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Am I allowed to buy the expansion for a guildie?

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A guildie of mine offered 1300G for an expansion key. While this is of course a ludicrous offer (the expansion costs 2400 gems on the store, and with 1300G you can get over 4000 gems) they did not retract their offer after that was pointed out. I'd be glad to help them get it, but wanted to be sure our accounts would not be banned for this before doing so. As much as I'd like 1300G, my account is worth more to me. The guildie in question looked through the ToS and couldn't find a reason it was not allowed. I haven't checked this myself, but I'd assume cold hard real cash is worth more to Anet than less in-game gold.


TL;DR: Can a guildie pay me for buying the expansion for them?

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It's not the expansion that's sold for 2,400 gems - that's just the upgrade to the Deluxe Edition. All it does is give you the extra items (Character Slot, Lily of the Elon pass and so on). There is no way to buy the actual expansion with gems or gold.


As for the actual question you definitely can buy the expansion for a friend - you just email them the account key instead of using it on your own account (there's even instruction on how to do this in the confirmation email when you buy it). But I'm not sure they'd be allowed to send you gold in return, and that amount of gold would almost certainly get them flagged as a gold seller.

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You can gift expansions to people by buying it and sending them a code for their account. Can another player give you gold for any reason, yes, might look fishy but people do give gold to others to help them out with things in game. This might have been a better don't ask don't tell issue since when you put them together it looks odd. But the point is two accounts were purchased with real money so the business transaction is valid. You might get an official answer but...

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You are allowed to buy an expansion for anyone you might like. What you're not allowed to do is to make any transaction that exchanges, in _any_ way, ingame goods and/or services with real world money. So, you can buy the expac for your friend. Your friend can send gold to you. You **cannot** make an exchange of one for the other however.

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Actually, I bought HoT for a friend of mine. I first verified with support that it's legal to do so. I was told to buy it then forward them the e-mail containing the key code that was sent to me so they could put it onto their account. Did is several months ago and we're both still happily playing together with zero issues.

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This would be the same as buying the game for a real life friend. Buy it with dosh, give them the key.


What goes on in-game is unrelated to it. If they happen to send you gold then that's just swell of them :)


Also, OP, you **cannot** buy *any* expansion pack in the gemstore. What you're most likely looking at is the Deluxe Edition upgrade (which imo really isn't worth it, save your gems for something else).

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I have bought both Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns for other people without issues (even across regions, NA/EU). You will need to buy the expansion with money and give them the game key to redeem.


As far as them paying gold for it, that's down to you and how much you trust them. I very much doubt support will help you if the trade goes south

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_"Can I resell, give away, or trade my Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account? Can I sell items on my account for real-world money or trade them for items in another game?_


No. For further information, please see the [Guild Wars User Agreement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/ "Guild Wars User Agreement")."


[Content Terms of Use](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-content-terms-of-use/ "Content Terms of Use")


It is against the Content Terms of Use. If go through the exchange, you are on your own and may be caught and punished for breaking the rules.


Edit: User Agreement


Additional License Restrictions – You acknowledge You will not directly or indirectly:



(iv) sell, sub-license, rent, lease, grant a security interest in, borrow, lend, loan, network or engage in any activity that could in any way transfer or provide others access to any Service, Content, Game, or parts thereof, including but not limited to any serial code number, access key or the like. However, this Section shall not prevent You from selling the original tangible storage medium on which the Game is contained.

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> @azyume.6321 said:

> _"Can I resell, give away, or trade my Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account? Can I sell items on my account for real-world money or trade them for items in another game?_


> No. For further information, please see the [Guild Wars User Agreement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/ "Guild Wars User Agreement")."


> [Content Terms of Use](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-content-terms-of-use/ "Content Terms of Use")


> It is against the Content Terms of Use. If go through the exchange, you are on your own and may be caught and punished for breaking the rules.


> Edit: User Agreement


> Additional License Restrictions – You acknowledge You will not directly or indirectly:

> (...)


> (iv) sell, sub-license, rent, lease, grant a security interest in, borrow, lend, loan, network or engage in any activity that could in any way transfer or provide others access to any Service, Content, Game, or parts thereof, including but not limited to any serial code number, access key or the like. However, this Section shall not prevent You from selling the original tangible storage medium on which the Game is contained.


This is just to cover their ass when it comes to people reselling keys and accounts. They will not care nor act on a gifted serial code.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> It's not the expansion that's sold for 2,400 gems - that's just the upgrade to the Deluxe Edition. All it does is give you the extra items (Character Slot, Lily of the Elon pass and so on). There is no way to buy the actual expansion with gems or gold.


> As for the actual question you definitely can buy the expansion for a friend - you just email them the account key instead of using it on your own account (there's even instruction on how to do this in the confirmation email when you buy it). But I'm not sure they'd be allowed to send you gold in return, and that amount of gold would almost certainly get them flagged as a gold seller.


This is true. You may of course gift the expansion, however accepting the compensation (gold) is akin to real money trading.

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > @azyume.6321 said:

> > _"Can I resell, give away, or trade my Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account? Can I sell items on my account for real-world money or trade them for items in another game?_

> >

> > No. For further information, please see the [Guild Wars User Agreement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/ "Guild Wars User Agreement")."

> >

> > [Content Terms of Use](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-content-terms-of-use/ "Content Terms of Use")

> >

> > It is against the Content Terms of Use. If go through the exchange, you are on your own and may be caught and punished for breaking the rules.

> >

> > Edit: User Agreement

> >

> > Additional License Restrictions – You acknowledge You will not directly or indirectly:

> > (...)

> >

> > (iv) sell, sub-license, rent, lease, grant a security interest in, borrow, lend, loan, network or engage in any activity that could in any way transfer or provide others access to any Service, Content, Game, or parts thereof, including but not limited to any serial code number, access key or the like. However, this Section shall not prevent You from selling the original tangible storage medium on which the Game is contained.


> This is just to cover their kitten when it comes to people reselling keys and accounts. They will not care nor act on a gifted serial code.


Unless you are the head of Guild Wars 2 security, you cannot in any way, shape or form express what the GM's will do or not, if will act or will not, if will ban an account or not. You are wrongly assuming and yet stating as an affirmation. The Content Terms of Use and the User Agreement are there and give them ground to base, act and justify their actions in case it happens.


What the OP explains is pretty much akin of selling a real life product with Guild Wars 2 currency as payment, which is, technically, against the rules. The amount of gold transfered in between accounts may or may not be flagged and how a GM will deal with it, will be according to their terms of service and their interpretation of the facts, which may or may not result in the ban of both accounts.


So once again, the OP and their guild mate are on their own if they decide to go with it. However, if they get flagged and caught, they cannot complain or plea on their favor to be reconsidered since they did break the game's terms of use. It is a risk that the OP and their guildie both have to be willing to take and be ready to deal with the consequences if the worse happens.

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Like the above posters said - Gold can be given to anyone to help a player. A game can be bought from anyone and given to anyone as as a gift. These two has to be mutually exclusive of one another.


If this particular "transaction" theory were to go south for what ever reason and Anet gets notified by either party, both accounts are subject to fractions that can lead to an account ban. This is the bare minimum consequence both parties should take into account when proceeding with this type of transaction.



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> @Muhahalol.2169 said:

> I'd really like to have a dev response about this. As far as I can tell, it's a grey area. I can't be the first or only one wondering this, right? Surely this has been asked before, during HoT maybe?


For an individualized response, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link below. It's rare to get an official response about account actions on the forums.


Good luck.

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> @Bubysaur.8236 said:

> Still waiting for ticket to be solved, 9 days now :/


The backlog is extreme and this isn't a blocking issue.


You have gotten good answers above -- it's up to you if you want to take the advice or not.


To reiterate:

* Anyone can use their own RL cash to buy something to gift to another player.

* Anyone can donate in-game gold (or items of in-game value) to another player. High amounts will get flagged & investigated; usually, there's no issue.

* What is against the rules is combining the two things: we're completely forbidden to accept RL cash for in-game items of value or vice versa. Those who are caught will hear from ANet. (The actual response will vary depending on the severity, frequency, and the individual's history.)

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