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BG vs all other servers combined


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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > It's so funny to read all this "stuff" about how great BG is. BG isn't great at all. They have numbers, numbers, numbers. They probably actually have a good fight group or two in there somewhere. Without their big numbers and ton of WoDs they love to drop they are mostly pretty easy to kill. The guild I run with looks for fights. We have yet to find a BG group with even numbers that doesn't just get wiped most of the time by our fight group (you'll have to guess who we are.. ninja killers... come close and you'll see). Then what happens is they will come back with bigger and bigger numbers until they can't help but win. That's not GOOD play... that's just huge blobbing and anyone on BG that can't admit that is hiding from their truth. ... and the talk about siege and tower humping? Just come close to a BG held tower or Keep and the first thing you will see everytime is a TON of siege and people on it pounding away until their massive blob can come save them.

> >

> > lol, I'm not a fight commander so when I'm not with the fight group I will sometimes pug-mand. Get a decent size 'havoc' group going and pillage what we can for pips and fun. I'll tell them... if we see a group of BG stay on me, give us heals etc, and just plow into them. If it's a group close to our size, even us as a texmanding pug group win lots of the time. I will tell them, and it happens... hang on folks because they're coming back with bigger numbers... and it happens every time...

> >

> > It's not skill, it's just numbers and I also will be happy if ANet does implement this new dynamic server structure. In the meantime I will continue to chuckle at the BG is awesome comments... :)

> >

> > ... oh and by the way... none of the above is salt, not even close to it. It really is pure and simple truth. No gauntlet being thrown down since we're already matched up. Just bring on the blobs... we'll continue to poke the hornet nest when we can and yes most of us do just go in there to have fun. Take it serious? roflmao


> Definitely no salt in this lengthy post. teheee :3


ah so you could see it was really sugar right??? lolol

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> @"swellercross.3974" said:

> i Agree with Balthazzarr.1349 , BG can not handle even fights many times they wipe but came back with a bigger group or triple the size to get even , they got all the buff too ,Critical Buff, Anet Buff ,Hack Buff and there parents Buff real money buff ,how can ya win with all those buffs LOL


Realistically, in NA at least, there are two guilds which can pull at least 20 *guilded* players to pin, one of which I would trust in it's current form at even number fights. The other guilds all have smaller cores, 10-15 average. But since BG both has a lacking amount of pins, and a ridiculously large pub population, those groups expand heavily, naturally, unless specifically closed & hidden. Which obviously is not super great for trying to fight vs larger coordinated guild groups on other servers, at all. It means person to person, there's less coordination, less cohesion, in these BG groups. So to match other servers, the groups tend to bulk up heavily, play passive, and in general just not be a good fight source for guilds from elsewhere which want that 25v25 experience.

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?


I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek

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> @"swellercross.3974" said:

> i Agree with Balthazzarr.1349 , BG can not handle even fights many times they wipe but came back with a bigger group or triple the size to get even , they got all the buff too ,Critical Buff, Anet Buff ,Hack Buff and there parents Buff real money buff ,how can ya win with all those buffs LOL


Were you tryna take BG's t3 stuffs when this happens? Cause if you were, it gets called on teamchat like every other servers and normally will respond to this. It'd be easier to stay in t4 and pvd stuffs tho ?

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> @"Norbe.7630" said:

> From what i see, SoS bows down on BG and accepts them as the one true king.

> last reset, SoS's full armada head straight on TC's EBG keep while BG capped SMC uncontested, no 3 way fight that time because of that bold move.

> after TC's cavalry slaughtered SoS's forces at a T0 keep, TC started on SMC while SoS pursued the attacks on TC towers instead, and the rest is history.


> Lesson learned, Go to SoS OP.


Yes SOS are content being BGs slaves, too scared to put up a real fight. So sad to see. > @"Brother.1504" said:

> Proud Blackgate veteran.

> Two servers. Or all the servers at once.

> All I can say is this.


> Bring


Whats to be proud of? Making t1 wvw a rigged joke?

BG vs all? This is a bad idea, or is it just a giggle lol the soon they get rid of servers all together the better . I cant wait to play some real wvw.



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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?


> I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek


Nobody respects the BG playerbase, and for good reason. Everyone who transferred to BG is afraid of competition and an even fight. That is why they ran to BG, and that is why they will never transfer off.


If only one NFL team was allowed to field twice the players of every other team, they would win all the time also. The truth is that BG players are afraid, they know their time in the sun is only because of blatant cheating of the transfer system.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > > No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?

> >

> > I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek


> Nobody respects the BG playerbase, and for good reason. Everyone who transferred to BG is afraid of competition and an even fight. That is why they ran to BG, and that is why they will never transfer off.


> If only one NFL team was allowed to field twice the players of every other team, they would win all the time also. The truth is that BG players are afraid, they know their time in the sun is only because of blatant cheating of the transfer system.


I agree! Bg is bad! They're too afraid to fight and that's why their kdr is the lowest! Bg is so terrible that they even work hard on their community! So bad they made alot of people cry on this thread! BG STOP MAKING PEOPLE CRY!

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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > > > No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?

> > >

> > > I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek

> >

> > Nobody respects the BG playerbase, and for good reason. Everyone who transferred to BG is afraid of competition and an even fight. That is why they ran to BG, and that is why they will never transfer off.

> >

> > If only one NFL team was allowed to field twice the players of every other team, they would win all the time also. The truth is that BG players are afraid, they know their time in the sun is only because of blatant cheating of the transfer system.


> I agree! Bg is bad! They're too afraid to fight and that's why their kdr is the lowest! Bg is so terrible that they even work hard on their community! So bad they made alot of people cry on this thread! BG STOP MAKING PEOPLE CRY!


Lol, I know you are only fishing for a reaction. But in the interests of science I'll give you the simple math, since BG players are so bad at it. If you have 4 people against 1. The one will almost always lose and have zero kdr. The winners have a better kdr because of skill right? Lol. BG really is the haven of the low.


BG's kdr comes from their overwhelming numbers. If BG players actually had skill and no fear they wouldn't be on BG.


Facts are facts. BG players are not interested in fair competition because they know they would lose at it. That's why they ran to BG in the first place. and why they are afraid to transfer off. And that is why nobody respects players from BG.

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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > Have them prove it and transfer off. Nobody will because BG players are afraid of competition.


> have you check out the pvp mode btw? its a fair 5v5 match tho. Not unless you're the "angry internet kid" type tho. BG PLEASE STOP MAKING PLAYERS BOOOHOOOHOOOO!


Haha. Thanks for proving my point.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > > > > No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?

> > > >

> > > > I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek

> > >

> > > Nobody respects the BG playerbase, and for good reason. Everyone who transferred to BG is afraid of competition and an even fight. That is why they ran to BG, and that is why they will never transfer off.

> > >

> > > If only one NFL team was allowed to field twice the players of every other team, they would win all the time also. The truth is that BG players are afraid, they know their time in the sun is only because of blatant cheating of the transfer system.

> >

> > I agree! Bg is bad! They're too afraid to fight and that's why their kdr is the lowest! Bg is so terrible that they even work hard on their community! So bad they made alot of people cry on this thread! BG STOP MAKING PEOPLE CRY!


> Lol, I know you are only fishing for a reaction. But in the interests of science I'll give you the simple math, since BG players are so bad at it. If you have 4 people against 1. The one will almost always lose and have zero kdr. The winners have a better kdr because of skill right? Lol. BG really is the haven of the low.


> BG's kdr comes from their overwhelming numbers. If BG players actually had skill and no fear they wouldn't be on BG.


> Facts are facts. BG players are not interested in fair competition because they know they would lose at it. That's why they ran to BG in the first place. and why they are afraid to transfer off. And that is why nobody respects players from BG.


i wanna see your group fight Cookie's group fair fight then. Let me know how that goes buddy <3 BG BAD!

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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > > > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > > > > > No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek

> > > >

> > > > Nobody respects the BG playerbase, and for good reason. Everyone who transferred to BG is afraid of competition and an even fight. That is why they ran to BG, and that is why they will never transfer off.

> > > >

> > > > If only one NFL team was allowed to field twice the players of every other team, they would win all the time also. The truth is that BG players are afraid, they know their time in the sun is only because of blatant cheating of the transfer system.

> > >

> > > I agree! Bg is bad! They're too afraid to fight and that's why their kdr is the lowest! Bg is so terrible that they even work hard on their community! So bad they made alot of people cry on this thread! BG STOP MAKING PEOPLE CRY!

> >

> > Lol, I know you are only fishing for a reaction. But in the interests of science I'll give you the simple math, since BG players are so bad at it. If you have 4 people against 1. The one will almost always lose and have zero kdr. The winners have a better kdr because of skill right? Lol. BG really is the haven of the low.

> >

> > BG's kdr comes from their overwhelming numbers. If BG players actually had skill and no fear they wouldn't be on BG.

> >

> > Facts are facts. BG players are not interested in fair competition because they know they would lose at it. That's why they ran to BG in the first place. and why they are afraid to transfer off. And that is why nobody respects players from BG.


> i wanna see your group fight Cookie's group fair fight then. Let me know how that goes buddy <3 BG BAD!


Hiding behind Cookie doesn't help your cause.

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It is kinda funny how no matter what BG is public enemy #1. I've been on BG since day 1. Whether you hate or like BG, what you can not deny is that its community is the longest lasting. What happened to the "great" communities of former Tier 1 servers like JQ, SOR, TC, SOS, KN, HOD, ET? They all at one time had lots of guilds/commanders and pugs in WvW. Keep in mind BG has not been able to even "buy/recruit" new guilds since its been locked for 4 years more or less. You can blame BG all you want for blobbing and zerging everyone down. It is not our fault other servers can not rally all their pugs and guilds. SOS , YB and JQ i know can pull some massive numbers in an emergency. Why can't you guys do that constantly? Your servers are nearly always open while BG has been closed for 4+ years so we can not recruit or "buy" guilds/people. You all blame BG for everything but what have you all done to improve your own server? All i see is constant complaining yet no one has stepped up to rally their own servers.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > > > > > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > > > > > > No way. BG is terrible. Even when it's reset night, and it's QvQvQ on all 4 maps, and BG only gets 1.8+ KDR - you can obviously see that BG is the worst. Blue gets .36 KDR and that takes skill. Dying the most is what you're supposed to do right?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I agree bg is so bad they have the lowest kdr everytime ???? if y'all want even fights go to a fish market kek

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody respects the BG playerbase, and for good reason. Everyone who transferred to BG is afraid of competition and an even fight. That is why they ran to BG, and that is why they will never transfer off.

> > > > >

> > > > > If only one NFL team was allowed to field twice the players of every other team, they would win all the time also. The truth is that BG players are afraid, they know their time in the sun is only because of blatant cheating of the transfer system.

> > > >

> > > > I agree! Bg is bad! They're too afraid to fight and that's why their kdr is the lowest! Bg is so terrible that they even work hard on their community! So bad they made alot of people cry on this thread! BG STOP MAKING PEOPLE CRY!

> > >

> > > Lol, I know you are only fishing for a reaction. But in the interests of science I'll give you the simple math, since BG players are so bad at it. If you have 4 people against 1. The one will almost always lose and have zero kdr. The winners have a better kdr because of skill right? Lol. BG really is the haven of the low.

> > >

> > > BG's kdr comes from their overwhelming numbers. If BG players actually had skill and no fear they wouldn't be on BG.

> > >

> > > Facts are facts. BG players are not interested in fair competition because they know they would lose at it. That's why they ran to BG in the first place. and why they are afraid to transfer off. And that is why nobody respects players from BG.

> >

> > i wanna see your group fight Cookie's group fair fight then. Let me know how that goes buddy <3 BG BAD!


> Hiding behind Cookie doesn't help your cause.


being an angry kid on the internet doesn't help yours too. BG BAD!

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> @"Teikoku.2068" said:

> It is kinda funny how no matter what BG is public enemy #1. I've been on BG since day 1. Whether you hate or like BG, what you can not deny is that its community is the longest lasting. What happened to the "great" communities of former Tier 1 servers like JQ, SOR, TC, SOS, KN, HOD, ET? They all at one time had lots of guilds/commanders and pugs in WvW. Keep in mind BG has not been able to even "buy/recruit" new guilds since its been locked for 4 years more or less. You can blame BG all you want for blobbing and zerging everyone down. It is not our fault other servers can not rally all their pugs and guilds. SOS , YB and JQ i know can pull some massive numbers in an emergency. Why can't you guys do that constantly? Your servers are nearly always open while BG has been closed for 4+ years so we can not recruit or "buy" guilds/people. You all blame BG for everything but what have you all done to improve your own server? All i see is constant complaining yet no one has stepped up to rally their own servers.


So true, how anet can't appreciate a long lasting community is beyond me. I guess most of anets are angry interenet kids too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ better spend your time having fun playing a game than getting angry all the time <3

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> @"Teikoku.2068" said:

> It is kinda funny how no matter what BG is public enemy #1. I've been on BG since day 1. Whether you hate or like BG, what you can not deny is that its community is the longest lasting. What happened to the "great" communities of former Tier 1 servers like JQ, SOR, TC, SOS, KN, HOD, ET? They all at one time had lots of guilds/commanders and pugs in WvW. Keep in mind BG has not been able to even "buy/recruit" new guilds since its been locked for 4 years more or less. You can blame BG all you want for blobbing and zerging everyone down. It is not our fault other servers can not rally all their pugs and guilds. SOS , YB and JQ i know can pull some massive numbers in an emergency. Why can't you guys do that constantly? Your servers are nearly always open while BG has been closed for 4+ years so we can not recruit or "buy" guilds/people. You all blame BG for everything but what have you all done to improve your own server? All i see is constant complaining yet no one has stepped up to rally their own servers.


BG's "community" blatantly gamed the system to cheat and overstack their server to levels that were never intended. Thereby destroying the game mode for everyone. ANET isn't going to let anyone else cheat and overstack so now it isn't possible to compete with BG. The result of BG's efforts to game the system is that now your "community" will be destroyed by alliances.


It didn't have to be this way. Servers could have worked and the communities could have lasted. BG couldn't see the bigger picture though, so now you will lose it all.

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SoS changed a fast pace on last few months, the new active guilds are good on fights, but seems doesnt have setup a bigger goal yet. from SoS "oldscholl" running theres still CAOS, GAL and Rx around. The good side on guilds moving, for first time i have a guild from country, Brazil, around on SOS, the WP. in other words, atm theres few pugmanders and few PPT focused guilds on SoS to setup a server wide strategy to win over BG.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Teikoku.2068" said:

> > It is kinda funny how no matter what BG is public enemy #1. I've been on BG since day 1. Whether you hate or like BG, what you can not deny is that its community is the longest lasting. What happened to the "great" communities of former Tier 1 servers like JQ, SOR, TC, SOS, KN, HOD, ET? They all at one time had lots of guilds/commanders and pugs in WvW. Keep in mind BG has not been able to even "buy/recruit" new guilds since its been locked for 4 years more or less. You can blame BG all you want for blobbing and zerging everyone down. It is not our fault other servers can not rally all their pugs and guilds. SOS , YB and JQ i know can pull some massive numbers in an emergency. Why can't you guys do that constantly? Your servers are nearly always open while BG has been closed for 4+ years so we can not recruit or "buy" guilds/people. You all blame BG for everything but what have you all done to improve your own server? All i see is constant complaining yet no one has stepped up to rally their own servers.


> BG's "community" blatantly gamed the system to cheat and overstack their server. Thereby destroying the game mode for everyone. Now your "community" will be destroyed by alliances.


> It didn't have to be this way. Servers could have worked and the communities could have lasted. BG couldn't see the bigger picture though, so now you will lose it all.


Keep on making fun of yourself buddy, it's comedy gold entertainment for us! Imma go farm AB silverwaste or something now, you stay here. Take care bud :3

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Teikoku.2068" said:

> > It is kinda funny how no matter what BG is public enemy #1. I've been on BG since day 1. Whether you hate or like BG, what you can not deny is that its community is the longest lasting. What happened to the "great" communities of former Tier 1 servers like JQ, SOR, TC, SOS, KN, HOD, ET? They all at one time had lots of guilds/commanders and pugs in WvW. Keep in mind BG has not been able to even "buy/recruit" new guilds since its been locked for 4 years more or less. You can blame BG all you want for blobbing and zerging everyone down. It is not our fault other servers can not rally all their pugs and guilds. SOS , YB and JQ i know can pull some massive numbers in an emergency. Why can't you guys do that constantly? Your servers are nearly always open while BG has been closed for 4+ years so we can not recruit or "buy" guilds/people. You all blame BG for everything but what have you all done to improve your own server? All i see is constant complaining yet no one has stepped up to rally their own servers.


> BG's "community" blatantly gamed the system to cheat and overstack their server. Thereby destroying the game mode for everyone. Now your "community" will be destroyed by alliances.


> It didn't have to be this way. Servers could have worked and the communities could have lasted. BG couldn't see the bigger picture though, so now you will lose it all.


How did we "game" the system? You talking about the days where BG would do "Blackouts" to lose their full status in order to get more guilds/players in the game? Or when people said that BG "Bought" guilds with gold? You have no idea if you think BG was the only one that pulled that. I had an alt on JQ and SF and friends pulled the same thing to get coverage to fight BG and also spent gold to get more guilds. JQ and TC I know did the same thing. Did you play WvW season 2 tournament? That was a true gaming/manipulation a targeted 2v1 24/7 with both servers sharing TS/Forums/Scouting/Siege trolling/keep trolling/tapping and constantly only pressuring BG. That was literally the only way TC and JQ could keep BG down in 3rd place.


I'm happy for alliances and my guild on BG is happy for alliances so its all gucci.

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