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What happened to Caithe?

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The last we heard of her was a mention by Taimi during the PoF story where she was trying to keep Aurene calm after Vlast's death. But then at the epilogue Taimi shows up without her.


During Season 3, Episode 2 Caithe swore she would lay down her life for Aurene. So where is she? Why didn't she accompany Taimi to the Crystal Desert?


IIRC, she also joined Dragon's Watch but none of the other members have even mentioned her. Shouldn't she at least be involved with Joko's invasion of Tyria?

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I don't trust that talking cabbage. Braham might be whiny and cringy and, well, your basic teenager. Caithe, on the other hand, has repeatedly shown that she knows best what's good for others, what's good for the world. She'll stab her own friend in the front and risk the safety of everyone, rather than have one of her secrets be exposed. She's lied, mislead, manipulated. She only told us anything at all that we needed to know _after_ she knew we had already found out most of it.


And she'd do it again the same way.


I wouldn't have left her alone with a rabid dog, let alone with Aurene except for that one moment where there was no one else. I still don't trust that she won't again choose for herself (or her idea of what's best) rather than support the team.



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> @"NorthernMoose.9617" said:

> I am more concerned with Zojja. we haven't heard from her since HoT either and she was slightly more worse for ware


She most likely has been transformed into some kind of dragon minion rabbit. Then find out phlunt is leader of the inquest and that he has zojja building an asruan death star that you have to destroy. So the ending of the season will have you riding on your griffon or aurene to drop an arcane explosive device into the core of the asuran death star while being chased by a rabid plant rabbit.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I don't trust that talking cabbage. Braham might be whiny and cringy and, well, your basic teenager. Caithe, on the other hand, has repeatedly shown that she knows best what's good for others, what's good for the world. She'll stab her own friend in the front and risk the safety of everyone, rather than have one of her secrets be exposed. She's lied, mislead, manipulated. She only told us anything at all that we needed to know _after_ she knew we had already found out most of it.


> And she'd do it again the same way.


> I wouldn't have left her alone with a rabid dog, let alone with Aurene except for that one moment where there was no one else. I still don't trust that she won't again choose for herself (or her idea of what's best) rather than support the team.




^^^ This.

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"Older" characters like Logan, Zojja and Caithe are slowly being pushed away from the center of the events. Some like Eir are outright killed. Rytlock is the only exception, but he is the only one I truly like, so my hope is that he will continue to stick around. Well, Taimi is cool too.


It is obvious that the writers are trying to introduce new characters and in order to do that they need to make some space. Sadly, most of new characters are a bit disappointing. Braham is a whiny brat, the most prominent feature of Kasmeer and Marjory is the fact that they are lesbians and only Canach seems fun to be around with his dry sarcasm. I fully expect Caithe to die a "heroic" death to make up for past mistakes and won't be particularly sad about that.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Caithe is either on her way to Elona or already there and gathering intelligence for us. I doubt she just sat in the Chamber after Aurene took off. I'm not sure how much time has passed since Aurene arrived, to really guess where I'd think Caithe was.

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Caithe has shown in the past that:

she can be a total idiot (the whole Faolain mess)

she can put the needs of others over her own well being (Destiny's Edge, read the book)


So it would not be surprising if she was stalking someone or something deep in Joko's domain.


Zojja on the other hand has no redeeming features and I can't wait for the moment where we get the news that Zojja accidentally blew herself up.

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Zojja has nothing to be redeemed about, except maybe her very justified hate for the idiots that got Snaff killed. As far as I remember she has never put anyone in danger and doesn't carry the death of most of the Pact Fleet people over her shoulders.


> @"NorthernMoose.9617" said:

> I am more concerned with Zojja. we haven't heard from her since HoT either and she was slightly more worse for ware

This. Why I only get news about the insufferable Logan recovering and assuming as Pact Marshall, but nothing about the asura I ACTUALLY CHOOSE TO SAVE?

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