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Can we nerf Hero Challenges in Heart of Thorns already?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.


> What is unpleasant for you is just one more thing to love about HoT for players like myself. HoT is easily my favorite part of this game. My top 3 favorite maps are all HoT maps. To me, going in and nerfing it at this point would be a huge slap in the face, particularly considering we were just given an expansion that attempted to address concerns like these. Let HoT be HoT. Use the PoF model (champions-on-demand moved to the bounty system with HP challenges as solo content) moving forward.


Nerfing HPs is not going to destroy HoT map metas, just FYI.

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If the OP Thinks HPs are painful, I can't imagine the horror they'll know in Auric Basin where 1-2 PoI require meta to advance to certain stages, or Dragon's Stand where aobut 1/3 of the map can't be completed without doing a full meta event - taking about 1 hour or so.


That aside, I recently ran a char through HoT and it's still very well populated, and I never had a problem getting company for Hero Points.

Are some HP hard? Oh yes. Should they be nerfed? Oh no.


Some day in the future, when HoT may actually **be** deserted it might make sense, but for now I don't think it's needed.

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I'm a very casual player so I find HoT to be rather difficult for me. However, I understand the content is supposed to be this difficult and that there are many players who enjoy it the way it currently is. Even though I usually struggle in HoT, I wouldn't want it nerfed (any further!). Yes, the HCs are harder for me, but I can often complete them simply by calling out in map chat.

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I just don't understand this complaint. Any time I've ever needed to max an elite spec, I opened my LFG panel, and had it done the same day. And I've NEVER led a HP group. Other people are running them continually.


I also completed all 4 collection quests for Nevermore, and got my Gift of Maguuma mastery the same exact way (never needing more than one day to find a group for things like Balthazaar, Vinetooth Prime, etc.


It sounds like OP is still in the four collection phases of his legendary (i.e. the easy half). And if he's THIS stumped by the HoT hero challenges, then God help him on the Gift of Maguuma Mastery.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.

> >

> > What is unpleasant for you is just one more thing to love about HoT for players like myself. HoT is easily my favorite part of this game. My top 3 favorite maps are all HoT maps. To me, going in and nerfing it at this point would be a huge slap in the face, particularly considering we were just given an expansion that attempted to address concerns like these. Let HoT be HoT. Use the PoF model (champions-on-demand moved to the bounty system with HP challenges as solo content) moving forward.


> Nerfing HPs is not going to destroy HoT map metas, just FYI.


I'm well aware of that. I like the HPs the way they are.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.


> If it was not relevant content, no one would care if it was nerfed or not. Based on this thread, some people do care ....


Let's not make anecdotal evidence as rule. k? You will find people caring about every single miniscule aspect of the game, it doesn't mean it's relevant. HPs are just progression, you don't need them for anything but completing your e-spec. For people who want to play e-specs they bought with expansions it's just an unnecessary gate.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.


> What is unpleasant for you is just one more thing to love about HoT for players like myself. HoT is easily my favorite part of this game. My top 3 favorite maps are all HoT maps. To me, going in and nerfing it at this point would be a huge slap in the face, particularly considering we were just given an expansion that attempted to address concerns like these. Let HoT be HoT. Use the PoF model (champions-on-demand moved to the bounty system with HP challenges as solo content) moving forward.


While I don't agree with the OP about nerfing it, I'm sort of curious: Did you get the challenge out of the maps when you ran them? If the answer is yes, how is it slapping you in the face? I get that melodrama sells, but really?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.

> >

> > If it was not relevant content, no one would care if it was nerfed or not. Based on this thread, some people do care ....


> Let's not make anecdotal evidence as rule. k? You will find people caring about every single miniscule aspect of the game, it doesn't mean it's relevant. HPs are just progression, you don't need them for anything but completing your e-spec. For people who want to play e-specs they bought with expansions it's just an unnecessary gate.


Umm, unlocking e-specs is one of the most relevant things in this game. Just because you don't want it to be, doesn't make it so, lol.

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There are like 8 > @"artemis.6781" said:

> And everyone saying "no don't" have probably unlocked every espec on every character and have no need to visit these HPs.


"Everyone" lol no. It takes 2 hours to get enough HOT mastery points. Plus if you want Dragon stand points are just walk up and click, and there are 8 HPs over the first 2 zones that require no fighting. For the rest, just ask map or join a HOT train. I am always making alts and redoing HPs, it's not hard at all and it doesn't need changing. Some classes also can completely solo the champions, for example necro minion build.


They nerfed PoF system by making every point non-champs, so you could actually do POF first, and use your elite spec to /lol the HoT ones. HoT isn't old content, GW2 doesn't work like this. HoT metas are still current so thinking "Well its an older xpac lets nerf it because it doesn't matter" doesn't apply with this MMO. If you get to cherry pick what time gates you want removed then after awhile there would be nothing left.



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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> HPs are just progression, you don't need them for anything but completing your e-spec. For people who want to play e-specs they bought with expansions it's just an unnecessary gate.

While I mostly agree with you, you are incorrect here. They are needed for one other thing, which happens to be what the OP is after - map completion for legendaries.


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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.

> > >

> > > If it was not relevant content, no one would care if it was nerfed or not. Based on this thread, some people do care ....

> >

> > Let's not make anecdotal evidence as rule. k? You will find people caring about every single miniscule aspect of the game, it doesn't mean it's relevant. HPs are just progression, you don't need them for anything but completing your e-spec. For people who want to play e-specs they bought with expansions it's just an unnecessary gate.


> Umm, unlocking e-specs is one of the most relevant things in this game. Just because you don't want it to be, doesn't make it so, lol.


Playing full spec is the only relevant scenario. All these are lvl 80 content so players should be used to game mechanics already. You don't need to slowly unlock new traits and skills 1 by 1 to know what they do.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> And everyone saying "no don't" have probably unlocked every espec on every character and have no need to visit these HPs.


Need? No. Still do? Yes. Why? Cause you got some good currency of the map out of the battle HPs which you need for a good amount of stuff. There is a reason that they are runned on a daily basis, being it for Loot or being it to unlock new E-Specs. OP is just to lazy to use the LFG or ask others, complaining about it not being able to faceroll it.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.

> > > >

> > > > If it was not relevant content, no one would care if it was nerfed or not. Based on this thread, some people do care ....

> > >

> > > Let's not make anecdotal evidence as rule. k? You will find people caring about every single miniscule aspect of the game, it doesn't mean it's relevant. HPs are just progression, you don't need them for anything but completing your e-spec. For people who want to play e-specs they bought with expansions it's just an unnecessary gate.

> >

> > Umm, unlocking e-specs is one of the most relevant things in this game. Just because you don't want it to be, doesn't make it so, lol.


> Playing full spec is the only relevant scenario. All these are lvl 80 content so players should be used to game mechanics already. You don't need to slowly unlock new traits and skills 1 by 1 to know what they do.


You are getting into game philosophy which I am not debating here. You said HP's are not relevant, which was an incorrect statement and is not really debatable. If they should or should not be is debatable though.

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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> If the OP Thinks HPs are painful, I can't imagine the horror they'll know in Auric Basin where 1-2 PoI require meta to advance to certain stages, or Dragon's Stand where aobut 1/3 of the map can't be completed without doing a full meta event - taking about 1 hour or so.


> That aside, I recently ran a char through HoT and it's still very well populated, and I never had a problem getting company for Hero Points.

> Are some HP hard? Oh yes. Should they be nerfed? Oh no.


> Some day in the future, when HoT may actually **be** deserted it might make sense, but for now I don't think it's needed.


I griffon. No meta required.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.


> If it was not relevant content, no one would care if it was nerfed or not. Based on this thread, some people do care ....


We only care because we have been shoe horned into the content. I'm making The Binding of Ipos legendary and the devs were too lazy to make actual interesting collections for it. The HoT HPs are just busy work and I don't appreciate the fact that some of you PvE players find them to be some sort of personal challenge. You have raids and fractal challenge modes for that.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> And everyone saying "no don't" have probably unlocked every espec on every character and have no need to visit these HPs.


I never once mentioned I need the Hero Points to unlock my Elites. I have all of my elite unlocked with dozens of points to spare and ready for the next expansion. The jungle HPs are a legendary crafting chore with no flavor and no use to me beyond that.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> And everyone saying "no don't" have probably unlocked every espec on every character and have no need to visit these HPs.


Not quite. I have done HoT HPs on 14 characters - mostly solo, not through HP trains because I find them too slow. I still have 13 characters that need those HPs.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.

> >

> > If it was not relevant content, no one would care if it was nerfed or not. Based on this thread, some people do care ....


> We only care because we have been shoe horned into the content. I'm making The Binding of Ipos legendary and the devs were too lazy to make actual interesting collections for it. The HoT HPs are just busy work and I don't appreciate the fact that some of you PvE players find them to be some sort of personal challenge. You have raids and fractal challenge modes for that.


All four collection phases are pure busywork. What's your point? In the time you've been crying about this, you could have kept an eye on your LFG panel, killed those mobs twice over, and knocked out another 15 pieces of the collection.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.

> >

> > What is unpleasant for you is just one more thing to love about HoT for players like myself. HoT is easily my favorite part of this game. My top 3 favorite maps are all HoT maps. To me, going in and nerfing it at this point would be a huge slap in the face, particularly considering we were just given an expansion that attempted to address concerns like these. Let HoT be HoT. Use the PoF model (champions-on-demand moved to the bounty system with HP challenges as solo content) moving forward.


> While I don't agree with the OP about nerfing it, I'm sort of curious: Did you get the challenge out of the maps when you ran them? If the answer is yes, how is it slapping you in the face? I get that melodrama sells, but really?


It's simply a different perspective. If you dislike HoT and only return to it when you need something you can't get anywhere else, then there is no issue. But I enjoy the HoT HP champs whether solo, small group, or leading a squad and it would absolutely bother me if that changed.

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