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Remove the Evade from Death Blossom


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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> >

> > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> >

> >


> I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that


Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.


That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.


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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> > >

> > > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that


> Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.


> That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.



First off I never said people fighting against him or bronze here I said the bills current affected outside a bronzed here there’s a difference there a large one and the reason why they’re not affected outside of Ron’s tears because skilled players actually know how to counter them in and fight against that and that’s what makes him less prevalent anywhere above bronze and those counters do work it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> This build (similar to p/p) heavily rewards pressing the same button repeatedly. Removing the evade would increase the counterplay to this extremely easy-to-play, low-risk build.


DUDE if you cannot kill a thief with D/D skills Speaking of Evade from Death Blossom than your are just noob at pvp crying to admins and making a HUGE topic that this needs to be nerfed, if you were to understand how much Initiative it takes to cast weil its 4 and a base thief can only have 12 Initiative and trait to 15 Initiative if you LACK THE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND BASIC MATH while observing the player limited skill restrictions to using the skill due to Initiative and activating other skills required Initiative with a basic limit of 12-15 than you need to go back to UNRANK and LEARN CLASSES SYSTEM CREATIONS.


Why are you on here seeking a nerf to Death blossom, is it because you cannot kill a jumping thief? OR a thief that has the skills of own you? do you choose not to learn other classes and how they function, then come on here to open a discussion to cry about it? seriously. THIEF AND REV ARE THE WEAKEST CLASSES. IF YOU DIE BY THEM it means the player using the class has taken the time to LEARN THE CLASS AND KNOW WHEN TO GET OUT AND STRIKE.


I bet you play a necro spamming shit and think your GOD LOL while when someone owns you, with a weaker class, you then come on here to cry about it because YOU CHOOSE NOT LEARN ABOUT CLASS AND DEMAND A NERF.




There are classes which are skill based if you choose not to learn and open a lame discussion LOL nerf Death Blossom LOL then buddy you need to go back to PVE or PLAY A different class.


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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> > >

> > > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that


> Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.


> That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.



Back in gw1 where pvp was a lot better,people there was able to solo chain kds and interrupting a 1/4 cast time skills such as reversal of fortune because they timed skills and not spam. It's all about timing skills and mainly interrupts. It is very easy to kite a d/d thief in to having a shield bash for example.



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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.


But that is a lie. Like I mentioned, timing has nothing to do with it. Since the only things that "can" counter it don't require timing. Wards don't require timing, auras don't require timing, neither do pulsing aoes. But none of those actually work well, save shocking aura.


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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> > > >

> > > > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that

> >

> > Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.

> >

> > That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.

> >


> Back in gw1 where pvp was a lot better,people there was able to solo chain kds and interrupting a 1/4 cast time skills such as reversal of fortune because they timed skills and not spam. It's all about timing skills and mainly interrupts. It is very easy to kite a d/d thief in to having a shield bash for example.





bud your right gw1 pvp but that is finished, because gw1 has a system like starcraft and warcraft. but in a wow system. while in gw2 everything is controlled by the player, free movement

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> > > >

> > > > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that

> >

> > Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.

> >

> > That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.

> >


> Back in gw1 where pvp was a lot better,people there was able to solo chain kds and interrupting a 1/4 cast time skills such as reversal of fortune because they timed skills and not spam. It's all about timing skills and mainly interrupts. It is very easy to kite a d/d thief in to having a shield bash for example.




You didn't interrupt reversal fortune because of timing, but because of anticipation. Also you leave out the fact that there was a great reward for disrupting a skill in gw1, the cooldown was increase by a specific amount. Making it so they can't continue to use it. Lets say, you manage to land a 1/2 activation skill against a evade spamming skill in this game. What happens next? Yep they continue to do it again and again, its unlikely that any skill will kill a evade spamming character in one shot.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.


> But that is a lie. Like I mentioned, timing has nothing to do with it. Since the only things that "can" counter it don't require timing. Wards don't require timing, auras don't require timing, neither do pulsing aoes. But none of those actually work well, save shocking aura.



Prove how it’s a lie, knowing when to use a skill or the more opportune time to use a skill is all about timing, it’s not solely about trying to time it while they are in the animation or before the animation etc, but again that comes down to skillful play, and I know not everyone is going understands that.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> > > > >

> > > > > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that

> > >

> > > Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.

> > >

> > > That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.

> > >

> >

> > Back in gw1 where pvp was a lot better,people there was able to solo chain kds and interrupting a 1/4 cast time skills such as reversal of fortune because they timed skills and not spam. It's all about timing skills and mainly interrupts. It is very easy to kite a d/d thief in to having a shield bash for example.

> >

> >


> You didn't interrupt reversal fortune because of timing, but because of anticipation. Also you leave out the fact that there was a great reward for disrupting a skill in gw1, the cooldown was increase by a specific amount. Making it so they can't continue to use it. Lets say, you manage to land a 1/2 activation skill against a evade spamming skill in this game. What happens next? Yep they continue to do it again and again, its unlikely that any skill will kill a evade spamming character in one shot.


That's why I said don't spam random skills and time stuff :-/ all it takes is a daze after BD and most of the time they in a position where they are either dead or have to pull out in a team fight that.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I find it funny that players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that

> > > >

> > > > Not really. First off you make the assumption that people who point out these type of skills are bronze players. What if they are just concerned with the amount of garbage in the game? Second, the counters you named aren't counters at all. In fact I'm willing to bet you nor anyone can stop a evade spamming skill without a pulsing aoe or a skill that is a channel. Any other skill that has a cast time which are usually 1/2, 3/4 and 1s cast times will likely miss, since you have only 1/2 seconds to hit them between their evade down time and activation time. In other words for it to actually work, the skill that is going to hit them would have to much faster than 1/2. Even then, you can still evade spam pulsing aoes while taking very minimum damage.

> > > >

> > > > That kind of game play has always been broken, but then again gw2 pvp was destined to be completely broken since it launched.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Back in gw1 where pvp was a lot better,people there was able to solo chain kds and interrupting a 1/4 cast time skills such as reversal of fortune because they timed skills and not spam. It's all about timing skills and mainly interrupts. It is very easy to kite a d/d thief in to having a shield bash for example.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > You didn't interrupt reversal fortune because of timing, but because of anticipation. Also you leave out the fact that there was a great reward for disrupting a skill in gw1, the cooldown was increase by a specific amount. Making it so they can't continue to use it. Lets say, you manage to land a 1/2 activation skill against a evade spamming skill in this game. What happens next? Yep they continue to do it again and again, its unlikely that any skill will kill a evade spamming character in one shot.


> That's why I said don't spam random skills and time stuff :-/ all it takes is a daze after BD and most of the time they in a position where they are either dead or have to pull out in a team fight that.


Also the RoF interrupt was both anticipated and timing... frenzy kd crushing blow wait 1/4 of a second and 2nd kd.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.

> >

> > But that is a lie. Like I mentioned, timing has nothing to do with it. Since the only things that "can" counter it don't require timing. Wards don't require timing, auras don't require timing, neither do pulsing aoes. But none of those actually work well, save shocking aura.

> >


> Prove how it’s a lie, knowing when to use a skill or the more opportune time to use a skill is all about timing, it’s not solely about trying to time it while they are in the animation or before the animation etc, but again that comes down to skillful play, and I know not everyone is going understands that.


Its a lie because no one does it and its highly impractical. Numbers show this as well. If you have a skill that has a 1/2 casting time then followed by a 1/2 evade time that can be chained repeatedly. Then landing a skill that has a 1/2 cast time or above will be unlikely. This might be skillfully done if gw2 was played over locally. But remember there is PING. Which makes countering a skill that has a .50 second cast time into a .50 second evade time with a skill that has .50 cast time or above is VERY unlikely. Not to mention there aren't even cast bars.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.

> > >

> > > But that is a lie. Like I mentioned, timing has nothing to do with it. Since the only things that "can" counter it don't require timing. Wards don't require timing, auras don't require timing, neither do pulsing aoes. But none of those actually work well, save shocking aura.

> > >

> >

> > Prove how it’s a lie, knowing when to use a skill or the more opportune time to use a skill is all about timing, it’s not solely about trying to time it while they are in the animation or before the animation etc, but again that comes down to skillful play, and I know not everyone is going understands that.


> Its a lie because no one does it and its highly impractical. Numbers show this as well. If you have a skill that has a 1/2 casting time then followed by a 1/2 evade time that can be chained repeatedly. Then landing a skill that has a 1/2 cast time or above will be unlikely. This might be skillfully done if gw2 was played over locally. But remember there is PING. Which makes countering a skill that has a .50 second cast time into a .50 second evade time with a skill that has .50 cast time or above is VERY unlikely. Not to mention there aren't even cast bars.


Good thing DB has a pre cast(a time before the skill actually goes into the animation) a Punish Frame/after cast(window after the animation completes that delays the next skill cast).


And there are a plethora of skills that are under 1/2 second casts that can be used to counter and again properly timing spells that counter Evades is also a good tendency skillful players use.


Again there is a very good reason there isn’t a plethora of these “OP” Teefs in Gold/Plat, because skillful players know how to shut them down and counter them, but again that’s what this all boils down to.

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To be honest I would love for them to rework this skill but not for the evade.

I want them to rework it so it wont feel like a clunky animation when i use it on my small charr thief :D its pretty much the only reason i dont play with the build the animations very clunky D:

Feels like you get rooted in place for a second after you hit the ground in after cast.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.

> > > >

> > > > But that is a lie. Like I mentioned, timing has nothing to do with it. Since the only things that "can" counter it don't require timing. Wards don't require timing, auras don't require timing, neither do pulsing aoes. But none of those actually work well, save shocking aura.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Prove how it’s a lie, knowing when to use a skill or the more opportune time to use a skill is all about timing, it’s not solely about trying to time it while they are in the animation or before the animation etc, but again that comes down to skillful play, and I know not everyone is going understands that.

> >

> > Its a lie because no one does it and its highly impractical. Numbers show this as well. If you have a skill that has a 1/2 casting time then followed by a 1/2 evade time that can be chained repeatedly. Then landing a skill that has a 1/2 cast time or above will be unlikely. This might be skillfully done if gw2 was played over locally. But remember there is PING. Which makes countering a skill that has a .50 second cast time into a .50 second evade time with a skill that has .50 cast time or above is VERY unlikely. Not to mention there aren't even cast bars.


> Good thing DB has a pre cast(a time before the skill actually goes into the animation) a Punish Frame/after cast(window after the animation completes that delays the next skill cast).


> And there are a plethora of skills that are under 1/2 second casts that can be used to counter and again properly timing spells that counter Evades is also a good tendency skillful players use.


> Again there is a very good reason there isn’t a plethora of these “OP” Teefs in Gold/Plat, because skillful players know how to shut them down and counter them, but again that’s what this all boils down to.


When I say 1/2 activation time, its the pre cast time you are referring to.


Also, there aren't many skills that activate under 1/2 unless they are instant or channeled.




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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > Thieves are supposed to be hard to hit and spam their attacks.

> That's some horrible design, regardless of whether it's intended or not.



Would you agree that scourge is bad design then? I can literally faceroll my keyboard and wipe a whole team on a point.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > it just comes down to actual timing in knowing when to use that since the scale has a precast punish frames in during the cast And a pretty long after cast in between their subsequent cast of that skill, Again that’s very skillful play comes in and shuts it down.

> > > > >

> > > > > But that is a lie. Like I mentioned, timing has nothing to do with it. Since the only things that "can" counter it don't require timing. Wards don't require timing, auras don't require timing, neither do pulsing aoes. But none of those actually work well, save shocking aura.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Prove how it’s a lie, knowing when to use a skill or the more opportune time to use a skill is all about timing, it’s not solely about trying to time it while they are in the animation or before the animation etc, but again that comes down to skillful play, and I know not everyone is going understands that.

> > >

> > > Its a lie because no one does it and its highly impractical. Numbers show this as well. If you have a skill that has a 1/2 casting time then followed by a 1/2 evade time that can be chained repeatedly. Then landing a skill that has a 1/2 cast time or above will be unlikely. This might be skillfully done if gw2 was played over locally. But remember there is PING. Which makes countering a skill that has a .50 second cast time into a .50 second evade time with a skill that has .50 cast time or above is VERY unlikely. Not to mention there aren't even cast bars.

> >

> > Good thing DB has a pre cast(a time before the skill actually goes into the animation) a Punish Frame/after cast(window after the animation completes that delays the next skill cast).

> >

> > And there are a plethora of skills that are under 1/2 second casts that can be used to counter and again properly timing spells that counter Evades is also a good tendency skillful players use.

> >

> > Again there is a very good reason there isn’t a plethora of these “OP” Teefs in Gold/Plat, because skillful players know how to shut them down and counter them, but again that’s what this all boils down to.


> When I say 1/2 activation time, its the pre cast time you are referring to.


> Also, there aren't many skills that activate under 1/2 unless they are instant or channeled.





And your whole problem is them spamming the skill so if they are spamming the skill which has both a Pre and after cast that means there is a pretty beefy window to disable them, and again I just looked through the Skills and there are a lot of interrupts that are instant and 1/4 sec in length cast times and with the pre and After casts 1/2 sec cast interrupts can be used effectively, also preemptively casting skills while they are in their DB animation(I know, skillful play oh no!!!) is a valid way to ensure skills landing on top of the large amount of denial skills that shut down Evades. Again the issue is extremely clear, and there is a very real reason you don’t see DB spammers in droves in Gold or above.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:


> And your whole problem is them spamming the skill so if they are spamming the skill which has both a Pre and after cast that means there is a pretty beefy window to disable them, and again I just looked through the Skills and there are a lot of interrupts that are instant and 1/4 sec in length cast times and with the pre and After casts 1/2 sec cast interrupts can be used effectively, also preemptively casting skills while they are in their DB animation(I know, skillful play oh no!!!) is a valid way to ensure skills landing on top of the large amount of denial skills that shut down Evades. Again the issue is extremely clear, and there is a very real reason you don’t see DB spammers in droves in Gold or above.




And you don't see them because there is no reason to play one since thief has p/p and other builds that out class it.



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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:


> > And your whole problem is them spamming the skill so if they are spamming the skill which has both a Pre and after cast that means there is a pretty beefy window to disable them, and again I just looked through the Skills and there are a lot of interrupts that are instant and 1/4 sec in length cast times and with the pre and After casts 1/2 sec cast interrupts can be used effectively, also preemptively casting skills while they are in their DB animation(I know, skillful play oh no!!!) is a valid way to ensure skills landing on top of the large amount of denial skills that shut down Evades. Again the issue is extremely clear, and there is a very real reason you don’t see DB spammers in droves in Gold or above.


> Latency.


> And you don't see them because there is no reason to play one since thief has p/p and other builds that out class it.




Latency isn’t that bad I play with on average 130-240 and have no problems and don’t start blaming things on latency, just seems like a whole ton of excuses going on.


And P/P isn’t seen above Gold in droves either, and the reason they aren’t seen is because skillful players know how to deal with them, again the issue is extremely clear, and it’s not DB.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> >

> > > And your whole problem is them spamming the skill so if they are spamming the skill which has both a Pre and after cast that means there is a pretty beefy window to disable them, and again I just looked through the Skills and there are a lot of interrupts that are instant and 1/4 sec in length cast times and with the pre and After casts 1/2 sec cast interrupts can be used effectively, also preemptively casting skills while they are in their DB animation(I know, skillful play oh no!!!) is a valid way to ensure skills landing on top of the large amount of denial skills that shut down Evades. Again the issue is extremely clear, and there is a very real reason you don’t see DB spammers in droves in Gold or above.

> >

> > Latency.

> >

> > And you don't see them because there is no reason to play one since thief has p/p and other builds that out class it.

> >

> >


> Latency isn’t that bad I play with on average 130-240 and have no problems and don’t start blaming things on latency, just seems like a whole ton of excuses going on.


> And P/P isn’t seen above Gold in droves either, and the reason they aren’t seen is because skillful players know how to deal with them, again the issue is extremely clear, and it’s not DB.


Don't turn this into a personal issue.


So....guild wars 2 is magically exempt from latency? Ok man sure thing.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> There seems to be a very select group of people who think spamming a single skill repeatedly is a fun and balanced mechanic.

It's a low skill/easy counter mechanic just like Unload. For a beginner it's simple to perform, for a more experienced player, it's not difficult to counter.

> Obviously, there are many things that are unhealthy in the current meta. Judging by the amount of complaints about the "slow rate of balance" and "ridiculously overpowered builds that are left untouched for months at a time," I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Why not make a poll so you can see what at least 5% of the game population _might_ think. This mechanic is far from "overpowered".

> Would you people also like it if a ranger could spam Rapid Fires 6 times in a row, each doing 10k damage? What about a ranger spamming Serpent's Strike and dodge repeatedly?

Blossom does nothing close to this, I appreciate your licence to poetically exaggerate but it's a rather poor comparison.


> If these seems like engaging forms of gameplay, please feel free to enlighten us as to why you think so.


Blossom is low damage and relies on condi stacking. It's relatively heavy on initiative use so if you have an opponent spamming this, they will either run out of initiative and be limited to what they are able to do or be forced to disengage. Thieves were designed to be "evasive" and difficult to pin down and as a result they have a low healthpool, fewer block sources and limited stunbreak options. Removing the evade will probably discourage people from using D/D setup, reducing the build variety.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > >

> > > > And your whole problem is them spamming the skill so if they are spamming the skill which has both a Pre and after cast that means there is a pretty beefy window to disable them, and again I just looked through the Skills and there are a lot of interrupts that are instant and 1/4 sec in length cast times and with the pre and After casts 1/2 sec cast interrupts can be used effectively, also preemptively casting skills while they are in their DB animation(I know, skillful play oh no!!!) is a valid way to ensure skills landing on top of the large amount of denial skills that shut down Evades. Again the issue is extremely clear, and there is a very real reason you don’t see DB spammers in droves in Gold or above.

> > >

> > > Latency.

> > >

> > > And you don't see them because there is no reason to play one since thief has p/p and other builds that out class it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Latency isn’t that bad I play with on average 130-240 and have no problems and don’t start blaming things on latency, just seems like a whole ton of excuses going on.

> >

> > And P/P isn’t seen above Gold in droves either, and the reason they aren’t seen is because skillful players know how to deal with them, again the issue is extremely clear, and it’s not DB.


> Don't turn this into a personal issue.


> So....guild wars 2 is magically exempt from latency? Ok man sure thing.


Did i say that? No I stated that even with higher than average Latency that it is possible to counterplay this extremely bad skill with lots of baked in pre/after casts and telegraphs, all others seem to be doing are making excuses when in game there are plethora of ways to deal with DB and it boils down to if the player is skillful or not, and no game should balance around individual player’s potato internet connections if they are having bad latency. Just saying the issue I extremely clear and again it isn’t DB.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> I would redesign the thief like this:

> * Get rid of the initiative system

> * melee weapon skill 2 -5 get cooldowns

> * introduce a secondary effect on melee weapons called chain attack . for example a successful hit on 1 would unlock chain 2, and successful hit on 2 would unlock chain 3, and so forth. same cooldown as the regular skill, but a limited time to use the chain attack

> * possibly add a effect called momentum for bigger chains like 1-5 for bigger dmage and not rewarding chains of 3-5, or 4-5 as much


Agreed with this.

Told the same basic principle on other threads, although not as rigid as that one, because this game is plagued with evades/blocks/invul.

I don't know what ANet was thinking to droping one of the most original mechanics in assassin/rogue/thief archetype (gw1 assassin's chains) and go with the cliche initiative/energy mechanic.

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