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Foods and Utilities, stack on duration when consumed

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Let's see...


* The higher price for food on TP is 1g and 36s ( **but i want to enjoy this even more and i say that I pay it 3g instead** ).

* A metabolic ( or utility ) primer is worth 150 gems, which are 50g

* High tier food last 1h

* metabolic/utility primer last 12h


So, 3g x12 = 36g vs 50g ( and you will be able to dose it between sessions, and not to lose it because you stay afk, or do other tasks which are not the ones the food is required. In before trollish stuff like "log out your character and use another one!!!11


Hardly somebody will buy primers.


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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > if they did that why would anyone buy food and utility primers?


> Does anyone use primers?



I know quite a few people who use very expensive "meta" food, rather than the cheaper, 20%-less effective equivalents. Primers are cost-effective for any that cost more than about 1g/30 minutes.


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  • 4 months later...

I find this idea really fair. So many times, while doing some prolong intense events, like Tarir for ex. i simply forget to check on food duration. I belive many people had that too. You are loosing potential for better loot ( if MF ), or Stat boost.


Mechanics of stackup duration already present in [Lucky New Year Firework](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_New_Year_Firework "Lucky New Year Firework").

I don't see any reason not to make Foods and Utilities to have same 'Stacks Duration up to 2 Hours' mechanics. Primers still be providing 2 or 12 hours of food-utilities effect on single use of food-utilities portion. While 2 hours of Stack Duartion will take 4 portions(30min each). Also, [Fractal Omnipotion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Mist_Omnipotion "Fractal Omnipotion") gives us 2 hours of Fractal buffs.


As for prolonging food-utilities effect, i had [alternative suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/567608#Comment_567608 "alternative suggestion") awhile ago, which didn't find too much support. Mechanics of automated action also present in game, as Auto-Loot mastery.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> I find this idea really fair. So many times, while doing some prolong intense events, like Tarir for ex. i simply forget to check on food duration. I belive many people had that too. You are loosing potential for better loot ( if MF ), or Stat boost.


> Mechanics of stackup duration already present in [Lucky New Year Firework](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_New_Year_Firework "Lucky New Year Firework").

> I don't see any reason not to make Foods and Utilities to have same 'Stacks Duration up to 2 Hours' mechanics. Primers still be providing 2 or 12 hours of food-utilities effect on single use of food-utilities portion. While 2 hours of Stack Duartion will take 4 portions(30min each). Also, [Fractal Omnipotion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Mist_Omnipotion "Fractal Omnipotion") gives us 2 hours of Fractal buffs.


> As for prolonging food-utilities effect, i had [alternative suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/567608#Comment_567608 "alternative suggestion") awhile ago, which didn't find too much support. Mechanics of automated action also present in game, as Auto-Loot mastery.


Theres 2 different issues at play here. Anything less then 30 minute duration wasn't really meant to have sustained use. There are a hand full of useful festival foods that are incidentally strong, but were also meant to be ample supply during their season (ie, not meant as a long term option). Some are even stackable for this reason (see Fireworks). But then there are map bonus potions for HOT are specifically set up to be inconvenient to promote the greater versions of those potions (which consume linseed oil).


The second, and more prominent reason, is that foods and utility buffs are mutually exclusive in their categories. Consuming a new food overwrites the older one. How do you reconcile this problem if you have 6 hours of a stacked MF food from Istan farming, but now need optimal DPS food because you have an opportunity for a quick raid? I run into this problem a lot when I pop birthday boosters and top tier food + Primers for WvW marathons, but need my character for something like helping a guildie with stories or achievements before they all expire. That means I either have to waste that time (usually 30-60 minutes), or forced to use another class that might not have the characteristics for the type of achievement being done, causing undue struggle.


This all speaks to a deeper issue with how these buffs are really awkward with how the core of the game operates; a lot of which stems from the problems created by the whole stat system, and exacerbated by the flat method of crafting.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Consuming a new food overwrites the older one. How do you reconcile this problem if you have 6 hours of a stacked MF food from Istan farming, but now need optimal DPS food because you have an opportunity for a quick raid?


For me this is not a problem at all. I am not hesitate to overwrite one food\utility for another if needed. And I don't see how anything from above will be an issues for me. I do believe arena.net can easily introduce stackup duration mechanics to foods and utilities.


And i was speaking about any 30-60min food\utility to have stackup limited to 2 hours. Also speaking about Fireworks, those are neither Food nor Utility. Stacking up food duration with 2 hours limit is more than fair, considering amount of omnomberry bars that wasting free space in your bags.


P.s. Simple example of how good it will be to have stack up mechanics for Food\Utilities

Many Chronomancers in Fractals use [Chocolate Omnomberry Cream](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chocolate_Omnomberry_Cream "Chocolate Omnomberry Cream") for more Concentration. Food is 30 min limit. Usually it take more than 30 mins to complete all fractal daily. There is no 1 hour version of Chocolate Omnomberry Cream, except for Tray. So it will be much better to simply stack up this food for 1-2 hours, and do fractals without worry.


Just to clarify why i participate in this thread. There is a certain annoyance present in GW2 since the start. Every 30 mins, we have to open our bag UI, click on the food, close it. And do all over again in next 30 mins. And again, and again. I really want to have stack up mechanics for foods and utilities to simply have less of this annoyance. There are no hotkeys for using foods, neither customizable action tabs.





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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > Consuming a new food overwrites the older one. How do you reconcile this problem if you have 6 hours of a stacked MF food from Istan farming, but now need optimal DPS food because you have an opportunity for a quick raid?


> For me this is not a problem at all. I am not hesitate to overwrite one food\utility for another if needed. And I don't see how anything from above will be an issues for me. I do believe arena.net can easily introduce stackup duration mechanics to foods and utilities.


> And i was speaking about any 30-60min food\utility to have stackup limited to 2 hours. Also speaking about Fireworks, those are neither Food nor Utility. Stacking up food duration with 2 hours limit is more than fair, considering amount of omnomberry bars that wasting free space in your bags.


> P.s. Simple example of how good it will be to have stack up mechanics for Food\Utilities

> Many Chronomancers in Fractals use [Chocolate Omnomberry Cream](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chocolate_Omnomberry_Cream "Chocolate Omnomberry Cream") for more Concentration. Food is 30 min limit. Usually it take more than 30 mins to complete all fractal daily. There is no 1 hour version of Chocolate Omnomberry Cream, except for Tray. So it will be much better to simply stack up this food for 1-2 hours, and do fractals without worry.


> Just to clarify why i participate in this thread. There is a certain annoyance present in GW2 since the start. Every 30 mins, we have to open our bag UI, click on the food, close it. And do all over again in next 30 mins. And again, and again. I really want to have stack up mechanics for foods and utilities to simply have less of this annoyance. There are no hotkeys for using foods, neither customizable action tabs.





"For me". What about everyone else? Theres a more fundamental problem with food buffs itself..... but as things currently stand, with a lot of high end food being non-trivial in cost and timer based, we have a significant problem with managing the return on investment.


Case in point, if gear durability were a part of the game where they couldn't be repaired, and had to be replaced regularly, people would lose their minds. With the order of magnitude increase in cost for Asc or Legendary armor, how many people would find it worthwhile to construct and USE, knowing it'll eventually be destroyed or requires lots of expensive materials to upkeep? Its basically the same issue we're having with how Food works; only the response is less dramatic given how much smaller the scale in cost is.


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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> "For me". What about everyone else? Theres a more fundamental problem with food buffs itself..... but as things currently stand, with a lot of high end food being non-trivial in cost and timer based, we have a significant problem with managing the return on investment.

Sorry, but changing one food effect for another seems like personal problem. Those who playing this game for many years, don't have problem to spare Gold on buffs. There are also lot of people who simply growing food supply in Home Garden on daily basis.


Stacking mechanics doesn't not enforce players to maximize food-utility effect up to it's limit on every use. But it could allow players to have less worry on long meta-events, fractals and raids.


P.s. Growing resources for Primers in home Garden not worth it =)



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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > if they did that why would anyone buy food and utility primers?


> No one buys primers.



There are a handful of achievements that reward you with metabolic primers, and I think 2 that reward you with utility primers. But yea, I've never bought primers from the TP, however, I use the black lion statuettes on primers. They are very nice if you WVW a lot.

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