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Bonus Weekend Feedback.

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First of , Thank you for the Bonus Weekend.


For the first time in months , the Reset night was actuall fun again.

Amazing fights all night long.


The entire Weekend was nonstop fighting.


The Idea of double WxP instead of something like Reward Track was a good one.

We had almost no PvE Farmer.


That the Bonus Gathering worked on the synthesizers was surprising.


For the first time in god knows how long , WvW felt rewarding to play.

Before , killing people gave often next to no wxp.

I mean sometimes i still got only 4 Wxp for a kill. ( With 270% Boost).


And capturing a Tower or Stonemist Castle was now worth fighting for.

(Stone Mist gave 3700 WxP)




The fact that it needed 5 different Booster effects to make WvW rewarding and fun again, is a bit sad.


Even with the 270% Boost , i would not say the rewards of WvW are amazing.

There basicly became "ok".


Which shows (again) how bad the rewards of WvW normaly are.


It also showed that defending is not worth it.

The best example would be Stone Mist.


Capturing it gave 3700 WxP.

Killing the enemy Zerg was not even close to this.


Letting the enemy capture SM and taking it back was way more rewarding then defending it.


For me , this weekend was amazing but also shows many of the flaws of WvW.


Im very sad that the fun time is over again.


I hope we will get more of this in the future.



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Agree that is was a stunning weekend and was a good excuse to spend a longer time in wvw.

Have to confess that I am one of the pve farmers but at least there was one or 2 border lands that were not in demand so could let the wvw queue for where they really wanted to be. Do know there was lots of begging from some people for people to leave. Maybe just need to either allow larger numbers in the popular areas when have an event like this or look at those who idle or just sit in the spawn area.

Looking forward to the next time.

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I didn't spend any time in WvW or PvP (PvP has never been my thing and I've yet to dip into WvW), but even the PvE stuff definitely had a huge boost. Not that it's normally hard to find squads for world bosses but I saw a lot more "map is full" messages this weekend than I ever had before.


It really helped me nail the last couple of mastery tracks I wanted too. It was beginning to feel like a slog until this weekend.


All in all, GG ANet. Definitely went down well with all players, regardless of what tey mainly get involved in.

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I'd love to see some more bonus weekends being added to the game every now and then, not every weekend of course, maybe once a month or every couple of months. Bonus HoT weekends, bonus PoF weekends, bonus Fractal weekends and so on, giving bonus XP and a little bonus currency.


In a game with as many different types and styles of content it's sometimes nice to give a little focus to one or two types of content for a while, it also helps those who want to do achievements.

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This was such a good WE! Thank you so much for this.

For me personally WvW felt more "lively" ... we had 75 que on EB and also the other BL had que. (que was never that high before)

I also saw some old WvW guys comming back and join us!

Like all other ppl commenting here .. pls bring something like this again!

Me and also others had a lot of fun the last WE and thats what the Game is about. Fun!

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Didn't change my gameplay at all. I'm not a farmer, all my characters are maxed, and I *don't* need more spirit shards. The XP and gathering bonuses are wasted on me.


Same goes for WvW. Tweaking the reward doesn't change the *boring gameplay*. If it had been Double Reward Track Progress weekend, I might have, but for generic WXP, not worth putting up with Walk v Walk.

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I spent time gathering and some WvW.

One thing I would like to see changed was the material gathering tools cost 7350 karma and only can be used 50 times.

It doesn't take long to go through them. I think the picks and logging axes should have 100 uses or cost the same as the unbound tools.

Unbound one only cost 4900 karma for the 50 uses.

Make this event happen more often would be nice.

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