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Reward Tracks are still dull


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Even after a few changes here and there, they are still pretty dull. I love that we can right click the chests now to just instantly put them in our inventory now but the rewards themselves are pretty lacking. I'm also fully aware of AFK pip and reward track farming while making these suggestions.


Here are a few things that I think could be changed/tweaked.


1. Mist-Warped Packet. These only have 2 mats in them. Seems okay but what about a wider variety in materials inside and say maybe bump it up to 5 in each packet? That or change it as you normally would where you get more of lower tier mats but less of higher tier, meaning 5 of T1 but 2 T6. Ascended materials are always nice, not the dragonite ore, emp fragments, or bloodstone dust though...no more of those, please!

2. Final rewards for each reward track a pretty meh. Its mostly mystic clovers and heroics. It would be nice to have something a little more enticing or maybe a way to break down clovers? That might hurt the economy though. The Hero Weapon track just gives a yellow item (thank to whoever made this an item and not just a skin btw, I've been forging them since this track seems the most profitable and has the best chances for ascended boxes). One thing someone talked about before was potentially adding a gift of Maguuma or Desert mastery as the final reward? This would be amazing. Anything that let's us keep playing WvW while working for a legendary would be fantastic. There really are some of us who highly dislike PvE.

3. The siege boxes are kind of a nuisance. How about putting just a stack of say 10 normal and 5 superior at the end of the track instead of constantly giving us a few that take up inventory space. That might just be a nit-picking thing but I like my inventory clean as possible so I'm not stuck leaving bags behind. Tomes of knowledge are kind of that way too and can be annoying but leaving them scattered is probably better overall for players trying to level through WvW.

4. What about ascended inventory bags earned via reward tracks or maybe a way to craft them? Maybe buy them with skirmish tickets?

5. Something more to do with badges of honor would be great too. As in, more things to spend them on or craft with.


I'm sure there are other things that could be added but those are the ones off the top of my head.


While also on the topic of rewards, what about potentially making rank up chests a bit more interesting too? When you hit Diamond, maybe bump it from 30-35s up to just 1g per rank up? Once you hit 6445 rank, its pretty boring until you hit 10,000. No more extra pips each week or anything. Either that or make 10k give the extra boost in gold to give people something to work for.

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Personally would love to see the reward tracks remade to focus on single type of reward, so you can basically pick what to go for.


* Tomes

* Skins

* Mats

* Gift of mastery (with some random mats needed for the crafting)

* Siege

* Other specialized currencies etc


Basically, instead of giving us a little bit of everything in all tracks, allow players to pick what to focus on. And have a couple of "a bit of everything" ones as well. Just let people choose what they want to work towards.


This means that some reward tracks might give mess overall stuff (but better), and others might just give you a pile of low value stuff etc.

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@"joneirikb.7506" That wouldn't be a bad idea actually. It would be much more easy to tell what you're going to get out of a certain track.


@"FitzChevalerie.1035" It takes ~5 hours to map complete HoT maps and that is with full masteries like gliding and mounts. I wouldn't even mind doing a reward track twice to get the such gift.


@"Trajan.4953" So we aren't allowed to want more or to have some tweaks made? Also, I'm Diamond and have UD so I think I'm a pretty serious WvW player.



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> @"Trajan.4953" said:

> at least we have rewards now. No serious WvW player cares beyond paying for consumables and armor. Stop whining.


That is just plain and simply not true.

While it is nice to be getting at least something compared to nothing like it was in the past, I still care about gold and (at least somewhat equal) rewards.



What really gets to me is the fact that the new reward track infusion they added only gives 5% lol.

On a base gain at T6 of 195 it is only an increase of about 10 points every 5min... or 120 points every hour.

Even better, this infusion lowers the amount of ticks needed to finish a reward track from 53 all the way down to 52 ticks hahaha.


I wish they at gave more base track progress or a few more tiers to make base a bit higher...



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I think you have to have a more diverse look at WvW rewards:

1. There are loot bags from killed enemies (and things dropped from NPCs, Lords and supervisors)

2. then, there is the reward chest you get from participation ticks (wood... diamond chest)

3. and finally the WvW tracks (which just sum up over all participation over time)


Of all the Reward Tracks, only...




and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legacy_Armor_Reward_Track are exclusive to WvW (most the tracks are general tracks available in PvP too)


The Legacy and the Gift tracks reward you with additional Tomes, the Triumphant and Hero tracks with additional siege blueprints.

I personally do not think that the WvW tracks are better or worse than other tracks.


If there is room for improvement, I would rather see the "tick chests" buffed, e.g. by adding more Mystic Coins there and increasing the amount of fine and rare Mist-Wrapped Bundles, starting from the Bronze chests and progressing onward to higher value chests. Currently Mystic Coins are only in the Gold (2) and Diamond (4) chest. Adding one each to Bronze, Silver, Platinum and Mithril would be great.


> @"Vova.2640" said:

> What really gets to me is the fact that the new reward track infusion they added only gives 5% lol.

> On a base gain at T6 of 195 it is only an increase of about 10 points every 5min... or 120 points every hour.

> Even better, this infusion lowers the amount of ticks needed to finish a reward track from 53 all the way down to 52 ticks hahaha.


I wish there would be only one WvW enrichment that would combine both. Having two WvW guild buffs you have to chose from is inconvenient enough.


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> @"Gorani.7205" said:


> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > What really gets to me is the fact that the new reward track infusion they added only gives 5% lol.

> > On a base gain at T6 of 195 it is only an increase of about 10 points every 5min... or 120 points every hour.

> > Even better, this infusion lowers the amount of ticks needed to finish a reward track from 53 all the way down to 52 ticks hahaha.


> I wish there would be only one WvW enrichment that would combine both. Having two WvW guild buffs you have to chose from is inconvenient enough.



It would definitely be nice to have them both. This is why I bought the Candy Corn Gobbler though. The experience booster helps so much and makes you feel like you're actually making progress to your reward track and level/rank. +50% on both was a good enough boost for me to invest in the gobbler and all the candy corn needed to keep the boost going. Now with everything setup, I'm getting +322 reward track gain per tick.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> The problem is, using the gobler/exp booster shouldnt be the solution to gaining adequate reward track progress...


You are right, and it is not. *Adequate* (which is defined by an individuals perspective thus impossible to accurately quantify) track process is what you get with no boosters.


A booster is just that: a boost to the average. I like how we can close to double it if we have the boosters in place.




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I like the idea of having some more specialized tracks, additionally the tracks that I really enjoy are the dungeon tracks. The layout of those is something I wouldn't mind seeing replicated elsewhere. you get basic loot, a few weapons and then a choice of armor at the end. I feel like there is more they could do with that formula particularly with the new POF content. Their PoF reward tracks are mostly tat and could use some beefing up and it would also be nice if they could use the tracks to reintroduce older stuff that isn't achievable elsewhere like with the legacy armor track. Random loot drops from bags are great and all, but what is the most attractive to me with reward tracks is that I have guaranteed rewards not tied to RNG, i'd like to see them work more with that.

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> @"dolcolax.1268" said:

> my only gripe right now is the ticket cap. one amulet is like 260 and we only get 365? per week. a ring is like 360. an earring is 175? thats like 4 weeks to get 5 ascended items.


Which it's much faster to run the area tracks that provide the currency to buy them in different areas. While getting tickets.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"dolcolax.1268" said:

> > my only gripe right now is the ticket cap. one amulet is like 260 and we only get 365? per week. a ring is like 360. an earring is 175? thats like 4 weeks to get 5 ascended items.


> Which it's much faster to run the area tracks that provide the currency to buy them in different areas. While getting tickets.


This is what I did. Complete each of them a few times to have enough of the currencies so if I need to build change, I can have all my trinkets for "free". Now I'm just back to doing Istan or the Hero track over and over.

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> @"MrGhosty.4296" said:

> I like the idea of having some more specialized tracks, additionally the tracks that I really enjoy are the dungeon tracks. The layout of those is something I wouldn't mind seeing replicated elsewhere. you get basic loot, a few weapons and then a choice of armor at the end. I feel like there is more they could do with that formula particularly with the new POF content. Their PoF reward tracks are mostly tat and could use some beefing up and it would also be nice if they could use the tracks to reintroduce older stuff that isn't achievable elsewhere like with the legacy armor track. Random loot drops from bags are great and all, but what is the most attractive to me with reward tracks is that I have guaranteed rewards not tied to RNG, i'd like to see them work more with that.


No thank you. I really don't need more exotic weapons and armor and if I did, there are already tracks for that. Many of them.

The PoF tracks really need the one box redoing, forget what its called but its 4 or recipes you will choose once, flax fibers which are now worth nothing and we get more than enough for scribing and a food for ON DISMOUNT... in wvw really?


I'd like tracks containing things useful for the wvw legendary crafting or to help buy t2 ascended gear, mats to make the crafting tokens, mats used to craft legendaries. Or more tickets would be really nice.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Trajan.4953" said:

> > at least we have rewards now. No serious WvW player cares beyond paying for consumables and armor. Stop whining.


> That is just plain and simply not true.

> While it is nice to be getting at least something compared to nothing like it was in the past, I still care about gold and (at least somewhat equal) rewards.



> What really gets to me is the fact that the new reward track infusion they added only gives 5% lol.

> On a base gain at T6 of 195 it is only an increase of about 10 points every 5min... or 120 points every hour.

> Even better, this infusion lowers the amount of ticks needed to finish a reward track from 53 all the way down to 52 ticks hahaha.


> I wish they at gave more base track progress or a few more tiers to make base a bit higher...




Obviously new here...


Let me show you where the punch and pie are located.

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> @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> Even after a few changes here and there, they are still pretty dull. I love that we can right click the chests now to just instantly put them in our inventory now but the rewards themselves are pretty lacking. I'm also fully aware of AFK pip and reward track farming while making these suggestions.


> Here are a few things that I think could be changed/tweaked.



> 2. Final rewards for each reward track a pretty meh. Its mostly mystic clovers and heroics. It would be nice to have something a little more enticing or maybe a way to break down clovers? That might hurt the economy though. The Hero Weapon track just gives a yellow item (thank to whoever made this an item and not just a skin btw, I've been forging them since this track seems the most profitable and has the best chances for ascended boxes). One thing someone talked about before was potentially adding a gift of Maguuma or Desert mastery as the final reward? This would be amazing. Anything that let's us keep playing WvW while working for a legendary would be fantastic. There really are some of us who highly dislike PvE.


Absolutely not. You can't get Gift of Battle doing PvE, it's there to ensure that people put some time into wvw to earn a legendary. The reverse applies for Gifts of Mastery -- you shouldn't be able to get those anywhere but putting time into PvE. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who hate wvw but have had to grind it out for the Gift of Battle.



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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > Even after a few changes here and there, they are still pretty dull. I love that we can right click the chests now to just instantly put them in our inventory now but the rewards themselves are pretty lacking. I'm also fully aware of AFK pip and reward track farming while making these suggestions.

> >

> > Here are a few things that I think could be changed/tweaked.

> >


> > 2. Final rewards for each reward track a pretty meh. Its mostly mystic clovers and heroics. It would be nice to have something a little more enticing or maybe a way to break down clovers? That might hurt the economy though. The Hero Weapon track just gives a yellow item (thank to whoever made this an item and not just a skin btw, I've been forging them since this track seems the most profitable and has the best chances for ascended boxes). One thing someone talked about before was potentially adding a gift of Maguuma or Desert mastery as the final reward? This would be amazing. Anything that let's us keep playing WvW while working for a legendary would be fantastic. There really are some of us who highly dislike PvE.


> Absolutely not. You can't get Gift of Battle doing PvE, it's there to ensure that people put some time into wvw to earn a legendary. The reverse applies for Gifts of Mastery -- you shouldn't be able to get those anywhere but putting time into PvE. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who hate wvw but have had to grind it out for the Gift of Battle.




Please stop using common sense. It is insulting.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > Even after a few changes here and there, they are still pretty dull. I love that we can right click the chests now to just instantly put them in our inventory now but the rewards themselves are pretty lacking. I'm also fully aware of AFK pip and reward track farming while making these suggestions.

> >

> > Here are a few things that I think could be changed/tweaked.

> >


> > 2. Final rewards for each reward track a pretty meh. Its mostly mystic clovers and heroics. It would be nice to have something a little more enticing or maybe a way to break down clovers? That might hurt the economy though. The Hero Weapon track just gives a yellow item (thank to whoever made this an item and not just a skin btw, I've been forging them since this track seems the most profitable and has the best chances for ascended boxes). One thing someone talked about before was potentially adding a gift of Maguuma or Desert mastery as the final reward? This would be amazing. Anything that let's us keep playing WvW while working for a legendary would be fantastic. There really are some of us who highly dislike PvE.


> Absolutely not. You can't get Gift of Battle doing PvE, it's there to ensure that people put some time into wvw to earn a legendary. The reverse applies for Gifts of Mastery -- you shouldn't be able to get those anywhere but putting time into PvE. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who hate wvw but have had to grind it out for the Gift of Battle.




Actually you can get GoB without WvW funnily enough but hey whatever it’s not like facts are important. #pvecurrencyconverters

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"MrGhosty.4296" said:

> > I like the idea of having some more specialized tracks, additionally the tracks that I really enjoy are the dungeon tracks. The layout of those is something I wouldn't mind seeing replicated elsewhere. you get basic loot, a few weapons and then a choice of armor at the end. I feel like there is more they could do with that formula particularly with the new POF content. Their PoF reward tracks are mostly tat and could use some beefing up and it would also be nice if they could use the tracks to reintroduce older stuff that isn't achievable elsewhere like with the legacy armor track. Random loot drops from bags are great and all, but what is the most attractive to me with reward tracks is that I have guaranteed rewards not tied to RNG, i'd like to see them work more with that.


> No thank you. I really don't need more exotic weapons and armor and if I did, there are already tracks for that. Many of them.

> The PoF tracks really need the one box redoing, forget what its called but its 4 or recipes you will choose once, flax fibers which are now worth nothing and we get more than enough for scribing and a food for ON DISMOUNT... in wvw really?


> I'd like tracks containing things useful for the wvw legendary crafting or to help buy t2 ascended gear, mats to make the crafting tokens, mats used to craft legendaries. Or more tickets would be really nice.


Yop, that exact one [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Crafting_Material_Coffer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Crafting_Material_Coffer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Crafting_Material_Coffer")

Its pain... i just stack em and dont open....

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