinion with others only, which love to see Braham/Rox getting killed... this get gets to get rid of its terrible NPCs with no character/bad character that show absolutely tendencies for receiving better story telling around them as long they stay in the game. this game desperately NEEDS for a better story telling some new FRESH WIND by introducing some new characters which should for the best interest of this game replace older NPCs that have no future and which are disliked mostly by most of the community already for too long time, that Devs should see this as a SIGN actually to replace them out.


Just keep the good core npcs of DE2 that are Taimi, Canach, Kasmeer and Rytlock and replace the rest finally with some new characters that have seen since ages absolutely no real good character develoment sicne their introduction. There needs to die more also important charascters over the course of the story.. not always only like totally unimportant throw away npcs that absolutely no one ever cares about, to make storytelling of a game such as GW2 believeable and not like some kind of power story telling, where the important more meaningful characters always survive, even the worst situations out of a miracle...


In 6 years that have been passed so far, Anet has dared themself just to let 2 characters die actually - that are Eir and Trahearne, out of which one was hated so much currently as liek Braham, that mostly every single player i know, wished him to die and get removed out of the game - that is (was) Trahearne.

Dieing characters are an important tool to make story telling believeable and also an important tool to introduce also very important CHANGES in a story situation...

That the Devs naturally can't let our own characters to die is more than obviously clear.. but aside of this should absolutely no single NPC in this game be too important to permanently drag them through all the worst situations you can think of and let them survive them permanently, when in fact their time realistically should have come .. especiaslyl if they are so extrmely hotheaded as like Braham, getting practically out of control due to his rage, that he shoudl have done at least a kind of rextremely risky mistake that should have nearly killed him to give him this way at least a warning shot in front of his face, that his behaviour is wrong at a time and situation like the one we all are into right now..


The storytelling of GW2 should become definetely alot more darker hopefully in the near future.. it has been for the last 6 years way too light and happy go lucky in regard of the story telling and character development of most of the current important story leading NPCs that play so far a role in this game.


Personally I would like to see one of the characters like Marjory, Braham or Rox gettign replaced with Malyck for example, giving us finally a story around that mysterious "second pale tree" he spoke about from that he is coming from, if that was not just only whyever a cheap lie from him to cover something else that woudl have been in fact the real truth about him...I kind of found it very sad, that anet hasn't done more with him so far, defintely he was a more interestign character, than to say for exampel Rox has ever been in the last 5 years since her introduction, cause she has seen yet absolute ZERO character development, she has absolutely no reasons for why one should like her or want her to stay alive so far to keep her logner in the story, aside from perhaps liking her personality...but aside of this we basically know nothign about her so far and she hasn#t developed at all, aside of basicalyl havign become Brahams lapdog that follows him everywhere around ... wuff wuff /facepalm


Braham would end best up at the current moment by turning into our next "Anti-Villain/Rival" which needs to be defeated/killed by us to stop him from doing something incredibly stupid that would cause otherwise massive collateral damage to Tyria which is far out of the scope of his brain to realize, how dumb he his, that it requires someone with common sense, like our own characters, to punch him back some brain into his thick skull - thats the kind of thing which needs to happen with him ,with him realizing his mistakes firts, short before he dies and at that moment, then you can add his "redemption", when it is basically already too late for him to undo his mistakes, but to just die and rest in peace knowing at last, that we have given him to the end at least the respect he deserves to die by our own hands, and that it were his former friends who were it at least, who stopped him from doing somethign bad to Tyria, before the effects of his stupidity would have caused an unfixable problem to the world. The moment where he stops breathing, slowly, but surely, knowing that his former friends have forgiven him, before he died, thats what I want to to see happenign to him, that woudl be believable, that would be dramatic, that would show in fact good story telling which can make even friends become foes and that not everything always has to end happily and safely, but also sometimes in a way how you don't want actually to see things ending - in a bitter and dramatic way, full of emotions, cause emotions are it, which spice up good storytelling, especially if they are very fittign for the situations and are brougzht over in a believeable way together with good sound design which underlines the storytelling.


Rox as his pseudo lapdog could be ending up gettign killed in that battle then as well perhaps, by forcing her to make up on which SIDE she actually stands ..she cant stay permanently neutral..somewhen she must choose a flag, on whose side of ideals she is standing..if she wants to stay permanently brahams lapdog and follow him and his ideals, or of she stands on the side of our characters. Fact is, if she should continue to follow Braham around, this should cause tension between her and rytlock, cause thats as far as I see in the moment the only way how I think that this character - Rox wil lhave at least some kind of character development at all, that if she can#t get the respect from Rytlock, that she wants to receive from him,, then that she kind of forces him to recognize and respect her, by fighting agaisnt him and defeatign Rytlock in combat - what do i say, not just only defeat him, by actuallyoverwhelming him,, giving him no chance, showing him, that she is better than him and that he has always been massively underestimatign her... thats the kind of character development that I'd love to see for her, if she should stay much longer in this game....Rox needs absolutely to shine more, otherwise shes trash that we shoudl get rid of finally, if this character doesn't see soon finally some important development.


Id make out of this situation basically a gain a 50:50 surprise sitation which can eventually be influenced by the community to let us somehow influence, which of those two characters would die in their battle agaisnt each other..either Rox, that overcomes herself and shreds Rytlock into pieces.. or Rytlock, which just gets another chance to denunciate Rox and shower her in combat how superior he is and that Rox will always be only in his exes a little pup that he can kill anytime he woukd want to do so.


The point is, this game needs over the course of time more oftenly new characters.. thats the whole point..

In a good TV series you also don't see permanently for season after season after season always one and the same characters.. old characters go, new characters come, eventually old characters somewhen return..

This needs to happen with the storytelling of GW2 as well for the best of this game, 5 years of always having to see the one and same NPCs in this games story becomes BORING and gives you as a player kind of the impressing, as if the story writers are just too uncreative, to add in more oftenly some new characters, which can be from then on more importan,t than just the sterotypical standard throw away and die npc, which we see in the main game story, where at least more oftenly NPCs died.. but always only total unimportant ones actually ...

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I'm not happy with the idea that Claw of Khan Ur is going to be common item. This artefact deserves a bit more dignity.


> Cough shining blade cough


Shining blade was added with One Path Ends - an episode that wasn't even supposed to happen. Its lore is shallow and was never present in GW mythos until this episode. It was also a basic tool created to kill mursaat. It has no significance outside of killing Lazarus.


The Claw on the other hand is the most important artifact in charr culture and has direct consequences to their government system. One who wields the Claw and achieves great victory gains title of Khan Ur - becomes Primus Imperator and rules all the Legions. This is too much to give people as stupid legendary skin.


If there was a lore behind Claw losing its significance or Commander getting it, I'm all for it. Make it a proper quest. But at this point, you're going to get one of the most important artifacts in whole GW2 universe by using 10k mithril and crafting bench.


At this point they can release Scepter of Orr as BL ticket skin.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Not sure why people hype this trailer, it did not impress me at all

> >

> > M'Kay?

> It looked childish and fan made. The fear not this night song at the end also did not match the visuals of the video at all.


I prefer anet doing these "childish" trailers, instead of the abomination of GW2 release trailer:


Also, game is PEGI 12. This whole game is childish.

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> @"Queen.5837" said:

> The trailer was really well-made. That being said, the fear not this night cover seems a little out of place imo. Curious to see what the new map has to offer.


Well, they did change the words...it's not just a fear not this night cover. It's saying something very different.

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I'm intrigued by what the Commander is wearing right before he suits up. The dark color makes it hard to tell, but I think it's something new (an outfit) with really elegant sweeping lines. If we have to have "trenchcoats," this seems a quality variation on the theme.

Snip from the trailer of that outfit:


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I'm intrigued by what the Commander is wearing right before he suits up. The dark color makes it hard to tell, but I think it's something new (an outfit) with really elegant sweeping lines. If we have to have "trenchcoats," this seems a quality variation on the theme.

> Snip from the trailer of that outfit:

> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/149652082784206849/418154726626951178/BugTrailerOutfit.JPG


That's Agent Kito from Order of Shadows. NPC outift only (at this point).



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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"AEFA.9035" said:

> > > @"Kronos.3695" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > Finally a decent trailer, kudos ArenaNet!

> >

> > did they really reuse gw1's centurions claw dagger skin? Hahahahah. Which can be use by gw1 players in game and call it legendary? Lol


> This is Claw of Khan-Ur with accurate look based on book description


nope, the Claw in the book is definetly so big that a human warrior can not wield it, without cutting herself and easily definding herself from a sword wielding attacker. It is also described as a 'gaudy toy' unlike a 'legendary weapon like Magdaer'.


So.. if this is the Claw, I would be seriously disappointed.

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Well drat. The trailer text and transition made me think they were using that for the PC, but you're right. It's Kito. Teach me to play so zoomed out I can't easily see face details ... :)


Yet another case of NPCs getting all the nice clothes. Sadness. Though I suppose they could release an Agent Kito outfit same as they have for the biconics.

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and to add another comment: I don't get the Taimi hate and Zojja fanboism expressed in this thread.


In the book Zojja was thoroughly unlikable. In the story steps where we saw her (Personal story anyone?) she is even worse. She has no redeeming features not a single good character aspect on her. If I never have to see that sad excuse of a abysmal being again, I won't be unhappy.


Taimi on the other hand is multidimensional, plays games with Phlunt (I am the big charr overlord, ordering 10000 battle golems... ) shows humour, a good heart and occasional weaknesses like fear, panic, anxiety, lost hope AND she is pretty much the only one who is always loyal, open and honest towards the PC.


But... Trahearne was also always nice, praised the PC, gave the PC all the credit and was hated. I don't get it.


I understand the love for Rytlock and Canach - pro snark machines they are. I also can understand why someone might like or dislike Kasmeer and Marjory.


But hating Taimi? Loving Zojja? I don't get it.



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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> and to add another comment: I don't get the Taimi hate and Zojja fanboism expressed in this thread.


> In the book Zojja was thoroughly unlikable. In the story steps where we saw her (Personal story anyone?) she is even worse. She has no redeeming features not a single good character aspect on her. If I never have to see that sad excuse of a abysmal being again, I won't be unhappy.


> Taimi on the other hand is multidimensional, plays games with Phlunt (I am the big charr overlord, ordering 10000 battle golems... ) shows humour, a good heart and occasional weaknesses like fear, panic, anxiety, lost hope AND she is pretty much the only one who is always loyal, open and honest towards the PC.


> But... Trahearne was also always nice, praised the PC, gave the PC all the credit and was hated. I don't get it.


> I understand the love for Rytlock and Canach - pro snark machines they are. I also can understand why someone might like or dislike Kasmeer and Marjory.


> But hating Taimi? Loving Zojja? I don't get it.




Easy. Taimi is same as Scarlet. They are both victims of terrible storywriting. Whenever Taimi is focused in the story, she's always Deus Ex Machina. She was extremely annoying in Flashpoint. We are facing God of Wars and Elder Dragon in same instance. We don't need this stupid asura to be around and destroy the moment with her hyper pitched voice.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > > Great trailer. Look forward to this patch.

> > > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > > Can we please stop with the “angry”-angle with Braham?

> > > > >

> > > > > It just isn’t working.

> > > >

> > > > Agreed. Braham needs a redemption story arc.

> > >

> > > Braham needs to die. Together with Rox and Kasmeer. They already introduced too many flavourless characters and have no idea what to do with them.

> > >

> > > Oh and Taimi. Please kill her finally.

> >

> > "I don't like the characters, so kill them off". That's quite immature and childish, dude.


> That's the only way to get rid of them without breaking the lore. If you don't do this, you gonna get Zojja's case which is great solution as we can experience this for 2 years already.


Who saids we actually want to get rid of them?

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> @"BobbyT.7192" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > > > Great trailer. Look forward to this patch.

> > > > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > > > Can we please stop with the “angry”-angle with Braham?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It just isn’t working.

> > > > >

> > > > > Agreed. Braham needs a redemption story arc.

> > > >

> > > > Braham needs to die. Together with Rox and Kasmeer. They already introduced too many flavourless characters and have no idea what to do with them.

> > > >

> > > > Oh and Taimi. Please kill her finally.

> > >

> > > "I don't like the characters, so kill them off". That's quite immature and childish, dude.

> >

> > That's the only way to get rid of them without breaking the lore. If you don't do this, you gonna get Zojja's case which is great solution as we can experience this for 2 years already.


> Who saids we actually want to get rid of them?


I want. Sorry for confusion, I speak for myself only.

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