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reason why I'm not getting PoF


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vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.


So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.


> So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


Fractals are LS content not expansion content since you do not need Path of Fire to play them.

They said that a new Fractal will come every ~2 LS releases.

And since they started LS3 we got 6 releases and got 3 Fractals which is exactly 1 fractal per 2 releases

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.

> >

> > So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


> Fractals are LS content not expansion since you do not need Path of Fire to play them.

> They said that a new Fractal will come every ~2 LS releases.

> And since they started LS3 we got 6 releases and got 3 Fractals which is exactly 1 fractal per 2 releases


I understand that. However there's no significant incentive for me or my friends to buy the expansion. Other games would offer us some multiplayer instances up front that are not raids. I just wish Guild Wars 2 did so too. Hence I came to say this.

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Fractals are on their way. Fractals, Raids, PvP and WvW updates are on their own schedules. As noted above, the Devs stated they plan to keep releasing new Fractals every 2 Living Story releases, or so. You can read more about it over on the old forums, I believe...if the posts weren't here on the new forum.


Here's the link to the Dev post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/128870/#Comment_128870


Good luck.

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> @Epphyx.5078 said:

> Yep some other game would force you to buy the expansion to be able to play your fractals...

> Anet prefers not to.

> I personnaly prefer Anet's way of doing business


However the expansion pack released with no new fractals up front. I do not know how worth 3 fractals would be every 2 years if you buy the expansion "pass". That being said, currently there's no incentive for your vanilla fans that loved collecting dungeon sets, dungeons and did some fractals to come back and buy Path of Fire.

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They don't want to release many Fractals up front that would mess up the fractal scales. Also, releasing them one by one makes it easier to test and then balance them, not to mention easier to find groups for them as they are released over time.

By the way, it's 3 fractals in 1 year, LS3 lasted 1 year, had 6 releases, we got 3 fractals during that period.

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While the new maps (HoT/PoF) indeed do not have dungoens they do have a lot of pve content. I am talking about meta's bountys and other things. White I cetainly love fractals In think both expansion maps are a blast tot play and make vanilla maps look dated andere boring. Which they are to be honest but IT is the only comparison I can make. I would highly recommend getting Both.


For reference I do not raid nor do I play PvP or WvW and have a 40 hour/week job.

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> @Anhellbro.7210 said:

> im META event player from Tequatl 2 hoT there is 0 Boss Metaevents so i will not buy it /


it's a valid complaint though. It's the audience that you create and then lose because you no longer keep up with content releases for that audience. GW2 Vanilla was very different to HoT and PoF and I suppose I just miss it. I wish I had a reason to come back to the game.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.


> So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


Remember this game will be updated so never say never ;)

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Everytime I see posts like this I am so glad I dont pidgeonhole myself in only a very niche part of the game.


I don't understand the reasoning at all of only liking one small subpart of PvE.


Other than that, I too miss partying up for not too difficult instanced content. I try to do fractals as they come out as I like the type of content. And sometimes the story instances could provide that as well when you enter them with a full party. (Lots of times its too easy though)


It would be interesting to see a hardmode story intended for 5man parties as a sort of challenge/instanced content/guild completionist thing.

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> @Spinex.3695 said:

> > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.

> >

> > So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


> Remember this game will be updated so never say never ;)


that's my future hopes and hence why I'm mentioning this.


To the person with the pigeon hole content - there are a lot of different MMOs on the market that offer open world content and good questing. Open world is something I do alone and currently I have Elder Scrolls Online for that. When I get together with my friends we tend to want to do multiplayer instanced content that's just a bit of fun.

GW2 dungeons and fractals are actually fun to do. And we were here to do them in 2012. We were here up until HoT release. We did them to death. We moved on to other games. Other games that too offer open world content. Would love if there was a reason for us to return here.

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thing here with path of fire is just this and what every one does not get at all . path of fire is a ode or toss back to guild wars itself !! and guild wars never had half the things ever guild wars 2 has got. but yet sad to see some new things tossed into the patch/pack that was never in guild wars even


for me the reasons which are many and I stated before in other posts. but have some new things to it . these are also new reasons why I will never ever buy another pack from this company


jumping puzzles 2 years spent working on this new pack with no hard ware or software up grades at all to make the game far more better than it is now .for every one!!


no new dungeons like guild wars had


bug,s and walls you can not see while trying to get to mastery points .


meta events should not even be put into this pack as guild wars never ever had meta events at all ever !!!


in the new pack the closest you ever get to any thing of a so called meta's or flavor of the month meta events is the bounty's which that was in guild wars Zaishen Bounty which at first for guild wars was interesting but got boring their after . http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Zaishen_Bounty


fractals guild wars never had them too . which for me is another reason why I will not buy the new pack at all. even tho I can get the pack very easy .


it is just with all these bad choices from anet and broken stuff and never fixed stuff since the game came out in 2012 . well with the rest of the other things like I said on my list I will never ever ever never buy path of fire pack or any more games from this company . after being so let down and disappointed since guild wars 2 has been out no bugs getting fixed and so forth . wishing anet would have made this game far more better than it could be now and before the new pack . well anet seen fit to not do them things so anet gets no more of my money . till changes happen . I will still play my account from time to time but enjoy other newer games that are out as well as my old games that have made hard ware and soft ware changes to more current hard ware standards

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> > @Spinex.3695 said:

> > > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> > > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.

> > >

> > > So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.

> >

> > Remember this game will be updated so never say never ;)


> that's my future hopes and hence why I'm mentioning this.


> To the person with the pigeon hole content - there are a lot of different MMOs on the market that offer open world content and good questing. Open world is something I do alone and currently I have Elder Scrolls Online for that. When I get together with my friends we tend to want to do multiplayer instanced content that's just a bit of fun.

> GW2 dungeons and fractals are actually fun to do. And we were here to do them in 2012. We were here up until HoT release. We did them to death. We moved on to other games. Other games that too offer open world content. Would love if there was a reason for us to return here.


The main focus of GW2 has been open world content from the very beginning. So if you dont play that then yeah, I wouldnt buy a game youre not really interested in either.

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> I don't understand the reasoning at all of only liking one small subpart of PvE.


You are completely missing the point. At release, the core campaign and the design of core Tyria **were not** a "subpart" of the game, they **were** the game. Adding content that completely strayes off that design, taking completely new directions with very different foci, is indeed hard to stomach for someone who fell in love with the game for what is used to be for a full three years.

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As a PvP/WvW player, I can definitely understand where you're coming from. Been waiting on updates to those for a few years now and was really hoping that some updates would come with PoF.


"B-but Helbjorne, PvP and WvW are updated on a separate schedule!"


When? When was the last time either of those modes were updated? PvP recently got AT which applies only to 5 man premades and they come with plenty of bugs. The last time we received a new map was over a year ago. No other game modes have been added such as deathmatch or capture the flag (except for Stronghold which is an absolute disaster). WvW's last and only update was a legendary backpack and a PIPS based reward track, which are great, but where's our new maps, new siege weaponry, change of scenery, anything? Lastly, EotM, which used to be a decent mode for leveling alts, has been abandoned, and at this point is just taking up unnecessary hard drive and server space, seeing as no one plays it anymore.


ArenaNet unfortunately has left a wake of abandoned content in its _**Path**_ of Fire (sorry, couldn't help it).

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> > I don't understand the reasoning at all of only liking one small subpart of PvE.


> You are completely missing the point. At release, the core campaign and the design of core Tyria **were not** a "subpart" of the game, they **were** the game. Adding content that completely strayes off that design, taking completely new directions with very different foci, is indeed hard to stomach for someone who fell in love with the game for what is used to be for a full three years.


That doesn't change the fact that during vanilla content, they disbanded dungeon team and barely touched on fractal content (fractals got major revamps and additions only in HoT era). Hard to agree with OP that vanilla is dungeon/fractal content because if I recall correctly, the only content that was updated constantly was open world. Furthermore, the fact that you can gear yourself up without playing instanced PvE content just shows Anets priorities imo.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.


> So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


Took them a year plus for 3 and you expect 4 on release? Its a pseudo f2p with optional expac purchase and free content updates.


Get some realistic standarts.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.

> >

> > So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


> Took them a year plus for 3 and you expect 4 on release? Its a pseudo f2p with optional expac purchase and free content updates.


> Get some realistic standarts.


Wildstar makes new dungeons running on a bare bones team and a budget that is a hairbreath away from not existing at all. I don't think that Anet is incapable of producing instanced content when they're most definitely outperforming Wildstar.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> Wildstar makes new dungeons running on a bare bones team and a budget that is a hairbreath away from not existing at all. I don't think that Anet is incapable of producing instanced content when they're most definitely outperforming Wildstar.


WildStar and most other MMOs are focused on the traditional endgame grind, which is dungeons and raids. That's their primary content. GW2 is the opposite, where fractals and raids are side content, while the living world has always been their primary focus. Behind the scenes, ArenaNet devotes resources based on participation, which is why SAB W2 was fast tracked for example, but then future development was abandoned. The lack of instanced group content is simply because it's not what the majority wants, though that is also true for most MMOs, especially WildStar, who revealed that over 60% didn't play the content, which was when they began to cut raids shortly after launch.

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GW2> @Mirta.5029 said:

> > @zealex.9410 said:

> > > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> > > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.

> > >

> > > So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.

> >

> > Took them a year plus for 3 and you expect 4 on release? Its a pseudo f2p with optional expac purchase and free content updates.

> >

> > Get some realistic standarts.


> Wildstar makes new dungeons running on a bare bones team and a budget that is a hairbreath away from not existing at all. I don't think that Anet is incapable of producing instanced content when they're most definitely outperforming Wildstar.


GW2 has moved to raids and the occasional added fractal in that regards. I can't comment on how fast or slow that is being released in comparison, nor on the quality (or time spent on developping rather) thereof.



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