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Can one full heal WAR make an impact in WVW?


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Healer on duty ! No trinks on

Max Regen, entire zerg (happens rarely) I.E. 50+ same time 750/sec...YES you can heal more then 10 with a simple legal/legit trick

Max shout (rare) nearly instant 170,000 AOE heal with buffs and cures

Max Single shout ( so far) 35,000 , more is possible

Constant cures




b4 someone asks, and trolls come out

My max shout is 7000 ( AGAIN, this is rare) done it 4x now in 100s of hours

if I heal 5 at a time ,that = 35,000 instant heal (+buffs and cures)

If I pop all 5 shouts : 35,000 X 5 = 170,000 instant+buffs and cures

Again, this is RARE, only happens under certain conditions

120,000 instant is very very common


More of everything is possible

about 15% more with another trick possible , shown in my private area vids


More vids from today when I get time to post


500 give- away #3 soon to subbers

Mid summer 5000g #3 also

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Theoretical healing is always fine (in theory just a few mesmers can heal a stacked 50 man zerg 0->100 in a few of seconds, but nobody takes mesmer healers either lol) but the last time I played a healing warrior... it was just booooooooooring. Cause all you can do is tank and manage banners, especially if you dont have room for spellbreaker. Healing necro is far more fun as you have significant condi damage while pumping out a literal buttload of barriers and pulling downed peeps to you. Healing ele at least skips the entire flag thing since they are a mobile flag.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Theoretical healing is always fine (in theory just a few mesmers can heal a stacked 50 man zerg 0->100 in a few of seconds, but nobody takes mesmer healers either lol) but the last time I played a healing warrior... it was just booooooooooring. Cause all you can do is tank and manage banners, especially if you dont have room for spellbreaker. Healing necro is far more fun as you have significant condi damage while pumping out a literal buttload of barriers and pulling downed peeps to you. Healing ele at least skips the entire flag thing since they are a mobile flag.


Some people like healing :)

Killing is boring



What theory are you speaking of?

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> soon everyone will be full sigil of teansference monk rune minstrel every toon =)


> theif shadiw refuge.

> war shouts.

> guards mantras.

> druids heal

> rev tablet

> eles waters

> necros transfuse

> mesmers mantras

> engies med kits.


> would be funny


Minst is bad,not a fan

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> Healer on duty ! No trinks on

> Max Regen, entire zerg (happens rarely) I.E. 50+ same time 750/sec...YES you can heal more then 10 with a simple legal/legit trick


- dont see ticks for 750/sec, also it never heals more then 10 ppl :)

- why you dont use trinkets ? ( no trinks on.... ? )


-but like your enthusiasm for being healer

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I've played a core warrior healing build last week for fun and it was pretty fun actually. Could have used different runes and sigils and it would have been extremely effective actually in terms of burst heal at least.. once. After that you're not really useful.


Was still super fun.

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Guardian spirit weapon bow is better for that IMO, if healing FB's start to use it, and it is even a ligh field blast zone, the healing on the game will be increased.

(This in a sense that is just a utility swap in the current number of Fb's, if they spike their SW BoT in a area will be good healing zone)


I am actually trying to make a decent bannerlord, but something is lacking wich is what im trying to understand what it is :\, tho i liked that healing vaules.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > Healer on duty ! No trinks on

> > Max Regen, entire zerg (happens rarely) I.E. 50+ same time 750/sec...YES you can heal more then 10 with a simple legal/legit trick


> - dont see ticks for 750/sec, also it never heals more then 10 ppl :)

> - why you dont use trinkets ? ( no trinks on.... ? )


> -but like your enthusiasm for being healer


(750/sec) I said "max" not whats in this vid

(trinks) Normally do,was re testing every healer and possible build, was 7AM, had been up 35+ hours+ fasting 2 days.

Just forgot to put them on when these fights broke out.Was about to log and got asked to heal.


I have private vids and public.

My public vids are "proof of concept"

I never show or tell my enemy what is really possible.

These vids put the info out I want


My private vids show the good stuff :)

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Curious: how is this for erhm... leeching contribution?


I will be cryptic here, I have 2 full healers I play.

As of last big patch I average 2 red items a day, 6 gold and 25+ yellow

I have 5 "mule" toons all with 20 slot bags every slot

I do ZERO pvE,all of it is wvw finds.

I have never crafted a single red item, armor or wep. ALL my toons are full red gear

I have banked (most recently) (Guessing) 300 rings, 40 armor chests, 40 wep boxes


Now b4 someone trolls....I link every item I find in team chat, feel free to ask any on my server


*last night got 1 wep box 1 armor 2 rings ( red)

I have 51000 ish gold,all from wvw

I have spent over 50 000g as well

I have given away 25k or so


I assume this is what you meant by "leeching"

back in the day healers (like me) made nothing. Now it is great

A few tricks make it 10x better

Cryptic here...how game mechanics calculate how much loot you get

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I will be here in public super cryptic

I found a way to heal 50 000 AOE 1200 range...forever (not warrior)

Not a hack or exploit

Shocked nobody else knows this OR they do and dont talk about it.

So "OP" that it would ruin this entire game,literally. Untill "fixed/nurfed" anyway.

B4 someone asks: it is not easy and takes some setup,that said

I have tested it and it 100% works


The day b4 I leave this game for Camelot Unchained or Pantheon I will post a vid and make a forum post here


To the (a lot) that messaged me:

YES I said WAR gets 5 shouts,was not a mistake.

4 are instant, 1 a second later or so


War should really have an elite shout( beta did)

Ranger should have elite trap

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > Healer on duty ! No trinks on

> > > Max Regen, entire zerg (happens rarely) I.E. 50+ same time 750/sec...YES you can heal more then 10 with a simple legal/legit trick

> >

> > - dont see ticks for 750/sec, also it never heals more then 10 ppl :)

> > - why you dont use trinkets ? ( no trinks on.... ? )

> >

> > -but like your enthusiasm for being healer


> (750/sec) I said "max" not whats in this vid

> (trinks) Normally do,was re testing every healer and possible build, was 7AM, had been up 35+ hours+ fasting 2 days.

> Just forgot to put them on when these fights broke out.Was about to log and got asked to heal.


> I have private vids and public.

> My public vids are "proof of concept"

> I never show or tell my enemy what is really possible.

> These vids got the info out I wanted


> My private vids show the good stuff :)


Dont starve yourself or 35 hours been wake up... yay


Im theorycrafting a lot .... so i try a lot.... had regen warrior before... but didnt favorize him much... coz of passive gameplay.... from what i saw... you playing cleric stats (thats what i think) ... you are low on hp... so its not minstrel or magi...

but cleric have power that you dont need ... but one of the most high healing power... ( also same have magi and apothecary )


But always happy to see builds out of meta... and working well :D

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Its like asking if a tempest can make an impact or realty any support class yes for there pt only but classes like scorges can hit 10 targets support and do dmg and cc and counter boons all at the same time what the point of only running a 5 target class when you can simply run a 10 target class.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Its like asking if a tempest can make an impact or realty any support class yes for there pt only but classes like scorges can hit 10 targets support and do dmg and cc and counter boons all at the same time what the point of only running a 5 target class when you can simply run a 10 target class.


Wars can heal more then anyone

10 to 50 or 100 with a simple trick

I agree, 5 is silly

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Its like asking if a tempest can make an impact or realty any support class yes for there pt only but classes like scorges can hit 10 targets support and do dmg and cc and counter boons all at the same time what the point of only running a 5 target class when you can simply run a 10 target class.


> Wars can heal more then anyone

> 10 to 50 or 100 with a simple trick

> I agree, 5 is silly

We already know the trick.




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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > Its like asking if a tempest can make an impact or realty any support class yes for there pt only but classes like scorges can hit 10 targets support and do dmg and cc and counter boons all at the same time what the point of only running a 5 target class when you can simply run a 10 target class.

> >

> > Wars can heal more then anyone

> > 10 to 50 or 100 with a simple trick

> > I agree, 5 is silly

> We already know the trick.


> Magic.



Any way to have a trick for tempest aura support? You would think shout and aura share would hit 5 to 9 targets but it seems to just doable up on the same targets most of the time and as aura do not stack a lot of potential is lost.


But that is the problem with all support atm they do not hit 10 targets like a scroge can and wvw has become a 3 class game.

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Used every possible trick last night for (semi) short periods, I was at 988/tick regen

Just over 750 with self stuff


In another thread I may show how to regen over 30 000/sec forever...on another class.

Was a theory for a while, tested it last night. works great

I am assuming 50-75k or more total regen /sec is possible


THis will be on another thread

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Okay so let see so build would be something like this




So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)



Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%


So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.


With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.


Okay, so then lets count shouts.


Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).


With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.


**TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**



My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.


Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(

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