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Mesmer clone/phantasm amount makes player models and sounds disappear


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Impossible to play pvp when mesmer clones take all the player models. I have effect lod disabled and when a mesmer does its clone burst it makes some player models disappear for 2s and then reappear. Also. during the time of disappearance the sounds from skills can't be heard. Please fix.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/phLoZhs.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Tx9HtNl.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/bWKRfqc.jpg "")


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> So this is what I experienced today when guardian materialised next to me but it wasn't stealth or shadowstep.


Yes, I noticed this problem the same way by dying to an invisible warrior that appeared when I died.

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> I think this is not mesmer issue but game engine on your machine issue. Have you perhaps altered some graphic setting just before the match?


No I didn't alter any of my settings. One of my friends who plays mesmer also said that this happens to him as well when he spawns clones.

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> @"Morts.5319" said:

> Impossible to play pvp when mesmer clones take all the player models. I have effect lod disabled and when a mesmer does its clone burst it makes some player models disappear for 2s and then reappear. Please fix.


Phantasms not clones, this must be rly hard to understand...

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> @"Morts.5319" said:

> > @"Arioch.4810" said:

> > I think this is not mesmer issue but game engine on your machine issue. Have you perhaps altered some graphic setting just before the match?


> No I didn't alter any of my settings. One of my friends who plays mesmer also said that this happens to him as well when he spawns clones.


Its the engine doing culling. You can increase the amount of models the engine can display at once at the cost of your fps.

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Ive noticed this it also. Anet you need to do something about being able to spawn infinit phants, while having 3 shatter commanded clones running to a target while having 3 more clones running to a target under different shatter command while having 3 clones performing a mirage ambush skill or just hanging around.

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Press escape.

Go to options.

Go to graphics options.

LOD distance: medium, preferably high.

Character Model Limit: High.


If you’re getting lower FPS then lower other settings a little, great candidates are post processing, shadows and shaders, antialiasing, turning off hi-res character textures and turning down Character Model Quality.


Remember it’s better to see a potato coming than for it to kill you because you can’t see it, no one likes being killed by a potato.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Morts.5319" said:

> > Impossible to play pvp when mesmer clones take all the player models. I have effect lod disabled and when a mesmer does its clone burst it makes some player models disappear for 2s and then reappear. Please fix.


> Phantasms not clones, this must be rly hard to understand...


Dear god... That's not the point. Who cares what they are, 300 clones or 300 phantasms... either way its the same amount of visual clutter. Though phantasms are arguably more clutter than clones due to the attack effects. Still... quit Trolling.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Press escape.

> Go to options.

> Go to graphics options.

> LOD distance: medium, preferably high.

> Character Model Limit: High.


> If you’re getting lower FPS then lower other settings a little, great candidates are post processing, shadows and shaders, antialiasing, turning off hi-res character textures and turning down Character Model Quality.


> Remember it’s better to see a potato coming than for it to kill you because you can’t see it, no one likes being killed by a potato.


How about we not be forced to change our graphics settings to deal with -one- class and instead fix the class?

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Press escape.

> Go to options.

> Go to graphics options.

> LOD distance: medium, preferably high.

> Character Model Limit: High.


> If you’re getting lower FPS then lower other settings a little, great candidates are post processing, shadows and shaders, antialiasing, turning off hi-res character textures and turning down Character Model Quality.


> Remember it’s better to see a potato coming than for it to kill you because you can’t see it, no one likes being killed by a potato.


Just FYI only half the settings you listed have anything to do with FPS. Hi-res character textures are only relevant to VRAM usage. Post Processing is super lightweight and won't have any real effect on performance unless you've got a Celeron or FX chip. Ditto for antialiasing. The big settings when it comes to FPS are Shader quality, and Shadows. Character model limits are also pretty big for FPS but only in areas with tons of players such as cities, WvW, and meta events. In sPvP you might as well set that to high regardless of how potato your machine is.


Also LOD distance has nothing to do with being able to see character models.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Press escape.

> > Go to options.

> > Go to graphics options.

> > LOD distance: medium, preferably high.

> > Character Model Limit: High.

> >

> > If you’re getting lower FPS then lower other settings a little, great candidates are post processing, shadows and shaders, antialiasing, turning off hi-res character textures and turning down Character Model Quality.

> >

> > Remember it’s better to see a potato coming than for it to kill you because you can’t see it, no one likes being killed by a potato.


> How about we not be forced to change our graphics settings to deal with -one- class and instead fix the class?


Upping the character limit has a lot of advantages to the point where I would say unless you run around RPing and so need everything to look as good as possible on a bad computer it’s almost always better to see more. OP didn’t state what settings were on (only effect LOD) but I believe even medium character limit would fix his issue in which case they’re running in potato mode and no “fix” to the class will fix his issue short of removing all clones and phantasms from the class.


@"Crinn.7864" Thanks for correcting me, I didn’t have the list I found ages ago handy. I use higher LOD distance so I can see objects further, mainly for WvW though but can’t hurt for PvP.

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So that's what happened. I saw an ele appear to pop in and out of stealth a few times when he had no allies nearby in one of my matches, too. I thought maybe he was using rune of the thief or something but then it was too persistent to be that.

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I first read this and thought it was a joke, or simply an issue with your specific hardware. However, I may have recently experienced this in a team fight with 3 Chrono mesmers fighting at mid. They all were spamming clones and phantasms, and at one point I think over 20 clones/phantasms were brought into existence within 4 seconds of each other.


To be honest, this is not the type of gameplay I want to begin with. But on top of that, I did experience culling during this window. Yes, it was a narrow window of performance hit, but this type of gameplay experience should be relegated to Zerg battles and not conquest.



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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> I first read this and thought it was a joke, or simply an issue with your specific hardware. However, I may have recently experienced this in a team fight with 3 Chrono mesmers fighting at mid. They all were spamming clones and phantasms, and at one point I think over 20 clones/phantasms were brought into existence within 4 seconds of each other.


> To be honest, this is not the type of gameplay I want to begin with. But on top of that, I did experience culling during this window. Yes, it was a narrow window of performance hit, but this type of gameplay experience should be relegated to Zerg battles and not conquest.




Yeah this problem is especially bad and definitely noticeable with multiple mesmers in a match.

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