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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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There are many things I would like to have, and it is difficult to chose one only. Most of what I miss can be dispatched into two categories: That what I miss from GW1 (build template, capes, menagerie, henchies, heroes, GH for everybody.....) and the peanuts things bothering me on a daily basis in GW2 (plant/tree leaves obstructed view, ranger pets that cannot be really turned off, .....).


Though, one thing comes to my mind because it is a very recent one, and that's the one I chose now: The new LS episode and its area have several instances and events with "swirling" visual effects, causing me motion sickness pretty rapidly.

I do hope it will not become a standard, and I do hope for that effect to be minimized, or even removed. There is especially one event in the area (sorry, cannot recall name), that I can simply not do because it gets me sick within seconds and I cannot cope. I know I am probably part of a minority, but it is really annoying. :s

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> If I got just one thing, it would be a return to a 1-2x/month update cadence, including one-time events. I liked the vibrancy of short-term content, the urgency at which people approached the game, and the community of cooperation. I liked having new things to do and I actually liked that some things in the game disappeared.


> Of course, some of the things I liked are the reasons this will never happen again for GW2, never mind that ANet doesn't have the staff to pull it off. (And, to be fair, sometimes the time limits brought out the worst of people, rather than the best.)


I loved Season One, as well. I would vote for the same thing.

And, as something that might actually see the light of day, some day: the ability to change your status _before_ entering the game.

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A $15/month sub fee, but that's probably "too broad".


In fact, there isn't any one thing that is not broad that could be changed in that respect. Games of this size and complexity rarely have just one simple thing that could be changed to satisfy any given player for a long period of time.


Are there small things that I would love to see changed? Sure, but they are "quality of life" things and not necessarily things that would totally make the game for me.


Top three small things for me would be:


1. Default all crafting categories to minimized when opening the crafting window.

2. Add "sigils" to harvesting tools so any given harvesting tool can harvest unbound magic, sprockets, etc based on the sigil you put in them.

3. Add a sensible* gobbler to eat essence of luck that is *not* time gated or quantity gated.


Oh, and in 4th place: make the next legendary use like 75 stacks of silver ore.


_*I shouldn't have to get overly verbose on this, but when I say "sensible" I mean an item that A) eats *all* essence types, B) returns something of value that is reasonable. feeding it a stack of 250 exotic essence of luck and getting back a bag of barbed thorns worth about 20copper is *not* sensible. A Mystic Coin would be more appropriate.





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- adding mounts that respect the lore (no dragons & other fan service mounts)

- removing wings, bunny ears & other breaking immersion things

- adding more things to do at PoF maps

- permiting each classes to have a clear role for raid, pvp etc, not defined by the meta boys but by Anet, by redesigning core specs so each of them has a clear strong point & maybe making a core spec a "vanilla" elite spec

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~ More hairstyles!

~ More Beards!

~ Balance patch for Ranger Pets, making all of them viable so we can fit pets to our fashion theme, not the meta!

~ More guild halls with less ruins/preset decorations!

~ More guild hall decorations!

~ More armour skins!

~ A reason to garrison and defend wvw forts!


... I suspect any one of these requests would bankrupt Anet within the year if listened to, but I can dream!

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More than anything, a focus on the core game, primarily in two components:



-Really taking a close look at all core skills, traits, and weapons. And don't forget core ranger pets!

-Filling in missing heals or elites in particular skill categories for all classes.



-Updating outdated animations that feel a bit like relics of the past. There aren't a ton of them, but they exist and it would be nice if visually, they matched the visual level that the newer stuff is at. I am not asking for more over-the-top visuals, just polished to the standard that they currently hold.

-Updating old models. I know updating old armors and weapons is probably a pipe dream, but at least stuff like most of the core ranger pets could use some serious love. I love some of my pets, but godkitten they could use a makeover.


It seems like ArenaNet has a philosophy that the "new" is always of utmost importance, but I would really like for the core game to be better refined and get some real quality TLC. It seems like they are moving in that direction, so I can only hope that they continue to go down that path.


Also....honorable mention goes to:



Yes, I am a fashion wars snob. I want my characters to look good, and to at least have them feel semi-immersive in the world they exist in. There are too many weapons and armors in this game that cater to the tasteless and the edgelords, and then there are some ridiculously over-the-top pieces in the game that I wonder how the fuck they were ever given the approval to set foot in this game because of how hideous they are. I want beautiful, refined armors and weapons that still maintain a level of cultural and thematic appropriateness. ANet has a team of absolutely incredibly gifted artists--artists whose talent I deeply envy--and I want this to be better reflected in their armor and weapons. Those stunning pieces exist, but there should be MOAR to appease the fashion wars whores out there like myself.

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Removal of the ability to use attacks and abilities that grant any form of portal, leap, jump etc etc in jump puzzles followed by improved jump puzzle rewards (nothing crazy like guaranteed ascended items, just make it better).

More jump puzzles.

More 'interesting' (subjective) areas to explore (Done map comp on the PoF maps but the maps seem so bland and boring I can't bear to go back there and look around, it's mostly just large open sand).

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REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.


So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.

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> @"Firedash.4570" said:

> REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.


> So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.


So because you don't like something it must be removed? Why not just add a new race without removing a current one that people enjoy playing? Lol.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > @"Firedash.4570" said:

> > REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.

> >

> > So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.


> So because you don't like something it must be removed? Why not just add a new race without removing a current one that people enjoy playing? Lol.


This post is about what change you would like personally right?

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> @"Scipion.7548" said:


> - removing wings, bunny ears...


So do you have a psychological break down every October 31st in Real Life? How about around Easter? Winter holidays? Wings, bunny ears, cat ears, hats, etc. are all things you run across in real life, do they break your "immersion" then?


I totally agree in regards to minis, SAB items, and a couple other items, but the closest item like that which I see *might* be considered "immersion breaking" is the Sport Sunglasses, and that only because in Real Life they are generally made from plastic or some other composit which we haven't seen much evidence for in the lore for GW2, but if simple costume items that have no particle effects, sounds, or other "magic" properties are immersion breaking, I find it unlikely there is *any* MMO out there that would bring you happiness in that arena.


Well, maybe Eve Online.




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