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Branded Mount Skin

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> @"chronometria.3708" said:

> I`m not happy with them, but not due to looks. I just don't feel its right that we are riding branded. It isn't in any way safe or sensible, or even, surely possible. There has to be some sort of line where the story should affect the in game items and I feel this crosses them pretty severely. Just being close to a branded creature for that long should make everyone in the vicinity sick - they are like a walking mass of radioactive crystal that most folk would smash to bits as soon as they saw it.


> At least we killed Balthazar before we "salvaged" his mechanical minions - same with all the other villains in the game when we start getting their armour and kit (eg scarlet)....but we now seem to be in the situation where we are looting our foe before having even overcome them and that sets a new precedent of immersion disregard that leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling I haven't had in my years of enjoying Tyria and its battles.


I used to agree with you.

But the new anet policy has us just one step away from seeing 500 Aurenes on the map..

So i kinda stopped caring about lorefriendlyness of the content.

Heck, anyone can get a Claw of the Khan Ur now..


Ill just assume that we did we a purification ritual like that Orrian Chicken

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> @"Fantasy.5321" said:

> Amazing mount skins! The way dyes work on them is simply mindblowing, it's like a beautiful dream, I can't stop staring! :D (Note: I use Reshade for extra saturation).


> Thank you so much, Anet! :) Awesome skins and great price!


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ugw07cT.png "")


Nice dye work


> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Nice, nice!

> Finally a fairly priced (set of) mount skins that fit my taste and do not involve loot box gambling. I can recommend them without hesitation.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/YkW3EOk.jpg "")


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/aIglq1s.jpg "")

> <3



Also nice dye work!

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When your character’s buttocks makes physical contact with these mounts there should play a cutscene where Branded corruption spreads throughout their body until they are totally corrupted, at which point your character gets deleted forever.


... yes, I think the idea of these mounts is extremely dumb.

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Finally some solid pricing for mount skins. An entire set for 1.600 gems (which makes it 320 gems each) where you know exactly what you are getting (with an unending number of dye combinations for variation) versus 400 gems into the slot machine from hell to get yet another griffon skin without being even close to unlocking it.

In my opinion, the first is the better option. You get the entire set and as time passes and more sets are created, there is a good chance that most people will be satisfied with the way their mounts look.

Great work, ANet!

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Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you noticed this bug or have this issue? -pokes picture- The Jackal's skin pattern is not animated (and also missing the lightning effect at the tip of the tail when standing still). I've started [a bug thread about it which is located over here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31340/bug-branded-jackal-mount-missing-animations "a bug thread about it which is located over here"), Anet knows about it so hopefully it will be fixed soon but feel free to post in the bug thread, I think it helps if more people confirm.


![](https://i.imgur.com/WzJ0gjE.png "")

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> @"chronometria.3708" said:

> I`m not happy with them, but not due to looks. I just don't feel its right that we are riding branded. It isn't in any way safe or sensible, or even, surely possible. There has to be some sort of line where the story should affect the in game items and I feel this crosses them pretty severely. Just being close to a branded creature for that long should make everyone in the vicinity sick - they are like a walking mass of radioactive crystal that most folk would smash to bits as soon as they saw it.


> At least we killed Balthazar before we "salvaged" his mechanical minions - same with all the other villains in the game when we start getting their armour and kit (eg scarlet)....but we now seem to be in the situation where we are looting our foe before having even overcome them and that sets a new precedent of immersion disregard that leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling I haven't had in my years of enjoying Tyria and its battles.


Pretty sure branded were in this game long before we started having it large with Baltymare or perhaps you forget we have a shatterer still winging away around Blazeridge.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you noticed this bug or have this issue? -pokes picture- The Jackal's skin pattern is not animated (and also missing the lightning effect at the tip of the tail when standing still). I've started [a bug thread about it which is located over here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31340/bug-branded-jackal-mount-missing-animations "a bug thread about it which is located over here"), Anet knows about it so hopefully it will be fixed soon but feel free to post in the bug thread, I think it helps if more people confirm.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/WzJ0gjE.png "")


My Jackal defo has the lightning effect.. i'll check again but was only discussing the effects last night so unless I was very drunk, I saw lightning


EDIT.. Not beyond the realm of possibly or probability that I was drunk but it was only Wednesday... just saying :)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> My Jackal defo has the lightning effect.. i'll check again but was only discussing the effects last night so unless I was very drunk, I saw lightning!


Mine has lightning effects on the back but not on the tail. Also, the lightning effect on the tail IS visible when running **but not when standing still**. First I thought it was my graphics settings but I've tried everything, no change. Jackal is my main mount so I can't wait for a fix. x)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Mine has lightning just back from head, behind seat and but not on tail.. the effects are random pulses but they are defo there, just checked again... an no, I not avno had drunk todeeey hoonesteermmmm !


Thanks for the info. What about the animated pattern? I repaired my client and tried other dyes, my Jackal is still broken... I'm gonna have to take it back to the Desolation and get a refund, lol. :P

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Not really sure what the animated pattern is.. the underside of neck has a small movement effect if that's what you mean otherwise is just coloured nice :)


EDIT - Just noticed .. when moving the bottom of the tail does in fact have a lightning effect as does behind the seat but the head looses its effect... maybe tail and head effect are only supposed to work one way.. one when standing still, other when moving with the seat area constant

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After some time to think and experiment with dyes I've decided my head-canon for my main character is that these are creatures Aurene accidentally 'branded'. Since they're loyal to her they're also friendly to my character and as she's a ranger and has both a soft spot for unwanted animals and a fascination with unusual magical creatures she kept them and is using them as mounts.


I think I need to experiment a bit more to find the right shade/s of blue for an 'Aurene branded' theme though.


![](https://i.imgur.com/EaQsvwPh.jpg "")


On my other characters the dye jobs ended up making them look like elementals so in my head that's what they are. No more unusual (for Tyria) than [a town full of friendly elemental workers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garenhoff "a town full of friendly elemental workers").

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My characters already have a lot of mounts colored in cool ways, and I have names for them and won't be swapping those out...but this mount pack brilliantly fills in the gaps and replaces the ones that weren't interesting. I have been especially short on jackals and skimmers I really like.







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I've been in two minds about whether or not to get them, but all these pics of alternative colour schemes are really helping me decide to treat myself =)

So thanks all for the great pics and I hope more people continue to share screen shots.


Off hand, does anyone know how long the cheaper price is available for?

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> @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> I've been in two minds about whether or not to get them, but all these pics of alternative colour schemes are really helping me decide to treat myself =)

> So thanks all for the great pics and I hope more people continue to share screen shots.


> Off hand, does anyone know how long the cheaper price is available for?


The way it's been going with past mount packs, the sale price will continue till it leaves the gem store. Maybe when it returns, it will be 'full price' or maybe the sale price is actually the real one, if you know what I mean. ;)

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> When your character’s buttocks makes physical contact with these mounts there should play a cutscene where Branded corruption spreads throughout their body until they are totally corrupted, at which point your character gets deleted forever.


> ... yes, I think the idea of these mounts is extremely dumb.


Except, there's no evidence that branded creatures brand things, only Kralk himself brands things otherwise you'd get branded every time you enter the dragon brand.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qxCfSRd.png"")


Is that a Mordrem skimmer?


I was running around Bitterfrost Frontier the other day and thinking I actually really like the colour scheme on the corrupted ice and Icebrood minions, and I might try to replicate it on the Branded mounts (just for fun and because I think it'd be pretty - not because I want to pretend they're actually Icebrood).

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/qxCfSRd.png"")


> Is that a Mordrem skimmer?



Heh, nope. I don't have a particular theme for Mayhem Slashtooth's mounts, so I just puttered around with colors till I found something that looked cool. Qweshia, my sylvari, gets mounts in mostly plant tones, Svenjja the Norn gets blue and icy colors, and Prajix the pyromaniac elementalist gets all fire-themed mounts (except for Rupert, his purple bunny.)

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