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Crystal Desert is a pain

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The difference, I think, is the addition of mounts. There is now essentially a cost to getting into combat without a mount that previously wasn't a factor. PoF is annoying because the mob density is fairly high (not unlike HoT), but the aggro range is completely ridiculous and the terrain is specifically designed for mount use. As a result, players frequently find themselves having to clear large areas of enemies just to re-mount.


I noticed a perfect example this morning. I was playing in The Desolation and I killed a veteran awakened and a couple other awakened. The area was clear for probably 2000 units around me, but somehow I was still in combat. Then I look over and about a mile away two mummies are slow-shambling toward me that I never got anywhere close to!


This is pretty typical of PoF. I've noticed the forged sharpshooters and veteran fire hydras have the same issue. They just aggro from so far away that you can literally clear the area of enemies before they even arrive from halfway across the planet!

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> @"Insecticon.3506" said:

> Why does everything have to be 12 on 1 for this map? You can't even travel down the road without being swarmed by everything. This is ridiculous and frustrating to the point of making want to just uninstall this kitten thing. I seriously made it to level 80 for this crap?


Then you haven't seen the Crystal Desert in Guild Wars 1 yet...

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Insecticon.3506" said:

> > Why does everything have to be 12 on 1 for this map? You can't even travel down the road without being swarmed by everything. This is ridiculous and frustrating to the point of making want to just uninstall this kitten thing. I seriously made it to level 80 for this crap?


> Then you haven't seen the Crystal Desert in Guild Wars 1 yet...


I've seen the Crystal Desert in Guild Wars 1 many times. Of course there you had a full party and it never was 12 on 1. Also you can do Crystal Desert Runs. A single person can unlock all the towns successfully if done right. Not sure if that's an option in GW2.


I do think that GW2 has issues with high density but more to the point big aggro ranges and the mobs follow forever. I think the mob density wouldn't be a problem if they didn't follow you around through the map as much and didn't aggro as quickly. That's just how I see it. In HoT I already didn't like the maps much because the design is way too chaotic and crowded. It's just all a tad too much.


I get that it's also a matter of preference but I do enjoy taking in the scenery and when you're constantly doing boring combat (as I see it) I don't enjoy going around the maps as much. I prefer a little less danger and a bit more wonder. So I haven't gotten PoF yet because I'm not so sure it's worth picking up for me. But what I do know is that I never had the issues with being swarmed in GW1 as much as I do in GW2. Some might find it exciting, I find it annoying. But yeah, that's a matter of preferences of course. I just happened to be on the side of the OP on this issue because it's one of the things that keeps me from playing GW2 very often in general.

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Thank you everyone for the advice. I was ranting and frustrated when I posted this because I couldn't look around and figure out where I needed to go. When you stop, it's almost guaranteed that you'll get jumped by something. I still just have the raptor mount and I'm trying to track down the last MP that I need to be at level 3 so I can move on to the bunny. When I'm almost there, or I spot something, I end up trying to figure out how to get to it and then I'm suddenly in combat. There have been several times when I think someone just came through and cleared the room, so to speak, and I'm there when respawn happens.

I will practice more avoiding techniques and see if that works, but there is some frustration when you just want to get through part of the map and you can't. Comparing PoF to Tyria is apples and oranges. I just picked up HoT and that is a much more complex puzzle with all the vertical sections of the maps. I like solving puzzles, but there are some at the moment that I just can't find the answer to, which frustrates me.

Again, that you all who posted some advice, I'll work on my techniques more.

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> @"Insecticon.3506" said:

> Why does everything have to be 12 on 1 for this map? You can't even travel down the road without being swarmed by everything. This is ridiculous and frustrating to the point of making want to just uninstall this kitten thing. I seriously made it to level 80 for this crap?


Go to Hot maps, and don't use mounts. PoF maps will be pure pleasure after that.


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> @"Insecticon.3506" said:

> Why does everything have to be 12 on 1 for this map? You can't even travel down the road without being swarmed by everything. This is ridiculous and frustrating to the point of making want to just uninstall this kitten thing. I seriously made it to level 80 for this crap?


What are you talking about?


First, there are mounts. You don't have to fight anything you don't want to.

Second, taking down a bunch of trash mobs is trivial. Raptor 1 them, nuke them in your preferred way, move on.

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1 word: Mounts. Maps are larger, specifically designed for the mounts. However that also means you travel faster compared to on foot. So to compensate that, mobs are in groups and have a MUCH larger agro range. Otherwise the map would feel very empty. Trust me its a good thing.

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Quit the game if too hard. I find it too easy and disappointing. I think they should triple the amount of mobs and make 'em twice the strength. I don't understand why people complain all the time about difficulty!!! Stop doing this. The game became less interesting when they gave us that flat desert. It was fun in the jungle, people complain how hard the maps were, anet made easier maps at PoF and you still dare to complain about mobs killing you? Do ya know how to run and avoid mobs or you just stand and wait for 'em to kill ya???

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Density and difficulty of mobs is ok in PoF.

Other than with HoT, maps with high density of hard mobs, you need to know your enemy in PoF as the mobs range from Queensdale-Easy to Not-go-there-unless-you-know-what-you're-doing-Hard. You need to know what enemies to engage and what enemies to avoid.

The mounts trivialise 80% of the open world content anyways, not just in PoF but everywhere. You don't need to worry about the mobs when you're high above them, which is even easier in PoF maps than anywhere else because other maps tend to be more vertical, i.e. there's caves and underground stuff where you can't fly to.

Another thing to consider is your gear/build/skills. Adapt where necessary, noone forces you to play a glass cannon raid build in the open world. Pack some toughness, use some defensive traits/skills that help you with the situation at hand.


If all of the above fails, cry more or quit. In which case, can I have your stuff? kthxbye

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> Go to Hot maps, and don't use mounts. PoF maps will be pure pleasure after that.

The PoF maps just seem more irritating to me than the HoT maps. I fully explored all of the HoT maps on 14 characters. It didn't feel tedious to me. This was without mounts as well. At no point did I feel the urge to log out / log in to get out of combat. Now, in PoF, I frequently abuse log out / log in... and I'm only on my fifth (and last) map completion.

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Why do you guys always want to have everything dumbed down just so you can clear it? If we made a poll, more than 90% of people would state they have zero issues with crystal desert (clearly you didn't play HoT on release with the stealth enemies and 1 shot frogs).


We have to stop this trend of dumbing things down. Improve yourself, get better, if it really feels insurmountable for _everyone_ involved then maybe it's in need of changes.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Why do you guys always want to have everything dumbed down just so you can clear it? If we made a poll, more than 90% of people would state they have zero issues with crystal desert (clearly you didn't play HoT on release with the stealth enemies and 1 shot frogs).

I played HoT on launch. I died to those enemies the first time I faced them. I learned, adjusted, and got through it. The experience was still less irritating than PoF. Notice that I'm using the word irritating instead of difficult.

> @"Razor.6392" said:

> We have to stop this trend of dumbing things down. Improve yourself, get better, if it really feels insurmountable for _everyone_ involved then maybe it's in need of changes.

I certainly don't want things dumbed down. I just want the experience to be less irritating. Personally, I'd be happy if the enemies did significantly more damage and had significantly less hit points. Then, the combat would be more dangerous and exciting, but less tedious.

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@"Insecticon.3506" Seriously? Did you mention that now there is no other map where mobs (not veterans and etc.) can hit you deep enough? Do you like it when you can just run on your own legs and even don't pay any attention on everyone around you? Yeah, it meant that you grew up and it was nice to feel but... Another one map? No. Definitely no. And I'm really glad that Anet makes map and fights harder, tasks more complicated. You faced Dragons, the God! If you wanna walking through the enemies like after a dinner calm and leisurely - just go to Tyria.

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