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Pvp Has Died

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just thought i'd let anyone at anet who might see this know, no one's stopping the hackers and they only increse in numbers not because people make light of it, but because the retards who do it actuly reccomend it to other people, and the lazy ones who dont want to try or work for any rank or tournament rewards do it as well if not moreso then any other part of pvp and since nothing has been done about it and will likely never have anything at all done about it pvp is now 99 % cheaters hackers and wintrading, yay!~~~~~~

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> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> Hack dont kill the PVP, **this died when Gw2 became free to play**. Anyone can create alter accounts and put toons afk to manipulate combats.


Yep, this is a major problem we all have to deal with. People with no prior experience or even an investment in the game logging on, thinking "hey lets go play ranked for leaderboard" and tanking teams, or people creating alts with [redacted way to manipulate matches] to tilt games.



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Pvp might be dead for you, but it's not for a ton of people. Stop the hyperboles.

> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > Hack dont kill the PVP, **this died when Gw2 became free to play**. Anyone can create alter accounts and put toons afk to manipulate combats.


> Yep, this is a major problem we all have to deal with. People with no prior experience or even an investment in the game logging on, thinking "hey lets go play ranked for leaderboard" and tanking teams, or people creating alts with [redacted way to manipulate matches] to tilt games.

You have to be rank 20 to queue for ranked. So this is untrue.

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> @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> Maybe ranked should require dragon rank ...


Having checked the numbers on ranks ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Rank) I think _Dragon_ might be a little too high.

_Shark_ rank seems a bit more reasonable to me - it requires 891500 points to reach.

So if we do some rather rough maths - 1500 points for a win 500 for a loss; let's say people average out to 50/50 win:loss so we are saying 1000 points (average) per match - at that rate it takes ~891 games to reach there.

Maybe even _Bear_ rank since that's about 692 matches. It's a reasonable enough number to deter some people from going into the "alt game" but not so high that dedicated new players see it as huge mountain to scale.


Also, this may positively impact the **quality** of players in ranked.

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You forgot about chrono op mesmers ruining the experience for balanced classes like myself. Rip PvP. Playing against an insanely OP class like the chrono mesmer in season 11 just makes me care less and less about winning because it's impossible to kill a good chrono mesmer 1v1. Hell if he is a good chrono mesmer he can 2v1 us.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> You forgot about chrono op mesmers ruining the experience for balanced classes like myself. Rip PvP. Playing against an insanely OP class like the chrono mesmer in season 11 just makes me care less and less about winning because it's impossible to kill a good chrono mesmer 1v1. Hell if he is a good chrono mesmer he can 2v1 us.


What class do you play?

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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > You forgot about chrono op mesmers ruining the experience for balanced classes like myself. Rip PvP. Playing against an insanely OP class like the chrono mesmer in season 11 just makes me care less and less about winning because it's impossible to kill a good chrono mesmer 1v1. Hell if he is a good chrono mesmer he can 2v1 us.


> What class do you play?


Spell Breaker

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > You forgot about chrono op mesmers ruining the experience for balanced classes like myself. Rip PvP. Playing against an insanely OP class like the chrono mesmer in season 11 just makes me care less and less about winning because it's impossible to kill a good chrono mesmer 1v1. Hell if he is a good chrono mesmer he can 2v1 us.

> >

> > What class do you play?


> Spell Breaker


Great! I play one too! Among other professions. A small advice: do not tell that ypur profession is balanced on a PvP forum :) I, personally, don't care, but a lot of people here will have their behinds hurt by that statement ;)

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Personally, I wont play if there are too many op professions over what I want to play. Currently Mesmer and scourge are dominating, too much so. So I will wait until its changed, or at the end I will do my 10 games and wait until the next season. I suggest anyone who does not want to fight 3 mesmers, two scourge, and a guardian to do the same. The game is so much less stressful when op players aren't op because of class carry, and I'd like to think that this is a game that is meant to be fun. I am just going on what I seen between seasons, and what is most complained about in the forums. Too much complaint determines if I participate. Right now, Mesmer is getting complained about 24/7 by everyone. So, season boycotted. Very similar with wvw zergging. If there are no team places for my account if I wish to join, when that commander is on, zerg boycotted (and i have been told by many, when I play heavy I'm usually top 5 for damage (toot toot)). Usually when I attempt to get into a team with other zerglings, its just to test the commander and see if I am valued, if I'm not valued I roam. Usually on the side that matters least, and in wvw if some roamers are strong because of class carry, I boycott all fights with that class. Winning is knowing the battle, and I will not fight a battle that can not be won.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Pvp might be dead for you, but it's not for a ton of people. Stop the hyperboles.

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > > Hack dont kill the PVP, **this died when Gw2 became free to play**. Anyone can create alter accounts and put toons afk to manipulate combats.

> >

> > Yep, this is a major problem we all have to deal with. People with no prior experience or even an investment in the game logging on, thinking "hey lets go play ranked for leaderboard" and tanking teams, or people creating alts with [redacted way to manipulate matches] to tilt games.

> You have to be rank 20 to queue for ranked. So this is untrue.


Did not know this. Thanks for bringing that to my attention~





I wouldn't say its dead, even with people being jerks. It just takes work beyond what many people are willing to give, and tolerance beyond what many people have.


All that's done is concentrate the pvp scene into people that are really good or really dedicated.

And the people willing to cheat but we don't acknowledge those.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Pvp might be dead for you, but it's not for a ton of people. Stop the hyperboles.

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > > Hack dont kill the PVP, **this died when Gw2 became free to play**. Anyone can create alter accounts and put toons afk to manipulate combats.

> >

> > Yep, this is a major problem we all have to deal with. People with no prior experience or even an investment in the game logging on, thinking "hey lets go play ranked for leaderboard" and tanking teams, or people creating alts with [redacted way to manipulate matches] to tilt games.

> You have to be rank 20 to queue for ranked. So this is untrue.


Took me 36 games in order to reach level 20. That's nothing.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Pvp might be dead for you, but it's not for a ton of people. Stop the hyperboles.

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > > > Hack dont kill the PVP, **this died when Gw2 became free to play**. Anyone can create alter accounts and put toons afk to manipulate combats.

> > >

> > > Yep, this is a major problem we all have to deal with. People with no prior experience or even an investment in the game logging on, thinking "hey lets go play ranked for leaderboard" and tanking teams, or people creating alts with [redacted way to manipulate matches] to tilt games.

> > You have to be rank 20 to queue for ranked. So this is untrue.


> Took me 36 games in order to reach level 20. That's nothing.

Well, you need 61500 rank points for rank 20 based on GW2 wiki. (maybe it's 54k? not 100% sure) That's 41 wins if you have a 100% winrate (41 games), which is impossible. If you have an 50% winrate, that's going to take you 62 games (31 wins 31 losses). If you are a new player, you will be well below 50% winrate, so that's even more. Anyways, the point is, if you are playing on an alt account, you probably will have a higher winrate around 70%. That makes is roughly 50 games played to participate in ranked arena. If you ask me, that's quite a time investment (if my maths is correct).


tldr my point is, you can't just create a new account and hop in to wintrade / afk.


Personally I would not really support setting the rank limit higher, maybe rank ~ 30 tops. There is no real point excluding players with ~80-100 games from ranked, because you have the MM system to take care of that. At the same time, it's already kinda limited for alt accounts to join in ranked.



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