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Should Energy be changed to work as a 'Life Force' mechanic?


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I've always found it weird that you charge up all of your energy, and then it just disappears after a fight, when other classes such as Necromancer get to keep their 'Life Force' after a fight. So, do you think changing it to a Life Force mechanic would be beneficial for the development of Revenant as a whole, or not?

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No, however I would really like it if revenants had some sort of way to gain additional energy without swapping legends and without waiting for it to naturally restore.


My personal idea:

Mist Tap : Tap into the Mists, gaining 25 energy. Your next legend invocation has its cooldown increased by 7 seconds. This skill triggers effects that are activated upon invoking a legend. 5 second cooldown. ½ second cast time.

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no , first the theme of revenant is to channel nrg from the mist. when you channel it? when fight right? and you not fighting you dont need nrg.

also if nrg would have been like necros LF then all nrg cost probably would be much higher or get even longer cd.....


dont want that

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Absolutely no changing energy pls. There are the occasional ( usually less skilled ) players who come to the forums and ask Anet to dumb down Revenants energy system. The last thing Rev needs is to be butchered into another easy class.


Just look at the current state of mesmer for an example of how massively buffing a classes resource mechanics results in breaking the game. Bad mesmer players asked for a simplification of the clone/phantasm system, and anet actually gave it to them. Now the class is totally busted. Things like this are a good example as a reminder to Anet that they need to be very careful about which suggestions they listen to. Just because multiple people ask for the same thing does not make it a good idea.


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Absolutely not.


It's perfectly fine for different classes to have different mechanics that require different levels of skill. Revenant is a harder profession to master and that's okay!


Also more importantly if one class's mechanics aren't something you enjoy, there are 8 other classes (16 elite specs!) that might fit you more mechanically. I personally like the Guardian thematically, but hate the way the class actually plays and that's okay!


Find the class that fits you the best mechanically and thematically and learn it, don't force it to adopt other playstyles simply because you don't like certain aspects of it.

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