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Fractal Random Mistlock Instabilities

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> @"Gilburt.9146" said:

> > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > Were not deleting any instabilities or adding any new ones for episode 2, but we are always open to feedback on these things and swapping in new ones is never out of the question.

> Okay, thanks for keeping an open mind about them. :)


> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Manaage your cleave better so you kill all the adds around the same time. Easy.

> I said it wasn't a difficult mechanic to counter. :astonished:


I mean that way cleaving addes gets done faster.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> > Hamstrung in swampland is extremely unfair and sadistic. Especially with toxic trail. Do you really think players enjoy that particular combo when t4's whisp carry timer is very tight as-is? I understand it in twilight oasis (as that's mostly for higher organized teams) but swampland? ?


> You're probably right here.


Idk about that. The timer before the boss does the group wide aoe is around 25+ sec which is usually more or the same with the cd of you heal. Also mobility wise your dodge is u afected by the insrability so dodging twice cover a good deal of distance.

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> @"iLow.3692" said:

> I am really looking forward for the update! But i really hope we wont ever get the combination in 100cm @ artislava with Last Laugh, Toxic Trail and Social Akwardness ... That would be amazing... :dizzy:


Last laugh with aahdhdha(that boss' name) could be tough but i believe with timed cleave and a pull of some sorts eithe mesmer focus or guard gs5 u can deal with them at a safe distance.

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> @"Gilburt.9146" said:

> If you're going to make instabilities random, can you consider removing some of the instabilities that aren't particularly fun?

> * **Social Awkwardness:** This one is really frustrating, especially in fights that have a lot of zoning. If you have to move a lot to avoid damage, it's very annoying having to constantly check that you're not standing too close to an ally. It's especially frustrating when playing with pugs that constantly run on top of you. I just want to be able to focus on the fight rather than constantly monitoring my position relative to 4 other players.

> * **Mists Convergence:** This one is just too random and feels like it gets in the way rather than adding anything meaningful.

> * **Last Laugh:** This isn't hard to deal with most of the time, but it just makes cleaving trash more annoying. In most boss fights this doesn't add too much challenge anyway.


> **At the very least can Social Awkwardness removed?** It's just so annoying being able to stack perfectly in every single raid encounter, but then not being allowed to do so in many of the Fractals.


> Edit: Removed salt/fixed grammar.


They already changed social awkwardness to effect the person who moves on top of you rather than you. If you are having trouble with this instability, then chances are you are probably the person moving into other people.


I've literally never had a problem with this one except for on mai trin, nightmare, and twilight, when we dont bring a heal support.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > @"Roul.3205" said:

> > Might consider removing Social Awkwardness then ^^'


> Why do you care Roul? You always solo them anyways :p


> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > Random instabilities don't sound too bad and, most importantly, you mention the whitelist approach. I'm already curious about the new instabilities.


> We did a lot of testing to try to figure out what felt fair and unfair, and are open to more feedback when it ships on if people feel anything is particularly unfair or unfun. Its very easy to change the whitelist. It was NOT easy to change the system before.


Is there a way for you guys to block certain combinations of instabilities occurring at the same time in a fractal, without blackilisting any of them from said fractal? Say, mist convergence, toxic trails and social awkwardness/hamstrung at the same time? Some combinations of instabilities are just not any fun at all, but individually are not bad mechanics/hard to deal with.

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My personal preference would be to only have one instability - Mists Convergence, but very expanded with a lot of variety of possible spawns.

Other instabilities can go.


And if there was a compromise and only one instability was to be removed/replaced, Social Awkwardness is the first to say goodbye to. I'm better off soloing the fractals than playing with other people with this instability

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> My personal preference would be to only have one instability - Mists Convergence, but very expanded with a lot of variety of possible spawns.

> Other instabilities can go.


> And if there was a compromise and only one instability was to be removed/replaced, Social Awkwardness is the first to say goodbye to. I'm better off soloing the fractals than playing with other people with this instability


U solo them anyway so whats the harm.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> In the very near future, instabilities will be randomly assigned to each scale, and will change each **week.**


I feel like it should randomise daily rather than weekly.

In an effort to _when the stars align_ prevent the feeling of being locked out for an entire week. Hopefully encouraging more players to do the odd daily fractal on a favourable day.




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* Shouldn't Hamstrung be removed from Chaos instances for the same reason it's removed from Uncategorized? Ditto for Flux Bomb.

* I agree with some of the other posters who pointed out that some instabilities are fine on their own but oughtn't to appear concurrently with certain others, or at least not in certain fractals. For example: Toxic Trail might be okay; Hamstrung might also be okay; but combined together with tons of mobs in Swampland... I wouldn't call it fun.


Other than that, I like the idea of them being randomly assigned each week (and adjustable via "whitelist" sounds very sensible). After running with the new system for a few months (and making appropriate, urgent adjustments), I'd be interested in trying out daily variations.


tl;dr good move, Ben et al. Looking forward to seeing it in action.

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Love this idea, not only for it bringing more diversity to fractals but giving a chance to add more instabilities. It would be great to see a pool of some 20+ instabilities that rotate in and out.


As for difficult instabilities such as social awkwardness, I never like seeing challenges get nerfed because they're too hard for some. Maybe have some "elite" instabilities that rotate in that give bonus rewards?

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Can you please remove Vindicators from fractals where all the trash mobs can basically 1-shot you randomly (Urban, Underground, Uncategorized)? Because in pugs, those fractals are almost always guaranteed to have someone repeatedly fall down while clearing trashes, and Vindicators specifically really gets on my nerves because you get punished by someone else's failure, and what can you really do other than tell someone else to "git gud / l2 dodge / l2 cc"? All I'm forseeing is just going to be more rage quits and elitist lfgs on days where T4's roll Vindicators on these bad fractals.


I'm also not entirely sure how you're supposed to do the Underground buttons area on certain classes (eg. ele) without repeatedly falling down unless you happen to have Legendary armor or keep useless set of ascended armors (eg. Nomad's) WITH agony infusions as those trashes cannot be blinded, hit like a truck, have big enough hp pool such that they don't die easily, and you are forced to stand on some button (cant dodge) with shitty camera angle while they repeatedly spawn and shoot + cc you from far away.

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The only way to make players happy would be to lock out all skills and traits in fractals, and replace all weapon skills with a wooden plank auto-attack.


No matter what you do to change things up and make things more challenging, people will quickly overcome the challenges and start complaining again about things getting stale and boring.


They're not going to be happy unless you force them to beat everything with a stick and nothing else.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> Can you please remove Vindicators from fractals where all the trash mobs can basically 1-shot you randomly (Urban, Underground, Uncategorized)? Because in pugs, those fractals are almost always guaranteed to have someone repeatedly fall down while clearing trashes, and Vindicators specifically really gets on my nerves because you get punished by someone else's failure, and what can you really do other than tell someone else to "git gud / l2 dodge / l2 cc"? All I'm forseeing is just going to be more rage quits and elitist lfgs on days where T4's roll Vindicators on these bad fractals.


> I'm also not entirely sure how you're supposed to do the Underground buttons area on certain classes (eg. ele) without repeatedly falling down unless you happen to have Legendary armor or keep useless set of ascended armors (eg. Nomad's) WITH agony infusions as those trashes cannot be blinded, hit like a truck, have big enough hp pool such that they don't die easily, and you are forced to stand on some button (cant dodge) with kitten camera angle while they repeatedly spawn and shoot + cc you from far away.



Earth focus 5 is a 3s invuln, earth focus 4 is a i think 3s reflect, air focus 4 is a 6s projectile destruct air focus 5 is a single target knockdown and water focus 5 is a aoe daze.

conjure earth shield gives you a 3s invuln and there are a lot of other skills that can help you survive adding to at part the fact that you can actually blind them. There are also a multitude of kits that grant special skills that you can use on any class to help you clear that encounter.


Hope that helps!

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> @"nortask.8351" said:

> > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > Some people have wanted to see the whitelist, I see no problem with disclosing the current iteration since people will figure it out anyways and there's no point to hiding it.

> >

> > https://imgur.com/a/ChoU5


> I may be alone here but I personally think that hamstrung is one of the harder instabilities for pugs and for beginners, especially for lower tier groups because they won't likely have any support or anything. At least for volcanic and swampland, I've had t2 and t3 groups that just quit on them or just do a lower fractal level version without hamstrung. Volcanic is just rude because once you take damage you slow down, when you slow down you take damage, pugs get so rattled by it.


That ramp up on Hamstrung is a bit crazy ... you take one hit and it is suddenly -75% movement speed.

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