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Are You Afraid of Any Class?

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I am afraid of players .... not class. A bad player remains bad on every class.... a better player kills me even if i am favorite .... a player really strong is able to use the map and the rotation to fill the gap his class has . ( i am not a strong player but i met some of them )

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Eh, not really. I mean, sometimes if I'm in a 3v1 already I picture a thief jumping in to put me down, but even then it's like joke's on you cuz I pulled you all into a 4v1 and now you have no points, lol.


Unless my team is just dumb, which happens.

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Wouldn't say i'm "scared" of Mesmers but i don't find it particularily fun to fight them and i actively try to avoid it since it seem i'm always on the backfoot when fighting one 1v1 as its incredibly hard to pressure them at the moment while most of their damage coming out is free, so why bother? Might as well go plus another node or something instead.

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> Wouldn't say i'm "scared" of Mesmers but i don't find it particularily fun to fight them and i actively try to avoid it since it seem i'm always on the backfoot when fighting one 1v1 as its incredibly hard to pressure them at the moment while most of their damage coming out is free, so why bother? Might as well go plus another node or something instead.


This is a low skill perspective, mesmers are still using cooldowns to produce their damage, it isn't free. Free damage comes from the ape squads that facetank literally everything thrown at them regardless of what class is pressuring them.

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Scourge if I don't have a condi clense or escape ready.


Any hard hitting long range build like deadeye or ranger, cuz I know I have to keep my eye on them during a teamfight to stay out of LOS.


Also some Mesmers bcuz there are so many different builds that it's hard to know what to expect.

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The only things I don't fear are Mesmers, Scourges, and Thieves. Yes, I said don't. Mesmers usually can't kill me if I sort out what build they are running, though I normally don't kill them either, scourges are pretty easily countered, and thieves, once you know how they work are normally fairly predictable. Why do I fear the others? Answer is simple. They may actually be good, and not hiding behind a class that is normally feared and complained about, so they may actually have some skill to back that choice. Most of the time though, like others said, they are just bad players, and die anyway, then there is no more fear.

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