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Third Expansion ideas

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_Hi there, i'm a long time MMO player that tried and played about a dozen different mmo's in the past 15 years. From EQ to RO to WoW to GW1 and 2 and all the eastern mmo's in the last 5 years. Ofcourse i have always come back to gw2 but i always enjoyed playing a new world and seeing the different ways game developers choose to make their own IP. GW2 does alot of things right such as living world, raids, new maps, and other group content but it also lacks in a lot of other things that i will mention in this post. Anyway this is gonna be a long post so lets get to the point. I'm sure its been said many times, and dozens of posts here and in reddit, but here is my wish for the 3rd gw2 expansion._


**New Playable Race**

I know its been asked too many times, even game devs say its not worth their time/investment/or w/e reason it was. But the game has been out for 5 1/2 years with already 2 expansions out, how can you pull in new players in an old game like gw2 or even bring back old players who have left the game after the 1st year of release. I'm not saying the answer is a new race, but it sure did its job in pulling new players on other mmo's when new expansions comes out. I get it the gw2 is trying to be original but even the king of mmos aka WoW copies alot of ideas from other mmo's and make it their own which makes their game still relevant and brings new changes that keeps players happy. So why not give it a shot, 5 years in and no new playable races, you dont even have to let them start the old personal story like the other 5 races, their are many ways to integrate it into the current expansion. Would be really fun to finally play as a dwarf, kodan, tengu, largos, or even an undead.


**New Weapons**

No im not talking about new weapons for new specializations. i'm asking for legit new weapons for terrestrial combat(since underwater combat is a forgotten part of the game~dark times). Yes this has been asked for hundreds of times as well, but just like adding a new race, adding new weapons also bring intrigue and excitement for newbies and veterans alike. GW2 always has a way of making new specializations a bit more OP than the old metas, then eventually tone it down until the next expansion comes out. I don't blame them for it because its what sells the new expansion and dozens of other mmo's do the same thing. At the end of the day, it would be really nice to see scythes, greataxes, spears, dual shields, barefists/knuckles, whips, gunblades, crossbows, polearms/hallberds, shurikens, chakrams/boomerangs, and many more. At the rate gw2 is going with its expansions and no new weapons coming out, we will have all 9 classes able to equip weapons like the staff by the next expansion, and that is just sad.


**New PvP Game Modes**

Yes stronghold was a failed experiment, but in my opinion, anet did not even give stronghold a chance. Its been 5 years and all we still have is 5v5 conquest and the same old WvW. WvW is fun, but only when their are fights going on. Scouting towers and keeps, afk pip farms, and PvE(player vs npc~camps,sentries...) are NOT FUN. 5 years and we have 3 different borderland maps(alpine,desert,eternal) and 1 side chick aka EOTM, development has been slow, hundreds of core wvw players already left after the 1st/2nd year of the game. No its not a dead game mode i still see alot of players in tier 1 and 2 but it was never as big as it was in the games 1st year.


I won't even start with conquest, the game mode has been long dead in my mind. I played over 3k conquest games and im so bored of it that i have not even bothered with the last few pvp seasons. We need new game modes, stronghold may not have worked but there are many other ideas out there. Battle royale games have been king of esports for about a year now, other games such has BnS has legit 1v1 and 3v3 tag game modes, theirs also WoW's battlegrounds that is fun and not too toxic that even PvE players can come and play(big enough that it can have 10v10 or 20v20 but not as big as WvW maps where you can spend 10minutes+ and not finding 1 enemy player). Pvp needs fresh new takes to bring new potential players to an old game, if not it will just keep dying as it has been for the past couple of years.


**Other notable mentions**

- _Lets not forget old game assets such as the Blood Legion tanks and other machineries ~ use it for new lore/living world/expansion story/even WvW._

- _Player housing (no i dont need it for the ERPing), even if you keep them in the home instance there are ways to make this fun._

- _Stop killing old content (dungeons)_

- _Bring back the beta weekend 2 event in that happened in plains of ashford where players fought branded minions and when they died they became branded themselves which then allowed them to attack the players still alive and be attacked by them as well. Open world pvp fights that are contained in an event/part of the map like these are really fun._

- _Bring back Living world season 1 assets, and no i don't want all of them in fractals. Tower of Nightmares was a fun mini dungeon, Marionette was a fun world boss, Escape from Lions Arch was a fun meta...._

- _Underwater content, yes its dead, but even at its state from back in 2012 it was still one of the best underwater experiences in any mmo in the last decade. Would be nice to see improvement and balance on this dead part of the game, and wouldn't it be crazy to have an expansion size map that is 80/90% underwater(DEEP underwater map)._

- _Boats,fishing ~ yes the npc boat in the sandswept isles was fun for 2 seconds, but i hope this is an experiment into having personal boats for the next expansion(hunting deep see monsters and boat fights would be epic ~thx archeage). Fishing as a new crafting discipline makes total sense especially since PoF did not add any new crafting disciplines or even bother making jewelcrafting and cooking to 500._


~~TL'DR: its been a long post, sadly i cant shorten it so i will stop here.~~

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I wouldn't mind new weapons as long as every class gets to use at least one of the new options, which would take a tremendous amount of programming I would imagine. Because that would mean developing a new set of skills for every class, and then more balancing issues that come along with them, which is more work than likely anyone wants them to devote to it.


What I do wany to ask is, what would be the practical application of duel weilding shields? Unless one is Tyrion Lannister I really don't see how two shields can be advantageous.

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I like this idea @OP, as much as i loved the core game and the 2 expansions i always somethings that i miss from other games. I definitely want a new race on the next expansion, i was sad that 2 expansions out already but same old choices. I get that they had an excuse for HoT and that is they came out with a new class, but they have no excuses for PoF to not have had a new playable race but they still did not do it. New playable race and/or class always pulls me back to world of warcraft whenever an expansion comes out and also gives me a reason to play alot of other mmo's that either i have never played before or did but left after a few months. On that same note with the new playable race, it is also pretty sad that we still have the same types of weapons that the ones that came out when the game came out in 2012. LoL on the staff, almost every class uses it.


I would love to have battlegrounds like the ones from warcraft in gw2 as well. We have the snowball mayhem from wintersday and its the closest i can compare it to.

@OP devs should bring back Alliance Battles, Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry(not the servers), and GvG's(not the ones made by players in gw2, i'm talking about the REAL game mode in gw1 version, put some pride in naming the game "Guild Wars" and have real guild vs guild. I also hate conquest and though i play wvw a good amount i agree that its boring without fights, I would play the hell out any of these pvp game modes i mentioned though. Since esports is dead, i would love to have more pvp game modes that are less toxic aka conquest and something more fun to play for all types of people.

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> @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> I wouldn't mind new weapons as long as every class gets to use at least one of the new options, which would take a tremendous amount of programming I would imagine. Because that would mean developing a new set of skills for every class, and then more balancing issues that come along with them, which is more work than likely anyone wants them to devote to it.


> What I do wany to ask is, what would be the practical application of duel weilding shields? Unless one is Tyrion Lannister I really don't see how two shields can be advantageous.


Adding all kinds of new weapons to loot tables (or restrict that to the new areas only, though that would be pretty bad) and maybe a hundred new skills depending on how many weapons. I'd say we perhaps see 5 new weapons and new elite specs are going to use them. Elementalist is probably the biggest offender, with 4 x 5 new and different skills

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I LOOOVE underwater combat, I so badly want to see an underwater overhaul expansion, I feel like we won't see it anymore since the story seems to have shifted from being all about dragons and people speculated we would see the water dragon but still new underwater weapon and skill sets for all classes, as well as maps, underwater mounts and masteries would rock, hell even underwater wvw zone with like a City of Atlantis style battle ground. Could also have Largos be a playable race with this. Not many MMO's have such detailed and underwater potential already laid out for it, gw2 underwater is already beautiful in the core Kryta maps, should take advantage of this for a nice change of pace.

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I would love to see Dervish added in the game as a playable class. It's the one thing I was hoping for most in Path of Fire but sadly it was never done but I still have hope that they will do it one day. That would also open the option of having a scythe in the game available for certain classes to use.


I'm surprised an underwater mount wasn't made so I'm still wondering if devs are not sure about the underwater style in the game. It would be nice to see more underwater content but they probably at the moment holding off on it and see what they can come with for story and if they want to update the underwater combat experience.

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First and foremost, it's very, very late to be throwing ideas about third expansion. Rest assured - it is already designed, and it development is well under way. Ideas coming now realistically can target a fourth or later expansion.


Second. We won't see a new playable race. Too much work, too little gain. Creating a separate, new version for *every single armor skin in the game*. Nope. Won't happen.

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Apart from maybe player housing. I don't see any of this coming in the next expansion. They've said they're not adding more races or weapons numerous times.


A new PvP mode will have to be made available to everyone or it will die really fast so it can hardly even be considered expansion content, same with anything added to WvW.


Underwater content is pretty much done, they've stepped away from it over the last few years and have pretty much removed it from PvP and WvW, I don't see all that much appetite for more of it.

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Yes, we are overdue for a new race.


Now, some may say it should be the Tengu, what with that big foreshadowing in Lion's Arch but personally? I would main a Quaggan.


(And an elite spec for Power Mesmer Phantasm builds would be great)


Btw, I think Underwater combat revitalization is inevitable. If Anet really wants to go through having us fight every elder dragon eventually, the time will eventually come for us to fight Bubbles and I just can't imagine underwater combat not being used there. Would be pretty underwhelming to fight the great underwater dragon..... above water.

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I would not mind new races, as much some would require lot of work, maybe some new class specific for those 2 races, for example Kodan and tengu would receive 1 class unique to their race and none of the gw2 classes, maybe this could make dev's have to work every skill of every class the new race skeleton.

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I would like to see two time zones and link GW1 with GW2. As you move from GW2 to GW1 your character would be transferred, but you’d start off at lvl one with no equipment. The games would stay separate, but you’d be able to swap between the two time zones and play all the content in both games, with it remembering what lvl you were in each as it swapped you over. Only added content for GW2 would be story of future traveller returning to the past. All other aspects of the game ie Game mechanics, graphics would stay the same in both games. This would be an easy way to expand content massively!

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You might be interested in these threads:


* [Expansion 3 and beyond - What's the next expansion seller for you?](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1216/expansion-3-and-beyond-whats-the-next-expansion-seller-for-you)

* [New playable races study - Choose your favorite](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21242/new-playable-races-study-choose-your-favorite#latest)

* [New weapon types study](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1074/new-weapon-types-study)

* [PvE got Raids, time for PvP to get Battlegrounds?](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1601/pve-got-raids-time-for-pvp-to-get-battlegrounds)


And yeah, I agree with everything.

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Im sure the OP knows that the new race and weapons have been on countless threads and brought up to devs every ama, but this is his/her wishlist afterall. I do like hes points and find them very doable if only devs give their time on them.


I have been wanting a new race since even before HoT was announced, although i wont hold my breath, i hope anet will surprise me one day. And they dont even need to be able to use the old armors, just have them use new armors kinda like in gw1 where assassins and rits dont have prophecies armor sets, and dervishes and paragons only have armors from nightfall and EOTN.


As far as new weapons goes, i know its alot of work and their is balancing that goes with it, but if we never get any more new weapons by the time the 4th expansion comes out all 9 classes will have the same wieldable weps(exaggerated obv.) So yes as much work as it is its a must in my book.


I agree with OP as well about conquest pvp, its old and boring and toxic. Would really like the old alliance battles, fort aspenwood, and jade quarry pvp modes from gw1. Too many people saying this and that wont happen, not even reading the whole post thinking that the OP is just daydreaming when ita stated that he/she knows that these are not new topics and knows it but addresses them as a wishlist for the 3rd expansion that wont be out till next year so they have loads of time to work on it ubnlike that 1 dude that said it was already set in stone and that these ideas may work for the 4th expansion.....smh relax.

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> @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> What I do wany to ask is, what would be the practical application of duel weilding shields? Unless one is Tyrion Lannister I really don't see how two shields can be advantageous.

Dual shields in my experience from other games are used for tanking and stuns, its never a damage weapon.


> @"Granada Garuda.8391" said:

> I would love to have battlegrounds like the ones from warcraft in gw2 as well. We have the snowball mayhem from wintersday and its the closest i can compare it to.

> @OP devs should bring back Alliance Battles, Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry(not the servers), and GvG's...

I also loved snowball mayhem and would love more game modes like it. Also AB's were fun as hell back in gw1 days, as well as FA and JQ, wasn't that big on GvG's but i also agree that it needs its legit game mode to make sense to the this game's title.


> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> First and foremost, it's very, very late to be throwing ideas about third expansion. Rest assured - it is already designed, and it development is well under way. Ideas coming now realistically can target a fourth or later expansion.


> Second. We won't see a new playable race. Too much work, too little gain. Creating a separate, new version for *every single armor skin in the game*. Nope. Won't happen.


No its not very very late to be throwing ideas, the next expansion won't be out until late next year and dev's constantly work on them until release so i'm sorry but i dont agree, i do know that they have been working as they have devs set aside for expansion only, but nothing is set in stone that much i know. Agree to disagree. I also know that the new race has been asked hundreds of times and devs adressed it before, i've been playing the game since beta afterall. They dont need to make every single old armor skin useable to the new race. They have done it on GW1 when they added new classes to Factions and Nightfall, where these new classes don't have useable armor from the previous core game/expansion.


So yes my points in the original post have been thought through and not just wishful thinking. I know its alot of work and less likely to happen but thats the point of a wishlist so anet see's that other people have been wanting them for years. PS. i've known about the too much work too little gain since the made the excuse when HoT came out aka they chose making the rev over a new race, but they had no more excuse for PoF.

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> @"LucyFurr.6589" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > First and foremost, it's very, very late to be throwing ideas about third expansion. Rest assured - it is already designed, and it development is well under way. Ideas coming now realistically can target a fourth or later expansion.

> >

> > Second. We won't see a new playable race. Too much work, too little gain. Creating a separate, new version for *every single armor skin in the game*. Nope. Won't happen.


> No its not very very late to be throwing ideas, the next expansion won't be out until late next year and dev's constantly work on them until release so i'm sorry but i dont agree, i do know that they have been working as they have devs set aside for expansion only, but nothing is set in stone that much i know. Agree to disagree. I also know that the new race has been asked hundreds of times and devs adressed it before, i've been playing the game since beta afterall. They dont need to make every single old armor skin useable to the new race. They have done it on GW1 when they added new classes to Factions and Nightfall, where these new classes don't have useable armor from the previous core game/expansion.


> So yes my points in the original post have been thought through and not just wishful thinking. I know its alot of work and less likely to happen but thats the point of a wishlist so anet see's that other people have been wanting them for years. PS. i've known about the too much work too little gain since the made the excuse when HoT came out aka they chose making the rev over a new race, but they had no more excuse for PoF.


You're free to disagree. As a developer myself, I don't see it happening. Also I don't think they're aiming at Q3-4 2019 for the release of the next expansion, I think they want to do that much earlier than this.

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> @"LucyFurr.6589" said:

> > @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> > What I do wany to ask is, what would be the practical application of duel weilding shields? Unless one is Tyrion Lannister I really don't see how two shields can be advantageous.

> Dual shields in my experience from other games are used for tanking and stuns, its never a damage weapon.


Just comment on tanking with two shields, how would one pull aggro? I understand it must provide superior defense, but how would one anger the mob to the point where they would need to defend themselves from it?


I imagine they would only be annoyed by the guy smacking it with a shield compared to the people slashing and bashing it with hammers and swords. Don't mean to argue, just the actual situational logic seems questionable.



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> @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> What I do wany to ask is, what would be the practical application of dual weilding shields? Unless one is Tyrion Lannister I really don't see how two shields can be advantageous.


This is GW2. Weapons don't need to behave realistically at all. 2 shields? Well, make one shot beams or waves or something like that. Make the other go full Captain America. Done.


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Location wise, I used to be dead set on seeing Cantha again. However, after Path of Fire, I think I've had my fill of human-only areas.


For the next location, I think I'd like the next expansion to head east into the Blood Legion Homelands and beyond, or maybe cross the Unending Ocean to the continent to the west.


That's what I'd be most interested in seeing for the next expansion.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> > What I do wany to ask is, what would be the practical application of dual weilding shields? Unless one is Tyrion Lannister I really don't see how two shields can be advantageous.


> This is GW2. Weapons don't need to behave realistically at all. 2 shields? Well, make one shot beams or waves or something like that. Make the other go full Captain America. Done.



Well I guess you have a point there. Greatswords do shoot laserbeams for certain classes afterall. Despite my better nature, I need to abandon all logic when it comes to this game. *shrug*

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I would love a new underwater world that is a mix of water and land. New types of enemies not just a rehash of old ones. ( Rift did this really well). With the next expansion a new level cap would be great( level 100). Add all expansion to world completion for those that have the expansions. Solo dungeons and be able to hire npcs to do them with you if you can not find enough to do the dungeon you want to do. More fluff to buy like being able to by pass the quests to get the flying mount and just buy it. More hair styles, colors and tattoos for all races.

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