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Dedicated Reviver Build?


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Hello all!


I am here hoping to find some help with a "Survive and Revive" build. I've been trying to put something together myself, but before committing to a gold splurge I was wondering if you lovely people could help me. Essentially, what I want to be able to do is focus on reviving other players as fast as I can in a large group or blob, but I need to be able to survive doing so.


**Profession. specialisations, and weapons?**

- I assume that Necromancer, Warrior, or Guardian are the most ideal choices.

**Best Attribute Combinations?**

- Sentinel, Nomad, Magi, Minstrel, or something else?

**Runes and Sigils?**

- [superior Rune of Mercy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Mercy "Superior Rune of Mercy") looks interesting, but I am not sure if it's bonuses stack with skills and traits. Example: [Allies' Aid](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Allies%27_Aid "Allies' Aid") and Superior Rune of Mercy's sixth rune.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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> @"Uon.7491" said:

> Hmm, I am curious about the Concentration as it will lengthen Stability, but isn't it standard to have all your boons stripped from you when groups go head to head?


If you are in either a spell breakers bubble, or any of the pulsing glowing blinding circles of death, err, scourge shades then yes. If you have boons and it's the scourge one, then it will become corrupted instead, so...,


I run a weaver and deliberately use as few boons as I can (i havoc with others..)

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I tried some .... first of all ... pick asura.... you dont want to be one big bulky charr / norn with 5 stacked auras and shiny wings. Not much ppl have enabled spec wvw / pvp models coz its ugly... so u need to be like ninja, not bring attention.


I tried nomad thief... not that bad... some practise and it can work... but other than ress... you are pretty useless.

minstrel tempest.... u can play it like shout healer ... but focusing on ress if you are able too .... mix between ressing and healing.

Tried also minstrel chrono and firebrand... and at this both it looks well.... and you can still work as healer and support.


nomad / minstrel warrior ... here i made hybrid resser :D it have some nice addons when ressing to thoughtness, heal after ress ... and i combined it with spellbreaker to have bubble..... so you can make some things in combat too ... good condi cleanse add.... and using hammer on another set to put some aoe (against ur ressed target if try to stomp)

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6kpDoUQszDwMEgZXskFYIDuCQAI5EU1CB4X4NcIG-jVSDQBA4EA0LNB6Y/hBeEAk3DA0DISlgT4QA0MlfCU9HA-w](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6kpDoUQszDwMEgZXskFYIDuCQAI5EU1CB4X4NcIG-jVSDQBA4EA0LNB6Y/hBeEAk3DA0DISlgT4QA0MlfCU9HA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6kpDoUQszDwMEgZXskFYIDuCQAI5EU1CB4X4NcIG-jVSDQBA4EA0LNB6Y/hBeEAk3DA0DISlgT4QA0MlfCU9HA-w")


also core variant

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJakpDaBxOPwMEoDxQWQp1QJED4gXABQeCVdIA-jVSDQB9STwAPCANT5HAOBACU9HRqEcCHCAds/g8eAgeAA-w](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJakpDaBxOPwMEoDxQWQp1QJED4gXABQeCVdIA-jVSDQB9STwAPCANT5HAOBACU9HRqEcCHCAds/g8eAgeAA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJakpDaBxOPwMEoDxQWQp1QJED4gXABQeCVdIA-jVSDQB9STwAPCANT5HAOBACU9HRqEcCHCAds/g8eAgeAA-w")


can change some skills.... different shouts to stances or whatever..... its nice hybrid to play ... but its not meta.... so abominations like this are not favoured much :D

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Apothecary scourge *by far* is the best dedicated reviver. Why? Transfusion downed pull is insanely strong, the heals and barriers allow you to play support scourge *and* the condi means you also work as a regular condi scourge (albeit with less damage than dedicated damage dealers of course). It's not the best healer, but when it comes to ressing in the zerg its basicly eating the cake and having it too.

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Thank you all for your assistance! I ended up making an Apothecary (Blood Magic Support) Scourge as I had a spare light armour set available for conversion. It's my first time playing as a Necromancer and I am struggling, but I am hoping to get the hang of it. I can revive people so very fast!

I'm also aiming to make the Core Warrior Reviver once I've finished grinding for more gold.


I'll add the builds to the opening post for anybody else who wants to focus on reviving others.


Once again, thank you!

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> @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> For reviving I'd say sa thief with mercy runes is the best choice imo. You have stealth and mobility along with merciful ambush so you can res allies without being an open target and prevent them from being stomped.


Doesnt really help when the downed is in a sea of red necro marks and shades, does it? Even if we only consider smallscale the problem is also that if you build the thief tanky enough to res under pressure, you become dead weight to the group as a thief. Other classes take on this role more naturally.

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Running apothecary/shaman stats, shades normally doesn't give me much problems while in stealth and/or runnung instant reflexes while maintaining decent amount of condition damage via deadly arts traitline. The random cc is the main thing that gets me in those situations so I have to stay ready to stunbreak quickly as possible. Though I'd admit the necromancer's transfusion Is more efficient and safer option in large-scale combat than rushing into aoe for a suicidal mission.

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> @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> Running apothecary/shaman stats, shades normally doesn't give me much problems while in stealth and/or runnung instant reflexes while maintaining decent amount of condition damage via deadly arts traitline. The random cc is the main thing that gets me in those situations so I have to stay ready to stunbreak quickly as possible. Though I'd admit the necromancer's transfusion Is more efficient and safer option in large-scale combat than rushing into aoe for a suicidal mission.


The basic problem is still that a condi thief is totally ineffective in WvW. There is a reason maybe like 1 out of 100 thieves run it, the rest run meta d/p. So I consider it a waste of condi/healing gear to begin with on the thief.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> > For reviving I'd say sa thief with mercy runes is the best choice imo. You have stealth and mobility along with merciful ambush so you can res allies without being an open target and prevent them from being stomped.


> Doesnt really help when the downed is in a sea of red necro marks and shades, does it? Even if we only consider smallscale the problem is also that if you build the thief tanky enough to res under pressure, you become dead weight to the group as a thief. Other classes take on this role more naturally.


I used to be mostly Marauders with SA thief, the condition clear and damage reduction was usually enough to dive in and get someone up, and you can even take Shadow Refuge to make it a sure thing. I did feel like having more stopping power for other thieves but mostly with Rending Shade I could still lurk around flipping their support into downs. Especially chaining Infiltrators Strike and Shadow step, you can revive a long distance relationship with that one tag, you know the one.

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I would likely go for elementalist. [Arcane Resurrection](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Resurrection "Arcane Resurrection") makes you cast [Geyser](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Geyser "Geyser") when rezzing a downed player, which rezzes every affected player by 7% per tick with 4 ticks for a total of 28%. If you play with staff, you can also cast this skill at range. Also you have [signet of Water](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Water "Signet of Water") and [Glyph of Renewal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Renewal "Glyph of Renewal") to rezz downed players.


Necromancer is also a very strong reviver with [Transfusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transfusion "Transfusion") to teleport downed allies to your position and bulk-rezz them with [Life from Death](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Life_from_Death "Life from Death") and a combination of [Ritual of Life](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ritual_of_Life "Ritual of Life"), [Well of Blood](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Blood "Well of Blood") and [Lesser Well of Blood](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Well_of_Blood "Lesser Well of Blood"). Also Necro can use [signet of Undeath](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Undeath "Signet of Undeath") to rezz downed players.


Elementalist has better range and a stronger heal outside of rezzing while Necro is better at bulk-rezzing a bunch of allies.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> I would likely go for elementalist. [Arcane Resurrection](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Resurrection "Arcane Resurrection") makes you cast [Geyser](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Geyser "Geyser") when rezzing a downed player, which rezzes every affected player by 7% per tick with 4 ticks for a total of 28%. If you play with staff, you can also cast this skill at range. Also you have [signet of Water](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Water "Signet of Water") and [Glyph of Renewal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Renewal "Glyph of Renewal") to rezz downed players.



Actually I believe geyser is 5 ticks. First on cast and then 4 more every second.

Also you can res while mist formed which makes u invulnerable.



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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > I would likely go for elementalist. [Arcane Resurrection](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Resurrection "Arcane Resurrection") makes you cast [Geyser](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Geyser "Geyser") when rezzing a downed player, which rezzes every affected player by 7% per tick with 4 ticks for a total of 28%. If you play with staff, you can also cast this skill at range. Also you have [signet of Water](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Water "Signet of Water") and [Glyph of Renewal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Renewal "Glyph of Renewal") to rezz downed players.

> >


> Actually I believe geyser is 5 ticks. First on cast and then 4 more every second.

> Also you can res while mist formed which makes u invulnerable.



I am sometimes running minstrel auramancer tempest.... not that bad easy healer .... not that good as firebrand... but still can do a lot ....

tried mercy runes variant.... and had problem with it .... coz core ele is not that good heal / supp as tempest .... auras+aura heal.. + overloard helps a lot.

and if run ressing tempest... i need to pick one out .... arcane u need coz of ress ... so water / earth ,....


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> @"intox.6347" said:

> I am sometimes running minstrel auramancer tempest.... not that bad easy healer .... not that good as firebrand... but still can do a lot ....

> tried mercy runes variant.... and had problem with it .... coz core ele is not that good heal / supp as tempest .... auras+aura heal.. + overloard helps a lot.

> and if run ressing tempest... i need to pick one out .... arcane u need coz of ress ... so water / earth ,....



If I ever run heal tempest in wvw it's almost always water(1-2-1) arcane(3-1-1) tempest(1-2-3).

Too much condi spam in wvw so there is absolutely no justification to taking Powerful Aura trait. And without Powerful Aura, Unstable Conduit is useless too.

And the reason I don't take earth is because it doesn't give anything meaningful.


Elemental Shielding?-It's nice yes, but guards+rev+boonshare mes already give enough protection. (Make this trait give like 3s of stab, it would be actually viable)

Stone Heart? -You're full minstrel you're already tanky enough.


I do wish they would buff Powerful Aura to make viable.

Like make it extend duration of Auras...

OR While under the effect of your auras, boons you receive last longer/have stronger effects.

This would synergize AMAZINGLY with the "get boon on aura" traits.



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