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Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

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I like having both outfits and armour. I tend to buy outfits which don't look like armour - things like the wedding outfit, noble count, monk outfit (which I know was armour in GW1 but it's just cloth so it looks more like normal clothes). My characters wear their armour when out and about in the world, and outfits in town. (The one exception is the Arctic Explorer outfit which I bought because as stupid as it sounds looking at a character in a sleeveless top in the snow makes me feel cold, plus it helps my immersion if I'm in the mood for that.)


I'd say I prefer more armour skins and less outfits but in terms of gem store purchases I've definitely bought more outfits than armour sets. I've bought 5 outfits, or 7 if you count the Sunspear Outfit which came with HoT and the Pirate Costume I got when it was town clothes and got a refund for. Whereas I don't think I've ever bought a gem store armour set. I got the panda hat back when it was town clothes (and didn't get a refund), and I've thought about getting the Striders and Vipers sets but haven't actually bought them. Mainly because I can find plenty of equally good sets in-game. Whereas what I do with outfits doesn't work with armour. I could maybe put something together for my light armoured characters but there's no way to get something like the noble count or monk outfit using heavy armour, or even medium.


The main thing that puts me off buying more outfits is actually the fact that they all share the same dye channels. I find it extremely difficult to find dyes which work across the 2-3 outfits I use on each character and I don't want to change them every time I swap outfits because that ruins the convenience aspect, so every new outfit I buy is a trade-off: it's a new style for my characters, but it restricts my dye choice even further. Which means I really have to love it to be willing to get a new one.

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Personally, I like to hunt for specific looking gear or weapons more than anything in this game, because it allows me to make a truly unique character. Mixing and matching different pieces in order to fit a theme is very enjoyable.


I won't deny some outfits are incredibly good looking. But you know what? Every time I see awesome looking outfit I know some talented artist out there made it. However, it is also a sign for me that the player using that otherwise fine creation lacks imagination to do something on his own.


Imho, most people are simply horrible in fashion wars. They often use the rarest or most expensive items they can find with complete disregard of their race and profession or (what is incredibly common) simply make some kind of sloot. Human female is meta for a reason! For such people outfits are godsend.


I like the appearance of some outfits, but will never buy one because as I said, they show complete lack of creativity. Rarely, when I see a cool looking hero which someone outfitted himself I catch myself feeling a bit envious for not having the same armor and matching it in a similar way. Not so for outfit users. Why? Because they only paid to use someone else's work. What's to envy?

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Outfits are bad for breaks immersion a heavy amored warrior should not have defense if wearing a dress


And the underboob of the T3 Human Medium cultural "coat" on female is what someone would wear into battle?

or the T3 Human female light leggings?

I get the arguments against outfits and agree with many of them. But "immersion" I just don't buy.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The main thing that puts me off buying more outfits is actually the fact that they all share the same dye channels. I find it extremely difficult to find dyes which work across the 2-3 outfits I use on each character and I don't want to change them every time I swap outfits because that ruins the convenience aspect, so every new outfit I buy is a trade-off: it's a new style for my characters, but it restricts my dye choice even further. Which means I really have to love it to be willing to get a new one.


I like to swap them by context, too; Arctic Explorer for Shiverpeaks, Jungle Explorer for PoF, Casual for cities, etc. So the shared dyes are my primary woe about outfits. And the reason I keep touting an overhaul, so I can buy outfits again.

* Dyes & options saved per outfit & character for easy swapping

* Separate dye channels for each outfit part

* Separate (from armor) show/hide checkboxes for shoulder & hands

* Show/hide/real armor checkbox for head

* Special shoulder pieces shine through (Nightfury etc.)

* maybe hotkeys for the outfit sub-window & toggle outfit?

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We've had a few Armors added with PoF, some of the best armors in the game. Warbeast and Funerary are exceptional both in terms of design and in terms of how well they play with the existing sets.

Outfits are very popular among casual players who don't want to spend time playing dressup and managing Transmutation Charges.

I use what few outfits on levelling toons sometimes for a fun look while I swap out gear every half hour.

I have never paid for a gemstore outfit, I've bought several armor sets. That's my preference, but both are valid choices.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with offering these options to people. And if they support Anet they hardly "bad for the game".


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I think that outfits have a place here. They allow for quick and easy clothing changes, an option to maintain appearance without using up transmutation charges while leveling, and an easier (than armor) to produce source of revenue. Some of them even look pretty nice (IMO).


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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Outfits are bad for breaks immersion a heavy amored warrior should not have defense if wearing a dress


So light sets should provide no protection at all, bullets and explosions should easily penetrate any armor, and so on?

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> @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> It's probably the most frustrating item in every Gem Store purchase. I was about to purchase the Primeval Dervish Armor because of my GW1 Nostalgia, then, I stopped myself. It's an outfit. Again...


> Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

> 1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.

> 2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.

> 3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.


> Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

> 1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.

> 2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"

> 3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.


> I would propose that the GW2 Team heavily consider changing all outfits to individual armor pieces, and discontinue outfits how they are currently made. I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.


Totally agree please Anet spend the time to make armor pieces and I will spend much more money on gems to buy them thank you, I so wish i could use the human wedding dress heels as a boot skin ;(


I would rather have the dev time spent on making armor pieces and just let players worry about clipping and mixing and matching dying each piece that's what end game is about anyways, fashion wars.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> > Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

> What makes you think we haven't already had an "honest" conversation about it?


Comments like yours.



> > Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

> > 1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.

> That limits the appeal, to be sure. But it's hardly "bad" for the game; just bad for some people.


End game is mostly cosmetic so yes it is bad especially when the game has such a wonderful dye / wardrobe system.



> > 2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.

> I don't think you can put a worth on it, for other people. Clearly some folks love them, which is why ANet keeps delivering them.


Anet keep delivering them because people buy them, but they don't have any other choices, if there was both an armor set and an outfit of the same look for the same price people would buy the armor set more because they like that more, we're just not given the option.



> > 3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.

> This is also subjective, but moot: it's also true for any skin in the game; some (non-cultural) work best for some people for a certain race, some don't work well on any race, and some are universally good.


Not even sure why you responded to this since yes it is subjective, who cares.



> > Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

> > 1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.

> > 2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"

> These can also true for non-outfits.


Here you agree that these two qualities are not unique to outfits, armor skins can do the same.



> > 3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.

> That's literally the game's design: cosmetics have nothing to do with functionality.

> However, you forgot:

> 4. It's far, far cheaper for ANet to deliver outfits than armor sets. The one-size-fits-all design means that they don't have to worry about clipping, the only have to worry about four dye channels (rather than 12-24), and they have more scaling options.


First of all clipping is not an issue, there are TONS of things in the game that clip everywhere. Players should be the judge while mixing and matching skins, sometimes clipping can make something actually work too. It's part of customization to explore and try combinations you like.


Secondly of course it takes more development time to make an armor set, but since end game is cosmetic to most players they should utilize their wardrobe and dye system to the max with armor skins, I bet more players would own or buy more from them if they could use them to mix and match and combine with each other.



> > I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.

> Are you prepared to spend 8-9 times more on armor pieces than on outfits? Do you think that the community overall is willing to do that?


Yes I am sure many of us would have no problem spending money to support a game we love if it made choices we liked, and in this case since you are referring to someone who wants armor skins, the choice we like would be investing Dev time into armor skins, so yes, let me pay more please thanks.


Nice try though.



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> @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> It's probably the most frustrating item in every Gem Store purchase. I was about to purchase the Primeval Dervish Armor because of my GW1 Nostalgia, then, I stopped myself. It's an outfit. Again...


> Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

> 1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.

> 2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.

> 3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.


> Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

> 1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.

> 2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"

> 3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.


> I would propose that the GW2 Team heavily consider changing all outfits to individual armor pieces, and discontinue outfits how they are currently made. I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.




But swift....if you don’t like them, don’t buy them bruh

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Kethavel.1759" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> > > > Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

> > > What makes you think we haven't already had an "honest" conversation about it?

> >

> > Comments like yours.

> Oh I see. If I agree, the conversation is honest.


No just that your points are all moot and non issues.

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At the end of the day if ANet just keeps making outfits no matter what, at least they could add in lots of regular clothing, NPC's have some cool clothes too sometimes, seen a few pretty dresses here and there and even swim wear in Southsun Cove which I am still surprised didn't make a Gem Store debut during summer yet especially in a game that already has a speedo donning Lord Faren and Bikini rocking Kasmeer.

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> @"Kethavel.1759" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Kethavel.1759" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> > > > > Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

> > > > What makes you think we haven't already had an "honest" conversation about it?

> > >

> > > Comments like yours.

> > Oh I see. If I agree, the conversation is honest.


> No just that your points are all moot and non issues.


You simply don't agree. That's got nothing to do with "honesty."


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Personally I like outfits and I also like armor skins. Every person is different in their views because different things appeal to different people. I respect someone whose view is different, and my only advise is just don't buy them if you don't like them. No one tells you what to wear. If you wish to look completely different from everyone else, just mix up all of your armor skins on your character. I do this often, and sometimes I just wear an outfit because I like it.

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> @"The Angle of Deth.2985" said:

> > @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

> > I'd much rather pay a little more and get both an outfit and an unlock of all the pieces as skins.


> ^^ This! Yes, pls...I would love to be able to mix and match pieces rather than just wearing the 'outfit'. Then as a 'light armor' wearer I CAN HAVE PANTS!!!


> ~~ ahem....ty


It’s not going to be “a little more.” It’s going to cost a lot more because armor costs more to make than outfits. Since they will need to cut up outfits to fit armor of 3 different weights then the 3 weights will be an extra cost as they’re not going to do it for free. Since one weight of gemstore armor is 800 gems, then a package of 3 weights plus one outfit will be at least 3100 gems.


The other alternative is buying one outfit/armor weight separately (1500 gems). However since armor takes months to create and if they aren’t selling one outfit every couple of months or so then ANet will need to increase the price of both armor and outfits to get the same amount of profit, which means the above prices are the bare minimum and most likely higher.

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I love Outfits, I've bought well over 20 of them, I'd say between Outfits and converting Gems to Gold to buy Black Lion Weapon Skins from the Trading Post these expenditures probably account for almost 40% of all my Gem purchases with the rest going toward Character Slots, Bag Slots, Bank Tabs, Mount Skins, and lvl 80 boosts.

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Personally, I like the concept to have armor on one side and outfit on the other.

However, there are two things disturbing me:

- That shoulder and gloves cannot be hidden like for armor (only helm is possible). Very often - of course a matter of personal taste - I do not like them and - to my eyes -they spoil the outfit.

- That it clips with weapons and hair.


But I am so thankful to have outfits! For me, they are cosmetic only and I think it is good that way. If they become armor pieces, then it will be again something to craft or/and hunt for. I don't want that.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Personally, I like the concept to have armor on one side and outfit on the other.

> However, there are two things disturbing me:

> - That shoulder and gloves cannot be hidden like for armor (only helm is possible). Very often - of course a matter of personal taste - I do not like them and - to my eyes -they spoil the outfit.

> - That it clips with weapons and hair.


> But I am so thankful to have outfits! For me, they are cosmetic only and I think it is good that way. If they become armor pieces, then it will be again something to craft or/and hunt for. I don't want that.


Even with the clipping Outfits are better than armor has ever been for my Charrs, I do agree there should be the same hide armor functions for Outfits.

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I'd love to see some Race Exclusive Outfits.


Like a series of Outfits just for Charr, that embrace Charr culture, maybe even set on theme like Iron, Ash and Blood Legion, and then make other Series for each of the Races.


Also Race Themed Mounts!


As for outfits, one of the best things about Outfits, is that they can be more then just Armor, and I would love to see them embrace or push those limits, how far can they go with them.

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