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Why do people take Guild reps so seriously

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There are (very) generally 2 types of guild in my experience:


* Guilds who want to get stuff done and they don't care who they do it with.

(Fractals/Raids/RP/WvW/PvP ... all sorts of guilds out there to help you complete content on your terms).

* Guilds who want to get to know people and they don't mind what content they play while they do that.


**Neither guild-type is bad, or wrong, they simply have different goals**. The only reason you find it annoying is that you have joined guilds you are unsuited to. You need to figure out what goal YOU have when you turn on the game, and find a guild or guilds that share that goal. Make sure you know and agree with their policies before joining, otherwise you're just creating frustration for everyone involved. Pretending that you're going to represent because it seems important to them even though you don't intend to represent because you think it's an unnecessary rule, is just plain stupid.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > Its fairly simple, if you do not want to fly the guild's flag (display its tag) then it is not a priority for you at that time. If the guild is not your priority then it seems reasonable that you would be less of a priority, compared to others who are repping, for the guild.

> > > >

> > > > Asking that a group you are choosing to make a secondary, at best, priority treat you as a primary priority is a bit off IMO.

> > >

> > > This is highly contingent upon why I joined them.

> > >

> > > If they are a WvW guild, then if I am doing Super Adventure Box, there really is no good reason to fly their banner, on the same token, if I was in WvW and not repping, it would make sense they are not happy with that, in fact I would fully understand them throwing me out of the guild for that. But if I rep them when I am in WvW, then yes.. I should be respected and treated as priority committed member of their guild.

> > >

> > > Equally so, if I join a Raid guild, there is no reason for me rep them while I am in WvW or doing SAB, for example. However, if when I raid, form a raid, or train for a raid, I rep them, then I should be respected as a viable committed and priority member of that guild.

> > >

> > > Now, If a guild claims to be PvX, and thinks they can be everything to everyone, and their members are off joining WvW or Raid, or sPvP guilds, that should clue them in lessen their scope, and focus on something they can provide, and thus be more then just glorified chat channel with a tag and hall attached to it.

> > >

> > > Just saying.

> > >

> >

> > Cant disagree.

> >

> > However, the OP expressed concern that when he is not repping a guild, and wants help, the guild gives priority to those repping.

> >

> > If a player wa ts help from a guild, repping at the time of the desired assistance seems like a reasonable expectation.


> That makes sense. I mean, if I wanted help with SAB, I'd ask the guild I was repping first.. if they didn't help.. I'd rep another guild and ask them ;)


Seems like a reasonable approach to me.

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If u are in Eu join us. We help ppl whenever we can if I'm online disregard what guild you are in. I help to manage this guild that I am with since gw1 .. leader isn't active anymore but we are around to do the house keeping :) pm me if you need an invite we still run guild mission weekly EU Sunday morning

There are many guild out there and many nice one too. Don't let this silly guild rules ruin your gaming experience

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> I hope they do more care about representing. I am strongly against this cherry picking. Stick to your guild and not just hop around and leech off of who has the best to offer for you in your current situations (bosses, raids, guild halls, buffs,...)


> The GW2 guild system is awful and often feels like a dead friendlist: So many names, no-one is talking. Like ghost players, why would you want to have all these names in your guild when they are not even there? Two guilds would be fine, but **FIVE?**


I totally agree with the 'dead friend list' thingy. I am with 3 level 69 guilds and one lvl 40+ guild. There's only one that I rep the most because at anytime that guild has at least 20+ guildies online and during peak playtime, as high as 40+.


But, most of the time when I login and greeted the guild or commented something in guild chat, NOBODY responded. I am talking about 20 - 30 guildlies online -.- The only responds I will get are from officers and GLs, if they are online. A list of dead guildlies indeed. Makes me wonder why bother to join a guild, let alone join a few, if you are going dumb all day and only interested in your own activities. These people should go guildless instead.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > I hope they do more care about representing. I am strongly against this cherry picking. Stick to your guild and not just hop around and leech off of who has the best to offer for you in your current situations (bosses, raids, guild halls, buffs,...)

> >

> > The GW2 guild system is awful and often feels like a dead friendlist: So many names, no-one is talking. Like ghost players, why would you want to have all these names in your guild when they are not even there? Two guilds would be fine, but **FIVE?**


> I totally agree with the 'dead friend list' thingy. I am with 3 level 69 guilds and one lvl 40+ guild. There's only one that I rep the most because at anytime that guild has at least 20+ guildies online and during peak playtime, as high as 40+.


> But, most of the time when I login and greeted the guild or commented something in guild chat, NOBODY responded. I am talking about 20 - 30 guildlies online -.- The only responds I will get are from officers and GLs, if they are online. A list of dead guildlies indeed. Makes me wonder why bother to join a guild, let alone join a few, if you are going dumb all day and only interested in your own activities. These people should go guildless instead.


That sound like my guild xD lol

Most guild are pretty much like this I think. Wvw guild is a bit more active imo

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > I hope they do more care about representing. I am strongly against this cherry picking. Stick to your guild and not just hop around and leech off of who has the best to offer for you in your current situations (bosses, raids, guild halls, buffs,...)

> >

> > The GW2 guild system is awful and often feels like a dead friendlist: So many names, no-one is talking. Like ghost players, why would you want to have all these names in your guild when they are not even there? Two guilds would be fine, but **FIVE?**


> I totally agree with the 'dead friend list' thingy. I am with 3 level 69 guilds and one lvl 40+ guild. There's only one that I rep the most because at anytime that guild has at least 20+ guildies online and during peak playtime, as high as 40+.


> But, most of the time when I login and greeted the guild or commented something in guild chat, NOBODY responded. I am talking about 20 - 30 guildlies online -.- The only responds I will get are from officers and GLs, if they are online. A list of dead guildlies indeed. Makes me wonder why bother to join a guild, let alone join a few, if you are going dumb all day and only interested in your own activities. These people should go guildless instead.


Two Words: **Guild Buffs**.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Cause other wise, guilds are just chat rooms in this game... wich is a wrong concept but it is with what Anet has tranformend guilds into.


> Guild depth system, is a good emphasis to create content for pvp and pve.


Because repping a guild totally changes how you interact with the guild, and makes it not a chat room /s

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I am into two guilds.

- One is not a "true" guild. We are 5 real life friends and this little "club" is for us a mean to keep contact while in GW2, even if we rarely play together due to busy real lives. We are always there for each others, especially when one needs help.

- One is a "true" guild. I represent 99% of the time. I feel being a true member of the community. That's what I like, want and enjoy.


It is true that I am old school. I am a very loyal person and I do love - and need - to feel part of a band, and to have a history with the group. Also, the guild leaders/officers invest such a big time in organizing fun for the guild members: It is for me a matter of respect and politeness to contribute to everything and not just pick up what fits my own interest. I would feel bad if I would do that. That's why me personally, I could not feel good at being a member of several guilds at a time. I would feel guilty not to contribute properly to any of them (due to lack of time and due to doing only what does interest me). What comes in addition is that the guild is building up dedicated teams for WvW, raids, and so on... So it is important to be able to count on reliable members. If guild members are not dedicated to the guild and change all the time, it makes it difficult to build up such teams.


However, that being said, it is true that several guilds are specialized in one activity and don't support much the others. So of course, when a player is in such a guild, if he wants to do different activities aside of the main one, he will need to become member of other guilds supporting those activities. That's why I believe that it makes maybe sense to make a difference between two types of guilds:

1. Guilds that are a community offering all services and providing all activities (PvP, WvW, raids, fractals, PvE, ...), building up teams to ensure good results and big fun: Those ones, I believe it makes sense that they request high rep.

2. Guilds offering mainly one activity and not supporting much the others: Then for such, full rep is hardly possible unless the members agree to do just the single activity they are specialized into. Otherwise, it needs to have several guilds to cover all activities.


At the end, my opinion is: If there is no representation rule, meaning that members can leave and go as they want, it is very much OK. Freedom is nice. But the counter part is that the guild will have it hard to build up a "team" feeling and it will be even more difficult to maintain a core group, allowing to build up teams dedicated to activities like raids.

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I will probably get hate for this but...


My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.


Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.


This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.

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With my guild, I'm more concerned with activity over rep. We're trying to build and keep the close knit feel and are keeping our numbers on the smaller side (around 100). I'll admit i do like seeing the majority of members repping, however it is isn't required. As long as people interact and are active with us, I don't require rep at all. With that said, from my experience, some ppl who don't rep tend to become just a name on the roster, which i don't really understand. Why join a guild that you don't try to be a part of? However, i have a few who I have only rarely seen rep us but are extremely active with our guild. So, i think repping is good for community and guild cohesion, but is only a part of the equation. I honestly just keep trying to build the guild into something ppl want to rep. Or, maybe it's because I have problems with authority and tend to react poorly when I'm 'required' to do anything. Especially, in a game I play for fun. Can't we all just have fun playing with each other :p

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> I will probably get hate for this but...


> My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.


> Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.


> This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.


The repping doesn't create friendships though, nor social standards. Not repping the guild doesn't mean they cannot interact with you, it doesn't mean they can't talk in guild chat, or do guild missions, or come to the guildhall, or party up with you.


Its fine if you want a rep requirement for your guild, really. But don't pretend like repping the guild somehow makes the interactions different or more meaningful. Its the same interactions with or without repping. If the person is going to create friendships and be socially active, then they are going to do it with or without the repping. I think this is mostly confirmation bias, in that people more willing to try to make friendships and be active, are also more willing to rep when asked to.

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Before HOT, I used to require members rep our guild in order to gain access to the bank or to attain a certain rank. The reason was simply that the game system required guild influence (that was only earned by repping members) in order to build guild upgrades.


When they did away with influence at the HOT launch (one of the best things they ever did for guilds, btw) and made guild chat visible even when you weren't repping, it became a non issue.


In the current state of the game, if you have to find ways to force your members to represent your guild all - or most of the time - then you obviously aren't providing any real value to your members. Members represent my guild now because they want to - because we do things together and look for new ways to enjoy the game as a guild.


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If you're a social guild and nobody is repping, chances are your guild is lifeless (who's got the time, amiright?). If you're a raiding/event/friends guild, it probably doesn't matter too much since people will reach out when they need to.


People rep and participate in the one guild they most care about. If you're a social guild, it's only natural you would be upset when this guild isn't your own.

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Never really required guild rep in my guild. So its definitely not everyone taking it seriously. Other than that it does get annoying when peoole dont communicate at all. People who rep usually are more involved in the guild so they get more attention easier. So if you want help you just need to involve yourself in a guild, even when not repping. Otherwise if you start asking for help out of the blue it comes acros that youre just part of the guild for using it as an easy access to help. Basically taking advantage rather than taking part.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > I will probably get hate for this but...

> >

> > My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.

> >

> > Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.

> >

> > This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.


> The repping doesn't create friendships though, nor social standards. Not repping the guild doesn't mean they cannot interact with you, it doesn't mean they can't talk in guild chat, or do guild missions, or come to the guildhall, or party up with you.


> Its fine if you want a rep requirement for your guild, really. But don't pretend like repping the guild somehow makes the interactions different or more meaningful. Its the same interactions with or without repping. If the person is going to create friendships and be socially active, then they are going to do it with or without the repping. I think this is mostly confirmation bias, in that people more willing to try to make friendships and be active, are also more willing to rep when asked to.


Again, we have tried it many different ways and our current system gets the best success. We are interested in loyal people who are more into the 1 main guild style format, than toggling between 5 guilds.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > I will probably get hate for this but...

> >

> > My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.

> >

> > Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.

> >

> > This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.


> The repping doesn't create friendships though, nor social standards. Not repping the guild doesn't mean they cannot interact with you, it doesn't mean they can't talk in guild chat, or do guild missions, or come to the guildhall, or party up with you.


> Its fine if you want a rep requirement for your guild, really. But don't pretend like repping the guild somehow makes the interactions different or more meaningful. Its the same interactions with or without repping. If the person is going to create friendships and be socially active, then they are going to do it with or without the repping. I think this is mostly confirmation bias, in that people more willing to try to make friendships and be active, are also more willing to rep when asked to.


The answer is self evident.


Gw2 is actually one of the very few games that force guilds to come up with so many different kinds of requirements, all because of this multi guilds design. Sure, rep or not rep may or may not change one's interactions but surely you can see that many chose to join guilds for material benefits, not for interactions. I mean, some in this thread described to rep then ask for help, actions speak for itself. These rep requirements, along with other requirements, are just part of the many ways people tried to filter out certain type of people. Furthermore, if rep is so pointless, you wouldn't see ts complaining about guilds demanding him to rep. It is because guilds continue to demand people to rep, such is why it is still a valid filtration requirement. It will only become totally pointless when great majority of the guilds stop demanding rep.

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Shrug I am technically part of 5 guilds and none of them are 100% rep. The first is my personal guild for the bank...so yeah no point in repping that. The second is the first guild I joined when I came to gw2. That guild seems to have mostly died off but I keep it since some of the people are still online and it lets us talk easily. The next two are actually two aspects of the same gigantic guild. The first one is mainly for general pve while the second is the raid focused guild (both are TTS). The last is my WvW guild which I rep while WvWing.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> What is the purpose of a guild?


> For most people, the answer is "to have regular people to play with".


> You are given 5 slots for guilds because no guild can offer any player everything, and any guild that thinks it can is lying to itself.


Guilds certainly capable of doing everything, with 500 people in their disposal. The question is, how much effort and time would individuals willing spend to make such a guild? Creating a focused guild is much easier than creating a multi purposes guild. If to put a difficulty scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is the easiest while 5 is the most difficult. A focused guild difficulty scale is at 1 while a multi purpose is at 5. As mentioned in my other posts in this thread, most people join guilds for material benefits, of course most would chose a scale at 1 than a scale at 5.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > I will probably get hate for this but...

> > >

> > > My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.

> > >

> > > Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.

> > >

> > > This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.

> >

> > The repping doesn't create friendships though, nor social standards. Not repping the guild doesn't mean they cannot interact with you, it doesn't mean they can't talk in guild chat, or do guild missions, or come to the guildhall, or party up with you.

> >

> > Its fine if you want a rep requirement for your guild, really. But don't pretend like repping the guild somehow makes the interactions different or more meaningful. Its the same interactions with or without repping. If the person is going to create friendships and be socially active, then they are going to do it with or without the repping. I think this is mostly confirmation bias, in that people more willing to try to make friendships and be active, are also more willing to rep when asked to.


> Again, we have tried it many different ways and our current system gets the best success. We are interested in loyal people who are more into the 1 main guild style format, than toggling between 5 guilds.


Again, there is nothing wrong with your rep requirement. That's not what I'm trying to say. This was more a general statement towards everyone. But repping a guild doesn't change how you interact with it anymore. If it does, that's a 100% personal issue. So, I really don't understand why anyone is more active in a guild just because they rep it. I'm not trying to say this system doesn't work for you, but its 100% illogical that it does.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > > I will probably get hate for this but...

> > > >

> > > > My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.

> > > >

> > > > Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.

> > > >

> > > > This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.

> > >

> > > The repping doesn't create friendships though, nor social standards. Not repping the guild doesn't mean they cannot interact with you, it doesn't mean they can't talk in guild chat, or do guild missions, or come to the guildhall, or party up with you.

> > >

> > > Its fine if you want a rep requirement for your guild, really. But don't pretend like repping the guild somehow makes the interactions different or more meaningful. Its the same interactions with or without repping. If the person is going to create friendships and be socially active, then they are going to do it with or without the repping. I think this is mostly confirmation bias, in that people more willing to try to make friendships and be active, are also more willing to rep when asked to.

> >

> > Again, we have tried it many different ways and our current system gets the best success. We are interested in loyal people who are more into the 1 main guild style format, than toggling between 5 guilds.


> Again, there is nothing wrong with your rep requirement. That's not what I'm trying to say. This was more a general statement towards everyone. But repping a guild doesn't change how you interact with it anymore. If it does, that's a 100% personal issue. So, I really don't understand why anyone is more active in a guild just because they rep it. I'm not trying to say this system doesn't work for you, but its 100% illogical that it does.


Emotions are not necessarily logical. Having the same t-shirt on as everyone else, fitting in with a group and demonstrating that sense of belonging in a visual manner, can very much impact how one interacts with a group.


Symbols have meaning. This is a human thing. That doesnt mean that everyone will find the same meaning, or any, in a given symbol, such as a guild tag, but that does not diminish the power of such symbols.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:


> Again, there is nothing wrong with your rep requirement. That's not what I'm trying to say. This was more a general statement towards everyone. But repping a guild doesn't change how you interact with it anymore. If it does, that's a 100% personal issue. So, I really don't understand why anyone is more active in a guild just because they rep it. I'm not trying to say this system doesn't work for you, but its 100% illogical that it does.


You're looking at the issue from a pragmatic point of view. From a psychological point of view, 100% rep is indicative of a commitment to that guild. At least some of those guilds may only want individuals who want to make such a commitment. Staying with one guild may not mean the person is actually going to be active, but there's no way to know that ahead of time. It may not make any more sense than using AP for dungeon parties, but it's something people can use as a selection tool.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> I've only been playing for a month. I noticed people take rep's very seriously. One Guild mentioned how how'd he put people who had Guild Reps in highest priority when they needed help. I have five guilds. I'm supposed pick who to rep and like jealous girlfriends. I noticed some of them will become a little frustrated when I don't rep them. I am a very friendly person. I can only rep one at a time. I'm considering not repping anyone just to give the appearance that I'm neutral.


because they are insecure, or they want their guild to rank up, and they dont care about other guilds you might be interested in repping (ie selfish)

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