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Please Add mounts to WvW

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> @"spartan.9421" said:

> No, absolutely not. Dying plays a huge part in WvW. Dying means having to respawn and head back to the fight. During a large fight at say, SMC, fights tend to go back and forth. With people backing off to heal, and pushing to kill weakened people. Giving mounts- even mounts with no abilities- changes that. Dying suddenly isn't a huge role. People start to suicide run more, making a well organized zerg somewhat pointless as people run into a fight, smack someone, die, respawn, rush back, and repeat. Zerg comp wouldn't be nearly as important, and it'd make defending things far far too easy. if they add mounts to WvW it should be custom-made mounts made specifically for WvW, instead of just powerless mounts they should make mountable siege, like maybe siege turtles from GW1.


Your claiming this over a mount that gives a speed buff the equivalent of swiftness?

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I think that the player cap that we currently have already slows down frames. Adding mounts on top of that could cause issues. However, I do think that outnumbered teams simply cannot get into defensive positions fast enough. I would have no issue if outnumbered sides could rally what little they have to defend an objective. Plus an outnumbered team lacks the players to slow down the game any, so tossing in some mounts wouldn't be as much of an issue. Just make sure to dismount players after outnumbered is removed.

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Could work in my opinion. Let everyone, regardless of territory, use a WvW designed mount for the movement speed boost, then maybe only allow defenders to have mount attack skills (specifically something to let them pull attackers from their mount). Imagining roamers raiding to the far side of the map, defenders rushing to pull them down before they reach their objective. Could be fun.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > * Gliding feels like a cheap workaround for the vertical design flaw of the DBL.

> >


> "vertical design flaw"


> What? You call it a flaw that the map isn't a boring flatland with kitten uneven ground? Insane


ABL and EB are not exactly flat and in no way boring. They are the most popular WvW maps.


Take a look at how many movement gimmicks ANet added to the DBL. They distort the normal movement and predictability.

* jump pads

* the other jump pads (could not think of another name, eh?)

* hay bales

* lava portals

* windfall

* blessing of elements

* earth keep mortar teleport pads

* vertical portals around the earth keep

* vertical portals in fire keep to get to the surface

* vertical portals inside fire keep - the ones at the inner wall

* gliding


Yup, the DBL design is flawed when you absolute need all of the above to make the map playable.

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Definitely a must add. WvWers want to spend those gems on mounts, yet we can't show them off in our game mode.


However, mounts require extra work. The maps are too small and the travel times are set for foot based movement. There also aren't enough objectives to warrant the increased movespeed 100% of the time.


Mounts should also be enabled in enemy territory, as most of the time in your own zones of control, a friendly guild has claimed it for +25% movespeed so it's not a huge deal to not have swiftness (or a mount). However, you should only mount up from stables in friendly areas, so if you dive deep into enemy territory, you can't just run away on a mount. This also prevents mounting up during fights since everyone would have to run to their stables.


We also would also want Anti Mount Traps, and Siege Weapons should knock players off of their mounts in 1 hit, and perhaps a caltrops type of thing that slows mounts in a large area for area denial.

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> @"Malavian.4695" said:

> I think having mounts in the Dessert map would be appropriate. It's so large it can take forever to circumnavigate. Holding territory to shut down mounts the same way gliding is shutdown would be an easy way to prevent people from circumnavigating the entire map.


And just like gliding, put all the mount abilities behind rank abilities. Could name it war raptor. Etc.


It would certainly make the maps more interesting.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Malavian.4695" said:

> > I think having mounts in the Dessert map would be appropriate. It's so large it can take forever to circumnavigate. Holding territory to shut down mounts the same way gliding is shutdown would be an easy way to prevent people from circumnavigating the entire map.


> And just like gliding, put all the mount abilities behind rank abilities. Could name it war raptor. Etc.


> It would certainly make the maps more interesting.


would be cool if all the mounts functioned the same so we could use any mount we wanted instead of just raptor.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Malavian.4695" said:

> > > I think having mounts in the Dessert map would be appropriate. It's so large it can take forever to circumnavigate. Holding territory to shut down mounts the same way gliding is shutdown would be an easy way to prevent people from circumnavigating the entire map.

> >

> > And just like gliding, put all the mount abilities behind rank abilities. Could name it war raptor. Etc.

> >

> > It would certainly make the maps more interesting.


> would be cool if all the mounts functioned the same so we could use any mount we wanted instead of just raptor.


Yeah would make sense. Though I think they would need make a new mount trap to disable mounts, much like spikes in PoF.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Then bump up the traits for each class with them to 50% movement speed. Mounts should give no advantage.


> Mounts, if allowed, get player movement speed only. No additional swiftness.


> Defeats the whole purpose of several traits and skills.

What would even be the _point_ of it then, genius?


Also, movement speed has long since needed to be standardized anyway, because it's not fair to certain professions who don't have any permanent speed boost options (guardians, non-chronomancer mesmers, non-herald revenants). And don't say runes, unless you want to introduce rune sets that don't actively suck like Speed and Traveler do.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Then bump up the traits for each class with them to 50% movement speed. Mounts should give no advantage.

> >

> > Mounts, if allowed, get player movement speed only. No additional swiftness.

> >

> > Defeats the whole purpose of several traits and skills.

> What would even be the _point_ of it then, genius?


> Also, movement speed has long since needed to be standardized anyway, because it's not fair to certain professions who don't have any permanent speed boost options (guardians, non-chronomancer mesmers, non-herald revenants). And don't say runes, unless you want to introduce rune sets that don't actively suck like Speed and Traveler do.


It's not fair? So, all of the classes have options. You expecting them to redo all the traits and skills that give it then? That's a mighty big rework.


While you're at it, my Ele needs heavy armor, a bigger health pool and access to stealth, thanks.


No. Movement speed DOESNT need to be standardized. If your class is slow, change.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Would break the game in a hundred different ways, no thanks.


If they added them and kept the skills on them, it'd eliminate the spawn camping completely. Just don't allow mounts in your 3rd of the map, and disable them everywhere else, problem solved. That is enough reason alone to add them and outweighs all the other negatives by a long shot.

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