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More Condi in WvW


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> @kathy.8291 said:

> So does anyone know if Anet has decided to nerf the amount of stacks of Condi in WvW or is this going to continue to be condi vs condi (who can get it off faster).

Since there's no dedictaed WvW team and since they haven't really balanced WvW for the past 2,5 years, I think it's very safe to say that they do know there's a problem but don't intend/know how to fix it.

I would expect it to be a loooooonnnnnngggg time until something *might* be fixed. But hey, you still have PvE, right?!

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> @Jski.6180 said:

> I think going after condis with added effect or the need to have condiston to do there best dmg to be cut back. Bleed is a good example of a pure condi dmg that only is strong at high stacks. Things like torment has too much passive dmg due to pve balncing that makes the not moving for a sec pointless. Or things like poison who has the strongest added effect but also better scaling / base dmg then bleeding. Bleed dmg should be the bechmake for condi dmg if the condi does more then just dmg it should do less then bleeds if it has an stronger effect when you do an action or move the passive should be much less then bleed dmg.




And there should not be TWO conditions that are functionality identical with such a damage disparity between the two. I'm looking at you Burning AKA Bleed 2.0.


Bleed = (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22

Burn = (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131


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> @Sagramor.7395 said:

> > @Jski.6180 said:

> > I think going after condis with added effect or the need to have condiston to do there best dmg to be cut back. Bleed is a good example of a pure condi dmg that only is strong at high stacks. Things like torment has too much passive dmg due to pve balncing that makes the not moving for a sec pointless. Or things like poison who has the strongest added effect but also better scaling / base dmg then bleeding. Bleed dmg should be the bechmake for condi dmg if the condi does more then just dmg it should do less then bleeds if it has an stronger effect when you do an action or move the passive should be much less then bleed dmg.


> ^This


> And there should not be TWO conditions that are functionality identical with such a damage disparity between the two. I'm looking at you Burning AKA Bleed 2.0.


> Bleed = (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22

> Burn = (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131



what if chill and burn could nullify each other, or players is burning or chilled?

But when a player in a game can make cannons bleed and cripple, chill, even poison or bleed them... u know decent gameplay meant low effort gammers, or people that need to leecho how bad this game in on balance.

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> @kathy.8291 said:

> So guys i should start another vote saying: Is Anet going to change the blob condi in WvW.. Yes or No


The reason why Anet limited forum poll threads is because they often don't offer a valuable representation of the Guild Wars 2 community. Yes, according to this poll, a large majority agree that condi should be nerfed in WvW. But the population that says so is not representative. The conclusion should be rephrased as: A large majority of people who have chosen to vote in this particular forum poll agree that condi should be nerfed in WvW.


They do, however, encourage polls focused around "fun", such as "What is your favorite zone in Gw2" or "What would you like to see added to npc dialogue". Polls about "Is Anet going to do something" doesn't accomplish anything. And threads bashing Anet for inaction (probably) isn't going to do anything either.

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> @Silverstone.4539 said:

> that's a pretty damning poll, 4 to 1 in favour of neffing conditions, wonder if anything will happen....


Watch after scourge and spellbreaker nerfs. ANet also buffs condis more. Just to troll it's PvP and WvW player base. Afterall PoF is a condi expansion on all levels down to the NPCs.

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> @"Arricson Krei.9560" said:

> The reason why Anet limited forum poll threads is because they often don't offer a valuable representation of the Guild Wars 2 community. Yes, according to this poll, a large majority agree that condi should be nerfed in WvW. But the population that says so is not representative. The conclusion should be rephrased as: A large majority of people who have chosen to vote in this particular forum poll agree that condi should be nerfed in WvW.

As with almost every poll they do represent the larger numbers they're representing.

If it were 5 votes for nerf and 2 votes for keep it, I'd agree with you, but not when it's 400 vs 100 - that are large numbers for this forum.

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> @kathy.8291 said:

> yeah its getting ridiculous with the way WvW is now. Really miss the good old days when you actually had to use skills and coordination with your guild to produce Power. That front line power train was awesome.


Frontline power Train = no brain no skill


Not dying by condition bomb = Needs a lot of skill


Your whole Argumentation makes absolutely no sense. Why would you like to have something back that is , according to you, so much harder than it is now? Why not stay the easy way at it is now?



If you have no skill in the condi meta you won't produce any power. Because you are dead. The only Problem is, that the aoe is making condispamming easier the more People you have. Which is pretty much the same effect power had. More People = more dmg = win.


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> @Seffen.2875 said:

> > @kathy.8291 said:

> > yeah its getting ridiculous with the way WvW is now. Really miss the good old days when you actually had to use skills and coordination with your guild to produce Power. That front line power train was awesome.


> Frontline power Train = no brain no skill


> Not dying by condition bomb = Needs a lot of skill


> Your whole Argumentation makes absolutely no sense. Why would you like to have something back that is , according to you, so much harder than it is now? Why not stay the easy way at it is now?


> Also:

> If you have no skill in the condi meta you won't produce any power. Because you are dead. The only Problem is, that the aoe is making condispamming easier the more People you have. Which is pretty much the same effect power had. More People = more dmg = win.



Actually is trade one broken gimmick based on number to another.... game was never good for pvp...

The diference is that msot condi can be easilly stacked on AOE, cleaves with some range and builted mostly with defensive stats backups by tons of boons.

While melee needs to be in close range(capt. obvious sttrkes :<) wich atm cant survive the ammount of spam damage and condi that is "floating" arround the groups.

Its a awfull combat metheod due how bad the skill design actually is... in favour of fithing pve static mobs >_>#


But, both suffer from the same... problem (lack of iteration and balance...)

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Condi isn't so much of a problem 1v1, so anyone discussing that is entirely missing the point.


The funniest post so far was the one suggesting splitting into smaller groups as a solution..which just leads to your smaller group being instantly wiped by the zerg condi bomb.


What needs to happen is a limiter on the amount of damage TOTAL you can receive per second. So no more instant downs from any class. The problem is deciding then as to what the limit should be per second, ie how long should your toon survive- too long and battles would become impossible, too short you haven't fixed the problem.


Maybe have different limiters on different types of damage, or one limit for each?

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You can't really cap the number of conditions, unless you also want to cap the maximum damage you can take from power builds. The use-case is 1v1 or 1vMany -- you should take more damage based upon the number of players applying said damage. You're not meant to win a 1vMany against competent players.


I don't think there's an "easy" fix to this problem because it's a spider-web of inter-dependencies. On the surface, some concepts look intriguing. The idea I liked the most so far is make conditions crit and lower the associated base damage. Now you just made it so condition DPS builds require more offensive stats. Unfortunately that would make it so condi builds require 4 stats instead of the 3 stats needed for power builds, the extra stat being Expertise. So even this idea may swing the pendulum too far the other way.

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> @primatos.5413 said:

> They still ignoring over 10.000 views ? :(


The dev that decides to merge in this jungle... its like a bear that falls in a trap hole :\

It kinda makes sense ANet not comunicating about game balance, the game is about unbalance >:}


Joking asside, they have quite a few classes from PoF overperforming, more than expected, but they stated on reddit they will continue to support it for quite some more time.


So all of this ugly combat is ment to continus for quite some more time ~:|

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Yeah it seems like we will have to deal with this unbalance for quite some time, though it doesn't stop us from losing all potential respect for allies and enemies who need the handicap of TB/Dire stats. Some people just lack the confidence to not use such a crutch.

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Problem at this point is that WvW is unredeemable. Much like PvP, by the time they address any problems it will be too little, too late.


They should take the good things like pips and reward tracks and work them into PvE and let the competitive gamemodes die of their own volition.

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> @Cuddy.6247 said:

> Problem at this point is that WvW is unredeemable. Much like PvP, by the time they address any problems it will be too little, too late.


> They should take the good things like pips and reward tracks and work them into PvE and let the competitive gamemodes die of their own volition.


well, compared with other mmo's PVE is really empty and dull as well, doesnt offer that much, so that actually makes sense since this is a PVE ONLY game.

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