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Down skills in PVP

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Why have these not been updated or changed, these skill are still the same since launch, your skills have been changed thru out the years, but these lame skills have not, I bring up this topic all the time, but why do you favor some classes (Thief, Rev, Necro) for example, but the other classes its a waste of time trying to stay alive, why cannot when you get defeated just die, and go back to the base, this torture you must endure before your finished off is really dumb, can you change this please



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The skills aren't meant to be as strong as standard skills, only provide a sliver of pressure which could be all you need in a team fight to win. Ressing a teammate in a tight fight would swing the fight in your favor so simply dying right away would be a near guarantee win for the opposing team in that fight. I had countless fights where we won because we ressed a teammate or the downed player provided that extra damage or stun at the right time. It's all about how you use the skills, not what they do and how your teammates adjust accordingly to a downed player.

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I hate the downed state in pvp. I also wish it was removed, but it’s not going to be since it is ingrained in the game design.


It would be nice though to have the downed skills feel more balanced between professions. But the same could be said for non-downed state skills.

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> @"AGamer.3168" said:

> The skills aren't meant to be as strong as standard skills, only provide a sliver of pressure which could be all you need in a team fight to win. Ressing a teammate in a tight fight would swing the fight in your favor so simply dying right away would be a near guarantee win for the opposing team in that fight. I had countless fights where we won because we ressed a teammate or the downed player provided that extra damage or stun at the right time. It's all about how you use the skills, not what they do and how your teammates adjust accordingly to a downed player.


Mesmer downstate 3 (9k crits) says hello.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"AGamer.3168" said:

> > The skills aren't meant to be as strong as standard skills, only provide a sliver of pressure which could be all you need in a team fight to win. Ressing a teammate in a tight fight would swing the fight in your favor so simply dying right away would be a near guarantee win for the opposing team in that fight. I had countless fights where we won because we ressed a teammate or the downed player provided that extra damage or stun at the right time. It's all about how you use the skills, not what they do and how your teammates adjust accordingly to a downed player.


> Mesmer downstate 3 (9k crits) says hello.


Add CP to that and you can keep chaining those 9k+ crits....

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"AGamer.3168" said:

> > > The skills aren't meant to be as strong as standard skills, only provide a sliver of pressure which could be all you need in a team fight to win. Ressing a teammate in a tight fight would swing the fight in your favor so simply dying right away would be a near guarantee win for the opposing team in that fight. I had countless fights where we won because we ressed a teammate or the downed player provided that extra damage or stun at the right time. It's all about how you use the skills, not what they do and how your teammates adjust accordingly to a downed player.

> >

> > Mesmer downstate 3 (9k crits) says hello.


> Add CP to that and you can keep chaining those 9k+ crits....


New mesmer downstate meta inc


Easily defeat dhuum with mesmer downstate! Mesmer downstate tank! Mesmer downstate dps! Mesmer downstate support build!

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I think a few could be toned down a bit, like druids having their pets res them AND being able to interrupt somebody attempting to finish them multiple times to the point of it being easier just 11111 ing them to death. (Which sometimes isn’t even enough to beat the pets heal.)


Necro and Druid are definitely the strongest. Warrior is kind of bs if you’re in a really close fight and then interrupt your finish, get back up, and then whirl you down with one ability or wreak havoc on your team throwing off a fight that was otherwise going to have a more favorable outcome.


Rev and thief though? What is overpowered about rev? Thief I guess has teleport and stealth but they’re so squishy you can generally kill them before they can even heal.


Mesmer i don’t want changed because it’s honestly the most hilarious thing ever watching some thief think they won and then being one shot by my avenger. But yes, that may not be the best balance in the world. (Easily dodgeable and blockable though.)


The only two that can be really broken are necro and Druid because if you’re in a downed state fight with either one you’re better off not even trying and wasting time.



If anything though, the biggest issue I have is the system itself and it’s abuse in ranked and actively trying to keep people in downed state instead of finishing them even if it means running off creating the appearance that they’re safe to try and heal up but then coming back and keeping them down. Obviously it’s up to the player to give up and realize what they’re trying to do but it’s a really cheap and toxic way of getting an advantage. I think there needs to be something in place to prevent players from abusing this system like letting players regenerate health faster the longer they heal or are downed encouraging others to HAVE to finish them instead of slowly letting them bleed.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"AGamer.3168" said:

> > The skills aren't meant to be as strong as standard skills, only provide a sliver of pressure which could be all you need in a team fight to win. Ressing a teammate in a tight fight would swing the fight in your favor so simply dying right away would be a near guarantee win for the opposing team in that fight. I had countless fights where we won because we ressed a teammate or the downed player provided that extra damage or stun at the right time. It's all about how you use the skills, not what they do and how your teammates adjust accordingly to a downed player.


> Mesmer downstate 3 (9k crits) says hello.


I had a 14k once full glass and have chrono phantasma. It was pretty glorious. In the pvp arena and managed to not only down two people but res myself by completely killing one. Lol



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> @"Ragion.2831" said:

> I never understood why some classes had better downed skills than others. It is what it is I suppose


Rangers are really the biggest outliers. One of the best down skills for preventing a stomp with an AoE daze, and Lick Wounds is insanely good preventing you from ever safely rotting them forcing you to take that stomp. And mesmers post rework if they're power. The rogue crits hilariously hard now though it's at least easy to dodge.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> I hate the downed state in pvp. I also wish it was removed, but it’s not going to be since it is ingrained in the game design.


> It would be nice though to have the downed skills feel more balanced between professions. But the same could be said for non-downed state skills.


This game choked to death on flavor-design years ago. If we were to fairly cull GW2's bloat and encapsulate the relatively unique roles or abilities among distinct classes, this game wouldn't have had more than 4 professions just for the sake of keeping each class from just being arbitrarily weaker or more powerful versions of each other much like what we see now. Standardization is the only thing that could possibly save any shred of GW2 at this point, but its regular playerbase is too damaged to ever conceive a world without 2.5k auto attacks, passively self-generated 25 might and face tanking damage with instant-cast damage/effect negation which often also allows players to continue to take offensive actions.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > I hate the downed state in pvp. I also wish it was removed, but it’s not going to be since it is ingrained in the game design.

> >

> > It would be nice though to have the downed skills feel more balanced between professions. But the same could be said for non-downed state skills.


> This game choked to death on flavor-design years ago. If we were to fairly cull GW2's bloat and encapsulate the relatively unique roles or abilities among distinct classes, this game wouldn't have had more than 4 professions just for the sake of keeping each class from just being arbitrarily weaker or more powerful versions of each other much like what we see now. Standardization is the only thing that could possibly save any shred of GW2 at this point, but its regular playerbase is too damaged to ever conceive a world without 2.5k auto attacks, passively self-generated 25 might and face tanking damage with instant-cast damage/effect negation which often also allows players to continue to take offensive actions.


I’m all for changing stuff up. Like I said, I personally abhore the downed state in pvp. It is the thing I dislike most in this game. I just don’t think it will change is all.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> If anything though, the biggest issue I have is the system itself and it’s abuse in ranked and actively trying to keep people in downed state instead of finishing them even if it means running off creating the appearance that they’re safe to try and heal up but then coming back and keeping them down. Obviously it’s up to the player to give up and realize what they’re trying to do but it’s a really cheap and toxic way of getting an advantage. I think there needs to be something in place to prevent players from abusing this system like letting players regenerate health faster the longer they heal or are downed encouraging others to HAVE to finish them instead of slowly letting them bleed.


You realize that this is legit play. Like, there's counterplay to that play and it's an actual risk to bleed people. Too many times I've tried that, and they had someone come in and rez and I lost the 2v1 because I didn't see them coming. With risk comes reward, or failure. That's the whole point of that. INstead of being mad that you are bleeding you, take that chance to teach your teammates to rez. It's really funny that there's an active thread about "remove downstate, it's useless" and "remove downstate, you'll just get rezzed" threads. All I have read in both of them is "I don't know how to use downstate properly, and I need to learn how it works so I stop complaining" and then the threads will stop until we have to teach the next person this lesson.

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> @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > If anything though, the biggest issue I have is the system itself and it’s abuse in ranked and actively trying to keep people in downed state instead of finishing them even if it means running off creating the appearance that they’re safe to try and heal up but then coming back and keeping them down. Obviously it’s up to the player to give up and realize what they’re trying to do but it’s a really cheap and toxic way of getting an advantage. I think there needs to be something in place to prevent players from abusing this system like letting players regenerate health faster the longer they heal or are downed encouraging others to HAVE to finish them instead of slowly letting them bleed.


> You realize that this is legit play. Like, there's counterplay to that play and it's an actual risk to bleed people. Too many times I've tried that, and they had someone come in and rez and I lost the 2v1 because I didn't see them coming. With risk comes reward, or failure. That's the whole point of that. INstead of being mad that you are bleeding you, take that chance to teach your teammates to rez. It's really funny that there's an active thread about "remove downstate, it's useless" and "remove downstate, you'll just get rezzed" threads. All I have read in both of them is "I don't know how to use downstate properly, and I need to learn how it works so I stop complaining" and then the threads will stop until we have to teach the next person this lesson.



It’s kind of poor sportsmanship though. Toying with people in downed state. Whether it’s “legit play” or not, is it really necessary? At least give us a 5th downed ability to just /gg so that here aren’t times where you’re just sitting there watching your health bar slowly go down if you know you have no chance of rezing.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > If anything though, the biggest issue I have is the system itself and it’s abuse in ranked and actively trying to keep people in downed state instead of finishing them even if it means running off creating the appearance that they’re safe to try and heal up but then coming back and keeping them down. Obviously it’s up to the player to give up and realize what they’re trying to do but it’s a really cheap and toxic way of getting an advantage. I think there needs to be something in place to prevent players from abusing this system like letting players regenerate health faster the longer they heal or are downed encouraging others to HAVE to finish them instead of slowly letting them bleed.

> >

> > You realize that this is legit play. Like, there's counterplay to that play and it's an actual risk to bleed people. Too many times I've tried that, and they had someone come in and rez and I lost the 2v1 because I didn't see them coming. With risk comes reward, or failure. That's the whole point of that. INstead of being mad that you are bleeding you, take that chance to teach your teammates to rez. It's really funny that there's an active thread about "remove downstate, it's useless" and "remove downstate, you'll just get rezzed" threads. All I have read in both of them is "I don't know how to use downstate properly, and I need to learn how it works so I stop complaining" and then the threads will stop until we have to teach the next person this lesson.



> It’s kind of poor sportsmanship though. Toying with people in downed state. Whether it’s “legit play” or not, is it really necessary? At least give us a 5th downed ability to just /gg so that here aren’t times where you’re just sitting there watching your health bar slowly go down if you know you have no chance of rezing.


I would really rather not have that for the same reason I've been insanely mad at thieves and mesmers. I go to res them, and they port out of my rez. Don't just give up and start pushing random buttons. If you want to shorten the respawn, don't try to heal like a pleb when there's no help, but that doesn't mean help won't come. Assume the worst, but don't just give up before it's over. Bleeding out is the middle ground between bandage and your gg suggestion, and that's what most higher level players will do, assuming they can't down the opponent while downed, or self rez (mostly ranger).

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