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World Boss Portal Device [Merged]

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Don't you need one of the expansions to even unlock Masteries? Regardless of which Mastery lines?

According to the Wiki, you do: _The Central Tyria tracks are available for owners of any expansion._



This, as well: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/reimagining-progression-the-mastery-system/

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Feedback For Devs:


I just bought the device and activated it. My experience and what I did not like:


Dialogue Window Displaying:

* I activated the device and found it was hidden behind my TP, Guild Bank, Bank and Inventory windows. I had to drag them all out of the way or close them just to view the dialogue as it could not be brought to the foreground and was forced to only display in the background behind every other window. I did not like this.


Dialogue Option Icon:

* I activated the alerts easily enough as it was pretty straight-forward that clicking the option would enable them. It took me to another screen saying chat alerts were activated and I then returned to the previous dialogue.

* Now of the other options available, I could see that there was an imminent threat with one boss. I assumed clicking the red crossed swords would teleport me to that boss, but I wasn't interested in doing that just yet.

* Below the crossed swords were two green arrows pointing to bosses that were coming up soon. As the green arrow signifies 'click me for more info/go to the next dialogue screen' as it has been established as doing in all previous dialogue windows, I clicked the first one's green arrow to get more information on the threat (such as what time it starts, the zone it is in, what waypoint I would be teleported to). Instead of more information on another dialogue screen, I immediately found myself loading into Southsun Cove. Upon loading in, I was spawned in a place where nobody else was around and I started getting attacked by a Veteran Karka. All I wanted was more info on the approaching threat and clicking on the 'green arrow (next dialogue page)' had me immediately loading into a hostile environment.


My request:

1. Please change the dialogue window to initially display in the foreground on top of other windows instead of behind (like that blood arctodus message in Gendarran Fields), and also make it able to be brought to the foreground if another window was previously interacted with that obstructed it.

2. Please change the icon on the approaching threats to something signifying that you would be immediately teleported to the boss location instead of the established 'next dialogue page' green arrow. (Perhaps a 'portal'/'waypoint icon that has been established as indicating you will be loading into another location.) Of course I now know clicking the green arrow will immediately teleport me to near the boss location, but please make this change to save future purchasers from a frustrating experience due to their thinking the green arrow means what it has always meant in all other dialogue boxes instead of what it actually does on this item.

3. Please choose the spawning location a bit better when teleporting to these world bosses so one is not immediately engaged by random nearby enemies to where they may find themselves at half health or dead from being attacked by nearby mobs before they can even fully load into the map.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > Because, if they'd added it to the Pact Commander line, those that had HOT would've complained there aren't enough central tyrian mastery points available to max the new ability and those that don't have HOT would've complained about pay walls.


> I think you mean living world season 2 hot got only hot mastery points so cant help with central tyria lines.


No, that's not what I meant since the mastery system itself was a big selling point introduced with and only available to those who purchased HOT 3 years ago. Tyrian masteries of course being apart of that system.


It makes sense to give access to pof owners since LS4 has built on to the mastery system.


And perhaps Anet has bent a little for core only owners in the past 3 years, but as far as I understood, the only thing Cores got "free" was access to the LS2 maps, but not the Central tyria mastery lines or MP's available to max those lines.

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As much as I like the addition I am a little disappointed because it means we are very unlikely to see in-game timers for bosses and metas. And if they were to release one for meta events it would probably be separate and take up another inventory slot. Still, I am hopeful that at some point the 10 minute chat notification will be added to the game by default and allow us to track many different types of events while the portal aspect is left to the device.

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Suggestion: If you've already done a world boss (during that daily period) on the char currently using the world boss portal device, please say so in the interface, or maybe even grey out the option. Can never remember which world boss I started on (I know that's my fault, but I think it'd be a great convenience to all.) ... and end up doing one for nothing.

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I usually have gw2timer open in another tab, and that sends out an audio alert for the boss when it is nearing time ("The Shatterer in 15 minutes"). For me it isn't really worth 400 gems just to save on WP fees or occasionally avoiding contested WP's. With mounts it only takes like 15 extra seconds to travel from a farther WP if the one you tried to use is contested.

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> @"Nekres.1038" said:

> Wow this forum really is negative and unable to create discussion as I have heard numerous times. cYa guess I quit the game at the right time


Why are you concerned about it if you quit the game already? Now I'm the one confused.


As much as I'd love for it to be added to Pact Commander, it doesn't make sense. One being that quite a few people have already completed the mastery, like me, and suddenly having another thing added where I have to get more mastery points to complete it would make me mad. Core Tyria masteries are already a big PITA with Triple Trouble to do, I don't want to see mastery points added for doing the story which I already completed and now have to make a new toon to do again. I honestly don't want anything added to core Tyria unless they are willing to add 'flashback' instances/fractals of LWS1 because I still don't get how I met all these people who call me Commander and hate having to refer to the wiki when they talk about something I don't know because it's gated behind unavailable material. If you are concerned about space, Taco gives you a timer on screen for that, no inventory taken up.

Also, the UI just got updated with the novelties so yes, they are still working on it. I wouldn't be surprised if further down the line they add something else to the UI, like more choices when we are mounted on things we can do (like a Jackal Howl that stuns mobs or a raptor roar that makes mobs flee), etc.


Mostly, I don't mind this QOL item at all. I don't care that it takes up an inventory slot, I have the biggest bags in the game you can get. It's just nice to not have to keep watching the clock and go 'Crap, I start work the same time as reset, no Teq I guess' and instead now that maybe now every time Teq or another boss pops, there may actually be a good group to complete it instead of relying on reset time. Now I don't feel as harried as I used to.

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I hate to admit it, but this is something that is edging dangerously close to P2W territory. Anyone who doesn't have it will be penalized. With the groups we have for some bosses, they go down in mere minutes, sometimes before half the people can get there. With this, some players will be penalized because they don't pony up the money. Just doesn't seem quite right... If they added an in-game way to obtain it, such as an event or boss, then it would be different. Tying it to a gem store purchase is not the way to do it.

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There's very little pay to win about this. People who know about the bosses will be at the location whether they have the portal or not. New players who don't know about the bosses wouldn't have been at the location anyway unless told. All this does is cut out the step of having the wiki timer open, and using a waypoint. It's a convenience item at most, which I assume bypasses the need to unlock the waypoint to the boss. Yes, it may mean new players without the item wouldn't be able to get to bosses in areas they haven't explored when others with the item could, but it doesn't make it pay to win. It just makes it pay to get to content faster. Hell, you even need to be level 80 before you can use it. People need to understand that pay to win doesn't mean paying for convenience items. It means paying to be better than other players. This in no way does that. None of the gem store items do that, besides the level 80 booster, if we want to get technical.


By the logic of this being pay to win, could paying to unlock the waypoints be pay to win? Could paying for experience boosters be pay to win? Could paying for more bag space be pay to win? Let's not confuse convenience (in pve, no less) for pay to win.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I hate to admit it, but this is something that is edging dangerously close to P2W territory. Anyone who doesn't have it will be penalized. With the groups we have for some bosses, they go down in mere minutes, sometimes before half the people can get there. With this, some players will be penalized because they don't pony up the money. Just doesn't seem quite right... If they added an in-game way to obtain it, such as an event or boss, then it would be different. Tying it to a gem store purchase is not the way to do it.


Just have the wiki/etc. open and show up a few minutes before the boss starts. Boom. You're not going to miss it. They're on unchanging, universal timers for a reason..... so anybody with a working internet connection can choose to show up in time.


Honestly, it's kind of appalling how many people don't seem to know what the definition of 'p2w' means. P2w =/= p4convenience. Like really.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I hate to admit it, but this is something that is edging dangerously close to P2W territory. Anyone who doesn't have it will be penalized. With the groups we have for some bosses, they go down in mere minutes, sometimes before half the people can get there. With this, some players will be penalized because they don't pony up the money. Just doesn't seem quite right...


No. Not a single player will be "penalized" for not buying this. People can look up the boss timers on dulfy/wiki or (like me) just remember the general times specific bosses are up. People who can't easily pull up a timer or who don't know the schedule can ask in map chat. Same goes for pulling up the waypoints for the bosses: either look it up, remember it from past play sessions, or ask in map chat. They could also join a world boss train squad via LFG or just join one for a specific boss. If one is worried about not making it to the boss in time, then all they have to do is get there 5-10 minutes early (which is exactly what the people with the portal device would have to do, as well, with certain bosses).

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I hate to admit it, but this is something that is edging dangerously close to P2W territory. Anyone who doesn't have it will be penalized. With the groups we have for some bosses, they go down in mere minutes, sometimes before half the people can get there. With this, some players will be penalized because they don't pony up the money. Just doesn't seem quite right... If they added an in-game way to obtain it, such as an event or boss, then it would be different. Tying it to a gem store purchase is not the way to do it.


There are Boss Timer overlays that can be installed as well as things like the old fashioned [Guild wars 2 Timer](http://howar31.com/GW2Timer/). All you need to do is look stuff up and get there a few minutes ahead of time, a method everyone has used for 6 years. People can still get to the bosses on time even if they don’t own the Portal Device.

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I know there are boss timers, and I know that people who know about them will be there in time to do everything. I did not say that is was/is P2W... I said it's edging that way. P4Convenience is great... but this is more than just convenience to some. I am not saying it shouldn't be in the gem store... I am saying there should be another way to get it.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I know there are boss timers, and I know that people who know about them will be there in time to do everything. I did not say that is was/is P2W... I said it's edging that way. P4Convenience is great... but this is more than just convenience to some. I am not saying it shouldn't be in the gem store... I am saying there should be another way to get it.


In what way is it more than convenience ?

Right now, without opening the wiki, without playing the game and looking for lfg, I can tell you that tequatl starts at 9 pm, that an Evolved Jungle Wurms is scheduled for 10 pm and that Shadow Behemoth is active just by looking at my phone. How can you even say that it is edging towards P2W, if I can get the timers without paying 400 gems ?

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I know there are boss timers, and I know that people who know about them will be there in time to do everything. I did not say that is was/is P2W... I said it's edging that way. P4Convenience is great... but this is more than just convenience to some. I am not saying it shouldn't be in the gem store... I am saying there should be another way to get it.


You can convert earned in-game Gold to Gems and buy it. There is absolutely no way the Gem Store can truly become P2W with that system in place. It costs roughly 140 Gold. That's what I did, I converted some Gold. It'll pay for itself in a year or so from free teleports, well.. technically before since it actually makes me go to World Bosses, something I rarely do otherwise, so the Gold I earn is Gold I wouldn't have gotten had I not had the Portal Device. For some reason it motivates me to do bosses.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I know there are boss timers, and I know that people who know about them will be there in time to do everything. I did not say that is was/is P2W... I said it's edging that way. P4Convenience is great... but this is more than just convenience to some. I am not saying it shouldn't be in the gem store... I am saying there should be another way to get it.


How is using a Portal Device instead of wiki to get to a place 10 minutes beforehand edging towards p2w?

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I hate to admit it, but this is something that is edging dangerously close to P2W territory. Anyone who doesn't have it will be penalized. With the groups we have for some bosses, they go down in mere minutes, sometimes before half the people can get there. With this, some players will be penalized because they don't pony up the money. Just doesn't seem quite right... If they added an in-game way to obtain it, such as an event or boss, then it would be different. Tying it to a gem store purchase is not the way to do it.


1) There is an in-game way to get it.


2) Arent the bosses on timers? If so it is not possible for the boss to go down before people without the device get there unless they choose to allow it to be so.

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If this had been a Pact Commander Mastery thing, then I wouldn't be able to use it.


I would LOVE to have some of the Pact Commander bonuses. Unfortunately, I have a personal dislike of the Movement Speed "boon". It messes up my jumping puzzles, and I just feel less "in control" during combat. So I have to do without all the other Pact Commander Mastery goodies. Don't make me miss out on even more.


(Yeah, ANet... this is also why I never accept your invitation to leave a closing map. I don't want your "boon". I also have to un-party to do a JP in town. My friends think I don't like them. But enough of this... back to our original topic).

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> If this had been a Pact Commander Mastery thing, then I wouldn't be able to use it.


> I would LOVE to have some of the Pact Commander bonuses. Unfortunately, I have a personal dislike of the Movement Speed "boon". It messes up my jumping puzzles, and I just feel less "in control" during combat. So I have to do without all the other Pact Commander Mastery goodies. Don't make me miss out on even more.


> (Yeah, ANet... this is also why I never accept your invitation to leave a closing map. I don't want your "boon". I also have to un-party to do a JP in town. My friends think I don't like them. But enough of this... back to our original topic).


The pact commander movement speed boon is only in cities, so it’s only the jps in a city (3 in LA) and will never affect your combat. So you’re giving up the pact commander bonuses for those 3 jps.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Welp, time for my evening Teq. I used my Portal Device to jump there 10 minutes ahead of the event instead of waypointing there 10 minutes ahead of the event.

> >

> > May God have mercy on my “edging toward pay to win” soul for Portaling instead of Waypointing.


> You monster. ;)


Yea I dont know jfw anymore its like s/he is transforming in to just jw

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