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GW2 WvW 2018- 40% Firebrand/40% scourges/10% hammer revs/10% spellbreakers


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Are you guys for real?


Let me "Quote" 99% of you ;


"I Play 6 houres a day on one WvW Server, so I'm gonna speak for EVERY WvW Server, as if i played 24/7 on all of them ;

There are exactly 0,2342344% Rangers on every WvW Server and 9999,999+1% Scourges and other things I don't like - meta is clearly terrible"


yeah sounds very serious right ;) ?

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> @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> Are you guys for real?


> Let me "Quote" 99% of you ;


> "I Play 6 houres a day on one WvW Server, so I'm gonna speak for EVERY WvW Server, as if i played 24/7 on all of them ;

> There are exactly 0,2342344% Rangers on every WvW Server and 9999,999+1% Scourges and other things I don't like - meta is clearly terrible"


> yeah sounds very serious right ;) ?


Well... If 57 people say the same thing that I see everyday I'm going to go with them over the ONE guy that disagrees. :) I was solo last night trying to stretch small squads out and kill a couple and EVERY SINGLE GROUP I ran into was 40% or more Scourges. It's not conjecture man, it's just the facts. :)


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> @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> Pretty sure I see 70% Scourge, 20% Spellbreaker 10% Herald 10% Chrono


> Yes that add up to 110%, but that's just how OP the Scourge and Warrior bubble are!


WoD is a good spot now if you ask me.

It is still strong enough to be meaningful, but not as broken as it used to be at least.


I just wish it didn't block projectiles.. there is already enough projectile hate in the game even without it.....

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> @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> Are you guys for real?


> Let me "Quote" 99% of you ;


> "I Play 6 houres a day on one WvW Server, so I'm gonna speak for EVERY WvW Server, as if i played 24/7 on all of them ;

> There are exactly 0,2342344% Rangers on every WvW Server and 9999,999+1% Scourges and other things I don't like - meta is clearly terrible"


> yeah sounds very serious right ;) ?


Lol, Yea... I wish they had low standards too.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> What to say....


> Perma boons full minstrel firebrand farting stability/resistance/protection that turn a never ending wave of celestial/trailblazer scourge into an unstoppable melee wave surrounded by walking aoes....while in the backline you see hammer revs critting your toon for 10k dmg from 1200 range and with a single skill.....despite you're having over 1900 toughness= 2700 armor....


> I really don't have anything to say ...I have lost all hopes, I find it hilarious that people used to complain about shareboon melee train meta..this meta is 10x worst with far less (if any) counterplay....-_-


yes this even tho i dont give a rats ass about rev, i just dislike firebrand and scourge these 2 classes are just so overboosted its retarded..


every1 crying about mesmer 1 shotting and thief perma evading, im crying harder about amount of fucking conditions fly around moment u hit a blob fight as non warrior/firebrand/scourge ur like a condi magnet and die in a flash

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With the bug fix i think your going to see a lot more scourges in the pug zergs because now you can drop the shade and hid with the abitly to do dmg an effects. Scourges is about to become the best siege / siege def class in the game. Droping shades on walls to keep walls hot and dropping shades from the wall to keep siege points hot (raming doors will be effectually dead).

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> What to say....


> Perma boons full minstrel firebrand farting stability/resistance/protection that turn a never ending wave of celestial/trailblazer scourge into an unstoppable melee wave surrounded by walking aoes....while in the backline you see hammer revs critting your toon for 10k dmg from 1200 range and with a single skill.....despite you're having over 1900 toughness= 2700 armor....


> I really don't have anything to say ...I have lost all hopes, I find it hilarious that people used to complain about shareboon melee train meta..this meta is 10x worst with far less (if any) counterplay....-_-


Best description of WvW. Ever. Some mmo's try and balance all classes and skills since game creation. This game? Create a meta and come back 1 year later. Don't enjoy the meta, meh roam or go play pve, since next year all your old classes will be worthless and you will be forced to buy the expansion.

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> @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > What to say....

> >

> > Perma boons full minstrel firebrand farting stability/resistance/protection that turn a never ending wave of celestial/trailblazer scourge into an unstoppable melee wave surrounded by walking aoes....while in the backline you see hammer revs critting your toon for 10k dmg from 1200 range and with a single skill.....despite you're having over 1900 toughness= 2700 armor....

> >

> > I really don't have anything to say ...I have lost all hopes, I find it hilarious that people used to complain about shareboon melee train meta..this meta is 10x worst with far less (if any) counterplay....-_-


> Best description of WvW. Ever. Some mmo's try and balance all classes and skills since game creation. This game? Create a meta and come back 1 year later. Don't enjoy the meta, meh roam or go play pve, since next year all your old classes will be worthless and you will be forced to buy the expansion.


Sometimes they try rebalancing but they often overshoot or undershoot problem areas and end up creating new problem areas in the process. Balancing is a very difficult task in a game like GW2 because of how many variables one has to consider.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > What to say....

> > >

> > > Perma boons full minstrel firebrand farting stability/resistance/protection that turn a never ending wave of celestial/trailblazer scourge into an unstoppable melee wave surrounded by walking aoes....while in the backline you see hammer revs critting your toon for 10k dmg from 1200 range and with a single skill.....despite you're having over 1900 toughness= 2700 armor....

> > >

> > > I really don't have anything to say ...I have lost all hopes, I find it hilarious that people used to complain about shareboon melee train meta..this meta is 10x worst with far less (if any) counterplay....-_-

> >

> > Best description of WvW. Ever. Some mmo's try and balance all classes and skills since game creation. This game? Create a meta and come back 1 year later. Don't enjoy the meta, meh roam or go play pve, since next year all your old classes will be worthless and you will be forced to buy the expansion.


> Sometimes they try rebalancing but they often overshoot or undershoot problem areas and end up creating new problem areas in the process. Balancing is a very difficult task in a game like GW2 because of how many variables one has to consider.


Yet skill design in this game is way more simplier than most mmo's.... as in gw2 skills and what is possible to do is way basic than most mmo's.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > What to say....

> > >

> > > Perma boons full minstrel firebrand farting stability/resistance/protection that turn a never ending wave of celestial/trailblazer scourge into an unstoppable melee wave surrounded by walking aoes....while in the backline you see hammer revs critting your toon for 10k dmg from 1200 range and with a single skill.....despite you're having over 1900 toughness= 2700 armor....

> > >

> > > I really don't have anything to say ...I have lost all hopes, I find it hilarious that people used to complain about shareboon melee train meta..this meta is 10x worst with far less (if any) counterplay....-_-

> >

> > Best description of WvW. Ever. Some mmo's try and balance all classes and skills since game creation. This game? Create a meta and come back 1 year later. Don't enjoy the meta, meh roam or go play pve, since next year all your old classes will be worthless and you will be forced to buy the expansion.


> Sometimes they try rebalancing but they often overshoot or undershoot problem areas and end up creating new problem areas in the process. Balancing is a very difficult task in a game like GW2 because of how many variables one has to consider.


Exactly Israel. I wish more people saw this.


They have tried to move away from sweeping hammer nerfs the last few times, with slow progressive work towards balancing skills both with toning down condis, to splitting some skills between PvE and WvW. (Just to name two)


I don't pretend to think they have fixed everything, nor that all the changes will be good, but at least most have been more incremental.


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> @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> Best description of WvW. Ever. Some mmo's try and balance all classes and skills since game creation. This game? Create a meta and come back 1 year later. Don't enjoy the meta, meh roam or go play pve, since next year all your old classes will be worthless and you will be forced to buy the expansion.


Go roam lol that's even more broken.


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > What to say....

> > >

> > > Perma boons full minstrel firebrand farting stability/resistance/protection that turn a never ending wave of celestial/trailblazer scourge into an unstoppable melee wave surrounded by walking aoes....while in the backline you see hammer revs critting your toon for 10k dmg from 1200 range and with a single skill.....despite you're having over 1900 toughness= 2700 armor....

> > >

> > > I really don't have anything to say ...I have lost all hopes, I find it hilarious that people used to complain about shareboon melee train meta..this meta is 10x worst with far less (if any) counterplay....-_-

> >

> > Best description of WvW. Ever. Some mmo's try and balance all classes and skills since game creation. This game? Create a meta and come back 1 year later. Don't enjoy the meta, meh roam or go play pve, since next year all your old classes will be worthless and you will be forced to buy the expansion.


> Sometimes they try rebalancing but they often overshoot or undershoot problem areas and end up creating new problem areas in the process. Balancing is a very difficult task in a game like GW2 because of how many variables one has to consider.


Would be nice if they "ticked" values by 1% here and there on a weekly basis until they find the proverbial sweet spot. Baby steps vs. bounding forward...

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