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Kicked from WvW squad?


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Interesting that competent people want to play with other competent people playing competent builds.


Competent people don't spend their time blobbing around in WvW, I mean as far as PvP in video games goes blobbing in WvW is about as mindless, low skilled as you can get, whilst also being competitively an utter joke, this is not a combination that attracts competent players.


It attracts bads and it attracts PvE players, because that what it is, "PvP" for PvE players where one guy makes most of the decisions for you either directly or indirectly and where PvE heroes (which is what many "WvW" players actually are) don't have to feel to bad about dying / losing because being part of a blob is relatively anonymous for everyone other than the guy commanding (who is the only one actually doing any sort of PvP in a meaningful sense).


No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.



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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Interesting that competent people want to play with other competent people playing competent builds.


> Competent people don't spend their time blobbing around in WvW, I mean as far as PvP in video games goes blobbing in WvW is about as mindless, low skilled as you can get, whilst also being competitively an utter joke, this is not a situation that attracts competent players.


> It attracts bads and it attracts PvE players, because that what it is, "PvP" for PvE players where one guy makes most of the decisions for you either directly or indirectly and where PvE heroes (which is what many "WvW" players actually are) don't have to feel to bad about dying / losing because being part of a blob is relatively anonymous for everyone other than the guy commanding (who is the only one actually doing any sort of PvP in a meaningful sense).


> No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.




Someone salty who got kicked with his bear bow ranger?

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Interesting that competent people want to play with other competent people playing competent builds.

> >

> > Competent people don't spend their time blobbing around in WvW, I mean as far as PvP in video games goes blobbing in WvW is about as mindless, low skilled as you can get, whilst also being competitively an utter joke, this is not a situation that attracts competent players.

> >

> > It attracts bads and it attracts PvE players, because that what it is, "PvP" for PvE players where one guy makes most of the decisions for you either directly or indirectly and where PvE heroes (which is what many "WvW" players actually are) don't have to feel to bad about dying / losing because being part of a blob is relatively anonymous for everyone other than the guy commanding (who is the only one actually doing any sort of PvP in a meaningful sense).

> >

> > No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.

> >

> >


> Someone salty who got kicked with his bear bow ranger?


Someone who speaks the truth, but I see the truth hurts. ;)



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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Interesting that competent people want to play with other competent people playing competent builds.


> Competent people don't spend their time blobbing around in WvW, I mean as far as PvP in video games goes blobbing in WvW is about as mindless, low skilled as you can get, whilst also being competitively an utter joke, this is not a situation that attracts competent players.


> It attracts bads and it attracts PvE players, because that what it is, "PvP" for PvE players where one guy makes most of the decisions for you either directly or indirectly and where PvE heroes (which is what many "WvW" players actually are) don't have to feel to bad about dying / losing because being part of a blob is relatively anonymous for everyone other than the guy commanding (who is the only one actually doing any sort of PvP in a meaningful sense).


> No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.




Somebody who has never seen organized group play, ladies and gentlemen.


Stop being so bitter and let people enjoy whatever they want?


Zerg gameplay is a lot about smart movement. The difference an organized group can make is insane. You can easily wipe out groups twice your size with the right setup. Sure, if you're on the receiving end you'll just die in 1 second and then log out because you have no respect for the actual thought behind it. You can't just throw out all of your spells blindly and then just win, no matter how much it seems to be that way it's simply not true. Scourges MAYBE do that but they are the large exception.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Interesting that competent people want to play with other competent people playing competent builds.

> >

> > Competent people don't spend their time blobbing around in WvW, I mean as far as PvP in video games goes blobbing in WvW is about as mindless, low skilled as you can get, whilst also being competitively an utter joke, this is not a situation that attracts competent players.

> >

> > It attracts bads and it attracts PvE players, because that what it is, "PvP" for PvE players where one guy makes most of the decisions for you either directly or indirectly and where PvE heroes (which is what many "WvW" players actually are) don't have to feel to bad about dying / losing because being part of a blob is relatively anonymous for everyone other than the guy commanding (who is the only one actually doing any sort of PvP in a meaningful sense).

> >

> > No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.

> >

> >


> Somebody who has never seen organized group play, ladies and gentlemen.


> Stop being so bitter and let people enjoy whatever they want?


> Zerg gameplay is a lot about smart movement. The difference an organized group can make is insane. You can easily wipe out groups twice your size with the right setup. Sure, if you're on the receiving end you'll just die in 1 second and then log out because you have no respect for the actual thought behind it. You can't just throw out all of your spells blindly and then just win, no matter how much it seems to be that way it's simply not true. Scourges MAYBE do that but they are the large exception.


You've just proved my point...

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Interesting that competent people want to play with other competent people playing competent builds.

> > >

> > > Competent people don't spend their time blobbing around in WvW, I mean as far as PvP in video games goes blobbing in WvW is about as mindless, low skilled as you can get, whilst also being competitively an utter joke, this is not a situation that attracts competent players.

> > >

> > > It attracts bads and it attracts PvE players, because that what it is, "PvP" for PvE players where one guy makes most of the decisions for you either directly or indirectly and where PvE heroes (which is what many "WvW" players actually are) don't have to feel to bad about dying / losing because being part of a blob is relatively anonymous for everyone other than the guy commanding (who is the only one actually doing any sort of PvP in a meaningful sense).

> > >

> > > No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Somebody who has never seen organized group play, ladies and gentlemen.

> >

> > Stop being so bitter and let people enjoy whatever they want?

> >

> > Zerg gameplay is a lot about smart movement. The difference an organized group can make is insane. You can easily wipe out groups twice your size with the right setup. Sure, if you're on the receiving end you'll just die in 1 second and then log out because you have no respect for the actual thought behind it. You can't just throw out all of your spells blindly and then just win, no matter how much it seems to be that way it's simply not true. Scourges MAYBE do that but they are the large exception.


> You've just proved my point...


"it's braindead"


"it's organized but this 1 class is kinda stupid"


proves your point.. how exactly?


Actually, don't even bother replying I don't care about your opinion. Have a good day

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At least you get to join before kicked, is way much better.


A lot of people run close squad nowadays and people tend to follow them blindly sometimes, being the only tag on map. The evilness of close squad to pugs is that the squad boons and heals are contained within the squad elsewhere the pugs outside the squad will have its boons and heal randomly distributed to the squad itself, giving the false impression that the close squad is really good to stay alive but not realizing the pugs are carrying the squad with its boons and heal taken from them while sharing the blows of the aoes.

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Eh, its normal to come on a class that is decent in WvW.


Its for their own good, whats the point of playing longbow ranger if you cant kill anyone, maybe down 1 ele that will mist away and get ressed. There are ton of decent builds out there that are out of meta such as staff thief, staff vanilla/tempest ele, scrapper with final salvo, shout spellbreaker, even reaper that are fun to play while not being bad enough to be kicked.


Also, of course if you run some kind 4 signet ele you will get kicked, as its pretty obvious you're either memeing without being vocal about it or dont know how to hotkey your skills. If whoever kicks you, points out why you get kicked, it is fair, you can either whine or change your build after asking what is better, there is always some room for compromise.


Its just things like not-staff-thieves and rangers have no impact in most WvW fights, meaning it is no fun for enemy or other people on your side. Also some commanders like to play melee with ton of cleanse, meaning scourge is much better than other necro specs, so they dont want them.


Its not ok to tell them to **** off the map but you can tell them it is bad and they should bring something else if they want to play with the rest of the players, otherwise they can go 1v1 with their 1v1 build.




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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> No one that wants quality PvP is blobbing around in WvW (especially 6 years in and in a game mode on life support), it is casual, trash tier PvP, which also pretty much sums up the playerbase and what makes people that tryhard at it so amusing.


Certainly sPvP is about a direct comparison of skills - that's why it is so structured and constantly being balanced. But complaining that WvW doesn't offer an equivalent gaming experience is like complaining that a Mario Bros game doesn't let you decapitate zombies. Quality PvP in gaming is not just limited to eSport style arenas.


WvW offers moments you do not get in sPvP. Coming over a hill and seeing a massive red wall of enemies heading right at you, and somehow managing to escape by the skin of your teeth. Standing on the ramparts of a keep as the attackers below gather together for an assault like a Helm's Deep scene. Seeing catapult fireballs flying in the distance and knowing that's not just an environment effect but an attack being lobbed by other players at other players.


One of the reasons I like PvP is for the ridiculous, crazy things that can happen in it. Those surprises can happen just as easily a large group PvP game mode like WvW as they can in an arena-style game mode. Large group PvP games have been growing in popularity as the industry realizes there is a range of gaming experiences they can offer. I am glad that ArenaNet is managing to provide players with such a range in their MMO.

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