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Is there going to be anymore classes


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> @"draken.8614" said:

> _Is there going to be anymore classes brought into the game or brought back? With the living season 4 this is a perfect chance to bring back some classes like the **Dervish **and **Ritualist** it would be a great add and to have.


After how bad Rev has failed it might be a while before we see anything like that. In fact, we probably won’t because to have a new class at this point they’d have to make a minimum of two elite specs for it assuming no more came out before it’s release. That said, no probably not. Rather than new classes we get elite specs.

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Short answer: No

Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooo

Serious answer: Every archetype niche are filled with these professions. In addition to that they have a very nice distribition of 3 professions per armor class. Any new concept ir mechanic will be implemented via E-Spec.

I.e Ritualist: Revenant with razza legend

I.e Dervish: Warrior with staff melee as a scythe.



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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> After how bad Rev has failed it might be a while before we see anything like that. In fact, we probably won’t because to have a new class at this point they’d have to make a minimum of two elite specs for it assuming no more came out before it’s release. That said, no probably not. Rather than new classes we get elite specs.

It certainly isn't likely, but I don't think they'd be required to make two elite specs. I imagine they'd make at least one as they did so with Revenant upon release, but they don't even necessarily have to do that. Again, with Revenant, they played with our understanding of what made a class. Namely, that the heal/utility/elite skill come as packages. I suppose they could introduce a class with only a single weapon available. Again, none of this is likely, but requiring a minimum of two elite specs seems like a baseless assumption.

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Agree with many above. We have our round 9 professions, and not all of them are handled well. Id rather future work be put into elite specs to fill in gaps and work on balancing what we have further. Some professions are more limited than others in what they can do and Revenant feels unfinished still.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > This game would have been better off with only 4 classes.


> No, that’s still too many for Anet to balance.


While that may be true, GW2 would be better off with 4 classes max principally because there is so little to do in GW2 from a mechanical standpoint. There are no real unique abilities or means to affect the field which aren't available to every class in some way. Everything is just DAMAGE or BE INVULNERABLE aside from a few cute abilities like Portal, Rocket Boots, and even some non-class skills like the Jump Shot gun in Lion's Arch that players have to use to get to that one skill point out on a rock in the middle of the lake. Less total skills and less classes would have made this game a lot better, but it's far too late to save it now.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> Elite specs fill that role, and there will almost certainly be more of those. Honestly I'd be happy if they started one by one redesigning and fixing existing classes similar to mesmer, starting with engineer.


The Elite specs have been a failure. How many of them change how a class plays? VERY little, if at all. They are nothing more than power creep upgrades. Pay2win at its worst.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > Elite specs fill that role, and there will almost certainly be more of those. Honestly I'd be happy if they started one by one redesigning and fixing existing classes similar to mesmer, starting with engineer.


> The Elite specs have been a failure. How many of them change how a class plays? VERY little, if at all. They are nothing more than power creep upgrades. Pay2win at its worst.


Most of them change how the class plays, but I'm not going to argue with someone who thinks buying expansions are "pay2win".

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I think Dervish and Paragon are good candidates for elite specs. Paragon makes most sense for guardians. They get inspires and spear weapon. Dervish could honestly work for any of the heavy professions, or even Ranger or Elem since their magics are both connected to natural forces (and GW1 dervs controlled water and wind.


Rit could maybe be modified to a Revenant elite. They’re all about channeling spirits. Necromancer too maybe.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> Most of them change how the class plays, but I'm not going to argue with someone who thinks buying expansions are "pay2win".


How do they play different? They all still play pretty much the same, press as many buttons as you can, as quick as you can. By play different i mean actually having specs that have one role. In this game where any spec can do pretty much what ever they want. You lose the point of having new specs as they will do the same thing. Druid still plays SO much like Ranger, just is better in pretty much every way.


Well, the fact that every new specs oddly gets nuked with nerfs rather close to the release of new expansions. It IS pay2win when the new specs are 99.9% of the time MUCH stronger (ignoring the 0.1% - Renegade) Because of the whole play how you want, every spec has to be able to do everything. Thus no spec is really unique. This is where the decision not to have a "trinity" really hurts the game. In a game with the trinity.


Druid would be a pure healer, it would deal low damage but does what it currently does very well. In this game though, Druid is a healer that can still do the damage of a DPS spec, so it has the damage of a DPS spec, the healing of a heal spec, more utility, stealth, defense and mobility. What makes running Ranger useful? When Druid does EVERYTHING Ranger does and then some...


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I am overwhelmed by the negativity when it comes to new races/classes and balancing. Imo balancing isn't that important. You still can play. The difference of a good/bad player is so huge that it doesn't matter anyway. Also I love to have diversity. Why not have 2-3 additonal classes? Anet introduced 4 new classes in GW1 in the year 2006. It was great.


Also what is the problem with new races? Just make it the cheap way: either a rather humanoid race or completely different with own limited sets, anet can build up from there. There mustn't be all the sets available for all races. Take it easy, chill and don't take a game too serious (unless you are a professional gamer but then PvP in this game here isn't taken serious anyway).

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  • 8 months later...

> @"draken.8614" said:

> Ya that's rather heartbreaking, because i loved playing Dervish in Guild Wars 1 and to see them have dervish enemies fighting us and having one as a boss really make me want dervish brought back.



The current classes may lack the flavor of Dervish but it's main benefit was incorporated into every single one of current classes. If you remember, Dervish with it's scythe was the only GW1 class that had cleaving melee attacks by default.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> The Elite specs have been a failure. How many of them change how a class plays? VERY little, if at all. They are nothing more than power creep upgrades. Pay2win at its worst.


This is one of the most incorrect statements I have read on this forum. Numerous elites change the game-play immensely from class to class. Even the way a person has to counter each elite changes wildly.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > Most of them change how the class plays, but I'm not going to argue with someone who thinks buying expansions are "pay2win".


> How do they play different? They all still play pretty much the same, press as many buttons as you can, as quick as you can. By play different i mean actually having specs that have one role. In this game where any spec can do pretty much what ever they want. You lose the point of having new specs as they will do the same thing. Druid still plays SO much like Ranger, just is better in pretty much every way.


> Well, the fact that every new specs oddly gets nuked with nerfs rather close to the release of new expansions. It IS pay2win when the new specs are 99.9% of the time MUCH stronger (ignoring the 0.1% - Renegade) Because of the whole play how you want, every spec has to be able to do everything. Thus no spec is really unique. This is where the decision not to have a "trinity" really hurts the game. In a game with the trinity.


> Druid would be a pure healer, it would deal low damage but does what it currently does very well. In this game though, Druid is a healer that can still do the damage of a DPS spec, so it has the damage of a DPS spec, the healing of a heal spec, more utility, stealth, defense and mobility. What makes running Ranger useful? When Druid does EVERYTHING Ranger does and then some...



A pure healer druid has low dps. A higher dps druid, sacrifices healing.


Do you even play the class?


Soilbeast is the DPS spec. and Soulbeast plays completely differently to druid. And neither are about just spamming your skills fast. You would not be an effective druid if you just spammed skills.


Necro elites are another that play completely differently.


I can't speak for the other classes.

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> @"Tora.7214" said:

> new races on the other hand.... I dont remember where i saw back in LS2 a supposed leaked image of a Tengu male/female with a similar art style to the one you see on the race selection screen.

No, not new races, new profs, nor a console version of the game. At least, not any time soon.


> [Massively OP Summarizes Mike Zadorojny's (April 2018) Comments on New Professions, new Races](http://massivelyop.com/2018/04/09/pax-east-2018-guild-wars-2-game-director-mike-zadorojny-on-path-of-fire-monetization-and-more/)


> We also talked a bit about things that are probably not happening. **New professions... have probably been sidelined forever in favor of new elite specializations;** they allow the team to change the feel of a given profession without actually forcing you to play a new character along the way. **New races, too, are a lot of work for limited rewards,** and **any sort of console development is also not something the team is focused on.**


> Obviously, none of this is set in stone; he stressed that the quote to take away is not that new races will never be added. It’s just not the current direction.


**emphasis** added



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