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How long is PoF's Story?


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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> About the same as HoT.


Quite ironic if we consider that **Path of Fire** was advertised as a **content** heavy expansion while the short story of **Heart of Thorns** was always justified by its focus on **features**.


Neither did I hear of some outstanding meta events in PoF that make the maps worth playing more than once - in fact, I heard that there were **no meta events at all**.


So how is Path of Fire a content heavy expansion? Why is the story still the same length as in HoT?

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > About the same as HoT.


> Quite ironic if we consider that **Path of Fire** was advertised as a **content** heavy expansion while the short story of **Heart of Thorns** was always justified by its focus on **features**.


> Neither did I hear of some outstanding meta events in PoF that make the maps worth playing more than once - in fact, I heard that there were **no meta events at all**.


> So how is Path of Fire a content heavy expansion? Why is the story still the same length as in HoT?


Content goes beyond just the story.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> Content goes beyond just the story.


Less masteries, no meta events, no new profession, only 1 new guild hall, less adventures (?), no legendary armour,... Where exactly is the content in Path of Fire?


1 more map than HoT, that's it?


All things considered you could at least expect the story to be longer than in HoT.



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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > Content goes beyond just the story.


> Less masteries, no meta events, no new profession, only 1 new guild hall, less adventures (?), no legendary armour,... Where exactly is the content in Path of Fire?


> 1 more map than HoT, that's it?


> All things considered you could at least expect the story to be longer than in HoT.




Apparently there's 5 maps total, which is a lot more than HoT, also, meta events are not content, it's just a recipe for a disaster and extremely low success rates. New content is also in the way you obtain the new gear, there's a lot of it in achievements I think, and probably a ton of new stuff to craft. You can just farm events and gather mats for things. There are no tokens to buy stuff on the first map though (except casino coins but there's nothing really exciting at the vendor), maybe that could be called "lack of content", but that would really be stretching the definition a lot. I don't know how the other maps are, I'm not there yet. Maybe there are some tokens to get gear or something.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> Are there any branches? (Like in the original storyline, where you could make a choice of story branches to take.)




> @Fipmip.7219 said:

> waaat... meta events are like the best part of solo pve


The problem is, they were not solo at all and involved a ton of stuff to set up. Several competent commanders, LFG and a good amount of luck. It means that people who don't play during prime time don't get to enjoy the content. And yes, I've tried, but too many times I had to give up because there was no active map, so basically I couldn't play open world content at all most days.

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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> i cant believe ppl are asking for another dragon stand, auric basin, TD, after 2 years of hate over HoT meta maps on these foruns. Sometimes i think i was the only mad-man that liked HoT meta model.


The se3 maps were the most boring, unimaginative and demotivating content iv seen since i started playing. Meanwhile i have stupid amount of hours playing the hot maps.

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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> i cant believe ppl are asking for another dragon stand, auric basin, TD, after 2 years of hate over HoT meta maps on these foruns. Sometimes i think i was the only mad-man that liked HoT meta model.


Because most of the people where ingame trying to get a good map and enjoying the content not like the ones bitching in forum because they didn't want to try at all. Instead we had to act like them but with positive posts about how hot improved the game, but to late anet gived them reason and gived us the living world s3 filler maps and same with expansion maps.

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > @dusanyu.4057 said:

> > This expansion is about exploration meta events just get in the way of that.


> What do you do after exploring every map 100%? Easter eggs won't keep the players playing in the long run. Once you've seen everything that's it.


do just what we vets did in guild wars !! farm maps for gold and take that gold turn it onto ectoplasms . once that is done and you got a few stacks of them then go buy what ever you want from the game or go to the new ecto gambling hall and play the game their and see how long them stacks of ectos hold out. lol


another thing us guild wars vets did was to reroll toon,s and farm them maps all over again till we got what we wanted . not only that but in guild wars days that is just how it was and never changed we just waited months till the next event rolled around like Easter day winters day Halloween was some of the biggest events in guild wars .


but any one who has never played guild wars at all well they will never know these things and it fly right past them so fast like a jet hitting mock 5 from the ground at take off lol ;) :p

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > Wait there's no metas at all ?????


> Wow, that's a pretty big step backwards... >_>


> That's why I somehow felt the PoF maps felt more "dead" than the HoT ones.


You felt they're somehow more dead because most people don't blaze through the content. I saw like two other players in all of Vabbi today, but when I go to the Oasis, the place is mobbed. Give people a few days to get through the maps.


If you want metas, HoT still exists and those metas are fully functional. PoF is a _different kind of map content_. Not better, not worse, but different.

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > @dusanyu.4057 said:

> > This expansion is about exploration meta events just get in the way of that.


> What do you do after exploring every map 100%? Easter eggs won't keep the players playing in the long run. Once you've seen everything that's it.


Collecting some of the new gear by doing events and hearts. Collecting the new skins. Farming t6 mats (there are plenty even on regular monsters) for gold.

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