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How Many Characters Do You Have?

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> The only other thing that I haven't seen mentioned is names. With so many characters, it's hard to know who people are. I stuck with the name Grizz across my Charrs with various last names. My female Norns are Grizza and my Asura Engi is Grizzmo Gizzmo. At least this way my guildies recognize me.


One of my guildies does that. Every character is called (Name) the Magnificent or (Name) the Obsolete or (Name) the Profound or whatever. Very fun, and nice to always know who you are dealing with. ^^ I'm afraid all my characters members are named individually, though, so I often appear as a stranger. My key farmers are often given goofy names to help prevent me thinking of them as 'real.' This doesn't always work, since when people say, "Hey, I love the name!" in game, it makes me want to keep it...


Originally I referred to my extra crafters as 'hirelings' and joked that they were paying off their crafting-student debt to me with their work. After I promoted my elementalist key farmer to krewe, I eventually promoted the rest, too. I try to think of the key farmers as temp workers who are going off to do their own adventuring when I am done with them.

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11. One of each profession, plus doubles on Ranger and Engi. Ranger cuz my first Ranger, the first toon I ever made five years ago, I thematically cannot see as anything other than base ranger, so second one to take Druid/Soulbeast when needed. Second Engi is cuz I wanted an Asuran Engi. *shrug


4 Sylvari

6 Asura

1 Charr

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I currently have 22 characters.


One of my goals was to have 2 of every profession, and now that I've reached that I'm going for three of just my favorites. My current triplets are: Mesmer, Engineer, Ranger, Thief, and I would like a third Revenant and Guardian eventually. All are level 80 and fully geared in at least exotics, except for my third Mesmer and Thief who are still sub-80.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> 30 atm, looking to make more. All levelled up but only 1 has gear because the other 29 toons are PvP specific now.


> My characters tend to reflect the mood I'm in. Sometimes I get recreational and start callin the Asura animations cute or I bounce around on a Charr annoying people mid match with "meow" texts n such. Sometimes I wanna play a human female to look at a nice butt and other times I want to look as ridiculous as I can, just like this pic.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/MES9lNl.jpg "")




Best screenshot ever. I'd give multiple thumbs up if I could

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I held out at 9 for a long time. One of each profession (plus a key runner so 10). But then I decided it was easier to make a second Ranger than change the one who was geared for T4 fractals (which I don't even do anymore). Plus, I have a bunch of level-50 birthday boosts as well as tomes of knowledge laying around... Long story short, I now have 2 Rangers, 2 Guardians, 2 Necros and most recently 2 Warriors so 14 total. Plus an extra character slot for when I get the itch again!

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10. One for each class and a 45th level 'bag opener' who opens and salvages bags I make from converted ascended materials using that continuum transfunctioner.


Recently, I created two new characters to loiter around the map with. I'll probably play them and delete them from time to time and start over.

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- 3 Charr - Female Rev/ female Ele/ female Daredevil.

- 2 Asura - Female Reaper / female Holo.

- 2 Sylvari - Female Mesmer / male Warrior.

- 1 Human - Female Ranger.

- 2 Norn - Both Guardians, one male one female.


I'm not very good at balancing out genders on this game, but I have tried to balance out the species and classed. I've played on so many games in the past that didn't give you a option for gender or customized looks so I've kinda grabbed and held onto it with a death grip. Out of all of them I always want to play on my Reaper.

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Related to this topic, how can you people stand to have two characters of the same race/gender combination when every character of that combo has the exact same voice? I like to imagine my characters having different personalities, and the voice is a big part of that, so it annoys me too much when I have, e.g. two human females with the exact same voice when I've pictured them to be very different people. And because I don't like charrs and norns that much, this means I've pretty much hard-capped myself at 6 characters... (one of either gender for asura, human and sylvari)

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