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Legendary Crafting - time gated Lumps of Mithrillium

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I'm starting to think about crafting my first legendary (Sunrise), so I looked up the recipe and found that I need 100 Lumps of Mithrillium, of which I can only craft 1 per day. Does this mean if I craft all the materials myself rather than buying the Deldrimor Steel Ingots off the TP, it'll take minimum 100 days (in which case I better get started)?


What do people normally do? Craft them all? Just buy all the Deldrimor Ingots off the TP? A mix of both?



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> @"skyline.3286" said:

> I'm starting to think about crafting my first legendary (Sunrise), so I looked up the recipe and found that I need 100 Lumps of Mithrillium, of which I can only craft 1 per day. Does this mean if I craft all the materials myself rather than buying the Deldrimor Steel Ingots off the TP, it'll take minimum 100 days (in which case I better get started)?


> What do people normally do? Craft them all? Just buy all the Deldrimor Ingots off the TP? A mix of both?






You mean dawn, the precursor, right?

If so, given the fact that the price is close to the tp, i suggest you not to craft and lose time and other currencies ( the time you will dedicate to the collection could provvide you more golds if you invest your time in some farm ).

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Putting all the suggestions together:

* Buy Dawn outright (similar material cost to 100 d-steel ingots)

* Give mats to friends, who supply you with already-refined ingots.

* Borrow ingots from friends (and start making your own, paying it back in 100 days)

* Buy from the TP

* Buy from the TP and then make your own (to sell on the TP, recouping most of your costs)

* Start refining now and wait.

* Combination of self-made, bought, borrowed, traded.


The "best" choice depends on your preferences and circumstances


My recommendation is:

* If you care mostly about either speed or cost, buy the Dawn (and sell the relevant mats to fund that).

* If you care about a memorable experience, use the collection method, and take as few "shortcuts" as feasible.

* Regardless of approach, start doing daily refinement of ascended mats (at least metal, cloth, leather). You'll either want those items eventually or you can sell them, for a substantial premium (because there will always be buyers in a rush for time-gated goods).



> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> There are ... ~~3~~ options.


> 1) Craft

> 2) buy

> 3) get your friends to craft some for you


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Might be cheaper to just buy the precursor.

> Buying 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots is pretty much the same as the buy price of Dawn.


> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> You can buy the Deldrimor Ingots now, then continue to craft one every day and sell it to recoup the cost of buying them all now.



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I was short on time before...

So to elaborate... If you **craft everything** but purchase base materials (ores, logs, etc) the total cost of the precursor is less than buying it from the TP (~50g).


IF you craft everything but the ascended materials (including some Leather) and you buy those from the TP at current order price (no instant buy) it'll be 130g more expensive than buying the precursor at order price or 60 if you buy straight up.


If you buy the time-gated (ascended) mats instantly, it's like a 200g loss compared to the precursor.

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I've made 1 legendary by doing the precursor collection and I'm doing a 2nd now (Bifrost and The Dreamer) and in both cases I've found the time gated materials do slow down completion of the steps where they're needed but they don't slow me down overall.


There's a lot of things you can collect for a legendary before they're actually needed - even before you have the relevant collection unlocked. When I've gotten to a point where I'm waiting to make all the time-gated materials for the next step I'm also working on map completion and the Gift of Battle reward track or gathering materials and currencies for other steps that are coming up. Then when I get to the step where they're needed I can complete it right away (or at least sooner).

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