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Recording device serpents ire nerf please.

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Serpent's ire meta is in and of itself a terrible meta, it requires both a large number of people to do it and large amount of skill/coordination to accomplish completing. You can check the LFG nearly constantly on a daily basis and see maybe 2-3 postings fore serpent's ire but even fewer then that actually complete the meta, most struggle with phase 1 or 2 IE the find/kill 5 zealots or the slays the champs to avoid a huge nuke going off.


So can we please get a nerf to either the meta's scaling, or have the requirements for the recording device shift to killing any of the 5 zealots in phase 1 or to any other POF meta? It simply isn't at all fair or fun to those of us trying to get the mark-Y golem back item when we have to have a huge number of people to do a meta nobody likes or even does most of the time, its even worse for those with very small windows of play time essentially forbidding them from completing the collection due to the few times if any people do it being far more likely to not be inside those small playtime windows.


Any of these three things owuld be a nice and appropriate solution to this and future season 4 content that might try to force us back into serpent's ire meta.


1: nerf the scaling.

2: Shift the recording devices's requirements to the zealots in phase 1

3: change the device's requirement to something form any other pof meta.

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I also had this issue :/ Either you can't find all the zealots in time( because they aren't marked, someone starts a zealot and the zealot leaves and there isn't time to kill 5, or there isn't enough people or etc. AND THAT is JUST the 1st phase part!


Anet should really mark the zealots on the map And please please please if possible have it drop from the 1st phase.

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I don’t know what times you guys are saying you find these squads regularly on LFG?


Here on EU I log in regularly to try and find a group and there is never ever anyone doing this meta. Yesterday I did manage to find one commander on LFG advertising and asking for 2 other commanders, I joined straight away even though it was only 3/50 with 20 mins to the start.


2 minutes before the meta was due to start we where at 17/50 with just 1 squad.


Nobody wants to do this meta because the end rewards are garbage for the effort required. Anet needs to STOP linking collections with dead events in a desperate attempt to revive them.

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  • 5 months later...

This post needs some more action, since the last post was in April and as of today, this is still an issue. It would be great for an Anet staff to comment...I think this is STILL an issue. Still hard to find a full map to do meta. Recording tied to step 3 (as if steps 1 and 2 weren't already challenging with dimly filled maps). LFG is absent for meta runs in Vabbi. Progress blocked by this - made worse by IG-6417 accepting recordings in grouped order. Anet - anything?

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For anyone on EU servers.... Take a look at the GW2 community website. They do organise meta's daily and Serpent's Ire is one of those in the schedule all the time. From experience I can say this meta is always successfull and has a lot of people joining (and is completely organised into detail). So you may want to take a look there, in their schedule/calendar, or contact one of the organising parties for more info.


I do not know if there is a similar community for the US servers tho...

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> rather than asking for nerf, which will require a lot of code change...


> it's better to look at what is the inherent problem that is plaguing PoF metas, what can they do to continuously draw a massive number of players back every day like HoT metas?

I agree. Each PoF Map should have one event chain or otherwise, that rewards an Amalgamated Gemstone, or at least a chance for one.


**Crystal Oasis:** The Crucible of Consecration Event Chain (would likely need to be increased in difficulty; more forged, perhaps having to kill the four channelers that hold the spirit at the same time, change the champion at the end to a legendary, etc)

**Desert Highlands:** Hunt for Buried Treasure event could give a chance in the improved reward caches for a gemstone.

**Ebon Riverlands:** Linked to Kaidenna's quest for Ascension around/in Augury Rock, mostly like when the doppelganger/s (have more than one, kill together or the others enrage etc.) appear.

**The Desolation:** Maw of Torment Meta.

**Domain of Vabbi:** Serpents' Ire Meta.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> rather than asking for nerf, which will require a lot of code change...


> it's better to look at what is the inherent problem that is plaguing PoF metas, what can they do to continuously draw a massive number of players back every day like HoT metas?


Sun’s refugee might/could be the answer to this.

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > rather than asking for nerf, which will require a lot of code change...

> >

> > it's better to look at what is the inherent problem that is plaguing PoF metas, what can they do to continuously draw a massive number of players back every day like HoT metas?

> I agree. Each PoF Map should have one event chain or otherwise, that rewards an Amalgamated Gemstone, or at least a chance for one.

This was suggested in another thread [over here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/54521/suggestion-make-pof-metas-that-reward-amalgamated-gemstones#latest "over here")



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I don't want them to nerf it. The game needs "hard" content. If you're not finding a good group, start one. The truth of the matter is that the event is being done on a fairly regular basis, but if you are showing up to do the event 20-30 minutes early, you're too late. Most people who are running a "winning" squad to do this meta have been set up for an hour or more beforehand. It's very possible that the map they're in is full, and you're on a map that isn't going to make it.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > rather than asking for nerf, which will require a lot of code change...

> > >

> > > it's better to look at what is the inherent problem that is plaguing PoF metas, what can they do to continuously draw a massive number of players back every day like HoT metas?

> > I agree. Each PoF Map should have one event chain or otherwise, that rewards an Amalgamated Gemstone, or at least a chance for one.

> This was suggested in another thread [over here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/54521/suggestion-make-pof-metas-that-reward-amalgamated-gemstones#latest "over here")



Yes, it's been suggested quite a lot since PoF released.

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  • 4 months later...

Serpent Ire sucks as meta event but what is really frustrating is to have a collection bound to this meta. I already tried several times, the biggest squad had 40 people and wasn't enough CC. People told me there is one guild doing this on weekend but we cant rely in 1 group that did it in 1 weekend. Something has to be done, because I still have 11 reccording stuck on my inventory that I cant deliver to npc. So it is super frustrating. ARENANET DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT PLEASEEEE OKKKKUUUUUUUURRRRRR

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I don’t feel that it’s the CC itself that players are struggling with. Sure, they could certainly do more but I feel their issue has to do with the timing of the breaks.


I’ve brought up several times that simply reducing the buff each gives to 25% would make this easier. Instead of having to have three zealots broken at any given time to do damage, you’d only need two broken. Another solution would be to extend the window that the bar is broken by like 5 seconds.


That said, I still don’t find anything inherently wrong with that meta other than the lackluster rewards.

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I wonder what the area is which influences the event's scaling in phase 2. Sometimes I have a feeling that the event out scaled the number of people actually participating.


Also many people don't know what to do and no one explains it to them. You can just tag along for other metas and learn as you go but here you can't.

So in phase 2 everyone just groups and attack one Zealot or even attack the adds. More information could be provided by UI; mini map and event description and people should communicate more. You need to be prepared before phase 2 starts. Split in to groups in phase 1 and explain what they should do. The successful runs I had all had a good commander that explained everything before hand. Even the basics like what beak bars are and which abilities break them, told them to change utility skills to CC, explained how to change groups in squad,...

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