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Why reaper arent viable in wvw roaming (analysis)


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20 k is nothing to guard,Warr, holo, mirage,soulbeast etc, they have more than enough ways to shrug the reaper burst and return with a veriety of ways to down u having better boon uptime,better offensive boons,equal if not more damage and still some sustain options left over to deal with any necro spec other than maybe scourge aoe spam in a Zerg of course

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That is because holo mirage and soulbeast are all roamer classes, and reaper lacks tools for roaming, so naturally it fails against them. Worse yet, they got nerfed in sustain recently and damage.


Also: On my ele i got 11.600 hp, on my druid, 19.790 hp.


A lot of classes have less hp, and even if you hit a warrior, that 20k hp is going to be 70% of his health bar, and likely if timed right, you could easily down him if you catch the warrior with his pants down.


I am not denying that reaper doesn't have its problems, nor that others don't have their strengths either.


Once again the issue is still landing a killing blow on reaper, because being slow as reaper is, they lack tools to keep someone close to them long enough to land a killing blow.A class like reaper works better if they can sustain for long periods of time while being slow and having the counter cc to survive, somewhat like death knights in wow. Dks in wow are really slow really powerful, and they hit really hard.


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I personally and some voted to disagree, that Reaper shroud should be used as a survival tool.I think for instance of reaper in shroud using that scary tool if they could revert the nerfs to duration and somehow lower damage and maybe revamp the shroud to be a defensive tool, it could be used to sustain necros longer.


Maybe for instance convert all the 1 through 5 into ways to sustain add things like invuln and other kinda sustain tools of keeping people close.


If done this way, necro would have less sustain out of shroud and more vulnerable, and more sustain In shroud and less damage.


Either that, or outside of shroud as others I believe it needs access to invuln and other tools to survive.


Imagine for instance, if the damage is lowered lets say by 80% and defense 50% more absorbe with maybe not as huge duration and the stuff revamped to have hard cc to keep them close, maybe they could cc pressure folks.


This of course would have to be discussed by others too, since im not the most experienced pvper, and it might be seen as overpowered.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Farkon.2170" said:

> > "Firebrand needs a babysitter in order to perform well and it is one of the strongest builds you can take into PvP."

> > Firebrand can perform without a babysitter.

> > Reaper needs to be babysat to even perform.

> >

> > You and Obtena state that Reapers is doing ok, then state that Reapers need to be played on a higher level to be viable or to "play on their strengths". Cool, you obviously don't want Necros to be viable, I get that.

> > When you bother to look at the bigger picture, everyone other then Eles have been gaining various strengths over the years, while Necros are being left behind more and more.

> > In fact, multiple classes, if they break out of the norm, can perform better then Reapers at their roles.

> > Their "strengths" are outdated, their abilities are outdated, and any competent player will rip a Reaper to shreds since Reapers have multiple weaknesses and few strengths.

> >

> >

> > When Reapers had access to more LF, before the nerf, they were fun yet barely viable in 5 man roams in WvWvW, now they're not.

> > Whatever stupid kitten you want to say like "Does the lack of access to these abilities make Necromancer disadvantage in PvP? Not really. "(Like really? Not having flexibility isn't a disadvantage?) doesn't change the fact that they aren't viable in WvWvW and anyone who plays Reaper will figure that out.

> > Honestly, half the kitten you two say is so convoluted and generalist it's like the politics on TV and Necros are your rival party.

> >

> I agree so basically because necro is given a diff skill set and role they can’t be compared to other classes is what I got from that wall of text, but than the idea of balancing wouldn’t exist. Necro has diff skill set yes but it’s out dated and lacking in ways to compete with all the mobility,blocks and invulnerability skills that have been handed out like candy to other classes, cant even make use of ur reaper burst to make up for lack of mobility cuz unless the opponent is skilled they will shrug off ur burst with blocks or invulnerability than tear u apart cuz shroud is garbage mitigation but it’s best we got.it feels like certain classes necro being a big one got left behind the powercreep,non DE thieves as well and more powercreep may not be answer but ever class should have compensation for its weaknesses and a way to compete with other classes skills and it doesnt



Balance isn't always about comparative strength between professions. It is typically about overall game health and overall power level. Some things are hard to impossible to compare when they are unique to specific professions. So the question is really "does it work?" and "does it work to the point that it deforms the game environment?" Take Mesmer clones, you can't compare them to anything else in the game, really. No one else has that mechanic. However, you can measure their overall impact on the game and determine if that effect is too strong. That's balance.


You are also exaggerating the effectiveness of blocks and invulnerability. If it were really possible for others to use them to survive Reaper burst to the point that it was useless then bursting overall would be useless. Burst damage is still a powerful tactic in this game and blocks and invulnerability do not always mitigate it. If they were as strong as you indicate no one in this game would really be damaging anyone. That's not the case. Effective burst attacks bait the opponent so that he uses his blocks and invulnerabilities before you lay down the burst. This is something Necromancer can do as well.


That isn't to say that things aren't rough for Necromancer or that the other professions don't need to be pulled back in line. It is to say however that people often overexaggerate their position in regards to Necromancer and ignore the simple things that everyone else needs to do in order for them to be effective too, such as baiting people's defenses. The folks who win with Necromancer are typically doing this.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Not everyone enjoys aoe spamming scourge in wvw or pvp


QoL, not a balance issue. If you want to argue this point as a QoL issue I would actually agree with you. I think Necromancer should have more ways to win and it is my hope that future Elites continue to open up new paths. It is my hope that the next Elite for Necromancer is a dueling Elite so that players who enjoy that style of play are able to engage in dueling. If you argue it as a balance issue then I'm going to have to disagree as balance does not promise that you get to play a specific way. It's always been about relative power levels and the health of the game, overall.




> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> No point and even having balance threads lol cuz non mains will alway say a underperforming class is fine. Even if it’s the least competitive class people will rally its fine and vice versa, last yr or so even mirage and Chrono mains argue their classes are balanced lol


You're clearly not paying attention to the arguments I make. If you think I'm saying Necromancer is fine you are wrong. I have argued on numerous occasions (again plenty of people can vouch for me on this) that Necromancer has a load of issues that need addressing and that it isn't where it should be. I have also engaged in several balance related discussions in which I highlighted the balance issues Necromancers does have.


Just because I don't always agree with a speficic argument doesn't mean I am stating that all is well.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> This is why arenet should hire a group of skilled knowledgeable players that play all professions often that have the least bias and can be objective to be the ones the bounce the balance ideas off of or they themselves play their game and all its modes with all its classes on a regular basis, though I understand why most developers don’t. They deff shouldn’t listen to us randoms or any build that’s balanced but annoying will get nurfed from whiners and any lesser popular classes will stay behind


How do you know this doesn't already occur? The thing about balance is that it is rarely what non-playtesters think it is (full disclosure, I've playtested for RPGs and CCGs before so I have some measure of insight into the conceptional process, though I am not familiar with ANets specifics). Some of these issues aren't due to not having the right playtesters. Necromancer has some fundamental problems that playtesting alone aren't going to fix. People have a lot of misconceptions on what playtesting involves. It is typically about the greater health of the game. People blame playtesting when they don't get the results they want when it isn't always a matter of playtesting that's at issue.


There is also the simple truth that playtesting only goes so far. They miss a lot of things because it is a much smaller group of people. When you release content into the wilds of the games there is always going to be a handful of players that think of something the playtesters didn't. Playtesting simple lacks the number of people and number of hours required to catch everything. The players vastly outnumber playtesters and spend vastly more hours in game (combined) than them. There is no way a company can get around that. This is a universal truth for all games.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > This is why arenet should hire a group of skilled knowledgeable players that play all professions often that have the least bias and can be objective to be the ones the bounce the balance ideas off of or they themselves play their game and all its modes with all its classes on a regular basis, though I understand why most developers don’t. They deff shouldn’t listen to us randoms or any build that’s balanced but annoying will get nurfed from whiners and any lesser popular classes will stay behind

> >

> > Anyone skilled and knowledgeable knows they can't balance the game across PvP conquest, PvE raids, WvW zergs, WvW roamers, etc. Which is exactly why they don't bother at all for roaming and barely bother with WvW fullstop.


> This is very true but theirs no reason why after this many yrs classes couldn’t have been altered to preform in each mode to crest a more even playing field, even though even then 100% balance is unattainable. But that’s costly and unlikely so my suggestion though wouldn’t be a perfect fix I think classes would be atleast far more balanced in regards to competing with each other classes kits


Even playing field is subject. There are folks who have no issues with how comeptive things are right now. Some Necromancer players fall into this camp as well. Also, there is only so much you can alter. The thing about class alterations is that some people are happy with the way things are. Your unhappiness does not override their happiness and ANet has to think about both concerns. They do their best to find a more equitable middle ground but it is really impossible to please everyone so someone somewhere is going to be upset with what they do no matter what choices they make.


> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Part of the issue is that you cant have a class that has too much sustain, and too much damage.


> why does soulbeast and mirage than have both?




Power creep. Just because some have both does not mean its a good thing. Nor does it mean that it was done on purpose. Sometimes the inherent mechanic is just too strong and there isn't much that can be done about that.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Part of the issue is that you cant have a class that has too much sustain, and too much damage. Reaper has quite a bit of sustain, even if its just flat out having lots of hp and having shroud that counts as a second health bar, and having that combined with damage is seen as too strong. Balancing will always be seen as problematic having them combined, also with the aoe attacks of melee range from reaper as well.

> >

> > Also spvp is about teamplay.

> >

> > Some builds are all about single target damage and being able to roam like daredevil and holosmith, and some are about teamplay like firebrand scourge and reaper.

> >

> > People already complain about reaper damage when combined with firebrand, because a reaper babysat can wreak havoc on point.


> Reaper shroud is gbage sustain and hp mean little with damage that’s being thrown around, saying that a class is good damage while needing to be baby sat by another class shows a problem with said class,doesn’t hit any harder than most classes yet has lowest mobility. It can debuff so there’s that



No, it doesn't. PvP is designed around the concept that some folks will perform better when being babysat. That's why the designed things like Firebrands. They created their PvP as a team game mode. Your position would be correct if PvP was not about team mechanics and everyone was expected to be able to accomplish everything on their own but that's not the PvP we have. In order to make the support builds functional and beneficial they have to be able to make some builds stronger. The builds it makes stronger can't be too strong on their own or they would be horribly unbalanced when the babysitter shows up. There is no problem.


Whether or not PvP should have been designed around this concept is a separate matter entirely. However, based on how they designed their PvP the fact that Reaper needs a babysitter is not problematic. They designed their game this way. It's only problematic when its an aberration, but that's not the case here.


However, not everyone agrees with that style of PvP and that's fair. But that's a QoL/playstyle issue and not a balance issue.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Scourge is strong aoe spam so great in wvw zergs but a lot of people want to play necro and feel competitive without aoe spamming, least I do anyway


Fair, but a QoL issue not a balance issue.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Arenet needs to stop balancing classes for pve only and make balance changes for all modes that only effect said modes, not most cost effective but would be good for health and longevity of the game


They don't balance just for PvE but for PvP and PvE.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> 20k is not dangerous, u get the player un aware or if thier bad it is but u try and bait out their invulnerability or block skills before u do ur 20k burst and ur dead cuz no decent sustain and ull prob be downed,do ur burst and a good player blocks and or invulnerability thus uses thier great defensive abilities to render ur 20k to 0, and now ur burstless ,no mobility to run and have no good sustain,awsome


You're only dead if you screw up. If you bait properly and your team has got your back though, not so dead. Again, PvP is a team thing in which other people are supposed to cover your weak spots. Meanwhile, you cover theirs. This is PvP in GW2.




> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Picking the two glassy classes with kitten sustain isn’t a good argument


Actually, it is because you're not supposed to be good at defeating everything. Again, PvP in this game isn't designed around the concept that folks are a one-man stomping machine. It's designed around teamwork. So you are supposed to be strong against some and weak against others. When you list things like Soulbeast and Mirage you are listing the things Reaper is weak against. This is by design. By design professions are supposed to be weak against some and strong against others. If your expectation is that you are strong against everything and can do it all on your own you will never be happy with PvP, no matter how well balanced it is because you seem to fundamentally disagree with the guiding principles of PvP in this game. Those principles aren't going to change. PvP is always going to be a team experience where you are strong against some and weak against others. The same is true for WvW.


Honestly, I don't think you have a balance issue. I think you just do not enjoy how PvP works in this game.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Again u prob play necro more than I do so u would kno better than me prob lol so maybe their in a great spot, I just feel out sustained and out maneuver while on necro


To be fair, a lot of your arguments do display a lack of familiarity with Necromancer in PvP. Reaper can be outmaneuvered but when played to its strengths this doesn't occur often. Reaper gets easily outmaneuvered when it is attempting to be the duelist and the center of attention in an attack. Reaper shines when its the +1 and steps in while the dueler has the bulk of the attention from the person you are trying to kill. Remember, Reaper is not a duelist. It's a +1 fighter. It performs best in that role and in that role it can often handle being outmaneuvered or out sustained. It's a matter of knowing what Reaper is good at doing and playing to that. I think part of your problem isn't the issues that Reaper has but the fact that you funadmentally do not agree with how Reaper is designed to be played. No amount of balance fixes is likely to get Reaper to a spot where you enjoy it simply because Reaper is always going to be balanced around its role as a +1 team fighter.




> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> Psycho you can edit your post if soemthing new come to mine, instead of inflating this thread:)


Yeah, this conversation would flow better if he created a single post with strong arguments as opposed to a series of single sentences points within minutes of each other.




> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> And sometimes setups feels unfair, but I think most of it on reddit and forums are confirmation bias.

> But some professions are overtuned.


Yeah, I hate power creep. In an ideal world all the Elites would be in line with each other. I also feel the Elites should be stronger than Core, they are called Elites after all.


> But thieves are constantly complaining on how weak their are, forgetting how great they are at evading and bursting, the initiative system is so forgiving.

> Warriors also cried with the current nerf, still doing overall great, and being a good pubstomper profession.


Yeah, I notice that everyone complains they are the worst and that ANet hates them. I find it silly and say as much whenever it comes up. Recently told some Elementalist players that they were being silly by claiming they were the worst in the game.


> And I roam just fine on my Reaper. I know when to pick my fights and when to zoom away:) but me in a team with a few friends, and I bring 100% chill uptime, aoe CC on demand, projectile hate, aoe heal, and high crits :)


Yup, when Reaper is playing to its strenghts it can do some amazing work.




> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I personally and some voted to disagree, that Reaper shroud should be used as a survival tool.I think for instance of reaper in shroud using that scary tool if they could revert the nerfs to duration and somehow lower damage and maybe revamp the shroud to be a defensive tool, it could be used to sustain necros longer.


> Maybe for instance convert all the 1 through 5 into ways to sustain add things like invuln and other kinda sustain tools of keeping people close.


> If done this way, necro would have less sustain out of shroud and more vulnerable, and more sustain In shroud and less damage.


> Either that, or outside of shroud as others I believe it needs access to invuln and other tools to survive.


> Imagine for instance, if the damage is lowered lets say by 80% and defense 50% more absorbe with maybe not as huge duration and the stuff revamped to have hard cc to keep them close, maybe they could cc pressure folks.


> This of course would have to be discussed by others too, since im not the most experienced pvper, and it might be seen as overpowered.



I think Reaper Shroud is at its best as an offensive tool. I think Death Shroud should be more defensive than offensive. Reaper should use his abilities to draw you in, chill you, then step into Reaper Shroud and finish the job.

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If I may deviate a little from the direction of this thread which I think was made with roaming duels in mind.


I think when we talk about roaming, it also involves the ability to disengage at will and this is something that the necro as an entire class itself fails quite badly.

In fact, a Reaper is the best form of roaming a necro has if built for it, with wurm, spectral walk and non-conditional Shroud 2 dash helping a Reaper to make its escapes when needed. However, it is still sub-par compared to all the other classes.


I usually roam alone and fight to the death regardless of numbers so the lack of disengage rarely bothered me.

Until I recently tried running more with a group of mirage, thief and soulbeast roamers deep behind enemy lines and realized more deeply how helpless and inadequate a necro was when attempting to disengage from a fight. When our party sees the enemy zerg charging after us, in the blink of an eye all my allies are a mile away and have escaped safely, leaving behind a lone necro run down by the zerg =(


And no, I'm not going to 'play another class because necro isn't meant for roaming'.

I still stand by the belief that all classes should be proficient for roaming and I hope the new elite spec will address our mobility issues.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.


I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.


Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.


I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.


Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

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> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> Well you say we got no mobility, but we got Desth’s Charge every 10 CD, and it is pretty effective with quickness and all.. I zoom around the map.

> And it is easy to stack Lifeforce :)

> But yeah not as mobile as my thief:)

> But I feel like I hit harder than my DD.


How do you like interupted and cc chained to death? People going ooc while youre in shroud and coming back only when you are out. For me it feels unfair even tho it makes for some sick baits with deathmagic shroud activate trait.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > Well you say we got no mobility, but we got Desth’s Charge every 10 CD, and it is pretty effective with quickness and all.. I zoom around the map.

> > And it is easy to stack Lifeforce :)

> > But yeah not as mobile as my thief:)

> > But I feel like I hit harder than my DD.


> How do you like interupted and cc chained to death? People going ooc while youre in shroud and coming back only when you are out. For me it feels unfair even tho it makes for some sick baits with deathmagic shroud activate trait.


Well I try to remember to pop Infuse Terror first, and only use Death charge to tank heavy hitting shots or chase, not for dmg.


Problem is that we want it all.. all of it.. and that’s okay, hench all my alts.

I still think we could use Stone heart trait in shroud, a bit more active defence abilities/projectile hate and more mobility..

But wouldn’t that make us op?

Well maybe just increase the last strike with GS. We are meant to chill our enemies in place, but we are too slow in doing so ;)

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> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > Well you say we got no mobility, but we got Desth’s Charge every 10 CD, and it is pretty effective with quickness and all.. I zoom around the map.

> > > And it is easy to stack Lifeforce :)

> > > But yeah not as mobile as my thief:)

> > > But I feel like I hit harder than my DD.

> >

> > How do you like interupted and cc chained to death? People going ooc while youre in shroud and coming back only when you are out. For me it feels unfair even tho it makes for some sick baits with deathmagic shroud activate trait.


> Well I try to remember to pop Infuse Terror first, and only use Death charge to tank heavy hitting shots or chase, not for dmg.


> Problem is that we want it all.. all of it.. and that’s okay, hench all my alts.

> I still think we could use Stone heart trait in shroud, a bit more active defence abilities/projectile hate and more mobility..

> But wouldn’t that make us op?

> Well maybe just increase the last strike with GS. We are meant to chill our enemies in place, but we are too slow in doing so ;)


We are not going to be op in pvp plat or above with any of these changes. Necro does not have any carry potential and instead of buffing its damage, it should be shaved off and defense should be buffed by a lot. Then only this class will be balanced. Also better tracking of enemies and bigger range with death charge will also help.


Chill is irrelevant against most of the classes in meta right now as they have multuple ports/leaps. It works but its nit effective in locking anyone down.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > > Well you say we got no mobility, but we got Desth’s Charge every 10 CD, and it is pretty effective with quickness and all.. I zoom around the map.

> > > > And it is easy to stack Lifeforce :)

> > > > But yeah not as mobile as my thief:)

> > > > But I feel like I hit harder than my DD.

> > >

> > > How do you like interupted and cc chained to death? People going ooc while youre in shroud and coming back only when you are out. For me it feels unfair even tho it makes for some sick baits with deathmagic shroud activate trait.

> >

> > Well I try to remember to pop Infuse Terror first, and only use Death charge to tank heavy hitting shots or chase, not for dmg.

> >

> > Problem is that we want it all.. all of it.. and that’s okay, hench all my alts.

> > I still think we could use Stone heart trait in shroud, a bit more active defence abilities/projectile hate and more mobility..

> > But wouldn’t that make us op?

> > Well maybe just increase the last strike with GS. We are meant to chill our enemies in place, but we are too slow in doing so ;)


> We are not going to be op in pvp plat or above with any of these changes. Necro does not have any carry potential and instead of buffing its damage, it should be shaved off and defense should be buffed by a lot. Then only this class will be balanced. Also better tracking of enemies and bigger range with death charge will also help.


> Chill is irrelevant against most of the classes in meta right now as they have multuple ports/leaps. It works but its nit effective in locking anyone down.


Never meant to improve the dmg. The dmg is fine.

More the attack speed of several stuff.

Like GS third auto, and skill 5, maybe even range.

We tend to have a problem with sticky to people or chasing. We do got some range options here though.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.


> I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.


> Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.


> I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.


> Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.


I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> >

> > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> >

> > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> >

> > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> >

> > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.


> Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that.


Prey tell.



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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> > >

> > > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> > >

> > > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> > >

> > > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> > >

> > > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

> >

> > Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that.


> Prey tell.



Playing strategically isn't something I can explain to you how to do. How you team with people, where you go, what you do, when you do it. Strategic play is just as important as knowing when to enter Shroud or use a burst. I would say even more so.


People are too focused on how their classes perform, probably because it's the easiest way to think about performance and it's closest to them. But in the grand scheme of WvW, it's not about a duel between you and someone else. I can be and if you decide to play that way for strategic reasons (there are some), then you have to have to choose your class and load out accordingly. Not every class is good at that ... nor should they be. Same if you zerg, or command or roam or whatever you want to do; choose wise.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> >

> > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> >

> > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> >

> > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> >

> > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.


> I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.


I would appreciate if you would not assume others as amateur and not knowing strategies and tactics in a pretty straight forward spec. Go in wvw try everything you can possibly try and you will come to same conclusion. The weakness it has cannot be covered by anything and exploited by everything. Thus it loses every matchup. This is reapers problem. There are not even tradeoffs available to make builds to cover certain weakness and losing something else.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> > >

> > > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> > >

> > > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> > >

> > > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> > >

> > > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

> >

> > I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.


> I would appreciate if you would not assume others as amateur and not knowing strategies and tactics in a pretty straight forward spec. Go in wvw try everything you can possibly try and you will come to same conclusion. The weakness it has cannot be covered by anything and exploited by everything. Thus it loses every matchup. This is reapers problem. There are not even tradeoffs available to make builds to cover certain weakness and losing something else.


Not entirely true. Just like obtena points out.


I regularly roam, command, zerg and defend seamlessly when playing WvW on Reaper. Sure Reaper is not the ideal Roaming class. But you can roam with the right build and the right strategies when fighting opponents. I’ve had little mini adventures to go and take camps on the other side of the borderlands in deep enemy Territory to see how far I can get. It’s pretty fun.... walking off a cliff, and popping shroud to absorb fall damage to kill 3 people chasing you belligerently, or fighting a good player 1v1 and defeating them by being mechanically good at your class


People don’t really know how to make good builds on Reaper. I’ve made a build that I have posted to the forum that works, but people refuse it because it has no semblance to the current meta builds...but hey people don’t want it then that’s fine. The current meta builds that exist simply do not have sustain and that’s what kills your chances at roaming. You need to be able to sustain.


But back to obtena’s point, playing strategically and tactically helps by miles...knowing where your Zerg is at while your trying to take a camp can be critical to where the enemy Zerg will appear. Preemptively, you don’t want to take a nearby camp if you know there will be clouds headed your way, or that because your Zerg has taken enemy towers, you know the cloud will come to retake them. If your a good Roamer like me...cough...you look for opportunities like this to engage more enemies.


Thieves, which are your biggest challenge are almost always walking around in enemy territories alone in open areas. They are looking to snag people in deep allied territory. So if your roaming, you need to use towers as a means of disengagement.


Tactics like these help you become a better WVWer and eventually a better Roamer.



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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> > > >

> > > > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> > > >

> > > > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> > > >

> > > > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> > > >

> > > > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.

> >

> > I would appreciate if you would not assume others as amateur and not knowing strategies and tactics in a pretty straight forward spec. Go in wvw try everything you can possibly try and you will come to same conclusion. The weakness it has cannot be covered by anything and exploited by everything. Thus it loses every matchup. This is reapers problem. There are not even tradeoffs available to make builds to cover certain weakness and losing something else.


> Not entirely true. Just like obtena points out.


> I regularly roam, command, zerg and defend seamlessly when playing WvW on Reaper. Sure Reaper is not the ideal Roaming class. But you can roam with the right build and the right strategies when fighting opponents. I’ve had little mini adventures to go and take camps on the other side of the borderlands in deep enemy Territory to see how far I can get. It’s pretty fun.... walking off a cliff, and popping shroud to absorb fall damage to kill 3 people chasing you belligerently, or fighting a good player 1v1 and defeating them by being mechanically good at your class


> People don’t really know how to make good builds on Reaper. I’ve made a build that I have posted to the forum that works, but people refuse it because it has no semblance to the current meta builds...but hey people don’t want it then that’s fine. The current meta builds that exist simply do not have sustain and that’s what kills your chances at roaming. You need to be able to sustain.


> But back to obtena’s point, playing strategically and tactically helps by miles...knowing where your Zerg is at while your trying to take a camp can be critical to where the enemy Zerg will appear. Preemptively, you don’t want to take a nearby camp if you know there will be clouds headed your way, or that because your Zerg has taken enemy towers, you know the cloud will come to retake them. If your a good Roamer like me...cough...you look for opportunities like this to engage more enemies.


> Thieves, which are your biggest challenge are almost always walking around in enemy territories alone in open areas. They are looking to snag people in deep allied territory. So if your roaming, you need to use towers as a means of disengagement.


> Tactics like these help you become a better WVWer and eventually a better Roamer.




I think that you take fall damage to your health, even in shroud.

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> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.

> > >

> > > I would appreciate if you would not assume others as amateur and not knowing strategies and tactics in a pretty straight forward spec. Go in wvw try everything you can possibly try and you will come to same conclusion. The weakness it has cannot be covered by anything and exploited by everything. Thus it loses every matchup. This is reapers problem. There are not even tradeoffs available to make builds to cover certain weakness and losing something else.

> >

> > Not entirely true. Just like obtena points out.

> >

> > I regularly roam, command, zerg and defend seamlessly when playing WvW on Reaper. Sure Reaper is not the ideal Roaming class. But you can roam with the right build and the right strategies when fighting opponents. I’ve had little mini adventures to go and take camps on the other side of the borderlands in deep enemy Territory to see how far I can get. It’s pretty fun.... walking off a cliff, and popping shroud to absorb fall damage to kill 3 people chasing you belligerently, or fighting a good player 1v1 and defeating them by being mechanically good at your class

> >

> > People don’t really know how to make good builds on Reaper. I’ve made a build that I have posted to the forum that works, but people refuse it because it has no semblance to the current meta builds...but hey people don’t want it then that’s fine. The current meta builds that exist simply do not have sustain and that’s what kills your chances at roaming. You need to be able to sustain.

> >

> > But back to obtena’s point, playing strategically and tactically helps by miles...knowing where your Zerg is at while your trying to take a camp can be critical to where the enemy Zerg will appear. Preemptively, you don’t want to take a nearby camp if you know there will be clouds headed your way, or that because your Zerg has taken enemy towers, you know the cloud will come to retake them. If your a good Roamer like me...cough...you look for opportunities like this to engage more enemies.

> >

> > Thieves, which are your biggest challenge are almost always walking around in enemy territories alone in open areas. They are looking to snag people in deep allied territory. So if your roaming, you need to use towers as a means of disengagement.

> >

> > Tactics like these help you become a better WVWer and eventually a better Roamer.

> >

> >


> I think that you take fall damage to your health, even in shroud.


You do but shroud absorbs the damage first before depleting your health. It also keeps you out of combat instead of putting you in combat when you fall, as long as you don’t take any damage (only life force damage)

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.

> > > >

> > > > I would appreciate if you would not assume others as amateur and not knowing strategies and tactics in a pretty straight forward spec. Go in wvw try everything you can possibly try and you will come to same conclusion. The weakness it has cannot be covered by anything and exploited by everything. Thus it loses every matchup. This is reapers problem. There are not even tradeoffs available to make builds to cover certain weakness and losing something else.

> > >

> > > Not entirely true. Just like obtena points out.

> > >

> > > I regularly roam, command, zerg and defend seamlessly when playing WvW on Reaper. Sure Reaper is not the ideal Roaming class. But you can roam with the right build and the right strategies when fighting opponents. I’ve had little mini adventures to go and take camps on the other side of the borderlands in deep enemy Territory to see how far I can get. It’s pretty fun.... walking off a cliff, and popping shroud to absorb fall damage to kill 3 people chasing you belligerently, or fighting a good player 1v1 and defeating them by being mechanically good at your class

> > >

> > > People don’t really know how to make good builds on Reaper. I’ve made a build that I have posted to the forum that works, but people refuse it because it has no semblance to the current meta builds...but hey people don’t want it then that’s fine. The current meta builds that exist simply do not have sustain and that’s what kills your chances at roaming. You need to be able to sustain.

> > >

> > > But back to obtena’s point, playing strategically and tactically helps by miles...knowing where your Zerg is at while your trying to take a camp can be critical to where the enemy Zerg will appear. Preemptively, you don’t want to take a nearby camp if you know there will be clouds headed your way, or that because your Zerg has taken enemy towers, you know the cloud will come to retake them. If your a good Roamer like me...cough...you look for opportunities like this to engage more enemies.

> > >

> > > Thieves, which are your biggest challenge are almost always walking around in enemy territories alone in open areas. They are looking to snag people in deep allied territory. So if your roaming, you need to use towers as a means of disengagement.

> > >

> > > Tactics like these help you become a better WVWer and eventually a better Roamer.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I think that you take fall damage to your health, even in shroud.


> You do but shroud absorbs the damage first before depleting your health. It also keeps you out of combat instead of putting you in combat when you fall, as long as you don’t take any damage (only life force damage)


I'm surprised more people don't know this. It's damage reduction rules also apply to fall damage as well. You can fall MUCH further that people expect if you have a lot of shroud.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.


> I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.


> Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.


> I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.


> Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.


What does alt friendly have to do with any of this? I'd be hard pressed to say the only basic element of an MMORPG is the rpg and peoples rpg attachments to a character. That's one way to play the games but that's not the only way and this has always been the case. RPG is not important to everyone and some folks are less concerned with which character they do stuff with and more concerned with how stuff can be done. Such a generalization, that RP is the most important factor here, doesn't really add much to a conversation on viability since you can use rp to argue against Necromancer in this case.


You make some valid points about the need for Necromancer being able to roam, or at least getting an Elite that allows for such. Don't muddy them with unfounded claims about rpg elements or attacking folks who love playing alts.


> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple; don't roam with a Reaper. Assuming you had all the mobility you could ask for, why would you roam with a reaper in the first place? Seems that it's not the best spec to run if you are doing that anyways.

> > >

> > > I think people in gw2 are too addicted to being alt friendly that they forget the basic element of mmorpg that is rpg and loving your character that you created and having achievements with it.

> > >

> > > Being alt friendly is well and good for being meta and optimizing every packet of damage or units covered per second. In this case you just cannot play a part of wvw because you created a certain class which is not fun and goes against accessibility related thoughts of Anet.

> > >

> > > I know what you are trying to say that i dont need to play reaper if i want to be good at roaming because it was not made for roaming and i agree with it. But my point is that there are people who play this rpg and want to be good on it need atleast a baseline level of tools/functionalities to work with atleast. So they can atleast kill people by outskilling them and not because they were certain class and opponent was something else and by nature he was deemed to lose.

> > >

> > > Also, every class has these baseline level of tools to outskill their opponents in roaming scenario except unfotunately for neromancer. A little change of numbers and some qol can fix that. Its not a big issue but its an issue for sure.

> >

> > I'm not sure that is really the correct way at how WvW works and what makes a class good at it. Reaper not being good at roaming in WvW ... there are solutions to that problem that are strategic and players forget that. I mean, WvW is a strategic as well as tactical. It doesn't make sense to me that someone analyzes a class by dissecting in in a game mode where strategy is a massive factor in being successful in it. maybe if it was 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs 2 ... but it's not.


> I would appreciate if you would not assume others as amateur and not knowing strategies and tactics in a pretty straight forward spec. Go in wvw try everything you can possibly try and you will come to same conclusion. The weakness it has cannot be covered by anything and exploited by everything. Thus it loses every matchup. This is reapers problem. There are not even tradeoffs available to make builds to cover certain weakness and losing something else.


Well, I mean ..... there are strategies that a person can use to roam with Reaper. One such strategy is to join a guild on your server and roam with people you know. Then your team can be composed of individuals that help to mitigate some of Reaper's shortcomings. The only real place in which Reaper is held back when it comes to roaming is solo roaming. But if a Reaper was paired with say a Power Herald, Reaper's lack of mobility could be alleviated. I know people hate that answer, to pair up with a team, but WvW is a team activity first and foremost. It encourages people to move about the map in squads as opposed to solo. Being with a squad of folks also increases Reapers chances of winning in a matchup as Reaper is at its best when it's a +1 fighter. Since you are more likely to encounter other squads traveling with one yourself goes a long way.



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