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time to lower the rank requirement again.

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Wvw rank is even harder to obtain now then it was 6 months ago, due to less players playing wvw and no K trains being available due to less players. Eotm is virtually deserted 24/7 so there is no quick/ good way to earn wxp. Anet needs to either lower the rank requirements for items, or increase the amount of wxp. I think this would make more players join wvw as well, and would make getting these items realistic, givin the current wvw population.

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Wouldn't lowering the rank requirement also make the items lose some of their prestige? What would anyone gain from having items with less prestige attached to them? Though I sort of understand how people who really worked for them would feel if they'd become now easy to get. My take on this is similar to what @"Reflex.5286" said. If you're not having fun anymore on your empty server, maybe you should try another more populated one.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Wvw rank is even harder to obtain now then it was 6 months ago, due to less players playing wvw and no K trains being available due to less players. Eotm is virtually deserted 24/7 so there is no quick/ good way to earn wxp. Anet needs to either lower the rank requirements for items, or increase the amount of wxp. I think this would make more players join wvw as well, and would make getting these items realistic, givin the current wvw population.


WvW rank is just as easy to obtain now. There have always been "fewer players" and there are always k-trains available.


Plus, lowering rank requirements isn't likely to draw a lot of people into WvW.


More importantly, ANet is planning on a massive restructuring. That will be somewhere between wildly successful and an abject failure; if it's closer to the former, we'll see an increase in player density, making this request moot. If it's closer to the latter, well, the game mode will have bigger problems than "not enough k-trains."

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Main reason I don't play WvW is the reward structure. Takes to long to build up and then you just sit around doing nothing forever waiting for your reward ticker to decay so you don't lose out on points. sPvP is much faster for gaining reward track rewards and pips. If you are split on playing either or, might as well play sPvP, rewards are much quicker to get.

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Have you tried setting up an actual build, maybe stop using magic find food, and ever try to do stuff on your own? Then you wouldn't have a problem. But no, some people think only of themselves, care nothing about playing in a team, and need to be carried by everyone else.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I doubt that your server is entirely empty. Look for zergs or learn how to flip camps and kill the Veteran event mobs for easy exp in the meantime


> Op is on BG.


Oh well I heard there's no one playing there anymore.

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Certainly no K trains on bg only zergs for fighting players which gives low world xp, especially if you wipe.


Also most nights it is deserted except for Friday night at reset. The rest of the week there might be one zerg for all wvw maps, and they are not K trains, always looking for zvz.


This is opposed to 2 years ago when there was a zerg in every map 7 days a week 24 hrs a day. So yes the population is decreasing, which makes wxp way slower to get. Also enemy zergs are very thinned out or non existent which makes players on bg not tag up or sign in.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> It's pretty disingenuous to complain about not having enough people to play with here while claiming you will quit wvw when they remove you from your (empty?) server with the restructure. You can't have it both ways.


The wvw population is dropping across the board. What keeps me playing is server cohesion, pride and the acquaintances I've come to know. Once they remove this I'll have no reason to play. So how is this disingenuous?

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > It's pretty disingenuous to complain about not having enough people to play with here while claiming you will quit wvw when they remove you from your (empty?) server with the restructure. You can't have it both ways.


> The wvw population is dropping across the board. What keeps me playing is server cohesion, pride and the acquaintances I've come to know. Once they remove this I'll have no reason to play. So how is this disingenuous?


WvW population is dropping in part because the current server structure is staid, old, and boring. Many people who left will rejoin wvw entirely because of the new structure and not having to deal with static servers content with the same old same old.


You are so opposed to meeting and playing with new people that you'll quit the mode rather than try it. How sad.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Wvw rank is even harder to obtain now then it was 6 months ago, due to less players playing wvw and no K trains being available due to less players. Eotm is virtually deserted 24/7 so there is no quick/ good way to earn wxp. Anet needs to either lower the rank requirements for items, or increase the amount of wxp. I think this would make more players join wvw as well, and would make getting these items realistic, givin the current wvw population.


Sometimes I wish I could turn off all the rewards in favor of not as many but better rewards.

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My alt account is gaining wexp just fine and will soon be able to buy the t3 ascended wvw gear. May I suggest you try doing things for yourself rather than waiting for a ktrain? Camps, sentries, yaks, even solo towers if it's as dead as you claim.

Lol at bg dead though.

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use the new wvw enrichments, which can boost up your gainecWvW exp or WvW reward track progress.


The ones for exp give +5% WExp per Enrichment

The ones for reward track give +10% more reward track boost per enrichment.


So if you have a full wvw specialized equipment you can gain through this now alot more WvW exp or reward track progression.

Aside of this its naturally neccessary to play on an active server


more you cant do...


personally I found it always bad, that anet removed from the game the Rank Boosters players were able to buy via Badges of Honor.. which made badges of Honor so much more valuable as a WvW currency to use them to boost your wvw ranks up quicker and it gave also especially newbies a way to close up ranks quicker, so the removal of these items was kind of completely counterproductive ...

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> use the new wvw enrichments, which can boost up your gainecWvW exp or WvW reward track progress.


> The ones for exp give +5% WExp per Enrichment

> The ones for reward track give +10% more reward track boost per enrichment.



the other way around. but yes :3

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OP wants shinies, and he wants them fast. More posts about "make wxp obtainable via gemstore", or "make double wxp weekends" confirm this. It took me nearly 20 months of wvw (no eotm ktrains or whatever) to get to 3k rank, approximately. All i can suggest is play the mode and stop asking for that blatant discrimination among New vs old players.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> OP wants shinies, and he wants them fast. More posts about "make wxp obtainable via gemstore", or "make double wxp weekends" confirm this. It took me nearly 20 months of wvw (no eotm ktrains or whatever) to get to 3k rank, approximately. All i can suggest is play the mode and stop asking for that blatant discrimination among New vs old players.


You say I want them fast then say I've been making post for 20 months about it lol, how is that fast?

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > OP wants shinies, and he wants them fast. More posts about "make wxp obtainable via gemstore", or "make double wxp weekends" confirm this. It took me nearly 20 months of wvw (no eotm ktrains or whatever) to get to 3k rank, approximately. All i can suggest is play the mode and stop asking for that blatant discrimination among New vs old players.


> You say I want them fast then say I've been making post for 20 months about it lol, how is that fast?


You can reread what i wrote.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > OP wants shinies, and he wants them fast. More posts about "make wxp obtainable via gemstore", or "make double wxp weekends" confirm this. It took me nearly 20 months of wvw (no eotm ktrains or whatever) to get to 3k rank, approximately. All i can suggest is play the mode and stop asking for that blatant discrimination among New vs old players.


> You say I want them fast then say I've been making post for 20 months about it lol, how is that fast?


Your reading comprehension is off.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> Personally, I'd like to see a significant WXP boost for unassisted kills. It's disappointing to spend time fighting someone for a measly single digit amount of WXP when flipping a sentry grants 120.


WXP from kills depends on how long each player has been alive. And that is so because over farming servers and people at spawn is a thing. It would not be really fair for the farming server to gain 50 ranks per hour, I presume.

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