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Choices you regret making

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I fell for the Blade Shards for Materials merchant added back during the Zephyrite's Festival of the Four Winds years ago. :\


I had begun deleting stacks of Blade Shards and then ArenaNet had finally implemented a way to offload all of the many stacks of worthless, account- bound, non-depositable Blade Shards everyone had accumulated to a festival merchant in exchange for some dirt-cheap materials at a huge exchange rate (think 100 blades for 1 jute scrap kind of exchange rate, or that's how I recall it). Instead of deleting the rest, I dumped the many, many remaining stacks of them for what amounted to pocket change when the materials were sold. A few silver was better than deleting them all. Sadly, a few patches later they pulled a dirty move and added an actual use for the account bound Blade Shards and the only methods of obtaining any again were extremely expensive and unreliable gambling in the mystic forge, time/character-gated NSS JP chest looting for 1 (if any), or down to just being lucky on loot drops from aetherblade enemies.


I now hoard everything instead of deleting just in case ANet might one day give them a use. As an example - I have had maxxed account luck for a very, very long time and, as I generate stacks quickly, I have 4 (5?) characters with bags completely full of stacks of exotic luck essence. I'll continue to hoard them just in case ANet decides to one day implement a use for them post-max account luck. I even still have stacks of Queen's Gauntlet tickets on a mule among many other items...just in case.

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I regret having had my main character join the Vigil early on in the personal story. I was still developing him as a character and recognized later he would have done much better joining the Priory. I was reminded of this recently in the Living Story, I believe in PoF a character referenced how I had chosen the Vigil of their preferred order. Besides that I can't really think of anything else I regret doing, maybe not joining in certain events and missing out on achievement points I could have had.

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Making my first character an elementalist instead of a mesmer. My oldest character with my standard name is just rotting in my character list and it feels bad :(


Also immediately selling the Spark I got from the karka event instead of waiting until later to sell it X_X

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> @"Figlilly.3907" said:

> I regret the names I chose for my characters. I wish I had run with a theme or some sort of linkage to each other but I didn't and it would be way too expensive to change them all now.



At least you don't run around proudly with names like shadow defeater.

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> @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

> Gambling on istani mount licenses instead of just buying the two skins that I wanted. I tried to beat the odds, and ended up spending way more than I should have.


I almost caved in regarding the original mount licences because I love the look of the Dajkah Lantern skimmer - but I'd be so upset if spending 3400 gems on a pack of 10 without getting it that so far I haven't bothered.


At least with the Istani mounts I'm just going for one or two direct, because knowing my luck the RNG won't come through. :/ Thanks for sharing that because it affirms and helps others including myself to make the right decision.

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Promising myself to never take an apprentice again.

Meeting someone who appears to be motivated, pure-hearted and willing to learn.

Deciding to take that person as an apprentice, believing he will be different compared to all the others.

Teaching the person the basics, continue with combos. Happily realizing he did not fall asleep.

Watching the person to run against walls, because he lacks the resources to use the knowledge I gave him properly.

Deciding to fund the person with a little gold, showing him how to earn money quickly.

Realizing he is still not gone, explaining game-mechanics and helping to person to build up the character suitable to the person.

Advanced training of reflexes, evading, blocking and countering devastating attacks.

Noticing that it seems to be a little too much. Deciding to postpone the training to the day we start with difficult game-content.

Designing a build which suits to the person, selecting a suitable rune-set + sigils together.

Explaining environmental weapons and other secrets of the game. He seems to be interested at first, but something more important caught his attention by now.

First idea sparking about ascended gear, very long discussion about how to get ascended gear, finding the most easiest and suitable for that person.

Realizing he is still not that resourceful, starting to fund that person so he can reach ascended gear in proper time.

Eventually spending 100-200g for the apprentice. By that moment he is able to do fractals of tier 2 and knows his class well enough to get along fine.

Then my vacation is usually over and I do not see that person for a few weeks. Whenever I log he is surprisingly afk or on the go.

A few weeks later I meet him again ingame. He changed his build and everything to META. Blames me for not showing him the right way from the beginning.

A few days later he realizes he outclasses me by now and decides to break the contact for good.

About 2-3 months later he quits the game because he lost every motivation. Until that day he basically farmed money in fractals and pve, eventually did a few raids.

Promising myself to never take an apprentice again.


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Crafting Bolt. I was hyped by my mesmer a year ago, after playing him about two weeks. Thought i will play him forever so i craft Bolt and Sunrise in an insane act of farming grind. Now i still playing my necro as main, after getting the insight that i've done and experienced too much with my norn lady to let her down or put her on the shelf. Also i really like the class design even if necro will never be top tier. So Sunrise is imo a great option as reaper if you dye in brown leather colours. Bolt is now catching dust on my mostly unplayed mesmer.

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> @"ratche.6204" said:

> two words.

> Ecto gambling


I'm new here. I don't know what that is yet.


> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> Crafting Bolt. I was hyped by my mesmer a year ago, after playing him about two weeks. Thought i will play him forever so i craft Bolt and Sunrise in an insane act of farming grind. Now i still playing my necro as main, after getting the insight that i've done and experienced too much with my norn lady to let her down or put her on the shelf. Also i really like the class design even if necro will never be top tier. So Sunrise is imo a great option as reaper if you dye in brown leather colours. Bolt is now catching dust on my mostly unplayed mesmer.


Are they fun to play? I am playing as a Guardian now. I thought they would be really cool and needed in groups. But a Nerco was my first alt. I like playing things that aren't easily killed.


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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"ratche.6204" said:

> > two words.

> > Ecto gambling


> I'm new here. I don't know what that is yet.



Ecto gambling is buying items for gold and ectos and hoping when you open them that you get more gold and ectos. It's basically a gold sink that I've wasted lots of gold on.


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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> I am playing a Charr during one of storyline


> . I could pick from three different alliances to aide me in beating the dragon. I had choice from Orges. These very strong creatures forgot the name and Skitt. I wasn't paying attention. I thought it asked which one do you want to help? I didn't know also meant join you. I picked the skitt.


> Those rodent like small creatures. I thought they were cute but looking back. I should picked the Orge.




Not playing this game a couple years sooner


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Ecto gambling.. I've wasted so much possible gold I could have had from just saving and selling them.

I also got a dusk drop once and decided to sell it instead of making twilight because it seemed like a lot of work, but it wasn't, I had a lot of materials already.

I also regret ever speed running dungeons or fractals everyday, I think that is what ultimately kicked the joy out of the game for me and I've never gotten it back.

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