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Unlimited Gathering Tool Update is a nice surprise!

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> The article and/or patch notes said you get the glyph back when the tool runs out of charges.


Well, I'm confused, I read the patch notes both in my language and in english and I managed to miss that point. :/

Thank you! :)

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Personally I like the update to the gathering tools but there is one big problem.

I have 9 infinite gathering tools and 4 glyphs +1 from the trading post.

so I have 4 infinite tools without glyphs unless Im going to spend like 800g+ to buy them as of right now.

I dont understand why the infinite gathering tools without special loot didn't get a turn in option to get the infite skin with an upgrade box which contains the glyphs for cloth/leather/industry/movement speed and instead these upgrades are only to be found in the black lion trading post.


There is a set of 3 infinite gathering tools for 1800 gems at this moment but you get no glyphs with them. So you get to spend 1800 gems on the tools and another 600g+ to get 3 glyphs from the trading post.

Fused alliance mining pick: 1000 gems

Shifting sands mining pick: 1000gems but you get a + 33% chance for an additional mining strike glyph.


Why would anyone in their right mind buy gathering tools that dont provide glyphs? What is the point of outplaying myself this way?


copy/pasted my own comment from a different thread into this, not sure if thats against the rules.


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> @"Mork.9532" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > The article and/or patch notes said you get the glyph back when the tool runs out of charges.


> Well, I'm confused, I read the patch notes both in my language and in english and I managed to miss that point. :/

> Thank you! :)


Yeah, after looking at the patch notes just now, it looks like they did leave out that important note. But the article about the change does indeed mention it.

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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > **Before I picked up the free Glyph Container, there was another Gem Store entry of such a Container in exchange for gems. Once I picked the free one up, that other entry vanished.**

> > > >

> > > > The only way now for me to acquire them is through BLCs or the TP.

> > >

> > > Which is exactly that what Gailes said. They can only be bought in blc, in tool-bundles or in the trading post from other players: "Glyphs can be obtained from the Black Lion Chests in the Rare category, or as part of a bundle with certain unlimited-use gathering tools."

> >

> > Read again: I saw another Glyph Chest offer _besides_ the free one before I picked the free one up. Afterwards, it was gone.

> >

> >


> Well that then seems to have been a bugg, since i didnt saw one, nor was it meantioned in the patch notes. The sentenced i posted where from there.


It was there, the price of the glyph was given as 0/~~125~~ implying that you'd be able to buy more for 125 gems each.


I think I've seen this before when they gave us something free through the gemstore they have to give it a "regular" price when they add it to the store so it's given 125 gems.

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I'm seeing some rather strange results with the Chop-It-All Logging Axe.

Whenever I gather, it gives me 60 seconds of a buff called ((877677)) for 60 seconds which appears to increase my movement speed. The icon is similar to the movement speed bonus that NPCs in cities give you, but not quite the same. The buff can stack up to 25 times, and each new stack refreshes the duration of them all up to 60 seconds. Even after it times out, gathering again will continue the number of stacks from where it was before it timed out.

I tested the axe without any glyph, with a sprocket glyph, and a gathering speed glyph, and they all still produced this effect.

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One bright side, for those screaming foul about gem store purchases, is that this has a benefit for everybody, regardless of gem store use. This should bring the price of leather and cloth down a bit, and those have been an issue for a long time. This serves as a win-win for Anet, I think, since they get an income boost (it's a f2p game, guys, they have to make their money somewhere and this isn't game-breaking) and it helps get the market for leather/cloth in check. I understand where the anger is coming from, but it was a smart business decision and a beneficial decision for the game economy itself.


If only I could get a gathering tool that gave me a chance for butter, eggs, or chocolate.

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:> @"Daroon.1736" said:

> If Glyphs were craftable, I would agree, but as it is it's yet another money grab.


hey bud, you need to understand one thing with Anet system and Guild Wars game overall. this game is a Free to Play system which is my main reason to play the game from day one Guild Wars 1 Beta to Guild Wars 2 Beta. my reasons is due to life responsibilities i do not have time to make a monthly payment for playing a game 3-4 times a week for 1-3 hours. i can understand why Anet has applied this system to keep the progression of the game and severs as they are doing a great job yet need some balance work with the classes because i miss how gw2 starting was skilled based..

Gemstore, and exchange is a great support for Anet and i have been supporting them for years now. because this game has changed everyone's life in some way, including myself. overall gw2 is a great game and as the subscription being a free based system with BL system makes a good environment for everyone allowing anet to understand Game and Real Life (environmental changes)

if gw2 was pay to play i would stop and never begin gw2 cause life as a student, working hours to become someone successful making a difference in the world with personal responsibilities and for me gw2 is a relaxation to life.


the term "money Grab" does not apply to guild wars 2 compare to lame 2018 games which do not even compare to gw2 amazing system and hope anet understands the big impact this game has made in overall mmorpg history.

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> @"Daroon.1736" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Daroon.1736" said:

> > > If Glyphs were craftable, I would agree, but as it is it's yet another money grab.

> >

> > "It's a big benefit for some opening BL chests today/this week, as you can get a few hundred gold from some of the glyphs.


> In the interests of accuracy, the above statement should read 'you have a rare chance to get a few hundred gold from some of the glyphs'

> Statistically, given the Gold or Gem cost of obtaining keys v the chance of obtaining a glyph from a chest, No one is seeing a big benefit.


> In response to the 'money grab' comment - Anet's mantra was always that gem store sale items would be cosmetic or provide convenience. Please tell me how a glyph that can only be obtained through the Gem store which essentially provides a free ADDITIONAL source (not available otherwise) of leather/cloth is either of the above?



Not true, have u seen the new npc's with all the tools (ofc not unlimited ones but still) that have all the various benefits you can buy with karma? he has like 3 page worth of different tools. and what's more those skins are unlockable as well.

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I would have preferred if tool skins worked like outfits, covering the appearance of the equipped tools, and if tool skins were sold separately. And glyphs like pvp upgrades, letting you select them separately per character after unlocked.


If you use shared inventory slots to share tools across characters getting more skins is pretty much pointless. You'd have to keep a set of tools per character, or constantly pay transmutation charges to have different appearances per character.


No freaking way I'm going to pay a full 1000 gems for a skin to have 33 characters with the tool skin that better fits their theme. That is just insane and defeats the purpose of making them account bound, increasing their cost for making them account bound, and adding shared inventory slots.


So I guess it's sticking to what I already have for me until their skins work as they should: replacing the skin separately per character, not a transmuted skin like weapons.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > Only that the Glyph Chest is bugged: once you pick up the free one, you cannot buy another one.

> > Hi there. I just checked with the team, and Glyphs are sold through the Gem Store.


> Hi Gaile,


> They are not. Before I picked up the free Glyph Container, there was another Gem Store entry of such a Container in exchange for gems. Once I picked the free one up, that other entry vanished.


> The only way now for me to acquire them is through BLCs or the TP.


And **that** was a total typo on my part. Apologies for the error, and I will change my initial post in this thread. They are **not** intended to be sold in the store.

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In case anyone missed it:


"With the addition of glyphs, gathering tools that already have bonus properties can be traded for new versions that convert their bonuses to glyphs at the Black Lion Exchange Specialist located in the Trader's Forum in Lion's Arch. "

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This is a wonderful QoL. I think there is one teeny issue though. Assuming I didn't miss something in my haste right after the patch, while you can freely extract a glyph from a tool, if you add another glyph to a tool that contains one it overwrites rather than swaps, and I don't recall any warning in the popup "this will destroy the previous upgrade."


I have a ticket in to Support now about replacing the trophy gathering function I overwrote on my Lucky Dog, we'll see how that works out given that trophy glyphs don't seem to be available as of yet so I don't know if they can just provide one of those. Maybe they can remake my Dog into its original form and hand me a new leather glyph to use on another tool? Whatever works best, coding wise.


EDIT: I must eat some dirt here. I found my Glyph of the Scavenger in my logging tool. I must have shoved it in there during a frantic flurry of testing the new stuff before running out the door to a doctor's appointment. User error, problem is behind the keyboard, c'est moi. Sorry :(

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I'm really happy about this change. This is exactly what I'd been hoping for.


However, there's still one thing missing: a way to buy skins separately from the tools. I'd love to start collecting these skins and using them to customize my characters. However, they all already have a set of unlimited tools (mostly the same: the first tool of each kind that was released). I'm not going to pay 1,000 gems for a skin unlock and a tool I can't use, but I would be willing to pay less to get just the skin unlock. With skinned, sometimes-glyphed tools costing 1,000 each and the set of unskinned tools costing 2,400 for all three, it seems like 100 or 200 gems for just the skin would be a fair price.


Is there any chance of that happening?


(Being able to preview the gathering visual effect from the gem store the way you can from the hero window would also be nice.)

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> @"Daroon.1736" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Daroon.1736" said:

> > > If Glyphs were craftable, I would agree, but as it is it's yet another money grab.

> >

> > "It's a big benefit for some opening BL chests today/this week, as you can get a few hundred gold from some of the glyphs.


> In the interests of accuracy, the above statement should read 'you have a rare chance to get a few hundred gold from some of the glyphs'

> Statistically, given the Gold or Gem cost of obtaining keys v the chance of obtaining a glyph from a chest, No one is seeing a big benefit.


In the interests of accuracy, "some" is correct: while the chances that you or I will get a glyph is extremely low, the chance that some people are getting them is 100% (otherwise we wouldn't be able to buy them on the TP). The people who got them as drops are seeing a big benefit, since the value of the "rare" drops is higher than it was with the previous options.


That doesn't make the chests cost effective to open, but since that isn't the topic of the thread, it's moot.


> In response to the 'money grab' comment - Anet's mantra was always that gem store sale items would be cosmetic or provide convenience. Please tell me how a glyph that can only be obtained through the Gem store which essentially provides a free ADDITIONAL source (not available otherwise) of leather/cloth is either of the above?


First, this functionality already existed, in the form of three different unbreakable tool purchases. So it's not a change of policy.

(And remember: we originally could buy boosters, which literally improved damage, defense against damage, and speed: it's hard to argue that those were strictly cosmetic or strictly convenient, since their bonuses stacked with foods and utilities.)


Second, Today's change means that people can, for the first time, acquire bonus material functionality via TP purchases. That's an increase in convenience.


Third, the glyphs are now transferable, allowing people to have the bonus functionality and their favorite skin. That's an increase in convenience and a cosmetic benefit.


And finally, none of this has anything to do with "money grab". Stuff in the gem shop costs gems, which people can get with RL cash or in-game gold. It's either all "cash grabs" or none of it is.




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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Only that the Glyph Chest is bugged: once you pick up the free one, you cannot buy another one.


> EDITED to correct a substantial error on my part:


> Hi there. I just checked with the team, and Glyphs are **not** sold through the Gem Store. You can obtain them through the Black Lion Chests, or undoubtedly will find that players are selling them on the Trading Post.


RNG or inflated prices---not nice.

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