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What Class (Main) is the most convinced of itself?

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Do u know those people in PvP who never lose a fight if it wasnt for lag or bad teammates? Those who are in Gold 3 but should be in Legendary if their teams werent that bad? Those People who win every 1v1 and are basically the lowkey God of PvP? If so, are there any patterns? Is if oftentimes linked to a certain attitude and class?

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While I would normally say thief, since they literally contribute nothing to team fights, I had to vote warrior. Spellbreakers are rampant due to their insane power and easy level of play, so I see it a lot. Gotten MANY PM's asking why I kept dying and got called a noob when my team wants me to 1v4 while the spellbreaker rotates. Literally laughable. I usually appease them by sitting at spawn once I realize that my team won't win just to make them smile, and keep thinking they are right. You can't run an easy build and act like a pro.

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Most thieves remain silent and do their sneaky things, but they can be quite bitchy when someone starts to blame them. Wars are the only ones able to write while fighting, and often wonder why everyone keeps dying while they survive 1v5 at far.

Although necros can be verbally cancerous too.



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Always warrior. Something about the class draws little boys who want to feel powerful. I've never encountered a war main who thought he won because his class has absurd advantages. No, it was always his pure skill. And if he lost? Oh, lag, outnumbered, or your class is OP.


My experience as an engineer is that usually we want to know the build of the person who dominated us so we can actually figure out why we're losing, especially if they're running an off-meta build.


> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> Most thieves remain silent and do their sneaky things, but they can be quite bitchy when someone starts to blame them.


To be fair, my experience playing as a thief in PvP is that *everybody* blames you whenever things go wrong. Even when you did everything perfectly and won every 1v1. I can understand why thieves can get nasty if they start getting blamed, because everybody does it.

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> @"NaiveBayes.2587" said:



> doesn't rotate anywhere else -> dies to respawns -> flames team.


as a former war main, it's not that i don't wish to rotate or go mid, but it's only most efficient if a war go far or home..

war literally does very little in team fights, specially, if i'm able to jump in and do insta bursts with easy to hit skills or insta heal/support/apply boon to teamates like every other classes, believe me i would go mid and fight all the team fights in the world

and that's the reason i dont play war anymore



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I put thief but as a war player we're totally guilty of it. Granted, when I did it it was generally an attempt to bait the enemy into stopping and responding. It worked more often then you would think.


I do find it funny that several posts are "Warrior, but also thief."


We warriors tend to be obnoxious, but I have run into thieves that think that they are God's gift and will react like you just slapped their granny if you criticize their class in any way.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> as a former war main, it's not that i don't wish to rotate or go mid, but it's only most efficient if a war go far or home..

> war literally does very little in team fights, specially, if i'm able to jump in and do insta bursts with easy to hit skills or insta heal/support/apply boon to teamates like every other classes, believe me i would go mid and fight all the team fights in the world

> and that's the reason i dont play war anymore


> -


Yes, I know war is supposed to play sides but so are druids, mesmers and some engi builds but out of all these four, I run into wars that flame/can't kite/don't rotate/cry outnumbered/don't look at map/some combination of the aforementioned more.

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> @"NaiveBayes.2587" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > as a former war main, it's not that i don't wish to rotate or go mid, but it's only most efficient if a war go far or home..

> > war literally does very little in team fights, specially, if i'm able to jump in and do insta bursts with easy to hit skills or insta heal/support/apply boon to teamates like every other classes, believe me i would go mid and fight all the team fights in the world

> > and that's the reason i dont play war anymore

> >

> > -


> Yes, I know war is supposed to play sides but so are druids, mesmers and some engi builds but out of all these four, I run into wars that flame/can't kite/don't rotate/cry outnumbered/don't look at map/some combination of the aforementioned more.


that's why i don't play war, because there's so many classes who can also play side while being better at team fight

ofc, it is easier to rotate on other classes, because they also do good in team fights etc..


druid can easily rotate from side 1v1 to mid team fight and insta heal people or stealth low people or support

holo can aoe cleanse with boon spam on point while having huge aoe pressure..

not to mention mesmer/thief and the rest..they can be instant useful the moment they arrive

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It changes every season. There's always these build that works too well too often and needs heavy changes. These builds obviously end up being 'meta' since they are often hardly countered.


The players who delude themselves into thinking that they are skilled because they've been using those are the people you are talking about.


In this season that's mostly players mindlessly spamming more than they should have ever been able spam with warrior, necromancer, mesmer, thief and firebrand.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > Rofl is this even for real, I vote we change the name of this thread to

> >

> > "pls anet, the thief touched me in my no-no place"


> Why? Thief isn’t in the lead, warrior is.


By 2 votes, and tbh that surprises me. As a thief main myself I definitely feel thief wins this one.


Reason being that I have lost all patience for spvp teammates anymore after hundreds of games of "2 thief? one of you reroll to a class you don't want to play and/or aren't good at or I will afk and throw" and basically just tell people to go fuck themselves in half my games anymore.


Like when I switch to mesmer I do a much shittier job of helping my team because I'm not as good at playing the class, but even if I played like complete asshole everyone will still blame the other thief because he's the thief of the team. Perpetual scapegoat class. I mean I've done some insanely stupid shit on my mesmer (I always switch to mesmer if I do have to change) and people are just like "THIEF GOD YOU SUCK LOOK HOW YOURE MAKING US LOSE" to the one who didn't switch


Yeah idk man. Care factor 0


# thiefmainproblems

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