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Who plays Core Power Necro?


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In short, I hate death shroud. The skills are a mess and the lockout from your utilities is a pain. Reaper shroud improved this with a better running theme of skills, but still the lockout was a pain. Then Scourge perfected this with no lockout and an energy based f set of useful skills.

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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> Glad you are having fun, but man, I couldn’t imagine PvEing with 2 defensive trait lines on core Necromancer.


Yep. fighting a single enemy can indeed be tedious. For my build, it works best to round up a pack of enemies and whittle them down, while they heal me with their hits.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> With the shroud skill set I suppose it wouldn't be horribly boring compared to other core classes.


For me, shroud has primarily these roles:

1. Health regen - when health is low or Unholy Sanctuary triggers shroud, then shroud4 + 5 will typically restore health to 50-75%.

2. AoE - again, shroud 4+5; shroud 1 if enemies are lined up (i.e., "AoE" via piercing)

3. Shroud3 (fear) - incoming damage reduction

4. Shroud2 - what is shroud2? I rarely use it.





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Honestly, I still like the feeling of core Necro with Death Shroud the best even after 5 years. All the skills are just very satisfying to use, Life Blast especially. Death Shroud has however not aged well with all the power creep. I would very much like to see it brought up to the same level of power as the elite specializations or everything else brought down to its level. The latter is of course very unlikely to ever happen, so it would have to be the former even though that is yet more power creep added to the game. Prior to the release of HoT, the Necro community did fear that Reaper would end up being a band-aid on existing Necro problems. And indeed it was. Many of the problems that plagued core Necro back then still exist and nothing substantial has been done to rectify those same problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thread necro ;)

I must say I agree with you aktium, death shroud will likely stay my favourite (contrary to Aged Gnome I love shroud 2, there are some fun setups you can use it for). One of the most fun solo roaming builds (to me) is an Axe/Focus &Dagger Horn Spite/Curses/Blood 'vamp'esque build. It took a fairly big hit back when signets of suffering changed (current traited plague signet is a death sentence when not solo!) but my current iteration feels great fun.


I would not recommend it for wvw roaming unless your very particular with which fights you take (stacks up worse than many other more optimal necro builds against burst mes or most teefs, that said the introduction of gliders has made choosing fights as a necro much more manageable). It can be severely underestimated and the self healing and condi cleanse capacity can be great to capitalise on, I have had some really fun duels against BG roamers.

I actually swapped back to it for completing PoF to tell the truth- scourge feels like too much of a face-roll for my liking.


For my 2 cents I believe core necro could be made quiet competitive with a few simple changes- chiefly damage coefficients tweaks on death shroud skills to bring in line with the current power creeped classes and defences and a solid damage/usability increase for dagger.

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> @"Mordresque.3095" said:


> For my 2 cents I believe core necro could be made quiet competitive with a few simple changes- chiefly damage coefficients tweaks on death shroud skills to bring in line with the current power creeped classes and defences and a solid damage/usability increase for dagger.


I wonder if the issue is that weapon/shroud damage increases would be too much when also using minions for damage, so balancing is difficult?


Perhaps we need two things to make this work:

* Damage increases to shroud,dagger,axe Power coefficients

* A self-debuff "Necrotic Burden" that decreases Power by X amount (or percent) for each active minion.

This could allow improvement to minion-less Power necros without giving MM necros too much of a boost.

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Well, though I am sure that it is nice to play differently every now and again, core necro doesn't really have much going for it power wise. Sure, Death Shroud 1 could cause decent-ish damage if you use a staff before you go into Death Shroud but meh. Thing is, melee wise, dagger has fallen behind by quite a margin when compared to greatsword even if the latter is slow, Reaper Shroud will always be far superior to Death Shroud in terms of DPS and Reaper line has damage modifiers against chilled foes.


Before Scourge came out, I prepared a secondary necro to be condi dedicated. I used core necro for that and yes, I had fun but the difference was very noticeable. Heck, before HoT came out, I mostly mained a power necro though those were...different times.

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My necro was a core power build until I got the elite specs unlocked. Reaper didn't fit my vision for my character, so I switched to a power Scourge that absolutely rocks for open world PVE. I keep that core build in my back pocket though, because there are times when I really miss the Blood tree in groups.

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