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Exposure on Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit

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> @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> Since you asked, here's a side-by-side comparison of female asura with undergarments vs. exo-suit:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/PR80xGd.jpg "")


> As you can see, it's a strange region to expose for a species that typically wears undergarments that cover the full front of their chests for what we can only assume are modesty taboo reasons. So is the lich outfit but that can be excused as a quirky Halloween costume. It's more strange to see it on an outfit that was designed by asura, _for_ asura.


You know what they say about making assumptions.


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> @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> >assuming that they have modesty taboos around full-frontal chest exposure.


> I was with you until you decided to assume the basis for your argument. The costume also doesn't show full front chest exposure. In order to make the argument for this costume being indecent, you'd have to provide lore proof that an exposed belly is considered indecent instead of just assuming it is.


True, and such questions rarely come up in lore interviews so I doubt we'll find decisive proof any time soon. Besides, I never claimed to be speaking the Lore Gospel Truth. It's just a noticeable difference between the standard asura female undergarment model and that one outfit in particular. Even the Daydreamer outfit covers more chest and it's supposed to be the more attractive and risque one.

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The only thing i find stupid looking are the glasses. Those are so un-Fantasy like, they completely rip me out of my immersion each time i see them.


And Asura... well they fill the gnome-niche in this game and are so completely a-sexual looking to me that i find it weird that you actually find something 'indecent' about them. Pretty sure if you strip all Asura of armor and clothing there'd be zero difference between the sexes. Same with Charr tbh.


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> @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> As you can see, it's a strange region to expose for a species that typically wears undergarments that cover the full front of their chests for what we can only assume are modesty taboo reasons. So is the lich outfit but that can be excused as a quirky Halloween costume. It's more strange to see it on an outfit that was designed by asura, _for_ asura.


But is it really strange? Extra mobility in the mid region is important for their run style and downright acrobatic movements. It should also help with bending over consoles all day.


Same reson why the dynamics suit is just tight spandex with loose metal plates over it.

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> @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> Sorry that you consider the neck to ankle welding-smock "indecent." Maybe they can add a nice set of horn-rimmed "problem glasses" (google it) to the TP for you! =)


I don't think OP needs these, man. Seems to me, already has them.

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> @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> > >assuming that they have modesty taboos around full-frontal chest exposure.

> >

> > I was with you until you decided to assume the basis for your argument. The costume also doesn't show full front chest exposure. In order to make the argument for this costume being indecent, you'd have to provide lore proof that an exposed belly is considered indecent instead of just assuming it is.


> True, and such questions rarely come up in lore interviews so I doubt we'll find decisive proof any time soon. Besides, I never claimed to be speaking the Lore Gospel Truth. It's just a noticeable difference between the standard asura female undergarment model and that one outfit in particular. Even the Daydreamer outfit covers more chest and it's supposed to be the more attractive and risque one.


Different, yes, but you called it " indecent" and you'll need to provide a standard by which it is considered so. Otherwise the title of this topic is nothing but clickbait. As for the undergarment, there can be a number of reasons as to why it is a one piece that have nothing to do with the belly being indecent. maybe they don't like a breeze when they bend over or maybe it's just easier to make it a one piece than two(considering they don't need breast support). I mean, really, how bored were you when you decided to start this?


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(looks at pictures side by side, notices boobs on the right side. Ok.)


In all seriousness, you're trying to apply human morals to fantasy characters and that doesn't make much sense to me. I mean, if you want to get into *"indecency" technically Trahearne was naked the whole time. Maybe I'm just missing something, though. It's still morning and I haven't had my caffeine yet.


*I say this very loosely, as indecency is such a blanketing statement that can encompass so many things. I personally didn't have a problem with it one way or the other.

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OP never said it was a "problem", only stated that he does not like it. That is what a discussion forum is for, stating your opinion, asking for other opinions, discuss.

Also, the word "indecent" does not seem to refer to his own standards of decency, but to what he percieves as the game lore standard for Asura decency.

Stop jumping on every little negative thing any person says, behave like adults and discuss in a discussion forum, instead of just trampling on other's opinions.


Most thought out posts imo are by TWMagimay.9057, the swimsuit look of Asura underwear might indeed have just other historical/cultural reasons than everything that they cover being a taboo. Still, calling it "clickbait" in case he cannot prove the lore standard for Asuran indecency was inappropriate.



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Maybe this is the asura version of sexy? Fits well to the body, clearly high tech, and reveals a specific area not commonly revealed. Add in the eyepiece to make it clear that you're judging/evaluating everything you see, and I'm sure this is quite the turn-on for more than a few asura.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> OP never said it was a "problem", only stated that he does not like it. That is what a discussion forum is for, stating your opinion, asking for other opinions, discuss.

> Also, the word "indecent" does not seem to refer to his own standards of decency, but to what he percieves as the game lore standard for Asura decency.

> Stop jumping on every little negative thing any person says, behave like adults and discuss in a discussion forum, instead of just trampling on other's opinions.


> Most thought out posts imo are by TWMagimay.9057, the swimsuit look of Asura underwear might indeed have just other historical/cultural reasons than everything that they cover being a taboo. Still, calling it "clickbait" in case he cannot prove the lore standard for Asuran indecency was inappropriate.




He didn't just fail to prove a lore standard, he admitted he never had one to begin with. The phrase "indecent exposure" has a very clear meaning and the costume does not meet the requirements in any way, shape or form. Thus the title does not reflect the content of the topic and has a purposefully misleading phrase with strong (negative) connotations. What would you call it if not "clickbait"? Or was an exposed belly exactly what you expected to see when you clicked on this topic?

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And I was under the assumption that asura don't have a lot of laws on what's indecent exposure, since their bodies are gender neutral, minus the obvious male/female organs, and the fact they're more of a mind-focused species. As for the onesie, all too often I see at least one character or race in a group wearing one. And since all female asura are voiced by the same person, with the same lines, I look at it more as that particular asura's preference in underwear. Same with the rest. If we had a choice in style and pattern, I'd think differently.

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> @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> A lot of hostile responses for a non-provocative opinion piece. :P For those of you who are levelheaded enough to entertain a response, here's mine:


> If you compare the Inquest exo-suit to other asura female outfits (not counting the Halloween one that is anatomically incorrect for females) this one is the only outlier. From what I understand about asuran anatomy, this outfit doesn't make much sense assuming that they have modesty taboos around full-frontal chest exposure. Unlike human anatomy, the parts that asura would be concerned about are not just on the upper torso but all the way down to the midriff. This is why you see asura females wearing underwear that looks like a one-piece swimsuit unlike all of the other races. Charr females wear a simpler covering for their own midriff, but even their cloth cover is low enough to cover all of their relevant anatomy. On humans, midriff is fine. On other sentient species where their midriff contains anatomy that humans don't have—parts that they might have their own moral taboos around showing—this outfit might indeed, for their cultures, contain "indecent exposure."


But the people who designed the game have released the outfit, so more than likely those "taboos" do not exist, or at least taboos concerning a bare midriff. Because it is in fact in the game, and you can see the midriff of a female asura, one can conclude with almost certainty that it is not "indecent exposure".

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:


> That asura female is wearing the MALE VERSION of this outfit. THAT IS THE MALE VERSION!

> Look at it on male humans--it's the exact same. In fact, the female human version is MORE MODEST, it shows significantly less of the midriff.

> http://dulfy.net/2018/03/13/gw2-gemstore-update-inquest-exo-suit-outfit/


A lot of the armor/outfits skins for asura are the same, no?


I always assumed that asura were a bit more gender neutral than the other races, and the opposing pairs would be for reproduction at most.


My memory is weak, can anyone remind me of any asuran unions or couples?

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > Seriously, I too think it is a design flaw from a practical perspective: Leaving an opening (of some sort) in my armor on a vital spot is not the smartest move.




> Just reminded me of this comic :D







Plenty of warriors and combatants have opted out of wearing the **armor of the nine**


Celtics, Spartans, and Native American fought nearly nude, and their deaths in battle wold be far more gory than a GW2 fatality.


A more recent lot of insufficiently covered fighters would be Vietnam War era American soldiers.


![](https://i.imgur.com/zHm5u6j.jpg "")


That guy has a bit more than his midriff exposed. Land-mines, bullets, rockets, and napalm are all able to wipe him out no sweat.


The point is sometimes people just don't care and will wear whatever they want, even it it goes against "logic".

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Athrenn.9468" said:

> > Since you asked, here's a side-by-side comparison of female asura with undergarments vs. exo-suit:

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/PR80xGd.jpg "")

> >

> > As you can see, it's a strange region to expose for a species that typically wears undergarments that cover the full front of their chests for what we can only assume are modesty taboo reasons. So is the lich outfit but that can be excused as a quirky Halloween costume. It's more strange to see it on an outfit that was designed by asura, _for_ asura.


> You know what they say about making assumptions.



I assumed everyone inside the suit is nude. This seems like a super hero costume, and so the underwear must be worn on the outside!

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