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Best personal story?

White Kitsunee.4620

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better on what criterion? narrative or mechanical? Well, if it is a game mechanic, the important thing is to choose between the factions, Vigil, Whispers or Priory Historian. Vigil will take on more missions in the style of "our task is to simply demolish everything," while Whispers or Priory Historian will pick up something like "secret agent" chapters that involve more tricks than direct combat, so its depends on your friend's taste.


If it is narrative and your friend gives importance to lore, there are not so many dramatic changes between races or factions. The campaign against Zaithan is a bloodbath and has very tragic content, expect most of your friends npcs gonna die.


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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> My freind might be getting back into the game, and ill likely make new charecters with him, so to make sure he dosent quit by randomly taking an abysmal story path,

> What dors everyone think the best personal story path is the best, relativly, at least.



I really liked Asura Personal Story with the Infinity Ball. So if you will create Asura, then choose "My first invention was Infinity Ball". Very interesting story.

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I can only say what I enjoyed the most.

I most enjoyed the silvari story with the white stag and all things have a life to grow.

I enjoyed the whispers story arc most.

For the lesser races I enjoyed helping the skritt the most.

When asked for your greatest fear, I like to play dishonored by allies, and fix the blame.

I always go through the looking glass to meet my skritt friends

I like an estate of decay and the ossuary of undeath

I like to go from the sea

And always follow the norn.




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Depends on how one defines "best personal story". I define it by "having the least seemingly random NPCs around", in which case, by race:

*Human:* Noble, Dead Sister, meet Priestess Rhie during Kellach chase (rather than meet pirates), Vigil's plan for Further into Orr, and go to Temple of Grenth during Against the Corruption.

This allows the player to get a head meet with Faren and Caudecus, while presenting Deborah and Rhie (and two tutorial characters) as returning figures in Orr.


*Sylvari:* Act with Wisdom, Priory, recruit Carys and Tegwen during Claw Island, tricking the Eye via a mirror after the Temple of Abaddon, and Vigil's plan for Further into Orr.

This puts players in with Carys and Tegwen's path the entire time, bringing them up as constant returning characters.


*Asura:* Statics, Whispers, recruit Gorr during Claw Island, Whisper's Plan for Further into Orr, and going to the Temple of Grenth after Against the Corruption.

This makes Gorr a constant returning character, rather than some random asura who shows up later. The second chapter of the PS has multiple paths to take:

* Weather Changer introduces you to Kudu, who is relevant for multiple story dungeons, and his legacy is seen in the most recent update with hints of more to come.

* VAL-A Golem introduces you to Elli, who is also part of Whisper's Plan for Further into Orr, and makes the finale of that arc more personal.

* Infinity Ball is simply put the best of the three. Sadly it holds no ties to later story except through a (some would say arguable) retcon with Scarlet.


*Norn:* Defend the Mists and pick Grechen (bear Havroun),

Unfortunately, it's pretty much impossible to avoid a case of "the story deals with Jormag and icebrood for the entire first half then suddenly it's Zhaitan!" situation with the norn, as their chapter 1, 2, 3, and 2 out of 3 options for chapter 5 (grawl and quaggan) all deal with icebrood, then suddenly Claw Island happens.

Like Asura, norn have two choices of a "good continuity" with the second chapter:

* Lost Heirloom: You meet your ancestor, Romke, in open world Orr and if you go to the Spirit of the Wilds for their map after Against the Corruption you help him out with special dialogue.

* Blacked Out: Honestly, this one is a joke plot but funny, that said though, it also ties in to the Vigil's invasion plan at Further into Orr.


*~~Master Race~~Charr:* Iron Legion, recruit the "Gear Warband" during Claw Island (this is a typo in the text, you're actually recruiting Galina and Snarl you meet in the Iron Legion plot).

Sadly, charr kind of have the fewer "optional" returning characters. Most who do return are forced on you (aka Snarl and Galina).

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