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More Condi in WvW


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They just don't understand the problem, and what with the forum switch they've pissed away years of feedback. They nerfed condi food, which was fairly toothless because the duration was never the biggest issue; it's the ease with which conditions, in massive numbers, can be reapplied.


Last night I was standing watching people fight, tabbing through the people, most of whom were running PoF elites, and felt resigned at the sight of how many were running condi food. A lot of the time I don't even engage these people in combat anymore, I just run on by while they try to chase and /laugh. Maybe I could kill them, maybe I could not, but it's not the point. **Condition builds mean boring fights.**

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Condi was bad to begin with, now it seems completely out of control. As a condi player I think it needs some work, I would love to see a 50/50 split and more build diversity.

Right now it just feels like there is more condi going around than there are ways to deal with it. Sure you can cleanse and your group can cleanse but as soon as you get cleansed you are just stacked to the roof with condi again straight afterwards.


Im totally cool with condi being a thing, I even like DoT builds - but wowee!

I also like diversity, so it would be great to see all kinds of builds and setups from power to support to healing and even hybrid builds.


See you in game folks :)


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With the amount of resistance in the game, theres literally no need to nerf condi. By the time pof gets lil bit older, theyre gonna nerf shit. Theres literally no need to nerf condis. If your group sucks and cant support each other, or youre just playing glass cannon build with gear, dont expect to survive u dingdong.

I also like how on these forums ppl judge each other by being on a so called blob server and not being on one. XD

Most of you clearly doesnt understand how wvw works itself.

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> @kaleen.8204 said:

> With the amount of resistance in the game, theres literally no need to nerf condi. By the time pof gets lil bit older, theyre gonna nerf kitten. Theres literally no need to nerf condis. If your group kitten and cant support each other, or youre just playing glass cannon build with gear, dont expect to survive u dingdong.

> I also like how on these forums ppl judge each other by being on a so called blob server and not being on one. XD

> Most of you clearly doesnt understand how wvw works itself.


You realize that resistance is a boon which currently gets corrupted instantly by scourges or removed by warriors. Sigil of Absorption prioritizes resistance, too. So, yeah, resistance isn't the answer anymore with the massive boon corruption.

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> @kaleen.8204 said:

> With the amount of resistance in the game, theres literally no need to nerf condi. By the time pof gets lil bit older, theyre gonna nerf kitten. Theres literally no need to nerf condis. If your group kitten and cant support each other, or youre just playing glass cannon build with gear, dont expect to survive u dingdong.

> I also like how on these forums ppl judge each other by being on a so called blob server and not being on one. XD

> Most of you clearly doesnt understand how wvw works itself.


Please learn the proper use of the word 'literally'. I can't figuratively nerf condis.

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> > @kaleen.8204 said:

> > With the amount of resistance in the game, theres literally no need to nerf condi. By the time pof gets lil bit older, theyre gonna nerf kitten. Theres literally no need to nerf condis. If your group kitten and cant support each other, or youre just playing glass cannon build with gear, dont expect to survive u dingdong.

> > I also like how on these forums ppl judge each other by being on a so called blob server and not being on one. XD

> > Most of you clearly doesnt understand how wvw works itself.


> You realize that resistance is a boon which currently gets corrupted instantly by scourges or removed by warriors. Sigil of Absorption prioritizes resistance, too. So, yeah, resistance isn't the answer anymore with the massive boon corruption.


Yeah, Spurnshadow took the words right out of my "mouth", so to speak.


There is absolutely a need for condi to be seriously adjusted, for the well being the bloody game mode at this point. Resistance was always a poor answer to the condi situation; and now (with the PoF elites having been released) the idea that resistance will protect anyone is laughable. Pre-PoF there were already classes / builds that could make boon dependence go sideways if the person playing them knew what they were doing, and post-PoF... Hah.

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> @Lowen.7109 said:

> What if toughness contributed to condi damage reduction? Would that effect roamers, though? Just thinking...


Probably a good idea,but honestly, considering how Condi spam lags out the servers, I would rather they separate wvw from pve and apply a cap to the number of conditions you can have on you at any one time.

Change resistance to an after effect of cleansing to supply a small grace period.

Boon corruption and stripping would still remove resistance so this grace period is not too strong. Meaning you can't just melee train through everything.


This should allow more dynamic fights rather than the pirate ship meta


Hopefully this would stop the massive lag we see in fights, and would bring condition down while still keeping it valid. The power of conditions can be tuned via the number of stacks on a player.

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > @Hana.8143 said:

> > >@Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > > Boons + Condis = LAG

> >

> > Me in 2015 : We need less conditions cause it's killing WvW.

> > Developer : Hold my beer, and also, NO.

> > Me in 2017 : We need less conditions cause WvW is dead.


> I wonder when the first group comp calls for cleanse 1, cleanse 2 and cleanse 3


More likely resistance 1-6

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> > @kaleen.8204 said:

> > With the amount of resistance in the game, theres literally no need to nerf condi. By the time pof gets lil bit older, theyre gonna nerf kitten. Theres literally no need to nerf condis. If your group kitten and cant support each other, or youre just playing glass cannon build with gear, dont expect to survive u dingdong.

> > I also like how on these forums ppl judge each other by being on a so called blob server and not being on one. XD

> > Most of you clearly doesnt understand how wvw works itself.


> You realize that resistance is a boon which currently gets corrupted instantly by scourges or removed by warriors. Sigil of Absorption prioritizes resistance, too. So, yeah, resistance isn't the answer anymore with the massive boon corruption.


You forgot deadeye in your boon removal.

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There's only one easy solution to all this and it's to make resistance a special buff, like alacrity. Unfortunately, they still have only one reliable source of resistance, the rev. It would also make everyone scream and cry who are pro condi, but keep in mind that would not be affected by boon duration or copied by mesmers, so there still would be gaps. Unfortunately, they really missed an opportunity with pof on this and not adding another class that reliably generates resistance,

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> PvE has it's bear bow math.


> Here's some WvW algebra


> Boons + Condis = LAG


Meanwhile ANet keeps adding more of that and making new Elite specs spammy alike...


While game poorly handles that... Anet poorly handles that since they are one of the worst companies @balance, game each years will get worse and more broken...


ANet quality 4/10




EDIT: they will remove more object colision to pretend everything is fine, that will lead to more bugs as in some players client not getting the walls up validation unless they restart the client...

(This actually happened and i c it as a possible way to exploit the game)

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Me neither, my actual WvW gameplay is clear condis stack gain 2 clear one gain another 2.. cant have less that 5 condi stack on me having traited shouts, trooper runes, and traited meditations with condi cleanse meditations.. maintain stability is impossible due the unblocka able and boon removals (but that was already expected), so im beinf forced to play the new GIMMICK with more spam? no ANet this is not a horizontal class progression, this is SWAP vertical armor progression to another placebo pretending to be horizontal class progression while players have to buy the new stuff to actually keep up with the spamm.?


Not spending a dime if ANet keeps this way, they are already know to be one of the worse pvp companies due Gw2



EDIT: leap DH f2 with stability now it way to risky on wvw larger gameplay since almost everything is aoe the other guiy dont need even to targeet u, just some on one near... .... due the unblokable skills and boon removal


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Thats why i will cancel this garbage game. We know this condi shit since HOT, but putting, Gliding after 2 Years and more Condi Classes is more important. LOL. I hate this Game so much, i cant describe why ANET is Shitting since 2012 on ThIs Gamemode. Thats why i bought the expansion after realease for 22 bucks...At HOT I was very Happy for all the WvW Content after 3 Years and insta bought the Ultimate Edition, but this Time Anet spew even more on us.

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The game was not made with the intention of conditions to be as numerous or stackable as they are now, that's why we had personal cleanses that would only get rid of 1 or 2 stacks and long cooldown times. Since the rise of conditions the two biggest things added to combat conditions is resistance, which not every class gets good access to, revenants being the go to class for it in group play, and also the addition of light fields now being cleanse fields. But they've built conditions to be spammable, added more corruption, took off the stack caps, and added even more conditions to the game.


The whole conditions to cleanse/resistance system needs to be looked at and balanced appropriately.

It's so damn sad to see how much they've destroyed the combat system they launched with.

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