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Choices you regret making

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>Are they fun to play? I am playing as a Guardian now. I thought they would be really cool and needed in groups. But a Nerco was my first alt. I like playing things that aren't easily killed.


Hard to anwser. If they are fun or not can only you find out by playing them. For me necro is lorewise and how the classfantasy build up within the class mechaniks pretty much fun. Mesmer is fun too to mee. The whole illusion dueling fighter ist awesome. After the rework of the class mechanik with your illus and shattering you can dish out decent damage as chrono. In (Guild) groups i prefer mesmer. Open world and stuff like this i do with my necro. Guard imo is also pretty fun. If you can manage your aegis uptime, blinds and blocks you are nearly unbeatable. Also you are wanted in every gamemode. Imo Guard overall where never in a really bad spot, so it's maybe the safest horse to bet on.

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My biggest regret thus far is trying to craft Bolt via the precursor collection, and not realizing that one of the final collection items would require essentially having to reach the goggles in the Not So Secret JP. Furthermore, some of the other final stage items have been bugged, including one I can't currently currently complete. So after I'd already blown a ton on the mats in stage 2 of the collections, I am now stuck and unable to be complete the final collection stage 3 for the precursor. After such a terrible experience with this precursor, it's completely turned me off from trying to do any of the others.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > I regret letting Tybalt hold the gate.


> *bitter crying*


> It's probably this. I haven't made any huge regrettable choices in game yet.



What about small regrettable choices. Nothing you wish you had done differently with power of hindsight?

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Geisterlicht.6083" said:

> > I regret converting about 4k pristines into regular fractal relics to buy obsidian shards to sell a few legendarys.

> > -_-


> I'm a new player. I'm not sure exactly what that does. Is that when you do one of the mastery's?


It has nothing to do with masteries and is nothing a new player should worry about :)


It is about a timegated currency that i used up to get some quick gold.

Back then there was nothing else to do with it, but now i regret it, since they "recently" introduced new things that you can buy for large quantities of that currency.


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Actually, I can't even decide but that question that everyone is getting asked during the story is something I apparently did wrong twice without knowing. Later I read in the wiki that stuff happened because of my fever dream about that tree. Trahearne and his spores I guess...


To be honest, picking (unvoluntary) that Tonn dies was such a hidden mistake, man... Ceera's voice and permanent hate towards me is striking a hardcore Asura freak like me hard. On my Engineer I picked the same I guess (?) and that Norn died, but she was made a hero. But Tonn... Every dead Asura is one too much.


But at least I helped the Quaggan, and that's some choice I like.


Maybe also that I don't have a Charr. I am just too much of a hardcore Asuracist, but I keep playing with the thought of creating a war-cat.

Not quite something I regret, but it's like smoking or drinking: Once an Asura, I just can't stop!



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Using the wiki to find an NPC I had to talk to for my next quest, since somehow I couldn't find her on the map. The NPCs in question was Sieran, and on the top of the page there was the most spoilery quote of hers.


Using Youtube to check out how Trahearne sounds in English. The image in the second result made me fear the end of the PS. Just as I finished the PS and breathed a sigh of relief, I realized "oh, but it said "HoT". "This really ruined the expansion for me, turning it into a frustrated rush to just get done with it.

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