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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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More waypoints in the later game.


There are so few waypoints that exploration is almost prohibitively dangerous, and jumping across the map to help someone is ridiculous.

In the older parts of the game, when I see somone call out an event or needs help, I rarely think about it and jump close if I've got the time

In the newer parts? Even if I have the time and motivation to do that event/boss/whatever, I usually decide it's going to take far too long to get there - if I ever get there at all, some of the HoT maps are almost impossible to navigate (at least for me).


So unless the idea was to isolate the players and reduce the willingness to help, I'd reverse that and add more waypoints.



Alternatively: completely rework how the mastery point system works. I don't want to have to rush through the storyline to get the mounts just so I don't constantly waste XP.

Or have to force-grind finding mastery points, for that matter. It takes away the fun of actually PLAYING the game.

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Less visual effects: I find the overload of visual effects a spoiler to the game in many different ways.

- In raids, where identifying the different mechanics relies a lot on seeing the corresponding visual effects, it is for me a killer.

- In WvW, in fight squad vs. squad, everything suddenly becomes a giant yellow cloud, blinding/hiding everything around.

- In PvE, I find it less disturbing, except for certain meta events where it almost reaches the level of WvW fights.


On a side note: For me, visual effects is not alone a problem. It also combines with giant backpacks and giant gliders, that hides/blocks the view when running/fighting with a tight squad. Personally, especially in raid and WvW, I would like to have an option to hide backpacks/gliders of others. Don't misunderstand: I do love my backpacks and gliders, and want them to be visible, but somehow, there are situations where they are simply disturbing, no matter how nice they are.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> Hands down, player housing, something that all of my gathering nodes and home instance stuff would be in, I’d have a selection of “plots” for to set up, and most importantly, that I’d be able to decorate with scribe.


> I love the idea of being able to make decorations and stuff via scribe, but unless you have your own guild hall atm, or are your guilds designated scribe it’s effectively pointless.


> Also, LWS1 coming back in some way, shape or form.


Try not to make this feature all Gem Store like the mounts, have a branch of scribing to make furniture.

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Overhaul of transmutation, outfits and armor/weapon options.


Making your Wardrobe separate from gear and allowing to have multiple sets of outfits made through wardrobe that you can swap easily.

Being able to color weapons and their visual effects.

More customizable attachments to your wardrobe not limited to the 6 gear slots. Certain effects that are armor should be allowed like winter and Halloween items for example. Include certain items (Mystic Chromatic Ooze, Embiggening, Miniature tonics, etc) that apply a cosmetic effect to this.

Separate hats, glasses, masks as their own cosmetic options. Allowed to wear a hat and glasses at the same time.

Separate infusion auras from infusions in general. Why must I have to wear gaudy effects to have the +12 to all stats infusion.

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Can i pick two? Ill pick two


First id want the glowing skin condition player characters suffer from removed or toggleable. Kills immersion when i can see my characters floating head whenever in dark areas. ![](https://i.imgur.com/bF6amUe.jpg "")


Second, id love if the games poor reflections got fixed or removed entirely. Even with reflection setting set to OFF there are still weird visual things happening with the moving river asset used mostly in Maguuma and Desert Highlands.


![](https://i.imgur.com/WZA7Q19.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/5Wxi8eM.jpg "")


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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> What one thing could be added, removed, or changed in the game that would make you happy? It wouldn't fix everything in the game, but it would satisfy you personally for a long time.


Buff core engineer and its' kits, also nerf Holosmith so that it can't use healing and utility skills while in that form, similar to the necromancer in Shroud form. Holosmith is a glass cannon with too much sustain to even be called a glass cannon.


Core Engineer is the most rewarding, but also the most difficult profession due to the amount of things you need to consider with the profession. That is the reason why you don't see engineers playing core, but instead they play Holosmith because it's easy to play.

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> @"Thornum.8607" said:

> Is this the right time of year to say SAB World 3?


I know SAB is over by now but if you look closely at the second of the unavailable maps you can see it's partially underwater.

Underwater skill re-balance coming soon. Speculation about more underwater content in the near future.

SAB underwater zone next year!

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Can't pick just 1 thing, there's lots of things I'd like and I have a hard time even putting them into order of priority.


I'd love to see an underwater mount. Doesn't need to be anything fancy, just one that swims faster (like an aquatic raptor...aquaraptor?) is fine, but if it could also shoot you up to the surface on command that would be brilliant.


SAB World 3 of course, and eventually 4.


New races and/or new storylines which are specific to our characters rather than the same thing for everyone. Even if it's just little optional side stories it would be fun (for me) to do that again.


The return of the Queens Gauntlet, maybe the Festival of the Four Winds too. I miss the Labyrinthine Cliffs.


And I know we're getting this already but more maps. It especially bugs me that there's some little patches in between maps which we can't access, one rectangular one in the Southern Shiverpeaks, one between Rata Sum and the Grove (and again between Rata Sum and Dragon's Stand), one between Southsun and Sparkfly which actually has a road leading into it in Sparkfly but it's blocked off with a rock. I'd like the path between Ebonhawk and the Crystal Desert to be re-opened at some point as well. We can reach both ends of the path but not the bit in the middle.


An in-game journal I can write notes to myself in. And a map I can write/draw on like in the 3DS Zelda games.


I'm sure there's more too, but I can't remember everything I wish this game did all at the same time.

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Brilliant cut-scenes, of a good length, with a great environment, characters, soundtrack and voice actors to FIT.

I thoroughly enjoyed many of them in GW1, and they were noticeably on a tight budget then. I have not been so impressed with the majority in GW2, though, there are some that are of great quality, albeit many times being too short.

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