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Worst Insults You've Gotten in GW2

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Insults can be helpful sometimes. I was in WvW and one thief called me a noob thief. I responded yep...you are right as my thief was pretty new. This led to a PM conversation with him/her realizing I wasn't joking as I did pretty much suck. However the conversation went on to links and tips and techniques and from there I was able to be a better thief.


When trolled sometimes it is better to understand why you are being trolled.

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A guy I added to block list. He advertised to recruit for dhuum cm .. So I PM to discuss about it... We know each other from pugging once in a while. When I pmed regarding to dhuum cm, he said with very unfriendly tone which I believe he was also frustrated with not having the cm done .. He said in quite very rude way.. Noting that he doesn't want to have a high ping player in the group that can fk up the group (something really rude). My reply to that was wow ok and Bye. And add him to block from that day on. I got my cm done with another group :). This guy also got a few days suspention once in game for being rude in map chat. He was quite rude to me which I didn't think its necessary.. Ppl like this I would just walk away stay away and ignore. Don't even bother to report.. Bcos its just waste of time and energy.

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I had a 30k ach points player rage at me in dragon ball for not being great at it and being on his team, like seriously rabid foaming at the mouth rage and at the end of it he looks at my ach points and sees I have 11k and goes "11k ach points, what did you get the game at Christmas?" LOL It's been a few years since then and I'm well over 20k now but I'll always remember how stupid I thought he was and over a festival.


I also had a guy say "this worthless druid we're 4 vs 5" about me because I arrived to a point when he was downed and couldn't save him in pvp. We were winning and I was in a premade party of three we decided to throw the game because he was such a jerk, he ofc raged coz it was ranked (this was back when you could queue ranked with more than two).

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Was never insulted and I found most players very fair most of the time. It is not possible to avoid that there are trolls once in a while, but to ignore them is usually sufficient. If they get no echo to their attacks, they will stop. Beside, it is so easy to block, why bother at all?


What I have noticed is that it is getting worse over the weekend. Also, it depends a lot on activities. In PvE explorable, I rarely see anything bad in map chat, whereas in WvW, it is more often, and from what friends are saying (I don't do myself), PvP is the worst.

In fractals, I find that it is a lot better now, thanks to telling clear in LfG tool what for objective has the team and what type of players they want. This prevents situations where the team build up with players having different objectives, what always lead to troubles.


Now generally, I believe that several things make that it is close to impossible to avoid troubles in a map chat:

- During fighting, we type short and straight due to no time, and as a result, what we say can sound "dry", up to aggressive, even rude.

- Many people cannot communicate properly and even if they have no bad intention at all, what they type sounds bad. A typical common error: To put a personal opinion as a global statement. Automatically, people who are not of the same opinion will feel the need to counter and it will start offensive. For example, if someone says "Dungeons are boring", people who like to do dungeon will take it as an attack. Whereas if the person would say "I find dungeons boring for that and this reasons", nobody would feel attack and a simple talk about dungeons would start.

- Many players are sensitive, taking what they hear as a personal attack, even if it is not. I have seen many times someone just providing a hint to a player for help, and the player taking it as a critic of his/her way to play. When that happens, the player enters into "defensive"mode because he feels criticized, and from there, no talk can go into the right direction.


Well, it's a community and like in every communities, communication is out of the hardest points. :)

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I was once called another word for female genitalia and just laughed. After the subsequent "lol", I responded with:

"You're not my mom! God I hate you! You are gonna get spanked! c'mere you little tick!" Then he blocked me after calling me a schizo. How did he know?!

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The worst thing ive been called i dont care to repeat here. Ill just say when people find out your trans you tend to get a ton of hate mail and death threats for no reason. i tend to just laugh and report them though because anet bans people for that crap.

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> @"Azara.8023" said:

> The worst thing ive been called i dont care to repeat here. Ill just say when people find out your trans you tend to get a ton of hate mail and death threats for no reason. i tend to just laugh and report them though because anet bans people for that crap.


There's a trans guild called 'SIS', if you care to join. (They already banned me for making a joke about 'tranny charges.' XD)

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Azara.8023" said:

> > The worst thing ive been called i dont care to repeat here. Ill just say when people find out your trans you tend to get a ton of hate mail and death threats for no reason. i tend to just laugh and report them though because anet bans people for that crap.


> There's a trans guild called 'SIS', if you care to join. (They already banned me for making a joke about 'kitten charges.' XD)


Thats ok i have some good guilds im in. Thank you though. i just kept seeing all the the very minor stuff people keep saying and then saying insults are rare in this game when i know first hand they are not. if anything id almost argue that its worse here than other games ive played.

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I once got called a "12k noob" back when some Dungeon groups used to put up AP requirements... Fun times! I cried for weeks and I still have not quite recovered from that insult, my therapist has given up on me and my parents have put up a fence on the roof!


(I'm joking by the way, in no way am I suicidal nor do I recommend suicide to anyone, it has some really bad side effects like death and sad families. If you feel bad about yourself or have trouble seeing any sense in life please do seek professional help even if you don't believe that anyone could ever help you. Trust me, people can and will help you if you let them!)

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I was in WvW once and joined a commander led zerg, we were standing in the middle of a large area and all of a sudden surrounded by all of the opposing teams, but nobody was attacking the other. Then in the map chat I was told to get out and leave? I was like wtf is going on, I was then promptly pushed by enemy players via some sort of kick ability off the end of a cliff to die.


I had some very colorful language after that for the map to enjoy.

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Not towards me but towards a group of people:

There was once someone who got mad because Dragon's Stand failed and they called everyone autistic and told everyone to die. Of course I reported them but still I think this shouldn't be anywhere. No matter if something fails.

I don't get all the hate for autism and I think we all should be a bit nicer to eachother. No matter if players actually have autism, are trans, gay, lesbian or anything else. I've also seen a lot of hate towards lgbt people which is sad for such a lgbt friendly company.

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> @"Azara.8023" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > @"Azara.8023" said:

> > > The worst thing ive been called i dont care to repeat here. Ill just say when people find out your trans you tend to get a ton of hate mail and death threats for no reason. i tend to just laugh and report them though because anet bans people for that crap.

> >

> > There's a trans guild called 'SIS', if you care to join. (They already banned me for making a joke about 'kitten charges.' XD)


> Thats ok i have some good guilds im in. Thank you though. i just kept seeing all the the very minor stuff people keep saying and then saying insults are rare in this game when i know first hand they are not. if anything id almost argue that its worse here than other games ive played.


Oof, I wouldn't say gw2 is quite that bad, for a start there's no voice comms so that by itself pushes gw2 below every multiplayer console fps ever created.

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Get cancer and die. Which, ironically at the time I was undergoing treatment for and still had scars healing from so it made me laugh enough that I whispered them and had a chat. In the end they wished me well and I hope that they are still enjoying the game. Gaming can be frustrating at times, but its best to remember its a game which implies, you should be having fun and if not, take a break.

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Most insults I've seen were in PvP matches, especially coming from skilled and experienced players vs casual players. I won't mention those insults here, because most of them are *most definitely* NSFW, and downright condescending, and mean.

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> @"Meestercat.2748" said:

> I got told to uninstall the game after not knowing the mechanics in my first ever T1 Fractal run. I’ve not been in one since.


Oh, that's no good >< Are you NA? Do you play afternoons/evenings eastern time? If so, though I don't do fractals terribly often and have yet to see several of the newest ones because I tend to do open world content more than group instances, I can certainly scare up a few friends to help you on some learning runs. I am conversant with all the basic fractals.

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