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Suggestion, New class: the Cleric

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The Cleric. A cloth using melee fighter/caster. They play similar to the Guardian, except they don't use shields as weapons (though they have abilities that grant shields to allies). Basically the way they are different is that all of their abilities have 3 stages. using any ability puts the rest of the abilities at the next stage up, using a stage 3 ability knocks them all back down to stage 1. Stage 2 abilities are basically upgraded versions, slightly more damage, but grant shields to at least one nearby teammate (including yourself, with the possibility via talents to always give yourself a shield), Stage 3 abilities consume all shields given and heal for the amount they were shielded (with the possibility via talents to increase damage for every shield consumed).

They can use hammers, swords, scepters, warhorns, and staves. One of their sub classes lets them dual wield hammers and swords (called the Fanatic) The other lets them use torches (called the Lightbringer). Swords are all about quickly slashing in cones in the main hand, with a stab attack that bleeds , and a channeled attack that has you moving around them similar to how the thief does. Maces would be about single target crushing damage in the main hand , with a single target stun and a cone stun in the off hand. Sceepters would be about sending somewhat slow moving balls towards the enemy that bounce back and forth between you and them, doing more damage with each bounce, and shielding allies it passes through. Warhorns and torches would modify the third ability in the slot. For warhorns, it would make the third abilities make the other two attack faster. For torches it would make the third ability do fire damage that spread to another target every time they were directly attacked. Warhorns main abilities would be about making the party do more damage the more often they attacked while the buff was active, and the second ability would make the enemy do less damage the more they were attacked while the debuff was active. Torches would blind the enemies and make them more ceceptable to catching fire, and add a fire buff to your next couple attacks, increasing the amount of damage they take from fire, and making any target hit have a chance to catch fire. Staves would be about mobility, basically allowing you to teleport around the enemy with each ability, except for the primary, which would be about smaking them in the face with the stick.

They would have 3 primary class abilities. The first would consume all shields to strengthen any future shields you put on people, healing whoever was shielded for the shielded amount left. The second would consume the shields already on people to send an extra (1 more, up to a maximum of the party size, 4 or 5 iiirc). and the last would consume all shields and all stored shield energy to give everyone a damage buff.

The fanatic's abilities would similarly revolve around buffing the party with shields through combat, however their shields would be more powerful, and all of the shield strength would be shared across the entire party, with all damage taken to the shield increasing their damage the party does as a whole. When the shield is consumed the buff continues at 100%, but draws health from the fanatic until the buff is turned off.

The lightbringer teleports to a random nearby enemy that's on fire and explodes, consuming shields given to the party to increase damage of said explosion (and again, healing them for the amount they were shielded). When he goes down his third ability brings him back up for 30 seconds to build up a stacking buff to make it permanent. each stack gives you 15% chance to stay alive at the end of the time period, stacks are granted by killing mobs. If at the end of that period you are not at 100% you will explode, if you kill anything you stay alive.

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That can't work because cleric has, by name, to do with religion.

And neither Charr, nor Asura believe in that sort of religion (as far as I know). So while I get the vibe of oldschool games like the game "Hexen"* by Raven Soft and id Software (running on a modified DooM engine) which also had a cleric that was a caster and melee fighter, I really don't think this strong connection to the "clerus" is possible to get into the game.


*That's the game I got the name "Zedek" from actually.



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> @"thedeadhavrisen.4639"


Great to see all that enthusiasm and some interesting ideas there. I would unfortunately have to say that there are too many parallels with current _Guardian_ mechanics and capabilities for me to see this as a completely different profession (apart from the _cloth armor_ aspect). The 3 main parts of your concept are - party shields, group healing and burning foes - which in loose terms are the same as the 3 _Guardian Virtues_ - **Courage, Resolve and Justice**.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > Also there are lore reasons to avoid Lightbringer as an Elite spec name: If you use it, then your Lightbringer (of the Order of Whispers) can be a Lightbringer (of the Cleric class).


> It wasn't a problem with reaper, which is also a pvp title


Fair point, although I would argue that an overt in-game story-narrative title is a different case to an achievement-linked title like that.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > Also there are lore reasons to avoid Lightbringer as an Elite spec name: If you use it, then your Lightbringer (of the Order of Whispers) can be a Lightbringer (of the Cleric class).

> >

> > It wasn't a problem with reaper, which is also a pvp title


> Fair point, although I would argue that an overt in-game story-narrative title is a different case to an achievement-linked title like that.


Okay, I see the difference. How about spellbreakers then? they are ex-sunspears who decided to be freedom fighters against Joko's regime. How does it make norns, asuras, sylvari or any other character coming from central Tyria to become one?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > Also there are lore reasons to avoid Lightbringer as an Elite spec name: If you use it, then your Lightbringer (of the Order of Whispers) can be a Lightbringer (of the Cleric class).

> > >

> > > It wasn't a problem with reaper, which is also a pvp title

> >

> > Fair point, although I would argue that an overt in-game story-narrative title is a different case to an achievement-linked title like that.


> Okay, I see the difference. How about spellbreakers then? they are ex-sunspears who decided to be freedom fighters against Joko's regime. How does it make norns, asuras, sylvari or any other character coming from central Tyria to become one?


Fair question. My reading of the lore is that "spellbreaker" isn't a title among the Sunspears. They are still Sunspear, and spellbreaker is a specialisation of Warrior even among them - that is, it's something they *are*, not something they are *called*. The wiki doesn't mention any Sunspears being called "Spellbreaker" as a title / rank, and I haven't seen it either. Lightbringer is an actual title in the game's lore and one with a long history, of course, because it existed in GW1/Nightfall as well, and it is awarded to your character (as an in-game-text title, not a nameplate title) if you follow the Whispers branch starting at level 30.


So "Spellbreaker" is reasonable because it, at least in concept, is a "class" for people who train with the Sunspears and learn how to fight like they do. For a class that could, in theory, join one of the other Orders, if we call a character by his class... "Warmaster Lightbringer" ??? (Yes, it's perfectly feasible to go away, make level 80, train your elite, and come back to do the level 30-60 phases of your personal story.)


But I did say "lore reasons to avoid" rather than "the lore says we must not call it that". Are they conclusive reasons? Probably not.

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