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How would an easy mode raid work - VG

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> I dont get it. Why you cant enjoy it, is it too hard or what? If 3man can do it, or 10 mesmers can do it, why you and like minded ppl cant do it with your own way and have fun doing it?

"Why is your favourite colour green and not red? Can't you just put some more effort in and do something about it?"

It doesn't work that way.


> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Nah, you don't understand. It doesn't matter if you're doing "enough". An experienced player will do more. Not because it is necessary, simply because they can.

That's the point, isn't it? He's expecting to be grouping not with those experienced raiders, but with people for whom normal mode is too difficult to be fun.

Just like experienced player would do better than new people in fractal t1, but generally is not doing t1, but sticking to t4.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > Nah, you don't understand. It doesn't matter if you're doing "enough". An experienced player will do more. Not because it is necessary, simply because they can.

> That's the point, isn't it? He's expecting to be grouping not with those experienced raiders, but with people for whom normal mode is too difficult to be fun.

> Just like experienced player would do better than new people in fractal t1, but generally is not doing t1, but sticking to t4.




As long as the rewards are scaled down the same way. But then you'd find the easy mode deserted.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > Nah, you don't understand. It doesn't matter if you're doing "enough". An experienced player will do more. Not because it is necessary, simply because they can.

> > That's the point, isn't it? He's expecting to be grouping not with those experienced raiders, but with people for whom normal mode is too difficult to be fun.

> > Just like experienced player would do better than new people in fractal t1, but generally is not doing t1, but sticking to t4.

> >

> >


> As long as the rewards are scaled down the same way. But then you'd find the easy mode deserted.


Do we have to go there? Aren't the other 2 threads enough to fight on rewards? Please keep this one on ideas on how an easy mode vg would work, or alternatives to training raids

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> What would "overbuilt" even mean? Am I somehow wrong now, for understanding the combat system and making use of it? :lol:


No, but neither are they in the wrong for not keeping up with that, if that level of performance is not necessary to complete the challenge. It's like basically if there is a gentle walking course up the side of a mountain, and someone just walks at a gentle pace up that mountain, then that's fine, he's doing his job. It's you're all parkouring around the trail, hopping on boulders and swinging from trees or whatever, then that's fine too, you do you, they are not somehow "not doing enough" just because they aren't doing what you're doing.


> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> But you said that If you try it, it will fail. What makes you think that? Its not hard or hardcore, players just tend to make it look like that you have to min/max everything and do perfect rotations. Arah dungeon IMO is lot harder.


I said that if I went in with nine other like-minded people (as in, we don't want to have to meta-build, min-max, team comp, voice chat, or training run), then there is very little chance of that group succeeding with the current content, and not succeeding, for like-minded people, would not be having fun. Again, *you do not have to understand why this is,* just accept *that* it is, and move forward with that understanding.


> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> I wouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth just because it's not how you want to recieve your legy armor. You're being offered something most people would only dream of. I'd swalow my pride and take this offer if I were you. Just my 2 cents


It's a game, I want to earn my way. Besides, even if this offer is genuine, I doubt they would extend it to *every* player that wants to earn Envoy armor, it would basically take up most of their free space all the time. I don't want anything just for me, I want it for the whole game.

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@"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > I wouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth just because it's not how you want to recieve your legy armor. You're being offered something most people would only dream of. I'd swalow my pride and take this offer if I were you. Just my 2 cents


> It's a game, I want to earn my way. Besides, even if this offer is genuine, I doubt they would extend it to *every* player that wants to earn Envoy armor, it would basically take up most of their free space all the time. I don't want anything just for me, I want it for the whole game.


suit yourself.


@"sokeenoppa.5384" is that offer exclusive to ohoni, or can anyone take it?

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> The purpose of this is to give a simplified version of vg to serve as a means to practice mechanics, to get your feet wet so to speak, as others have asked before. Any ideas are welcomed, just please separate yourselves from your ideas, and criticize the idea not the person. We will not discuss rewards here at this time. Once the final draft of how an easy mode vg plays, then we can discuss rewards.


> Some previously discussed suggestions can be found at:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465220#Comment_465220

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465503#Comment_465503

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465538#Comment_465538

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465611#Comment_465611

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465742#Comment_465742


> Tl:DR


> Add more options to the training golem to either spawn mechanics of bosses, or to spawn a raid boss by warping the group into a training instance where they can freely practice a predetermined set of mechanic(s).

> Raid version of Mist Potions.

> Ensure that mechanics can not overlap (blues can not spawn on a location that green has spawned)

> Scaling mechanics based on present numbers


> Greens take longer to detonate in easy mode

> Greens are now less frequent

> Greens have a wider radius in easy mode

> Greens have a fixed spawn location in easy mode

> Greens have reduced number of people required in easy mode

> Greens have reduced damage, damage has been moved to boss' auto to make that the threat over the mechanic

> Greens give people that do them a buff (offensive or defensive, either/or, both, or 1 of the two at random)


> Blues do not teleport, damage has been increased to compensate

> Blues now take longer to detonate

> Blues are now less frequent

> Reduce the distance that blues teleport people

> Blues are now louder and drown out all other noises


> Red orbs have reduced radius

> Red orbs have reduced damage, boss' damage increased to make it a threat instead of this mechanic


> Marker to visually signal who is the tank

> Marker to visually signal who is being hunted by seekers

> Bullet hell removed from encounter

> number of bullets in the encounter is reduced, damage per bullet increased, or boss damage increased to make it the main threat of the encounter instead of mechanics


> Bullet storm (vg's break bar) damage reduced, either by reducing the damage of the bullets, or reducing the break bar


> Raids as a whole: Introduce a version of mistlock singularity in raids by adding it to masteries that gives players shield that can prevent death 1 or more times depending on masteries learned.


> Updates:

> Improve pre event of vg to be more reflective of the fight (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/495656#Comment_495656)

> Create npc shout outs for mechanics (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/495109#Comment_495109, https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/comments/41345/Shikaru.7618)

> Create check points on certain hp % that the group will restart on should they wipe (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/comments/41345/Shikaru.7618)

> An in game npc that provides information on how and/or where to start raiding.


Question... Why won't new raiders simply start with w4?

The first 3 boss are basically easy mode. VG is not the boss to start with.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > The purpose of this is to give a simplified version of vg to serve as a means to practice mechanics, to get your feet wet so to speak, as others have asked before. Any ideas are welcomed, just please separate yourselves from your ideas, and criticize the idea not the person. We will not discuss rewards here at this time. Once the final draft of how an easy mode vg plays, then we can discuss rewards.

> >

> > Some previously discussed suggestions can be found at:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465220#Comment_465220

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465503#Comment_465503

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465538#Comment_465538

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465611#Comment_465611

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/465742#Comment_465742

> >

> > Tl:DR

> >

> > Add more options to the training golem to either spawn mechanics of bosses, or to spawn a raid boss by warping the group into a training instance where they can freely practice a predetermined set of mechanic(s).

> > Raid version of Mist Potions.

> > Ensure that mechanics can not overlap (blues can not spawn on a location that green has spawned)

> > Scaling mechanics based on present numbers

> >

> > Greens take longer to detonate in easy mode

> > Greens are now less frequent

> > Greens have a wider radius in easy mode

> > Greens have a fixed spawn location in easy mode

> > Greens have reduced number of people required in easy mode

> > Greens have reduced damage, damage has been moved to boss' auto to make that the threat over the mechanic

> > Greens give people that do them a buff (offensive or defensive, either/or, both, or 1 of the two at random)

> >

> > Blues do not teleport, damage has been increased to compensate

> > Blues now take longer to detonate

> > Blues are now less frequent

> > Reduce the distance that blues teleport people

> > Blues are now louder and drown out all other noises

> >

> > Red orbs have reduced radius

> > Red orbs have reduced damage, boss' damage increased to make it a threat instead of this mechanic

> >

> > Marker to visually signal who is the tank

> > Marker to visually signal who is being hunted by seekers

> > Bullet hell removed from encounter

> > number of bullets in the encounter is reduced, damage per bullet increased, or boss damage increased to make it the main threat of the encounter instead of mechanics

> >

> > Bullet storm (vg's break bar) damage reduced, either by reducing the damage of the bullets, or reducing the break bar

> >

> > Raids as a whole: Introduce a version of mistlock singularity in raids by adding it to masteries that gives players shield that can prevent death 1 or more times depending on masteries learned.

> >

> > Updates:

> > Improve pre event of vg to be more reflective of the fight (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/495656#Comment_495656)

> > Create npc shout outs for mechanics (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/495109#Comment_495109, https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/comments/41345/Shikaru.7618)

> > Create check points on certain hp % that the group will restart on should they wipe (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/comments/41345/Shikaru.7618)

> > An in game npc that provides information on how and/or where to start raiding.


> Question... Why won't new raiders simply start with w4?

> The first 3 boss are basically easy mode. VG is not the boss to start with.


most don't know that. There's nothing in game to tell people how to start raiding.

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When I started raiding with my guild, we started with Cairn, MO, and then VG.

Of all of them, MO took me maybe 4 runs to get the hang of it and learn to predict the spikes and watch the tank.

Cairn I haven't practised enough to get through it entirely, but we as a group of training raiders had no problem getting it down in 2 tries.

VG, however, I've yet to get a kill for. We're struggling with greens/seekers mostly. Seekers spawning or standing on greens, people not getting to greens fast enough, not enough seeker control. I personally struggled mostly with blues - until I realized the red outline around the blues. I could not, and still cannot, see the "blue" part of it.


Escort is a whole different thing and I find it really fun. More laid back and less focusing on mechanics and just killing everything in sight for most of the fight.

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It's also the first one. If there is any variation in difficulty, the one and only rule should be that the first raid is the easiest. You can have a little variation after that, with maybe the 5th being easier than the 4th, and then the 6th harder than the 5th, but it should be a generally upwards slope.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Most of the people I've talked to started and prefer to start with vg, they're told it's one of the easier raid bosses, despite being one of the mechanically heavy ones imo.


Actually VG is the best boss to teach people raiding. Although people here say that Cairn is the easiest boss, it is a boss that requires every player to fend for themselves. Everyone needs to go to the green circles there, each player needs to face the abilities of Cairn on their own. On the other hand, on VG the responsibilities are split and each player has a different set of mechanics to deal with. In that regard, Cairn is more mechanically heavy than Vale Guardian. I can literally stand still and follow my rotation, only dodging the blue teleport thingies, if I play certain roles on Vale Guardian, I can't do that on Cairn.


Meaning the key difference between the two is that Vale Guardian has easy and hard roles built in, while Cairn has all the roles on the normal side. No standing on the other side when you take his red circles isn't exactly a "role".


Further, Vale Guardian teaches you team composition, condition damage dealers, boon stripping, healing and tanking, while Cairn requires only healers while the rest of the group can be mostly anything.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > What would "overbuilt" even mean? Am I somehow wrong now, for understanding the combat system and making use of it? :lol:


> No, but neither are they in the wrong for not keeping up with that, if that level of performance is not necessary to complete the challenge. It's like basically if there is a gentle walking course up the side of a mountain, and someone just walks at a gentle pace up that mountain, then that's fine, he's doing his job. It's you're all parkouring around the trail, hopping on boulders and swinging from trees or whatever, then that's fine too, you do you, they are not somehow "not doing enough" just because they aren't doing what you're doing.


That's why the only sensible solution is to split up in different groups. Which the game already does.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > What would "overbuilt" even mean? Am I somehow wrong now, for understanding the combat system and making use of it? :lol:

> >

> > No, but neither are they in the wrong for not keeping up with that, if that level of performance is not necessary to complete the challenge. It's like basically if there is a gentle walking course up the side of a mountain, and someone just walks at a gentle pace up that mountain, then that's fine, he's doing his job. It's you're all parkouring around the trail, hopping on boulders and swinging from trees or whatever, then that's fine too, you do you, they are not somehow "not doing enough" just because they aren't doing what you're doing.


> That's why the only sensible solution is to split up in different groups. Which the game already does.


But that's the point, there is currently only the harder version of raiding. This is why we're having a discussion about the easy mode, which is for that second group.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> It's also the first one. If there is any variation in difficulty, the one and only rule should be that the first raid is the easiest. You can have a little variation after that, with maybe the 5th being easier than the 4th, and then the 6th harder than the 5th, but it should be a generally upwards slope.


Well you can see it in another way. Wing 1 is the only wing that can be really "leeched" meaning only some players need to have expert knowledge of the mechanics in order to succeed.


With Wing 2 and onward they made sure to add mechanics that affect the entire Raid and must be beaten by a -random- player. Fixation, Poison and the Red Circles at Slothasor can lead to death to the entire squad if a single person (chosen randomly) fails. Matthias also has bomb circles and poison.

In Wing 3 Keep Construct has fixation and bomb circles, Xera teleport random players to the platform to do the mechanic, while there are no shortcuts on the jumping puzzle part.

Cairn requires the same ability from all participants as he attacks everyone the same, Samarog has fixation on random players that need to get close to each other and Deimos has the black goo.


The only Wing that has a clear split in difficulty between roles is Wing 1, Vale Guardian the tank requires to know the timing to move between platforms, and the 4 players that go to green circles need to go there, the rest just follow their rotation. On Gorseval nowadays everyone just follows their dps rotation, and you need 2 people coordinating for the 4 adds phase. At Sabetha you need 2 going to the cannons and one throwing the bombs. The rest stack on her and dps like in a world boss fight.


In that regard the first Wing (as a whole) is indeed the easiest.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > What would "overbuilt" even mean? Am I somehow wrong now, for understanding the combat system and making use of it? :lol:

> > >

> > > No, but neither are they in the wrong for not keeping up with that, if that level of performance is not necessary to complete the challenge. It's like basically if there is a gentle walking course up the side of a mountain, and someone just walks at a gentle pace up that mountain, then that's fine, he's doing his job. It's you're all parkouring around the trail, hopping on boulders and swinging from trees or whatever, then that's fine too, you do you, they are not somehow "not doing enough" just because they aren't doing what you're doing.

> >

> > That's why the only sensible solution is to split up in different groups. Which the game already does.


> But that's the point, there is currently only the harder version of raiding. This is why we're having a discussion about the easy mode, which is for that second group.


Because raids are defined as "the ultimate challenging content". Working as intended. By design. You want easier content? From Queensdale to t4 fractals, it is *ALL* different shades of "easier". Take your pick.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > I wouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth just because it's not how you want to recieve your legy armor. You're being offered something most people would only dream of. I'd swalow my pride and take this offer if I were you. Just my 2 cents

> >

> > It's a game, I want to earn my way. Besides, even if this offer is genuine, I doubt they would extend it to *every* player that wants to earn Envoy armor, it would basically take up most of their free space all the time. I don't want anything just for me, I want it for the whole game.


> suit yourself.


> @"sokeenoppa.5384" is that offer exclusive to ohoni, or can anyone take it?


Offer was for ohoni only. But we play with our statistic 9men group pretty often and search last member from lfg without any rec. If the new one is totally new i dont care If he just /gg before fight.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

>With Wing 2 and onward they made sure to add mechanics that affect the entire Raid and must be beaten by a -random- player. Fixation, Poison and the Red Circles at Slothasor can lead to death to the entire squad if a single person (chosen randomly) fails. Matthias also has bomb circles and poison.


I'm curious how the raid-sellers handle that sort of thing. There must be a method involved.


>In that regard the first Wing (as a whole) is indeed the easiest.


But still, the very first encounter should be the easiest, not just if a few good players carry it, but for *every* player participating. The simple fact that plenty of experienced raiders recommend later raids as being "the easy ones" indicates something of a pacing problem.


> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> Istn it easy mode enough If we Took enrage timer away :D then ppl can run raids with bunkerbuilds and 4healers. It will take time but you won't fail :D


That *may* be enough, it would require a little testing. I tend to think certain mechanics would lead to wipes even without enrage timers, but it would be an important feature of a successful easy mode. The one issue with using it as the *only* significant change is that it would require players to bring "tanky meta" builds and gearing to really capitalize on the benefits, which goes against the principle of "come as you are, no checks necessary." It would almost require some sort of automatic stat buff to *make* every character a bunkerbuild automatically.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> >With Wing 2 and onward they made sure to add mechanics that affect the entire Raid and must be beaten by a -random- player. Fixation, Poison and the Red Circles at Slothasor can lead to death to the entire squad if a single person (chosen randomly) fails. Matthias also has bomb circles and poison.


> I'm curious how the raid-sellers handle that sort of thing. There must be a method involved.


> >In that regard the first Wing (as a whole) is indeed the easiest.


> But still, the very first encounter should be the easiest, not just if a few good players carry it, but for *every* player participating. The simple fact that plenty of experienced raiders recommend later raids as being "the easy ones" indicates something of a pacing problem.


> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > Istn it easy mode enough If we Took enrage timer away :D then ppl can run raids with bunkerbuilds and 4healers. It will take time but you won't fail :D


> That *may* be enough, it would require a little testing. I tend to think certain mechanics would lead to wipes even without enrage timers, but it would be an important feature of a successful easy mode. The one issue with using it as the *only* significant change is that it would require players to bring "tanky meta" builds and gearing to really capitalize on the benefits, which goes against the principle of "come as you are, no checks necessary." It would almost require some sort of automatic stat buff to *make* every character a bunkerbuild automatically.


I think that it would work atleast in some bosses. Atm meta builds has 0 defensive skills or traits and 1k toughness. So "full unkillable bunker Uber soldiers" isnt needed. Only add some tougness and def traits and skills and things should be smoother.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Easy mode should allow customised difficulty to fit the player like options low health , no mechs ,no timer for easy is objective whats easy for one can be to Hard for another with same reward for hard mode


Ohoni will again accuse me of hyperbole, but you're describing Shadow Behemoth here. No wait, there are some rudimentary mechanics in that fight. The Great Jungle Wurm then.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> I'm curious how the raid-sellers handle that sort of thing. There must be a method involved.


They tell the buyers to /gg at the start. It's much easier to do those bosses with 9 than with a 10th that can ruin the entire run with a single mistake. Plus, sometimes buyers have no experience in the content at all.


> But still, the very first encounter should be the easiest, not just if a few good players carry it, but for *every* player participating. The simple fact that plenty of experienced raiders recommend later raids as being "the easy ones" indicates something of a pacing problem.


Or it indicates a different team working on those Raid wings. Difficulty is very hard to quantify

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> >With Wing 2 and onward they made sure to add mechanics that affect the entire Raid and must be beaten by a -random- player. Fixation, Poison and the Red Circles at Slothasor can lead to death to the entire squad if a single person (chosen randomly) fails. Matthias also has bomb circles and poison.


> I'm curious how the raid-sellers handle that sort of thing. There must be a method involved.


> >In that regard the first Wing (as a whole) is indeed the easiest.


> But still, the very first encounter should be the easiest, not just if a few good players carry it, but for *every* player participating. The simple fact that plenty of experienced raiders recommend later raids as being "the easy ones" indicates something of a pacing problem.


> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > Istn it easy mode enough If we Took enrage timer away :D then ppl can run raids with bunkerbuilds and 4healers. It will take time but you won't fail :D


> That *may* be enough, it would require a little testing. I tend to think certain mechanics would lead to wipes even without enrage timers, but it would be an important feature of a successful easy mode. The one issue with using it as the *only* significant change is that it would require players to bring "tanky meta" builds and gearing to really capitalize on the benefits, which goes against the principle of "come as you are, no checks necessary." It would almost require some sort of automatic stat buff to *make* every character a bunkerbuild automatically.


Yeah. If you sell or wanna open ur friends Raid Masteries just tell them /gg and do it with 9men

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Out of curiosity, since we play gw2 and all, and this game is about rewards... Why are we arguing about a Raid easy mode? Out of academical purposes, or should there be some rewards tied to the easy mode? And, if so, what would those rewards be?


I'd say wrong thread :)

You can try one of these:




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