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Gathering/Open World XP Boost This Weekend 04-20-2018

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> I work every day this weekend. I wish I could bank this sort of thing and use it during _my_ days off.


> Had there been more notice I may have been able to snag a day off. Kind of sucks, I spend a good amount of time farming nodes for profit.


> That said, that wxp boost, how is that calculated if boosters or other bonuses are utilized? For instance if I pop an exp booster for +50% world experience, will I in total be granted 250% _100%+100%+50%_ wexp or 300% _(100%+50%)*2_?


> ~ Kovu


IIRC, prior double WXP events stacked additively, for 250%.

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I have a question about this. I wanted to swap WvW server to play with my guild. I was told that if you buy expansions you get a free world transfer. I wish to transfer to the same world as my current guild so when I went to character select screen I wasn't given an option to transfer and instead the game was asking for 1,800 gems. this weekend I wont be able to hook up with my guild and join in on the events they will be doing, so I guess il just have to leech onto a random squad on my current server or something as I don't fancy paying for those gems with the overhaul in the future..


Can someone please give more information on this said "free" transfer?


p.s - wouldn't it be nice for Anet to do a server transfer sale in light of this event :)




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My only concern is that I won't enjoy playing WvW with this boost is in effect. I enjoy playing in small groups when the zerg groups everyone is running are relatively small, rather than being overrun by huge groups. The Scourge blobs we are likely to encounter over the weekend won't be fun

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> @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> Hmmmmm WvW for double XP, HoT or PoF for double XP to up those masteries?


> Ya I know I am way behind and don't have them maxed yet but I guess this weekend would be a good time to do it ... lol


yeah, cuz I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind in WvW, I have so little time there I don't even qualify as a level 0 :o

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> Good bye economy, you will be missed.


According to map chat economy is already in the Underworld. I think it's nice since not everyone has the boosters or Glyphs and this kinda makes up for it at least give them a chance to see what they are missing. As one who is building multiple GH it's nice to get that extra help with materials when there is a small number of contributors. The Glyphs have made a world of difference in the speed we are completing the GH construction =)


Though, I wonder does this mean those with 33% Glyph does it stack and become 66%and then 99% with Item Booster?

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> @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> I have a question about this. I wanted to swap WvW server to play with my guild. I was told that if you buy expansions you get a free world transfer. I wish to transfer to the same world as my current guild so when I went to character select screen I wasn't given an option to transfer and instead the game was asking for 1,800 gems. this weekend I wont be able to hook up with my guild and join in on the events they will be doing, so I guess il just have to leech onto a random squad on my current server or something as I don't fancy paying for those gems with the overhaul in the future..


> Can someone please give more information on this said "free" transfer?


> p.s - wouldn't it be nice for Anet to do a server transfer sale in light of this event :)


> Thanks



There is no free transfer from buying the expansions. You were mis-informed.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> That said, that wxp boost, how is that calculated if boosters or other bonuses are utilized? For instance if I pop an exp booster for +50% world experience, will I in total be granted 250% _100%+100%+50%_ wexp or 300% _(100%+50%)*2_?

Any event-related gains/increases that are additionally affected by bonuses (such as WXP boosters or gathering glyphs) will be additive, not multiplicative.


> @"reapex.8546" said:

> Does this effect gathering from Noxious Pods on Dragon Stand?

No, this will not affect Noxious Pods; only resource nodes that require gathering tools to harvest from.


> @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> i know i might sound a wee bit paranoid... please forgive me if i do... but a bonus xp weekend... is everything okay at anet?


"Ev-everything's perfectly alright now, we're fine... we're all fine here... now... thank you...

How are you?"


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> @"Erik Waananen.6089" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > I wonder if by "double experience in[...] World vs. World" they actually mean 2x more Wexp from kills, flips etc.

> > That would be a rather pleasant surprise.


> Hi everybody!


> Since it seems like there may be a bit of uncertainty on this, I just wanted to drop in real quick and clarify that when we say "double experience in World vs. World" for this event, we _do_ in fact mean double WXP.


> See you all on Friday!


Nice, very awesome to see these weekly special weekend events return after 6 years...

You could definetely have brought them back much earlier ...but better late than never.


Can we see after this one also then in the future Weekend Bonus Effect Events for:


* Double Karma Gain

* Double PvP/WvW Reward Track Gains

* Doubled Magic Find Rate

* Double Rate of obtaining Rare Materials from Gathering

* Double Crafting Exp and Double Rate for Critical Crafting Exp Boosts, or instead decreased Material Costs

* Temporal no Time Gatings on Ascended Crafting Materials

* Double Chance of obtaining named Items back from Zomorros

* Double Chance to obtain Gold from killed enemies

* Double Pips in WvW to earn faster the more valuable Reward Chests on the higher Tiers

* Double PvP Rank Points to earn faster the PvP Ranks

* Double Guild Recommendations so that for a short time making Guild Missions becomes more rewarding and reduced Scribe Costs/Guild Upgrade Costs, so that also smaller Guilds can catch up to the big ones that can gain Guild Levels due to their size much easier

* Double Event Progression, so that Heart Quests are completed alot faster

* Add Drop Rate for Black Lion Keys, so that people have in that weekend a good chance to obtain from loot some Keys (should be done like once every 3 months at least)

* Double Fractal Relic Rewards/Infusions

* Double Raid Rewards

* Double Materials/ Increased Glob of Ectoplasm Chance from Salvaging

* Double Chance of otaining Rare Materials from Salvaging

* Double Map Currency Rewards


Thats basically everything possible to do with this game so far, that can be converted over into Weekend Bonus Events, so you have a broad list of possible thigns y


The year has 52/53 weeks / 19 possible events, meaning that each of these events could be done over a year at least 2 times, while a few could be done a few times more.

14 to 15 of 19 of them could be done basically 3 times if made in an even out system a year.


If we would want to have basically all events be done a year 4 times, we would need to have maximum 13 different of these Weekend Events, so some of those 19 possible thigns would need to get scratched from the list then, or merged into other examples, like those, that are kind of similar as liek the two about Salvaging for example.

The oen for Fractals and Raids coudl get merged.

The one for better map currency could get merged with the one that adds a drop chance for BLCs...

The one for better Karma could get merged with the one for better Magic Find together.


Thats already 4 saved up possibilities, two more and we'd be already at the least minimum of 13. Merge the two suggested crafting ones together, ...1 more, hmm

merge the increased pips with the improval of wvw/pvp reward tracks togther, done ... 13 different weekend events that coudl be all done 4 times a years over 52 weekends :D.

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> @"Erik Waananen.6089" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > That said, that wxp boost, how is that calculated if boosters or other bonuses are utilized? For instance if I pop an exp booster for +50% world experience, will I in total be granted 250% _100%+100%+50%_ wexp or 300% _(100%+50%)*2_?

> Any event-related gains/increases that are additionally affected by bonuses (such as WXP boosters or gathering glyphs) will be additive, not multiplicative.


> > @"reapex.8546" said:

> > Does this effect gathering from Noxious Pods on Dragon Stand?

> No, this will not affect Noxious Pods; only resource nodes that require gathering tools to harvest from.


> > @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> > i know i might sound a wee bit paranoid... please forgive me if i do... but a bonus xp weekend... is everything okay at anet?

> >

> "Ev-everything's perfectly alright now, we're fine... we're all fine here... now... thank you...

> How are you?"



Thats good. Those large leaks can be dangerous

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> @"jediwolf.8724" said:

> I agree we should have events like this more often. Orpheal.8263 mentioned a nice list of them.

> Great idea. I miss stuff like this from Guild Wars 1.


I had a blast with the special events in Guild Wars (original) and I think this new one will be so much fun!

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> @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> I have a question about this. I wanted to swap WvW server to play with my guild. I was told that if you buy expansions you get a free world transfer. I wish to transfer to the same world as my current guild so when I went to character select screen I wasn't given an option to transfer and instead the game was asking for 1,800 gems. this weekend I wont be able to hook up with my guild and join in on the events they will be doing, so I guess il just have to leech onto a random squad on my current server or something as I don't fancy paying for those gems with the overhaul in the future..


> Can someone please give more information on this said "free" transfer?


> p.s - wouldn't it be nice for Anet to do a server transfer sale in light of this event :)


> Thanks


This has nothing to do with this thread but oh well. You do get a free world transfer if you buy an expansion to expand a base game that you got for free (after it became free2play). However, if you have an old game account that was actually purchased before GW2 became free2play, you do not get that free world transfer. I have no idea why it is that way, but it was exactly like this for me.


One of my accounts was made in 2012 and I bought both expansions for it. I never changed server or region. When I want to change from EU to NA I have to pay gems.

Another account was made after free2play and only recently got upgraded with HoT. On this account I would be able to switch from EU to NA for free.

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> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > Umm, why all the fuss over xp when most characters are 80 anyway? Leveling the nth alt and ran out of tomes? Need another couple thousand shards?


> Not that kind of xp.


For some it is still that kind of xp. I have a guildie who churns out alts faster than she acquires tomes but is tired of leveling. I have others who haven't maxed their mastery yet. And I have a sizable group of new friends that are just now joining the game. It's going to be nice for all those folks.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Lambent.6375" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > Umm, why all the fuss over xp when most characters are 80 anyway? Leveling the nth alt and ran out of tomes? Need another couple thousand shards?

> >

> > Not that kind of xp.


> For some it is still that kind of xp. I have a guildie who churns out alts faster than she acquires tomes but is tired of leveling. I have others who haven't maxed their mastery yet. And I have a sizable group of new friends that are just now joining the game. It's going to be nice for all those folks.


I have not maxed all the mastery lines either, basically I get a mastery because I want it (or one after it) rather than just to be a completionist. However usually what I need to do is go hunt down MPs, you can build up the next level's experience so I have quite a few mastery lines that have all but the MPs to gain the last mastery in the line because it was not exciting.


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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> - Is the 33% bonus apply to the node, or to each hit on the node?

> - How does this apply to gathering glyphs? If I get a leather piece with a glyph, do I have 33% chance to get an additional leather? Or do I have 66% chance to get a piece of leather? Or does it change nothing to glyphs?


The second dev post in this thread should answer this in his first point

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